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Новости за 03.07.2016


Scientists are trying to make 'Inception' a real thing

Warner Bros.

In the movie “Inception,” Leonardo DiCaprio’s character interferes with others’ dreams to implant new ideas in their minds.

It’s a trippy plot premise. It’s also not entirely science fiction.

In the last few years, researchers have developed a way to “incept” in real life, a technique they hope could eventually help people with disorders from depression to autism. And a new study indicates we could do “inception” without the subject even being aware of what’s being learned. Читать дальше...


There's about to be huge upheaval in the financial world

20th Century Fox

The UK has voted to leave the EU, and there is much still to be resolved.

One thing is certain, however: The investment-banking industry, and international finance more broadly, is likely going to change in a profound way.

The vote to leave the EU will not just affect where business is done, but what business is done and by who.

First, international banks are likely to move staff out of London and do less business in the UK. Long before the vote, rival... Читать дальше...


The way we approach one of the most important concepts in investing is flawed (INTC, MBLY, UBS, UBSN)

Dennis Grombkowski/Getty

The approach to investment diversification that focuses on regions is flawed and limiting.

That was the takeaway from a panel at UBS' CIO Global Forum on Thursday.

In one sense, diversification is about holding different asset classes to lower risk.

Apart from achieving a higher expected return, it's one way to find pockets of the market that can deliver more in a sluggish growth environment.

And often, investors have a bias toward focusing squarely on regional diversification. Читать дальше...


21 ways to make your life more luxurious without spending a fortune


You don't need a pet tiger or private island to live luxuriously.

As thousands of Redditors recently avowed in an AskReddit thread, sometimes high-quality toilet paper and a soothing cup of tea can make you feel sufficiently pampered.

Here are some easy, cheap ways to live the high life for next to nothing:

Adding a memory-foam mattress topper to your bed can provide added comfort, and it costs far less than a new mattress.



... Читать дальше...


Boom or bust ahead for fintech companies?

BI Intelligence

What’s really going on in financial technology?   

Financial technology, or “fintech” for short, is threatening to turn traditional financial fields like banking, lending, asset management and insurance upside down.   

New firms are using new mobile, social and digital technology to find new customers and offer them new financial products that meet their needs in a fast-changing world.   

All this “new” is exciting…but disruptive and disorienting, too. Читать дальше...


14 things successful people do over 3-day weekends


We're heading into a holiday weekend — and most successful people have planned out (or at least thought about) what they'll do over the next three days.

"Successful people recognize how important it is to take advantage of a long weekend to refuel their passions and recharge their batteries," says Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of "The Humor Advantage."

They work extra hard the days leading up to the three-day weekend in order to maximize their leisure time... Читать дальше...


6 amazing photos of human-made structures that you can see from space


Earth is a big place. And over the past several millennia, humans have filled it with big, magnificent things, such as massive pyramids, giant walls, sprawling cities, and much more.

But to the International Space Station (ISS), which is hurtling through space about 250 miles above the surface of Earth, our big planet can look kind of small. Houses, roads, and buildings all disappear. Even some of our biggest constructions can get swallowed up in the swirls of blue, white, and green that characterize our planet. Читать дальше...


The Goldman Sachs partner who sent a famous memo to the bank's junior staff is leaving

Reuters/ Lucas Jackson

Joseph Mauro, the head of fixed income, currencies, and commodities European hedge fund sales at Goldman Sachs, is leaving the bank, according to people familiar with the matter.

He is set to join a macro hedge fund in New York, according to the people.

He is most likely joining a new hedge fund launched by former Brevan Howard trader Ben Melkman, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mauro sent a memo to junior employees earlier in the year that became widely circulated. Читать дальше...


Man suffers serious injuries after a small explosion in Central Park



Donald Trump is staring down decades of Republican Party orthodoxy on a signature issue

Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

Donald Trump launched an all-out assault on America's free-trade agreements this week — hitting a peak in his anti-trade message that's swept him through the primary season and into the general election.

And in doing so, he's breaking completely with decades of Republican orthodoxy, staring down party leaders and some of their top messengers over an issue that has helped define the GOP.

During a speech titled "Declaring American Economic Independence" earlier this week... Читать дальше...


Muslim doctor ambushed by masked men and shot on his way to pray in Houston


A doctor headed for morning prayers at a Houston mosque was ambushed by three masked men who shot and wounded him on Sunday, a day after a Muslim man was beaten outside a Florida mosque.

The victim of the Texas incident, Dr. Arslan Tajammul, an eye specialist in his 30s, was undergoing surgery and was expected to survive, according to Mustafaa Carroll, executive director of the Houston branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

The doctor... Читать дальше...


A right-wing experiment sarcastically known as the 'bank of KDOT' is ruining Kansas' roads

Reuters/Dave Kaup

Kansas has had trouble paying for much of anything since 2012, when conservative legislators decided to implement a bevy of right-wing economic policies—and lead their state into a fiscal crisis.

In order to keep funding its government despite dramatically decreased tax revenue, the Legislature has flipped all its piggy banks. One of them is the Kansas Department of Transportation—or what sarcastic Kansans now call “the Bank of KDOT,” for the stupendous quantity... Читать дальше...


Trudeau says Canada may adopt gender-neutral identification cards

Thomson Reuters

Canada is exploring gender-neutral options on identity cards, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told local television station CP24 on Sunday at a Toronto gay-pride parade.

Last week, the Canadian province of Ontario said it would allow the use of a third gender, X, on a driver's license, which is commonly used in North America to provide identification.

NOW WATCH: 7 amazing maps that show how important Canada is


Voting for Brexit is very different than voting for Trump

REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

The affirmative vote for Brexit has led some to draw conclusions about what it means for Donald Trump’s candidacy here in the U.S. Both the “Leave” decision and Trump’s rise are fueled by voters’ anger at being left behind by globalization, nostalgia for a different time and a resulting spirit of protectionism, nativism and anti-incumbency. Supporters of Brexit also look a lot like Trump supporters, who are typically older, white, non-college-educated and from more rural areas. Читать дальше...


The 37 most shocking deaths we've seen on 'Game of Thrones'


Note: spoilers for "Game of Thrones" ahead.

The death toll has been rising exponentially on the current season of "Game of Thrones," as the race for the Iron Throne tightens.

And on the literally explosive season-six finale, some major characters got taken out.

Each death still inspires stunned reactions from fans and drives a huge amount of colorful commentary on social media.

While there are certainly more losses to come in season seven, we're still reeling from what we've seen. Читать дальше...


What does it actually means to die 'of old age'

HBO/Game of Thrones

Ever ask someone how their family member passed away and hear them say they simply "died of old age"?

As it turns out, that's almost never quite what's going on from a medical perspective. Aging — in and of itself — is not a cause of death. (There is a phenomenon known as "geriatric failure to thrive," which scientists are studying, but it's extremely rare.)

When most of us say that someone died of old age, what we really mean is that someone died as a result... Читать дальше...


GOP senators McCain, Graham say they accept DOJ's ruling on Clinton's case

REUTERS/Aaron Josefczyk

Top lawmakers from both major U.S. political parties said on Sunday they trusted the Justice Department to appropriately handle its probe of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's private email server, after a heavily criticized meeting between Clinton's husband and the U.S. attorney general.

Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain said on CBS show "Face the Nation" that they would respect Attorney General Loretta Lynch's decision on whether to prosecute Clinton... Читать дальше...


We asked some airline pilots to send us some of their best photos from on the job


Pilots face stress and responsibility — but also prestige and the rare ability to follow their passion. 

To be a pilot, it’s essential to be in perfect health and have nerves of steel. But when you get the job, it's a ticket to see some of the best views in the world ... and to be paid for it.

We asked pilots working for LOT Polish Airlines what they see during different stages of a flight. They took their cameras along and sent us some of the best pictures.

Night... Читать дальше...


Here's the tricky interview question Facebook uses to weed out selfish candidates

Robert Galbraith/Reuters

Most employers will tell you that when it comes to hiring, technical chops simply aren't enough.

They also want to see whether a candidate has soft skills — most notably, whether the person can play nice with others.

At Facebook, that skill is crucial. In a recent article for The Harvard Business Review, Jay Parikh, Facebook's global head of engineering and infrastructure, said the company hires specifically for "the ability to calibrate to a team environment."

... Читать дальше...


These maps show how dangerous illegal drugs flow around the globe

UN World Drug Report 2016

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime released its annual World Drug Report this month, detailing the prevailing trends in global drug cultivation, trafficking, and use.

Relying on surveys and other data, the UN estimated that one in 20 adults — a quarter-billion people ages 15 to 64 around the world — used at least one drug in 2014.

That number, the UN notes, doesn't appear to have grown relative to the global population over the past four years, but... Читать дальше...


Here's what the $99 flight from LA to Iceland is like

Lesley Balla for Los Angeles Magazine

A nine-hour direct flight in coach sounds like hell on wings to me. I’m not spoiled—I’ve only flown business class once in my life, to Amsterdam on a new Dreamliner aircraft, which was truly a dream.  Private pods, welcome gifts in reusable clutch purses, warm towels and food, pillows and eye masks, all the gin I could drink. But in reality, I’m a first-class girl with a coach budget and usually fly airlines like Southwest.

It’s easy, cheap and... Читать дальше...


'It's been a tough year' to be an investment banker


It has been a rough year for investment bankers, particularly those focused on equity capital markets.

Global equity capital markets volumes totaled $312.9 billion in the year to June 23, down 43% from the first half of 2015, and the lowest level since 2012.

And that was before Britain voted to leave the European Union last week, upending global markets and likely making an already challenging year for bankers even worse.

"From an equity capital markets perspective... Читать дальше...


Kim Kardashian's nutritionist reveals her top 4 diet tips

AP Photo/Andrew Medichini

Kim Kardashian has recently shed a whopping 60 pounds following the birth of her son Saint, as Entertainment Tonight recently highlighted.

She dropped the weight on the Atkins diet — which means she ate pork and cheese along the way.

Colette Heimowitz, the nutritionist who helped create her diet, recently spoke to Business Insider about the secrets to her success, and gave us some advice.

Here are some tips she gave us.

1. Don't starve yourself

For starters... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Песков: погода не является препятствием для проведения парада Победы

Путин в России и мире

Президент Путин 9 мая заявил, что Запад пытается исказить правду о Второй мировой войне

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: тактическое ядерное оружие для Москвы и Минска — средство сдерживания

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Comedy Club

Гарик Мартиросян прокомментировал беременность Анны Хилькевич в Comedy Club на ТНТ


Лукашенко рассмотрит заявление об убежище от польского суди Шмидта

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