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Новости за 29.07.2016


A scientist is building 'immortal' plasma rockets to send humans to Mars


Nearly 50 years after landing on the moon, mankind has now set its sights on sending the first humans to Mars.

The moon trip took three days; a Mars trip will likely take most of a year. The difference is in more than just time.

We'll need many more supplies for the trip itself, and when we get to the Red Planet, we're going to need to set up camp and stay for a while.

Carrying all this material will require a revolutionary rocket technology.

NASAThe Saturn V was the largest rocket ever built. Читать дальше...


INSTANT POLL: Hillary Clinton's convention speech was more of a hit with voters than Donald Trump's

REUTERS/Scott Audette

People responded more favorably to Hillary Clinton's convention speech than they did to Donald Trump's, according to a CNN/ORC instant poll that compared audience reactions for both.

After Clinton's speech, 71% of viewers CNN polled reacted positively. After Trump's speech, 57% of people reacted positively.

Clinton's speech might also help move the election polls in her favor — 60% of viewers said they were more likely to vote for Clinton after watching her address... Читать дальше...


Wall Street finally let Google out of the doghouse (GOOG, GOOGL)

Getty / Matt Cardy

Google is out of the doghouse. 

After whiffing in the first quarter, parent company Alphabet delivered rock-solid Q2 earnings on Thursday, ballooning the stock nearly 5% and getting Wall Street back on the bandwagon.

The company's core advertising business grew nicely, as did its fledgling enterprise play. 

If adjusted for foreign exchange rates, its year-over-year revenue growth saw its highest rate in five years, as did its US growth (both 25%).

... Читать дальше...


Consumer groups are not happy with Mercedes' self-driving car ad

BI Intelligence

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Consumer Reports and the Center for Auto Safety have co-authored a letter asking the FTC to investigate a TV advertisement from Mercedes-Benz touting the self-driving capabilities of its 2017 E-Class sedan.

The groups primarily took issue with the juxtaposition of the 2017 vehicle being shown alongside a fully driverless concept car. The ad could... Читать дальше...


A financial planner helps a 40-year-old with only $30,000 of retirement savings get back on track

Flickr / Barry Skeates

We’ve heard the imperatives: Save for retirement ASAP! Time is on your side! The sooner you get started, the better!

But even with the best of intentions, other life expenses can get in the way—and “I’ll up my contribution next week” turns into next month, next year … and so on.

Before you know it, your meager retirement balance makes you want to put your head in the sand.

“If you make yourself so upset about the fact that your nest egg isn’t big enough that you don’t do anything about it... Читать дальше...


Lululemon customer points out a small detail that's killing its chances with men

Melia Robinson/Business Insider

It used to be that Lululemon was synonymous with women's apparel — specifically its acclaimed yoga pants.

But in 2015, all that changed during a call when CEO Laurent Potdevin told investors the men's ABC (anti-ball crushing) pants were one of the company's best-selling items.

We reviewed the pants favorably, calling them comfortable and versatile. Others, like Wall Street analyst Paul Lejuez, also praised the $128 pants.

“I’ll just admit it... Читать дальше...


This is the latest you should eat at night if you want to sleep well and not gain weight

REUTERS/Adrees Latif

You had dinner hours ago but you're still awake, and your stomach starts telling you it wants a late-night snack.

Now you know you're not supposed to eat that late, because you've heard it's bad for you, but how late is too late?

Besides snacking, how late can dinner be?

Just like the circadian rhythm that controls our sleep, scientists think our bodies have a circadian clock for eating, too. And messing with this clock by eating too late or at weird... Читать дальше...


Tech deals have hit a speed bump this year, but that's set to change

Tech dealmaking has hit a speed bump. 

Mergers and acquisitions in the sector reached about $83 billion in value in the second quarter of this year, down 3% from a year earlier, according to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers' Matthew Stumpf. 

While overall deals volume in the sector dropped 19% from a year earlier, Stumpf is expecting a pickup in the near future. 


Here is PwC (emphasis ours):

"Continued transformation, consolidation, and investment in emerging... Читать дальше...


Here's how Apple will convince you that it's a good idea to kill the iPhone's headphone jack


The biggest surprise when Apple introduces the new iPhone in September won't be the phone itself. Expect that thing to be pretty boring.

Instead, I'm more interested in how Apple will justify removing the headphone jack, which has caused the most passionate debates and controversy since the company's decision to replace Google Maps with its own inferior service back in 2012.

Here's one argument Apple could use: Wireless Bluetooth headphones are more popular than ever... Читать дальше...


We tested Buffalo Wild Wings against its biggest competitor — here's the verdict

Hollis Johnson

Today is National Chicken Wing Day. 

Chips, dips, and a heaping pile of wings are essentials for the upcoming football season.

But there are a few decisions to make before you can break out the blue cheese and celery. Sure, wings are a no-brainer, but from where to get them?

Buffalo Wild Wings, with more than 1,000 locations worldwide, is a major player in the sports bar and wings world, offering 21 wing flavors.

But Texas-based Wingstop is proving to be an adept competitor. Читать дальше...


Yahoo is killing a feature that oil traders use all the time

Todd Korol/Reuters

For the oil industry, Yahoo Inc's decision this week to sell its core business to Verizon Communications Inc for $4.8 billion does not matter all that much.

Their world already changed a few months ago, when the company said it would jettison its messaging system that has been the norm for oil traders for almost two decades.

Tens of thousands in the oil industry relied on the old Yahoo Messenger system, which launched in 1998.

Come Aug. 5, Yahoo seeks to move users to its new Messenger platform... Читать дальше...


Gwyneth Paltrow says her image is holding back the brand she created

Wikimedia Commons/Andrea Raffin

Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle brand, Goop, is often the butt of jokes.

Paltrow was once mocked for exalting the wonders of a $200 smoothie with magical dusts. The expensive and impractical nature of her recommendations for diet, decor, and clothing are routinely mocked. 

Now, Paltrow acknowledges that her involvement is holding back the brand. 

The Guardian reports that she plans to eventually distance her famous face and name from the brand. Читать дальше...


Big data tech company Talend sees its stock soar over 50% for its IPO (TLND)


In one of the thinnest tech IPO seasons in recent history, big data startup Talend made its debut on the public markets on Friday and so far investors are loving it.

Talend opened trading at $27.66 after pricing its IPO's 5,250,000 shares at $18 on Thursday, raising $94.5 million, a 53% pop. It priced a dollar above its planned range of $15 - $17 per share.

The stock, which is trading on the Nasdaq under the symbol "TLND," is still currently trading above $25 a share. Читать дальше...


Breakfast might not be the most important meal for your brain

Hollis Johnson

Breakfast is often described as the "brain food" that gives you that boost you need to be productive in the morning. 

But, unfortunately, while your early morning bowl of cereal might provide a burst of energy, it might not be having the effect on your brain that you think it does. 

A study published Thursday in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating breakfast didn't do much for the cognition in kids.

For as much emphasis that has... Читать дальше...


It’s International Tiger Day — here is everything you ever wanted to know about these stunning, wild cats

Christopher Kray/Flickr

Today is International Tiger Day, a day to celebrate these majestic, endangered wild cats that are renowned for their beautiful coats and black stripes.

These elusive, solitary Asian creatures have long inspired awe. They are the national animal of Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Malaysia and South Korea. Every year, travelers flock to such places as Ranthambore and Bandhavgarh National Parks in India  just for a chance of spotting one of these creatures in their natural habitat. Читать дальше...


A Marine Corps pilot has died in a training flight

Wikimedia Commons

A Marine Corps pilot was killed Thursday when an F/A-18C Hornet went down during training near Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California, Marine officials announced today.

The pilot and aircraft were attached to 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, out of Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Marine spokesman Maj. Christian Devine said.

The identity of the pilot has not been released, pending a 24-hour period following notification of family members. Читать дальше...


The billionaire Koch brothers are coming under pressure from wealthy donors to back Donald Trump

Thomson Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A group of at least six wealthy Republican donors is urging the billionaire Koch brothers to step off the sidelines of the U.S. presidential election to back Donald Trump, arguing they will want influence with the New York businessman they have harshly criticized if he wins the White House in November.

The financiers, prominent members of the sprawling 700-member Koch donor network, have been making their case in emails and phone calls to Charles... Читать дальше...


25 high-paying jobs for people who don't like stress

Flickr / Audrey

Think there's no such thing as a high-paying, low-stress job? Think again.

With help from career-information expert Laurence Shatkin, Ph.D., we combed through the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a US Department of Labor database that compiles detailed information on hundreds of jobs, and looked at salary data on the US Bureau of Labor Statistics website to find jobs with that perfect combination of high pay and low stress — and it turns out there are plenty. Читать дальше...


Here's everything we know about 'Project Titan,' Apple's electric car


Apple's building a car. Or something automotive.

Nobody's really sure, because the company won't comment on it, and Apple is famous for keeping its research and development projects under wraps.

But its hard to keep a project of this size a secret. Even Tesla CEO Elon Musk says it's an "open secret" that Apple has obvious automotive ambitions. 

There are a lot of rumors and gossip about the Apple Car. We've collected the best below so they're all in one place:

... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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