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Новости за 12.07.2016


An early investor in the company behind 'Pokémon Go' has a big vision for where it's going next

The Pokemon Company

Back in February, the news that mobile games developer Niantic had raised a $5 million expanded seed funding round didn't turn too many heads.

Now Niantic's name is top of the charts and the headlines, with its blockbuster Pokémon Go app taking less than a week to become more popular than Tinder and transforming real-world locations like Central Park into dystopian congregations of ardent Pokémon trainers staring at their smartphones.

David Jones saw Niantic's potential early on. Читать дальше...


Fat isn't nearly as bad for you as we thought — and another ingredient might be far worse

Flickr/IRRI Photos

Ever wandered down the "health foods" aisle of your local grocery store?

If it's anything like the one near me, it's full of "low-fat," carb-heavy snack foods.

Here's the problem: Low-fat diets don't work.

Years of research have shown this to be the case. An eight-year trial involving almost 50,000 women, roughly half of whom went on a low-fat diet, found that those on the low-fat plan didn't lower their risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, or heart disease. Читать дальше...


A bunch of ugly warning signs are bubbling up in Saudi Arabia

Reuters/POOL New

Saudi Arabia has weathered the lower-for-longer oil environment far better than some of its fellow OPEC members.

But that doesn't mean other parts of its economy waded through the last few months completely unscathed.

The state statistics office reported that, overall, the kingdom's first quarter GDP grew by 1.5% compared to the prior year, and the fourth quarter rate was revised down to up 1.8% from up 3.6%. That's the lowest growth since the first quarter of 2013, according to Reuters. Читать дальше...


7 financial goals you can reach by the end of the year

REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann

There’s no need to wait for a new year to make a resolution to improve your finances. Sure, most of 2016 is now behind us, but in the time between now and New Year’s Day you can make a lot of progress toward your goals.

Here are a few things you can tackle in a matter of months.

1. Make a budget

If you’re not keeping track of where your money goes and you’re also having a hard time doing things like getting out of debt or saving money, it’s probably time to get serious about budgeting. Читать дальше...


3 developments that could help the world stay below a dangerous global warming threshold

Marcelo del Pozo/Reuters

The recent streak of record-breaking temperatures has shown that climate change is not waiting for the world to take decisive action.

But the adoption of the Paris Agreement was a clear signal that the world is ready to take climate change seriously. 175 countries signed and 15 of these ratified the climate deal during the signing ceremony.

Now there is every indication the agreement could enter into force this year.

Many countries, led by the two biggest emitters... Читать дальше...


How Red Bull, cake, and PowerPoint can determine the success of an IPO


What do cans of Red Bull, specially designed cakes, and lengthy PowerPoint presentations have in common?

They all form part of the ingredients that can make for a successful initial public offering.

An initial public offering, or IPO, is what happens when a company wants to go from privately-owned to publicly traded. It means selling stock to the public market for the first time.

Alan Li, a former tech, media, and telecom investment banking analyst at Goldman Sachs... Читать дальше...


Jurassic Park might have gotten this one trait about dinosaurs completely wrong

Wikimedia Commons

It’s 65 million years ago. You’re taking a relaxing stroll through the forest, when in the distance, you hear thunderous stomping.

You’ve seen enough Jurassic Park movies to know it’s time to run, but the stomping is still getting louder and louder.

As you sprint frantically through the forest, you turn to look over your shoulder. A T. Rex emerges from the trees and lets out a ferocious ... coo.

At least, that’s what a new study that will be published next month in the journal Evolution found. Читать дальше...


The story behind the rise of Starbucks' Howard Schultz, who just gave a raise to every US employee of his $82 billion coffee company

Stephen Brashear/Getty

Thirty years ago, Howard Schultz got into the coffee business with one goal in mind: to enhance the personal relationship between people and their coffee.

He's now responsible for Starbucks, one of the world's most beloved brands and the largest coffee chain on the planet, with a market capitalization of $82 billion as of July. Last year, Starbucks' profits reached $2.8 billion on revenues of $19 billion, both record highs.

But Schultz isn't singularly focused on the traditional bottom line. Читать дальше...


This advanced computer mouse fixes the worst things about regular mice

Swiftpoint/Tech Insider

The computer mouse made its very first appearance in 1960, and apparently, people aren't done innovating with it.

A company called SwiftPoint has designed a mouse called "The Z" that uses an accelerometer to track when you tilt the mouse, just like an accelerometer does in your smartphone. It adds a new 3D level of control to the regular mouse movements you make on a flat surface.

The Z has been on Kickstarter for about 10 days and has already nearly... Читать дальше...


Top Facebook exec: 'Microsoft got cool again' (FB, MSFT)

Screenshot/Business Insider

On stage Tuesday at Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference, Facebook Chief Information Office Tim Campos announced that the social network chose to buy Microsoft Office 365 for its employees because "Microsoft got cool again."

Campos elaborated that the "key aspects of our culture are things like 'be bold, move fast.' Most importantly, 'move fast.' That aspect of our culture is most important, and that's where Office 365 comes in."

Microsoft Office 365 is the subscription-driven... Читать дальше...


Kids who bite their nails might have a strange advantage later in life


While parents may frown upon their children's tendency to suck their thumbs and bite their fingernails, new research suggests there could well be a positive outcome from these kinds of classic bad habits.

A study of more than 1,000 children by researchers in New Zealand and Canada has found that thumb-suckers and nail-biters are less likely to develop allergic sensitivities — and the benefits appear to be increased if kids indulge in both (slightly gross) oral habits. Читать дальше...


Retired general thinks it's an 'unbelievable honor' to be in the mix as Trump's potential surprise VP pick

Defense Intelligence Agency

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn told Business Insider in a Monday interview that "it's an unbelievable honor" to be considered as Donald Trump's running mate.

"Well what I would just say is that it's an unbelievable honor to be in the mix of people the Trump campaign is looking at to be vice president," he said while promoting "Field of Fight," his new book out Tuesday. "All I know is it's an incredible honor. I take it very seriously."

"It's just... Читать дальше...


Minneapolis police working a WNBA game left the arena when the team made a statement about recent police-involved shootings

Jessica Hill/AP

Four Minneapolis police officers left their posts at a Minnesota Lynx game Saturday night due to the team's statement about the recent shootings, according to Randy Furst of the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Lynx players came out wearing shirts that read, "Change starts with us, justice and accountability," with the names of Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, the Dallas Police emblem, and "Black Lives Matter" on the back.

Castile was killed by police in Falcon Heights... Читать дальше...


I asked experts if it's ever okay to quit your job on the spot — here's what they said


People in unhappy work situations sometimes fantasize about quitting in some dramatic fashion — perhaps with a sendoff involving fireworks or rude gestures flung at managers and coworkers alike.

But is it ever okay to quit on the spot in real life?

Business Insider spoke with four career experts to get their take on leaving your job in a hurry. 

Their responses were pretty uniform—quitting on the spot is best left to your daydreams, except in cases where something nefarious is going on. Читать дальше...


Pokémon Go is actually helping small businesses


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence Apps and Platforms Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Nintendo’s recently released Pokémon Go game has flooded the mobile app market over the past weekend, and it's having real-world effects on local businesses, according to TechCrunch.

Pokémon Go — a geo-location-based, augmented reality (AR) mobile game — is a collaboration between the Pokémon Company and Niantic, an AR company behind mobile game Ingress. Читать дальше...


Ryan Phillippe's new TV show 'Shooter' is being delayed after the Dallas sniper attack

Dean Buscher/USA Network

The premiere of Ryan Phillippe's new sniper drama, "Shooter," is being pushed to a later date by USA Network in the wake of the recent Dallas sniper attack.

"In light of recent tragic events and out of respect for the victims, their families, and our viewers, we have decided to postpone the premiere date for the upcoming USA Network series 'Shooter' to July 26," a network spokesperson told The Hollywood Reporter in a statement on Monday.

Originally... Читать дальше...


'Fans angry!': Donald Trump criticizes Bernie Sanders for 'selling out' and campaigning with Hillary Clinton

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Donald Trump railed on Bernie Sanders Tuesday morning for "selling out" ahead of the Vermont senator's joint rally with Hillary Clinton where it's widely expected he will endorse the presumptive Democratic nominee.

"Bernie Sanders, who has lost most of his leverage, has totally sold out to Crooked Hillary Clinton," Trump tweeted. "He will endorse her today - fans angry!"

He added that he's "somewhat surprised" Sanders decided to endorse Clinton more... Читать дальше...


President Trump would be the only world leader to say climate change is a hoax

AP Photo/Gerry Broome

WASHINGTON (AP) — If elected president, Donald Trump would be the only head of state in the world to contend that climate change is a hoax, according to a study.

The Sierra Club compiled public statements from the leaders of the 195 nations recognized by the State Department. An advance copy of the group's report, to be released Tuesday, was provided to The Associated Press.

In contrast to public statements by the presumptive Republican presidential nominee... Читать дальше...


Apple could make more money from Pokemon Go than Nintendo (AAPL, GOOG, GOOGL)


Now that it's clear that Pokemon Go is a bit of a phenomenon, the question is which tech companies stand to win or lose from the millions of people running around cities catching cartoons. 

Although Pokemon Go is free to play, like most mobile games, it offers in-app purchases, which have already started to rake in money.

Some early revenue estimates: 

  • $1.6 million per day on iOS, on 2 million iOS downloads, according to estimates from app store optimization... Читать дальше...


I hitchhiked 1,500 miles across Europe — these are the biggest things I learned

Brittany Kriegstein

I'm a 5-foot, 2-inch girl from Long Island, New York. I don't exactly look like someone who should be hitchhiking anywhere, let alone hundreds of miles across Europe.

But when I heard about the opportunity to hitchhike for charity from my university in Scotland to Madrid in Spain, I jumped at the chance. 

Every year, my university holds an event called Race 2, which is a hitchhike race to a European city (the location changes every year), in order to raise... Читать дальше...


Americans appetite for stuff is slowing down

Jasper Juinen/Getty Images

Traditional retail is having a tough go of it lately. Declining sales, pressure from online stores, and the fickle tastes of young people have all pressured the old guard of shopping.

On Tuesday, Bank of America Merril Lynch had some more bad news for the mall stalwarts. No one wants to buy goods anymore.

Using the aggregated data of Bank of America debit and credit card holders, US Economist Michelle Meyer identified a growing trend in customers' spending habits... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Регоператор провел экологический телемост между школьниками Подольска и Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Площадь трех вокзалов в Москве переименуют

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Сегодня президент Беларуси Александр Лукашенко встретился в Минске с губернатором Поморья Александром Цыбульским

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Байден заверил Зеленского в скорых поставках новых пакетов помощи

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Случай на концерте Metallica в России


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