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Новости за 11.07.2016


Here’s who to pick in Pokémon Go battles based on your opponent

Jacob Shamsian/INSIDER

After you've caught a few Pokémon in Pokémon Go, you can battle them at a local gym. Pick up to six Pokémon that you've caught, and challenge other players.

Like the other Pokémon games, winning battles isn't just about having the strongest Pokémon. There's a lot of strategy involved. The most important piece of that strategy is type advantage.

There are 18 different known types of Pokémon in the Pokémon universe. Those Pokémon types usually correspond to what kinds of moves they know. Читать дальше...


We attended a festival for fried food and whiskey — here are the biggest trends we saw

Courtney Verrill

Whiskey and fried food lovers gathered at the Brooklyn Expo Center in New York City on Saturday, July 9, for a delicious food and drink festival — the Whiskey Fried Classic.

Brought to you by Cannonball Productions, the festival paired dozens of whiskeys, handcrafted whiskey cocktails, and craft beer with Southern-inspired dishes from 20+ NYC restaurants. General admission started at $85, and VIP sessions for $125. Attendees had the chance to sip on all the whiskey... Читать дальше...


This is how Matt Damon feels about being replaced as Jason Bourne

Bourne Supremacy Trailer via YouTube

Matt Damon began his career as super agent Jason Bourne when he was in his early thirties. 14 years later the actor is, well, 14 years older, which means he's not going to be playing the role forever. It's a forgone conclusion at this point that somewhere down the line, somebody is going to get in their head to reboot theBourne franchise. How does Matt Damon feel about such a thing? He's actually fine with it, he understands how Hollywood works.

... Читать дальше...


Alicia Vikander is starring in the 'Tomb Raider' reboot — here's why she'll make a great action star

AP Images

Over the course of 2015, Alicia Vikander proved herself a versatile movie star. Her excellent year was capped off with an Oscar win for Best Supporting Actress for "The Danish Girl." 

It was a surprise when we learned she would be playing Lara Croft in the upcoming "Tomb Raider" reboot, taking over a role once played by Angelina Jolie. However, there's no reason the Swedish star can't bring new life to the role.

Vikander could be the next great action star. She'll... Читать дальше...


One 'Pokémon GO' player had a genius idea to try and catch 'em all

A "Pokémon GO" player used his drone in an attempt to catch 'em all.


The mobile game forces Pokémon aficianandos to walk (sometimes fairly long distances) in an attempt to find and catch more Pokémon.

But a programmer named Liam used duct tape to secure his phone to a DJI Phantom drone to catch more Pokémon, faster, Gizmodo first reported. To make it work, Liam used an app called AirDroid that lets you access your phone over the Internet.

The app allowed... Читать дальше...


4 ways you might be getting tricked into buying a 'comfortable' mattress

Reuters/Jason Lee

Consumer Reports tests mattresses to learn which mattresses provide the best support for your back and side.

We also recommend that you try out any mattress you're considering to gauge how comfortable it feels.

Indeed, if you enter a mattress store without doing your homework, a salesperson may greet you and steer you toward the mattress or mattresses the store wants most to sell.

At that point, you’re playing their game.

Here are four selling... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump's latest messaging campaign takes a page right out of Richard Nixon's 1968 playbook

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Donald Trump and some of his top supporters have unleashed a new campaign message in the aftermath of last week's Dallas police shootings and other instances of violence against law enforcement — one that echoes Richard Nixon's 1968 playbook.

"I am the law-and-order candidate," Trump said at a Monday speech in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Running on restoring "law and order" was what catapulted Nixon into the White House in 1968, when tensions between... Читать дальше...


Neo-Nazis targeted me on the internet — here’s how I dealt with it

Warning: This article contains disturbing language.

I make educational YouTube videos for children, and I’ve become a target of neo-Nazis.

On June 23, 2016, someone posted my LGBTQ+ YouTube video for kids to a Neo-Nazi online publication. The headline read, “Sick Dyke Creates Educational Program to Brainwash Children Into the Homosexual Lifestyle.”

I woke up to a few more mean tweets than usual that morning, not knowing why. And then I checked my YouTube channel. The comment section was overflowing with hatred. Читать дальше...


Negative interest rates are 'one of the greatest scams in the history of mankind'

Flickr/Bill & Vicki T

US Treasuries set new records on Friday: The 10-year note rose to a new high, with the yield dropping to a new low of 1.366%. The 30-year Treasury bond also hit a new high, with the yield dropping to 2.11%, a record low.

If 2.11% sounds like a miserably low return for tying up your money for three decades of hell and high water, it’s practically bond nirvana for whatever else is out there.

The German government, paragon of fiscal rectitude at the moment... Читать дальше...


My husband hates pinching pennies — here's how I'm convincing him to save

Courtesy of Max Wong

Editor's Note: This is the another episode in Max Wong's journey to find an extra $31,000 this year. Read the whole series here.

My husband, Mr. Spendypants, grew up as the youngest of six kids, so he pretty much hates hand-me-downs of any sort. Except for food. He's like a coyote with leftovers.

It's not that he's fiscally irresponsible, he is just averse to stuff he sees as weird penny pinching. Like his refusal to use cornstarch to prevent jock itch ... Читать дальше...


A supervolcano lies under Yellowstone — here's what would happen if it erupted

Flickr / Howard Ignatius

Yellowstone is well known for its Old Faithful geyser and its stunning wildlife.

But the national park also sits atop a supervolcano, simmering just under the surface. You can see some of the evidence of its active state in the hydrothermal activity that bubbles up, including Old Faithful, which shoots water every few hours.

Supervolcanos are characterized as volcanic centers that have had eruptions that covered more than 240 cubic miles. The US has two... Читать дальше...


Hard drive maker Seagate is firing 6,500 employees and the stock is soaring


Data storage company Seagate announced its preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter and in addition to higher than expected revenue guidance, the firm said it was cutting 14% of its workforce.

The move is a continuation of Seagate's plan to slim down the costs of its business and provide significant savings for the firm.

This is the second round of announced layoffs in a few weeks, as the firm said it was laying off 1,600 emloyees on June 29.

"In addition... Читать дальше...


I spent 3 nights 'glamping' — here's what it was like

Rachel Greenburg

Camping is a lot of work. To do it right you need a ton of equipment, and planning takes time.

And spending a night in the woods might not be for everyone, especially city dwellers like me.

Enter glamping — my new favorite way to escape to nature for a couple of days. The term is a combination of the words "glamour" and "camping," and it's exactly what you might think: camping with many of the comforts of a hotel, like clean showers, flushing toilets, and a real bed. Читать дальше...


Report: SEC is investigating Tesla for possible violation of securities law (TSLA)

Scott Olson/Getty Images

The US Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating Tesla for a possible securities-law violation, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The inquiry — at its early stages — is in connection to Tesla's failure to disclose a fatal crash involving one of the company's Autopilot-equipped cars to investors, the newspaper said, citing a person familiar with the matter.

"Tesla has not received any communication from the SEC regarding this issue," a... Читать дальше...


I quit social media for 3 days, and I think it made me a better person

Janice Waltzer/Flickr

"Between stimulus and response there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." — renowned psychologist Viktor Frankl

If I didn't Facebook, tweet or Instagram it, did it really happen?

If not, then I didn't Airbnb it in style in California's Coachella Valley with my big crazy family recently. I also didn't get pruny in a hot tub in Palm Desert. I didn't boulder monzogranite mammoths in Joshua Tree. Читать дальше...


These Bluetooth speakers are made out of recycled championship tennis balls


The best wireless speakers are portable, durable, and make your music sound great.

Richard Moss, CEO of the design studio Rogue Projects, knows from his experience as a designer and tennis player that tennis balls satisfy the first two criteria. And since some 230,000 balls get wasted each year after the Grand Slam tennis tournaments, why not also try to satisfy the third?

That's why Moss created hearO, a portable speaker housed in a tennis ball. Take a look.

Initially... Читать дальше...


Your résumé is probably missing one crucial thing

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Did you know that, according to CareerBuilder's 2016 Candidate Behavior Study, more than three in four full-time employed workers (76%) are either actively looking or open to new job opportunities?

That means in today's job market, you need to find a way to stand out among the competition and shine. To accomplish that, the first step is to get the person on the other end to sit up and pay attention to your resume instead of tossing it into a pile of "maybes."

... Читать дальше...


This unknown explosive has been helping troops for over 100 years

Cpl. Alexander Mitchell/US Marine Corps

Over the last decade or so, the US military has grown extremely proficient in various types of warfare. From aerial dogfights to close-quarters combat, servicemembers have grown accustomed to the warfare that’s more or less depicted in contemporary movies and video games.

Sometimes, however, it’s a good idea to go back to one’s roots and train in weapons that aren’t typically found on the modern-day battlefield. One of these had been invented over a century ago... Читать дальше...


Cybersecurity expert explains why Tesla's cars are some of the toughest to hack

AP/Sam Mircovich

A cybersecurity expert says that Tesla's cars are some of the toughest to hack, even though they are among the most connected cars on the road.

"Tesla is on the path to be the most secure car," David Kennedy, the CEO of TrustedSec, told Tech Insider. "I don’t think that they’re there yet, but I think they’re definitely striving for it."

As a white hat hacker who works with three major auto manufacturers, Kennedy has a better view than most into how cars can be exploited or manipulated remotely. Читать дальше...


The 24 best places to live in the South — the region that's becoming the best place to live in America


U.S. News & World Report recently released its list of the best places to live in America, ranking the 100 most populous US cities on factors such as desirability, job market, and quality of life.

The best region in the country, going by the US Census Bureau's geographic divisions, might surprise some: the South. Twenty-four of the top 50 cities can be found in the South — more than the combined number of cities that made the list from the traditionally more desirable West and Northeast regions. Читать дальше...


13 tips for becoming a 'Pokémon GO' master

"Pokémon GO" has officially taken over everyone's life. You can't walk down the street without seeing someone playing the hottest new mobile game, but there's a lot to learn about how to catch them all and win battles at your local gym. Here are some tips and tricks to get you to the next level.

Читать дальше...


Here are the highest-earning celebrities of 2016 — and how Taylor Swift took No. 1

Mark Metcalfe/ Getty Images

Taylor Swift has topped yet another chart.

Earning $170 million over the past year, the pop megastar is the No. 1 highest-paid entertainer on Forbes' new Celebrity 100 list for 2016. A gallery of the full list has been released.

Swift sat in eighth place with $80 million in earnings on last year's list, meaning she saw a 112% increase in the year that included the 1989 World Tour and brand partnerships with Diet Coke, Keds, and Apple.

Even so... Читать дальше...


A scientist spent 6 months alone in a dark cave to study the effects of extreme isolation

Reuters/Baz Ratner

What happens if you spend six months alone in a dark cave?

On Valentine’s Day in 1972, geologist-turned-researcher Michel Siffre was about to find out.

He kissed his wife goodbye and descended a hundred feet to the aptly named Midnight Cave in Texas. He did not emerge for six months.

Those months of isolation and sensory deprivation had a profound effect on his mental and physical health.

Ten years earlier, Siffre had been the sole participant... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Мокрый фасад: как сделать отделку по технологии СФТК

Путин в России и мире

Тема дня: Путин назвал сохранение духовных ценностей условием укрепления суверенитета

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске открывается ВНС: что будет

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский допустил, что Москва и Киев начнут мирные переговоры

Навальный в России и мире

Патриарх Кирилл запретил в служении священника, проводившего панихиду по Алексею Навальному

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт в КДШИ имени П.И. Чайковского "Народной музыки душа"


Филиал № 4 ОСФР по Москве и Московской области информирует: Граждане Московского региона стали чаще покупать средства реабилитации по электронному сертификату

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