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Новости за 26.08.2018

Times of Malta 

Trees gone, farmland taken as Tal-Balal gets widened

A number of trees have been uprooted, others transplanted, and an undisclosed area of agricultural land is being sacrificed in Tal-Balal for a new traffic lane to alleviate congestion. The project, which is spearheaded by Infrastructure Malta, will improve the traffic flow between Naxxar, Għarghur, Iklin and San Ġwann. It will see new lanes, pavements and cycling-friendly infrastructure, and will improve the efficiency and safety of the roundabouts along the way. According to a spokesman for Infrastructure Malta... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

A pop band with a punk message

As iconic indie band Kaiser Chiefs gets ready to rock Malta, frontman Ricky Wilson tells Ramona Depares how music has to be born out of truth, with some added glitter and dirt. Through the years, the band moved from quintessential Britpop to a more dancey sound. How did this progression happen? Were there any particular triggers? We are currently recording our seventh album in 15 years. That might not seem like a lot; I mean it’s only about an hour of noise per two years, but a lot can change over that amount of time. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

20 Maltese in yet another touching, inspiring project

The young volunteers of the Order of Malta hosted the 35th International Summer Camp for Young Disabled, which took place in Britain. This is a wonderful week, held each year in a different country, focusing on the young disabled who are not children but have an age range from 17 to 29 – just like their hosts. This year’s theme is ‘Be courageous’. The project builds warmth and enduring friendships. Daniel Camilleri is counting his seventh international camp – this time as team leader, ably assisted by Rachel Barthet... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Promise of sale problems (part 2) - Daniel Buttigieg

A promise of sale agreement is not valid for eternity. In each promise of sale, the parties agree to a specific time-frame within which the parties are obliged to appear on the final deed of sale. This time-frame can start from the date of signing or else from the date that an agreed event occurs. This agreed time-frame is what keeps the pro­mise and consequently the obligation or right to buy or sell in existence. It is therefore imperative to keep the pro­mise of sale alive and enforceable before... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

The Pope’s Letter: what’s new?

The Letter to the People of God issued some days ago by Pope Francis in response to the latest developments in the unfolding sex abuse scandal crippling the Catholic Church in America is a remarkable document in many ways. Not surprisingly, it is also controversial. Some have hailed it as a turning point in the public pronouncements by the Church on this issue while others – including some victims – have dismissed it as more of the same. The language and purpose of the Letter needs to be understood... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Pharmacies open today

Regent Pharmacy, 70, Merchants Street, Valletta (2124 5135);Lister Pharmacy, 678, St Joseph High Road, Ħamrun (2124 5627);St George’s Pharmacy, 21, Main Street, Qormi (2144 3045);Brown’s Pharmacy 32, Fleur-de-Lys Road, Birkirkara (2148 8884);O’Hea Pharmacy, 128, Manoel Street, Gżira (2133 0268);Potter Chemists Ltd, Wilġa Street, Paceville, St Julian’s (2136 3244);Stella Maris Pharmacy, 34, Millner Street, Sliema (2133 5217);St Joseph Pharmacy, 172, Main Street, Lija (2141 4051);Victory Pharmacy, 16... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Banners remind Malta of Daphne Caruana Galizia

Posters reminding people that the masterminds behind Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder remain at large were put up by activists in Bidnija and Sliema overnight, marking what would have been the journalist’s 54th birthday. The posters, one in English and the other in Maltese, read “Daphne: Assassinated for exposing the truth” and are the work of activist group Reżistenza. In a statement, the activists said that Ms Caruana Galizia fought corruption and abuse of power without fear for decades, and despite... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Mcast sexual misconduct claims probed by police

The police are investigating allegations of sexual misconduct at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. An internal inquiry is also under way on the same claims and regarding others of an administrative nature. The allegations are about lecturers in a programme at the college for students with learning difficulties. It is not clear if the students may also have been involved. Mcast sources said that a number of lecturers had been interrogated by the police. The Sunday Times of Malta is... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Investigation into sexual misconduct at Mcast

The police are investigating allegations of sexual misconduct at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. An internal inquiry is also under way on the same claims and regarding others of an administrative nature. The allegations are about lecturers in a programme at the college for students with learning difficulties. It is not clear if the students may also have been involved. Mcast sources said that a number of lecturers had been interrogated by the police. The Sunday Times of Malta is... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Today's front pages - August 26, 2018

These are the headlines in local Sunday newspapers this week. The Sunday Times of Malta leads with reports that a consortium which won a controversial €274m direct order at St Vincent de Paul residence went ahead and began demolition works before it had been handed the contract. The newspaper also gives front page prominence to news that police have opened an investigation into sexual misconduct at Mcast, as well as to concerns that half of Gozo could end up with no recycled waste collection service. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Announcements - August 26, 2018

FARRUGIA – On July 28, at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Scotland, to Francesca, née Camilleri, and Michael, God’s precious gift of a daughter. SOPHIA ELENA. Obituaries ATTARD. On August 25, GUIDO, of Gżira, residing in Senglea, aged 82, passed away peacefullycomforted by the rites of Holy Church. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife Olimpia, his brother-in-law Charlie and his wife Nina Cachia residing in Australia, nephews and nieces, all relatives and friends. The funeral leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Summer diary - Kristina Chetcuti

Packing Does the thought of having to pack a suitcase make your heart sink to the pits or does it cause a flutter of butterflies in your tummy with joy? Do you pull out your empty suitcase from the bottom/top of the wardrobe with a heave and a huge sigh or do you magic wand it out and start filling it in with absolute delight? In short, are you a slacker-packer or a cracker-packer? I’m a slacker. I even find packing for an overnight stay in Gozo daunt­ing. If only I could blink and all the right stuff would find its way in my battered carry-on... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

If one member suffers… - Andrew Azzopardi

There is no greater issue in the Catholic Church today than that of child abuse. The Church’s credibility and future depend on how this problem is handled and solved. The Pennsylvania Grand Jury report detailing claims of sexual abuse of over 1,000 children by 301 priests makes for very painful reading. The accounts are truly horrific and display the pain and suffering experienced by victims. My thoughts are with all the victims, survivors and their loved ones. They have shown great courage by coming forward. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Appreciation: John Leonard Peel

Alfred Conti Borda writes: The passing away of John Peel is poignant indeed. I had known John since the days when he was president of the Downs Syndrome Association in the 1990s. At that time I had asked him whether I could be their Santa Claus for the children’s Christmas party and he kindly obliged. It was a pleasure to do this for two years in a row.  John and the council strove hard to find more suitable premises for the association and their efforts were finally rewarded. On retirement from his career in the Royal Air Force... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Appreciation: Joe Tabone

Victor Calleja writes: I met Joe in the strangest circumstances, about two years ago, at the ungodliest hour of five in the morning. This turned out to be a most fruitful meeting and gave me just a small glimpse into a man with an enormous heart. We were part of a biggish group going to Brussels on a fact-finding tour of the EU to learn about funding. When we met at the airport for the connecting flight to Paris, I was introduced to Joe and Mark Vella, the CEO and managing director of Halmann. I introduced myself as a journalist. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Hibernians pile more misery on Valletta

HIBERNIANS         2 VALLETTA             1 Hibernians piled more misery on Valletta as they condemned the champions to their second successive defeat. The Paolites threatened after 13 minutes when from an Ivan Blazevic corner from the left, Joseph Mbong’s low shot was blocked by goalkeeper Henry Bonello.  Valletta replied with a Matteo Piciollo effort from outside the area that was neutralised by Hogg. On the stroke of half-time, Pena Beltre sent an inviting pass for Mario Fontanella who however failed to connect from close range. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Филиал № 4 ОСФР по Москве и Московской области информирует: Ежемесячную денежную выплату получают более 1,6 млн пострадавших от радиации

Путин в России и мире

Как Россия побеждает в Африке: Волна военных переворотов приносит Путину новых союзников

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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