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Новости за 23.07.2016


Here's an inside look at how M&M's are made

Jacquelyn Smith/Business Insider

Most of us know (and love) M&M's — those tiny, colorful chocolates that "melt in your mouth, not in your hand."

But very few of us are familiar with the process of how they're made.

Lucky for you, Business Insider recently visited the Mars Chocolate North America campus in Hackettstown, New Jersey, where 50% of all M&M's sold in the US are made.

Mars Chocolate — a segment of the $33 billion Mars candy, pet care, and beverage company ... Читать дальше...


It looks like JPMorgan is pulling away from the rest of Wall Street in a huge business


Wall Street banks may be poised for a turnaround in the key fixed income, currencies, and commodities, or FICC, trading business — but only one firm really looks to be pulling ahead.

While the major banks generally posted decent rebounds in FICC revenues for the second quarter, most were still down or flat compared with the first half of 2016.

JPMorgan, which earned $7.6 billion in FICC revenues in the first half of 2016, was the only firm to post an increase for the period. Читать дальше...


'Shark Tank' star Kevin O'Leary shares the 4 dumbest money mistakes people make

Aaron Davidson/Getty Images

"What does it cost you to be alive?" If you don't know the answer, you could be headed for a financial trainwreck. If not now, probably soon, Kevin O'Leary says.

When it comes to his own money, the shrewd, sharp-tongued "Shark Tank" star has long managed it meticulously, even when he was a shy kid growing up in Montreal. The young "Mr. Wonderful," now a silver-haired 61, carefully scrimped and saved a percentage of every dollar he accrued, whether earned or gifted. Читать дальше...


Victoria's Secret is ignoring a massive shift in the lingerie industry, and it could be costing it tons of money

Getty Images/Jamie McCarthy

The lingerie industry is going through a massive change.

Rail-thin models are being replaced with a variety of body types at lingerie companies from Aerie to Adore Me, as self-acceptance and natural beauty replace the restrictive norms of the past.

This new attitude from consumers threatens everything that Victoria's Secret's marketing is known for, from the Photoshopped ads of Angels to the outrageously produced fashion show.

And now Adore Me ... Читать дальше...


Tim Kaine comes out swinging against Donald Trump during his first campaign appearance

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

MIAMI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tim Kaine made his first appearance on the campaign trail as Hillary Clinton's vice presidential running mate on Saturday, urging Democrats to make history by putting Clinton in the White House and leaping to attack Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's record.

Joining Clinton at a rally in the battleground state of Florida, the bilingual Kaine peppered Spanish-language phrases into a speech focused heavily on introducing... Читать дальше...


6 effective leadership styles we can learn from 'Star Trek'


In order to boldly go where no one has gone before, you've got to be a pretty awesome leader.

Over the years, the "Star Trek" franchise has given us many characters who've acted as inspirational, pioneering leaders.

Throughout the franchise, these captains and commanders have had very different approaches at times. In his book "Primal Leadership," Daniel Goleman (along with coauthors Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee) revealed that people tend to fall into one of six key leadership categories. Читать дальше...


The MINI John Cooper Works is a scary little car that I can't get out of my head

Matthew DeBord/Business Insider

I've driven street cars that are also race cars: Ferraris, Cadillacs, even the beloved Mazda Miata MX-5. While all were thrilling, I can't say that any were out-and-out terrifying. 

And then I buckled myself into a 2015 John Cooper Works MINI. Don't let the adorable looks of MINI's family coupé fool you. This savage little beast, I'm certain, was trying to do me in. 

You just don't get to feel this anymore with high-performance cars. The Lamborghini Hurácan... Читать дальше...


Warner Bros. just showed the first 'Justice League' teaser trailer at Comic-Con and fans went crazy

Warner Bros. Pictures

Warner Bros. surprised fans with some footage for next year's big DC team-up movie, "Justice League."

The movie's only been in production for a short time, but director Zack told the crowd in attendance they prepped footage for fans in attendance. 

Warner Bros. shortly released the footage afterward online which shows Batman and Wonder Woman going around recruiting members for the Justice League. Ezra Miller's The Flash was easy to convince by Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck). Читать дальше...


The VP rollouts by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump couldn’t have been more different

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Hillary Clinton announced Tim Kaine, a former governor and current Democratic senator from Virginia, as her running mate at a rally in Miami on Saturday.

And the announcement couldn't have been more different from the Republican side, where Donald Trump unveiled Indiana Gov. Mike Pence last weekend.

Kaine's announcement was held at a massive rally in Florida — a crucial swing state — whereas Trump and Pence gave their announcement to a small gathering of supporters in Manhattan... Читать дальше...


American MLB pitcher had a funny response when asked about adjusting to life in Canada

Jim Rogash/Getty Images

For most people, four years would be more than enough time to adjust to living in a new city or country.

But for Toronto Blue Jays pitcher J.A. Happ, there is still one thing he can't quite grasp about Canada: buying milk.

For those not familiar, in many parts of eastern Canada, milk is sold in a bag, not a plastic jug.

That bag is then teamed up with an open-topped jug for pouring. If you have never seen this contraption at work, there is a video at the bottom of this post. Читать дальше...


One type of electric car is selling super quickly


While reported sales of new electric cars remain relatively stagnant, used electric cars seem to be turning into a hot commodity.

Lower prices are making used electric cars—along with hybrids and plug-in hybrids—much more attractive to consumers.

Which means they're being driven off used-car lots far faster than the average gasoline car.

That's according to a study from used-car website iSeeCars.com (via The Cheat Sheet) that looked at the amount of time used vehicles linger on dealer lots. Читать дальше...


The trailer for DC's first big female superhero movie in years is here

Warner Bros. Pictures

Warner Bros. has kicked off its three-hour movie panel at Comic-Con Saturday and after bringing out the directors for its next several superhero movies, the studio revealed the first trailer for "Wonder Woman" online.

Right after its Comic-Con debut, Warner Bros., who has had trouble with leaked trailers online in the past, revealed the trailer online.

Starring Gal Gadot as Diana Prince, the film will tell the heroine's origin story. "House of Cards" actress Robin Wright... Читать дальше...


A rare photo of one of history's wealthiest drug lords posing in front of the White House

Sebastian Marroquin/Sins of my Father

Standing in front of the White House with his son in this 1981 photo is infamous Medellín cartel boss Pablo Escobar, also known as the "king of cocaine," one of the wealthiest drug lords in history.

The photograph, taken by Escobar's wife, Maria Victoria, appeared in a 2010 HBO documentary "Sins of My Father," which tells the story of the drug kingpin's life through the eyes of his only son, Juan Pablo Escobar, who has since changed his name to Sebastian Marroquin. Читать дальше...


HALLIBURTON: 'The North America market has turned' (HAL)

Spencer Platt/Getty

Halliburton on Wednesday reported a second-quarter loss and less revenue than it earned in the same period last year, but said it thinks the North American oil market had turned around.

The oil fields services company posted an adjusted loss per share from continuing operations of $0.14, better than analysts' median estimate for a loss of $0.19, according to Bloomberg. Revenue totaled $3.84 billion (versus $3.76 billion expected), a 35% year-over-year decline.

... Читать дальше...


Inside the $1 billion deal for Dollar Shave Club

YouTube/Dollar Shave Club

Unilever is buying the on-demand razor delivery service Dollar Shave Club in a validation of the startup's novel approach to selling men's grooming products.

The deal price — reportedly around $1 billion — would be about five times Dollar Shave Club's expected sales in 2016. Dollar Shave Club isn't profitable.

That is a punchy premium. 

Dollar Shave Club, or DSC, delivers razors to your home each month with a subscription model, and as Business Insider's Dennis Green wrote earlier today... Читать дальше...


Only 9 restaurants in the US serve real Kobe beef — here's where you can order it

Shutterstock/Kulit Na Nakorn

Kobe beef is one of the trendiest meats in the restaurant industry — and the vast majority of America has never had a bite.

Houston's B&B Butchers & Restaurant just became only the ninth restaurant in the country to serve real Kobe beef.

While restaurants across the US offer menu items like the Cheesecake Factory's "Kobe burgers" and pricey "Kobe steaks," almost all of these claims are false. Only eight other restaurants in the entire US serve real Kobe beef... Читать дальше...


This recent trend could derail the 'almighty central banks'

Central banks have been the driving force behind fixed income markets since the global financial crisis. In an attempt to ignite growth and spur inflation, they have expanded their balance sheets by enacting unprecedented monetary policy and flooding financial markets with liquidity.  As an example, the Bank of Japan now owns over 30% of its government bond market, and the European Central Bank has increased its holdings of European government bonds by nearly 10% in the past year.

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Экология в России и мире

Вильфанд предупредил горожан об аномальном холоде и мокром снеге на неделе

Путин в России и мире

В городах России выступят летом юные вокалистки из Приамурья

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья отказался от должности и попросил защиты у Лукашенко. Он обвинил Варшаву в нечестной политике

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Башмет

В Мурманске пройдет очный отбор в юношеский симфонический оркестр Юрия Башмета


Ряд улиц перекроют в центре Москвы из-за инаугурации президента

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