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Новости за 29.07.2016


Here's a super-quick guide to what traders are talking about right now

Thomson Reuters

Via Dave Lutz at JonesTrading, here's a super-quick guide to what traders are talking about: 

Morning!  TGIF - BOJ disappointed overnight, leaving policy unch but doubled its ETF purchases – That said, Spoos totally ignoring the action – off only 13bp as earnings season continues to impress.  AMZN up 1%, Google 3.4%.  Mostly green across Europe, with the DAX up 40bp - Energy worst sector in Europe, Banks outperforming on #s (UBS and Barc) ahead of Stress Tests.  Italian... Читать дальше...


The Japanese yen went through the roof


The Japanese yen went through the roof after the Bank of Japan stunned the markets.

The currency is up by 1.9% at 103.31 per dollar as of 7:26 a.m. ET.

After all the speculation and hype, the BOJ only ended up announcing a small tweak to policy earlier on Friday. 

The bank said it would increase the amount of exchange-traded funds it buys to an annual pace 6 trillion yen, up from its previous pace of 3.3 trillion yen. It left its Japanese government bond... Читать дальше...


Native advertising is the future of Internet marketing strategy (FB, TWTR)


Native advertising—ads that have the look and feel of the content that surrounds them—are not really new.  

Ever since the first radio programs interviewed sponsors about their businesses and early magazines turned over parts of their issues to “advertorials,” smart advertisers have tried to slip their messages under the radar of wary target audiences.   

But today, native advertising is one of the hottest areas of the online advertising world for three simple reasons... Читать дальше...


10 things you need to know before the opening bell (spy, spx, qqq, dia, goog, amzn, msft)


Here is what you need to know.

The Bank of Japan stunned. Japan's central bank shocked many by announcing only a small tweak to policy. The BOJ said it would increase the amount of exchange-traded funds it buys to an annual pace 6 trillion yen, up from its previous pace of 3.3 trillion yen. The Japanese yen is stronger by 1.7% at 103.45 per dollar.

Euro-area GDP slowed. The preliminary flash estimate showed that gross-domestic-product growth in the euro area slowed to 0.3% in the second quarter... Читать дальше...


'Traitors' graveyard': Turkey has created a graveyard for coup plotters

© AFP Ozan Kose

Istanbul (AFP) - It's a barren plot on the outskirts of Istanbul, its stony ground baking under the merciless summer sun. A single sign gives a macabre clue as to the intended use of the arid patch.

"Traitors' graveyard," say the white capital letters on the black sign, planted on two stakes into the ground.

The cemetery was created to bury Turkish rebel soldiers whose failed July 15 putsch claimed a total of 270 lives but did not manage to unseat the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Читать дальше...


THE BEACONS REPORT: Why the CPG category is poised to become an early leader in beacon-based marketing

BI Intelligence

Beacons are one of the most important new in-store technologies. These small, inexpensive pieces of hardware, which communicate with smartphone apps via Bluetooth, are helping brick-and-mortar retailers enhance customer loyalty, gather data about their customers, and provide an entry point for in-store shoppers to become more digitally engaged.

As the devices begin to go mainstream, brands and retailers in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) market stand to see the biggest lift from beacon programs. Читать дальше...


Harley Davidson and The Cheesecake Factory reveal how bad the oil crash really is (HOG, CAKE, OIL, WTI, VDE)

REUTERS/Paul Hackett

A growing number of companies are revealing the impact of the oil crash on their businesses in the metro areas that drill the most.

The oil downturn was first felt by energy giants, whose sales and profits dropped, prompting mass layoffs and other cost-cutting steps.

This second-quarter earnings season, the impact of the crash on other industries is becoming more apparent.

Harley-Davidson, the maker of big, loud motorcycles, reported a 5.2% decline in US sales during the second quarter... Читать дальше...


The 10 things in advertising you need to know today

Stephen Lam/Getty Images

Good morning. Here's everything you need to know in the world of advertising today.

1. Google parent company Alphabet beat its Q2 earnings expectations on both the top and bottom line, sending the stock popping more than 5% after-hours. Revenue was up 21% year-on-year, while EPS was at $8.42, versus the $8.03 expected.

2. Facebook said it might have to pay the feds between $3 billion and $5 billion. The IRS sent Facebook a statutory notice of a deficiency... Читать дальше...


Romania did this one thing and became one of the fastest growers in Europe


In 1974, the American economist Arthur Laffer, then a professor at the University of Chicago, was having dinner with his friend Jude Wanniski, an associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. They were joined by Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, both of whom worked at the time in the Gerald Ford administration. The topic at hand was President Ford’s Whip Inflation Now, or WIN, initiative, which included proposed tax increases.

According to Wanniski’s version of the story, which he recounted years later in a WSJ article... Читать дальше...


Sony saw a plunge in its profits after an earthquake damaged a key factory

Junko Kimura

Japan's Sony Corp on Friday reported a 42 percent decline in first-quarter operating profit due to earthquake damage to one of its key image sensor factories.

Profit reached 56.2 billion yen ($542.7 million) for April-June, versus 96.9 billion yen in the same period a year earlier.

The result compared with a Thomson Reuters Starmine SmartEstimate of 7 billion yen drawn from 10 analysts.

The firm maintained its full-year profit forecast of 300 billion yen... Читать дальше...


MESSAGING APPS FOR PUBLISHERS REPORT: Why chat apps are now crucial for publishers

Paul Sawers / VentureBeat

The top four messaging apps — Facebook's Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, and Viber — now claim nearly 3 billion monthly active users combined, narrowly outnumbering the combined active users on the world's four largest social networks, including Facebook.

These numbers have caught the attention of a wide range of businesses, publishers among them. News industry leaders including the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and the BBC are establishing a presence... Читать дальше...


Here are the highlights from the final night of the Democratic National Convention

The 2016 Democratic National Convention is in the books.

Hillary Clinton made history Thursday night, becoming the first woman to be nominated for president by a major political party in the US.

Among those who took the stage on the final night of the convention were Chelsea Clinton, House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, retired Gen. John Allen, a former Reagan staffer, and many others who have vowed to support Clinton in November. 

Take a look at Hillary Clinton's big night. Читать дальше...


Democrats' message: We're the only party left for grown-ups

Alex Wong/Getty Images

PHILADELPHIA — Many of the conservatives who watched with dismay as the Republican Party nominated Donald Trump have now watched with amazement as Democrats co-opted some of Republicans' favorite themes at the Democratic National Convention.

Democrats' thinking was clear: We're the only political party left for grown-ups, so we'd better make sure we have something to offer voters on both sides of the aisle.

Tweet Embed:
American... Читать дальше...


Clinton jabs Trump: 'A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons'

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton made the case against her Republican rival, Donald Trump, in her convention speech Thursday night.

Touching on a common theme among Democrats, Clinton questioned Trump's readiness to be commander-in-chief.

"He loses his cool at the slightest provocation," she said. "When he's gotten a tough question from a reporter. When he's challenged in a debate. When he sees a protester at a rally."

She then mocked his notorious rants on Twitter. Читать дальше...


Under Armour expands as athleisure popularity continues to grow (UA)

Piper Jaffray

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "E-Commerce Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Under Armour announced it will undergo two new physical retail expansions, as it continues to capitalize on the popularity of athleisure wear, reports Retail Dive. The fashion trend in which people wear athletic clothes in nongym settings, like at the office or while shopping, has resulted in a significant boost for major players in the athletic gear market. Читать дальше...


Bank of Japan stuns markets with only tiny change to policy

Reuters/Thomas Peter

After all the hype and expectation around the potential use of “helicopter money”, the Bank of Japan has delivered just a slight tweak to Japanese monetary policy by voting to increase the amount of exchange traded funds it buys to an annual pace 6 trillion yen from the previous level of 3.3 trillion Yen. 

It has left the amount of Japanese government bonds static at an annual rate of 80 trillion Yen and left rates unchanged at -0.1%. 

The BoJ said in... Читать дальше...


Beer from urine is totally safe to drink

NoRegret / Shutterstock.com

Jesus may have turned water into wine, but scientists in Belgium are transforming urine into beer.

Researchers at the University of Ghent invented a boiler that harnesses s noted. The researchers are using the water to then make beer. 

If you thought milking cockroaches was taking things a step too far, this beer's probably not for you. "We call it 'from sewer to brewer,'" Sebastiaan Derese, one of the researchers, told Reuters. 

The water... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

10 РЕДКИХ животных из Красной книги, которых можно встретить в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Снайперов из охраны Путина заметили с зарубежными винтовками

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт, культура, Россия: директор Бурдрамаы награждена медалью «За заслуги перед Бурятией» в Бурятии


Самарские «Крылья Советов» проиграли «Ахмату»

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