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Новости за 13.07.2016


Here's a science-backed trick to convince other people you're smart


If you've ever experienced even a modicum of nervousness on the way to a job interview or a date, some well-intentioned friend has likely told you that everything will go swimmingly — if you just be yourself.

And you — sweaty-palmed, deep-breathing you — have probably smiled and thanked them for being an endless fount of wisdom.

Now here's some real talk: Don't listen to your friend. You do not want to be yourself — at least not right now, when you're desperately... Читать дальше...


Two Marine veterans playing ‘Pokemon Go’ caught an attempted murder suspect


Two Marine veterans playing “Pokemon Go” in a Los Angeles suburb on Jul. 12 ended up catching an attempted murder suspect instead of a Pikachu.

Javier Soch and Seth Ortega were hunting Pokemon near a museum when they saw a man who appeared to be scaring a woman and her three sons, according to reporting in the Los Angeles Times.

The Marines talked to the man, who was agitated but coherent. He asked for cigarettes and shelter and the Marines told him to check the local police station for help. Читать дальше...


'Pokémon GO' isn't causing car crashes — hopelessly distracted drivers are

Thomson Reuters

While returning from JFK airport the past weekend after picking up my family on their return from Los Angeles, my daughter informed me that there was a Pokémon in the Queens-Midtown Tunnel that connects Queens to Manhattan.

Guess what game she was playing?

Thankfully, she's only 13 and isn't driving yet. And even more thankfully, I was driving and I can't stand video games of any sort, unless you've got an arcade version of 1981's "Tempest." 

But now... Читать дальше...


Yum Brands beats on earnings, raises guidance (YUM)

REUTERS/Wilson Chu

Yum Brands reported second-quarter earnings that topped forecasts, and raised its expectation for full-year profits after the market close on Wednesday.

"Challenging industry conditions" outside the US softened overall sales at KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut — the restaurants it operates — the company's earnings statement said.

Comparable-store sales — at locations open for at least one year — were flat in China, just as analysts had forecast.

Yum Brands... Читать дальше...


7 bad speaking habits that turn people off immediately


Having the best ideas in the world won't help you if no one wants to listen.

Speaker and author Julian Treasure gave a popular TED Talk in 2014 that explained how anyone can speak effectively, whether in a conversation or in front of a crowd.

How well you influence others, he said, is as much about you do say as what you don't.

Here are the bad habits you need to avoid if you want people to listen to you, which Treasure calls the "seven deadly sins of speaking."

1. Читать дальше...


Islamic State says its 'minister of war' has been killed in combat in Iraq

AP Photo/militant social media account via AP video

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Abu Omar al-Shishani, who the Pentagon described as Islamic State's "minister of war", was killed in combat in the Iraqi city of Shirqat, south of Mosul, a news agency that supports the militant group said on Wednesday.

The Pentagon said in March that Shishani had likely been killed in a U.S. air strike in Syria.

Reuters could not independently verify the statement from Amaq, which Islamic State regularly... Читать дальше...


Ann Coulter on Roger Ailes: 'I have heard the allegations before,' and here's the 'funny little footnote'

Fernando Leon/Getty Images for TIME

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter said on Tuesday that she has heard throughout the years about allegations of sexual harassment against Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, but never experienced any discrimination personally.

"I know about the allegations," Coulter told Business Insider in an interview, adding that she "never really met" Ailes because he "never hired" her to work at the cable-news network.

"I have heard the allegations before," she said. Читать дальше...


A 'Mr. Robot' star reveals what it's really like behind the scenes of the hacker drama

Dave Kotinsky/USA Network)

Portia Doubleday, one of the stars of USA Network's "Mr. Robot," gave Business Insider a look at what it's like behind the scenes of the critically acclaimed hacker drama for its second season, which premieres Wednesday night.

"It’s so great being back on the 'Mr. Robot' set," Doubleday told Business Insider recently. "We get to live in New York for about four months and to get back into the swing of things, with this cast and crew. It’s like coming back to summer camp... Читать дальше...


Apple's tax probe in Europe will be decided in September or October (AAPL)

Thomson Reuters

The European Union's antitrust chief has indicated that it will likely reach a decision in September or October on its two-year probe into Apple's tax dealings with Ireland, Ireland's finance minister said on Wednesday.

The European Commission accused Ireland in 2014 of dodging international tax rules by letting Apple shelter profits worth tens of billions of dollars from tax collectors in return for maintaining jobs. Apple and Ireland reject the accusation.

"Commissioner... Читать дальше...


Graphene batteries may cut your phone recharge time to 15 minutes

China Xinhua News/Facebook

Imagine your laptop, phone, or other battery-driven piece of tech recharging in less than 15 minutes? That's at least an hour faster than the fastest smartphone recharging systems can manage today, and something most of us would find extremely beneficial. The good news is, the world's first graphene battery pack is here, and it promises to deliver exactly this level of performance.

Revealed by Chinese company Dongxu Optoelectronics, the battery pack is called the G-King. Читать дальше...


On Phoebe Robinson’s new podcast, white guys are the token minority

2 Dope Queens/Instagram

One night at Fat Baby, a comedy club on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, Phoebe Robinson was the only female comic in the lineup.

Right before she went on, the male host introduced her: "Do you guys like p*ssy? Well, great, because our next comedian has one!"

When you’re the "only Black woman in a sea of white male comedians," comments like that happen pretty often, Robinson tells Tech Insider.

Needless to say, she was fed up with it. So she decided to launch a new podcast... Читать дальше...


28-year-old Argentine footballer reportedly turns down mind-blowing contract offer to play in China

Kevin Jairaj/USA TODAY Sports

Argentine striker Gonzalo Higuain, who currently plies his trade with Napoli in Italy's Serie A, is among the world's best strikers, but even he must have been surprised at the contract offer he received from the Hebei China Fortune of the Chinese Super League.

Higuain received a monster offer to play for the team, one to the tune of £800,000 (US$1.1 million) per week, according Kaveh Solhekol of Sky Sports News.

There's been a trend over the past... Читать дальше...


Uber is pulling out of Hungary

REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui

Ride-hailing service Uber will suspend its operations in Hungary due to government legislation that makes it impossible for it to operate, the company said on Wednesday.

"We will be suspending Uber X in Budapest effective on July 24," Rob Khazzam, general manager for Uber in central Europe, told Reuters in an interview.

"Unfortunately, the logic of legislative developments that have unfolded in Hungary over the last 18 months have led us to this difficult decision."

In June... Читать дальше...


STOCKS CLOSE FLAT: Here's what you need to know

Siu Chiu/ Reuters

US stocks opened at all time highs, slipped into the red, and finally closed the day more or less unchanged.

"With little new news it’s been another decent 24 hours for markets as the concoction of abating Brexit concerns, elevated central bank stimulus expectations and Friday’s reassuring payrolls number proves to be a winning formula for now," said Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid in a note earlier on Wednesday. 

And now, let's head to the scoreboard:


The 5 words that can help you land your dream job

Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

When my editor suggested I write a column about powerful words for job interviews, I started by researching what other people had written about the subject.

To my surprise, most articles about interview "power words" were full of puffy, self-descriptive adjectives, like ambitious, confident, diligent, honest, etc.

That is just SO wrong.

Why in heaven's name would ANYBODY care about how your see yourself?

Or what happy-sappy words you use to describe yourself? Читать дальше...


7 things not to do before you go to sleep

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Getting a good night's rest is about more than just going to bed at an appropriate time.

It's also about arranging your evening so that it's not stressful or stimulating in a way that can make it hard to fall and stay asleep.

We know: It's easier said than done.

To help you out, we've rounded up seven common behaviors that can ruin your rest — plus what you can do instead.


1. Don't use any kind of digital technology.

... Читать дальше...


The lightbulb of the future is finally here — and it lasts a lifetime

Jake Dyson Lighting

How many British inventors does it take to change a lightbulb?

Well, one.

Jake Dyson, son of vacuum titan James Dyson, has created an LED lightbulb that keeps its brightness for over 40 years. It might be the smartest, cheapest, and most environmentally friendly light ever created.

Dyson is the founder of Jake Dyson Lighting, which he founded in 2004 and is now a subsidiary of the larger Dyson brand. The company sells just two models of lamps: the CSYS... Читать дальше...


There's a huge misinterpretation of the US auto market that's confusing investors (GM, F, FCAU)


Auto sales set a record in 2015, with 17.5 million new cars and trucks rolling off dealer lots, but a lot of market analysts now think 2016 will come in below that mark.

Bloomberg's Polina Noskova checked in with one of these market watchers. "U.S. sales of cars and light trucks this year will fall short of 2015’s record in the first annual decline in seven years, LMC Automotive said in a revised estimate that cites 'recent plateauing' of deliveries and 'growing economic and political risk,'" she reported. Читать дальше...


The 11 companies with the most billionaires in the world

Anna Webber/Getty

As of 2016, there are 2,188 billionaires across the world, according to a recent report from Hurun, a Shanghai firm that releases yearly rankings and research about the world's richest people.

It turns out that some companies have a higher concentration of the richest of the rich than others. Of course, some of these companies are run by powerful families that have multiple billionaires in their clan, but others are not.

Read on to see the 11 companies with... Читать дальше...


This could be the new replacement for the US Army's Blackhawk helicopter

Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.

After several decades of service, the US Army might finally replace their lineup of UH-60 Blackhawk and AH-64 Apache helicopters.

Unveiled at the Farnborough Air Show in England, Bell Helicopter — in conjunction with Lockheed Martin — debuted their latest creation, the V-280 Valor.

Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.

Similar to the V-22 Osprey currently in service by the US Marine Corps and Air Force, the V-280 applies a tiltrotor mechanism to fly similar to normal helicopters and aircraft. Читать дальше...


30 questions you may have to answer if you interview with Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, or other highly successful people

Stephen Dunn/Getty Images

Savvy executives know that interview questions like, "What's your biggest strength?" and, "What's your biggest weakness?" aren't as telling as they seem.

That's why they steer clear of these cliché queries and instead ask more meaningful ones.

Many of the most successful execs have their one favorite go-to question that reveals everything they need to know about a job candidate.

Here are 30 of them.

Alison Griswold and Vivian Giang contributed to previous versions of this article. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Швеция хочет ограничить доступ в Балтийское море российским танкерам

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о догазификации СНТ  

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Алла Пугачёва

Телеведущая Прошутинская: певица Пугачева столкнулась с трудными временами


Выездной прием администрации прошел в Солнечногорске

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