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Новости за 26.07.2016


Check out the new mini-submarine the Navy SEALs could use for their elite missions

Lockheed Martin

Due to the diverse environments and niche missions they are tasked with, operators within the US special forces community receive the most innovative gadgetry the military has to offer.

Partnering with Submergence Group LLC, Lockheed Martin will develop up to three Dry Combat Submersibles (DCS) for US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) over the next five years per its $166 million contract.

Weighing at around 30 tons, the purpose of these vehicles will be to transport highly trained servicemembers... Читать дальше...


450,000 condoms will be handed out at Rio Olympic Village — 42 for every athlete!

Reuters/Ricardo Moraes

A record 450,000 condoms will be distributed to athletes in the Olympic Village at this year's Rio games, the Associated Press reports. That's about 42 condoms per athlete. 

Part of the reason for the increase is that — for the first time — 100,000 female condoms will be distributed, in addition to 350,000 male condoms. Officials also said that 175,000 packets of lubricant will be made available, too. The condoms will be distributed both at a clinic in Athletes'... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump is constantly using a new word to diminish Bernie Sanders

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Donald Trump has been hammering home a new insult aimed at Bernie Sanders — and it centers on one word:


Trump has posted four tweets since Sunday describing the Vermont senator as "exhausted."

The tweets began after the release of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee showed the organization to be in apparent favor of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary — while, at times, mocking Sanders and his supporters. Читать дальше...


Apple sold 40.4 million iPhones this quarter, beating expectations but still declining (AAPL)

Stephen Lam/Getty Images

Apple just announced its Q3 earnings, slightly beating Wall Street's expectations for its earnings per share. 

It also beat expectations for the number of iPhones it would selling, hitting 40.4 million units, versus the 39.9 million that analysts were expecting. 

But that numbers is still down year-over year. In Q3 2015 Apple sold 47.5 million units.

This is only the second time in Apple's history that it's seen a decline in iPhone sales. The first time happened last quarter. Читать дальше...


The Olympics won’t spread Zika around the world

Reuters/Ricardo Moraes

The opening ceremonies of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro are just days away. But this year, fears of Zika have cast a shadow over festivities.

The Zika virus is the cause of an ongoing epidemic of birth defects first noticed in Brazil in late 2015.

While the virus causes no symptoms in most people, infections of pregnant women can lead to microcephaly, blindness, spontaneous abortion or stillbirth of the fetus.

Now affecting nearly all Latin American and Caribbean countries... Читать дальше...


A $15 billion tech deal just landed, and there are 2 big winners on Wall Street

REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann

A big deal in the semiconductor industry has just been announced, and there are two big winners on Wall Street.

Analog Devices on Tuesday announced a deal to buy Linear Technologies for $14.8 billion.

Credit Suisse is the exclusive financial adviser to Analog, and is also providing debt financing for the deal alongside JPMorgan and Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Qatalyst Partners is exclusive financial adviser to Linear. 

The deal marks a win for Credit Suisse... Читать дальше...


Apple is making TV shows to make you buy more stuff (AAPL)

The Late Late Show with James Corden

Here's a crazy one: 

Why is Apple making two reality TV shows?

The answer: To make you want to buy more stuff.

On Tuesday, Apple said it'll adapt "Carpool Karoake," the popular celebrity-filled lip syncing segment from James Corden's "Late Late Show" on CBS, into its own spinoff  series. (Corden won't host.)

And earlier this month, Apple said it's making a reality show that chronicles app developers in their quest to build the next megahit for the iPhone. Читать дальше...


Apple Music just bought the popular 'Carpool Karaoke' series and fans are not happy

Screenshot via The Late Late Show with James Corden

The popular "Carpool Karaoke" series has a new owner — but not everyone is happy about it.

Variety reports that Apple Music has emerged as the buyer for the series, which is a spinoff of a segment on CBS’ “The Late Late Show with James Corden.”

For the initiated, the series involves Corden picking up a celebrity guest to ride along with him in a compact car while singing their and others' hit songs — past guests have included Adele... Читать дальше...


Twitter warns that advertiser demand is falling and the stock is crashing (TWTR)

AP Images

Twitter's stock is crashing, down 10% in after hours trading, after delivering a revenue forecast that fell well short of Wall Street expectations.

"We’re seeing a continuation of the trends discussed last quarter with less overall advertiser demand than expected," Twitter said in its letter to shareholders on Tuesday. 

Here are the key numbers.

  • Q2 Revenue: $602 million, up 20 percent year over year, and short of the $607 million expected by analysts
  • Q2 EPS (adjusted)... Читать дальше...


Buffalo Wild Wings beats on earnings despite 'a challenging sales environment', shares jump (BWLD)

Flickr / Ginny

Buffalo Wild Wings on Tuesday reported second-quarter results that topped analysts' forecasts for profits, but missed on revenue. 

Lower expenses and costs in "a challenging sales environment," combined with revenue growth, helped boost the company's earnings per diluted share by 13% year-on-year to $1.27, said CEO Sally Smith in the earnings statement.

The chicken chain reported revenue of $490.2 million, up 15% year-on-year.

Analysts had estimated that... Читать дальше...


How a shoe invented for sailors ended up on every college campus in America


You know what boat shoes are. They're inescapable in the summer across America, from cities to college campuses and everywhere in between.

The soft leather moccasin-toed loafer-style shoe has made an indelible mark on American style, whether you like them or not. It seems hard to believe, but it wasn't always this way. There was a time when boat shoes hadn't taken over the feet of young men like an invasive species.

Like their name implies, boat shoes were first created for sailors. Читать дальше...


This is the hardest part about being President Obama's personal chef

Sam Kass served as the first family's personal chef from January 2009 to December 2014. He also became the Executive Director of Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign and Senior Policy Advisor for Nutrition Policy. He shares the most challenging part about serving the White House.

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STOCKS CLOSE MIXED: Here's what you need to know

Jacky Naegelen/Reuters

Stocks opened little changed on Tuesday before quickly losing ground in the morning session.

Around 11 a.m. ET, the Dow was down 104 points, the S&P 500 was down 7, and the Nasdaq was down 10.

Ultimately, the Dow closed down, the Nasdaq closed up, and the S&P ended virtually unchanged.

Let's head to the scoreboard:


A 22-year-old intern who lived in his car for 40 days explains how he managed to look professional at the office

Barron Pepper

When Levi Joseph scored a manufacturing internship in Seattle for his last summer before graduating college, he waited a little too long to scope out a place to stay.

A friend in the area had a spare room ... but not until July, leaving Joseph without housing for 40 days.

Limited to options costing over $1,000 a month — beyond his budget — the 22-year-old decided he'd book a space in a campsite through Airbnb for about $600 and live in his Subaru Outback through the month of June. Читать дальше...



Getty Images, Justin Sullivan

Apple stock is up 4.5% after the company reported earnings per share higher than what Wall Street was expecting. 

Revenue was directly in line with Apple's own guidance. 

Apple's most surprising beat was in iPads, in which it sold nearly 1 million more units than what analysts had predicted. 

But its gross margin missed after its low-cost $400 iPhone proved more popular than had been expected.

Here is what Apple reported versus analyst expectations. Читать дальше...


New Zealand plans to wipe out invasive species by 2050 to save its native wildlife


New Zealand has announced a plan to make the country free of rodents and other invasive species that threaten its natural species by 2050. 

Never before has such an ambitious program been tried for such a large area. 

"It's wonderful that they're going to attempt to do this, it's certainly on an unprecedented scale," Sarah Dawson, the director of the Wohlsen Center for Sustainable Environment at Franklin and Marshall College, tells The Christian Science Monitor.

... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Чем грозит парковка на газоне

Путин в России и мире

Уроженец Кировской области с позывным Струна стоял на параде рядом с Путиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко вернулся с парада Победы в Минск: "Ядерный апокалипсис неминуем"

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Карди Би

Создала пробку: юбку Карди Би на Met Gala несли сразу девять ассистентов


МИД Японии выразил обеспокоенность заявлением Москвы о боевой готовности ядерных сил

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