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Новости за 19.07.2016


Donald Trump uses first night of GOP convention to stir his base into a frenzy

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

CLEVELAND — House Speaker Paul Ryan said Monday morning at a breakfast for the Pennsylvania delegation in Cleveland that Republicans cannot win the election by simply bashing President Barack Obama. They must provide an alternative plan, he said, touting his policy proposals.

But at the first night of Donald Trump's Republican National Convention — that message wasn't exactly heeded.

Well over three hours worth of speakers — headlining an event focused on "making America safe again" ... Читать дальше...


Klarna adds fashion startup Lyst as e-commerce partner

Thomson Reuters

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Payments Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Sweden-based online checkout solutions provider Klarna added online fashion startup Lyst as a partner, according to Reuters. Klarna’s flagship product, Klarna Checkout, enables shoppers to make one-click online payments and finalize the purchase up to 14 days later. The service will now be offered as a checkout and payment option on Lyst’s website. Читать дальше...


Melania Trump’s speech appeared to lift from parts of Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention address

REUTERS/Mark Kauzlarich

CLEVELAND — Donald Trump's wife, Melania, was the star of the show on the first night of the Republican National Convention Monday.

But political observers on Twitter were quick to note that parts of Melania's speech seemed to be ripped from First Lady Michelle Obama's 2008 speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Here are the relevant passages from each speech:

Melania: From a young age my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life... Читать дальше...


Time Inc. looks to expand its paid offerings (TIME)

Michael Seto/Business Insider

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Digital Media Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Time Inc. is the latest in a string of publishers that is looking to diversify revenue streams by launching additional paid-content offerings, Poynter reports.

The publisher — which owns magazine titles like Cooking Light, Fortune, Money, and Time Magazine — plans on putting longer-form Fortune content behind a paywall... Читать дальше...


The focus on Bitcoin misses the real digital revolution

Thomson Reuters

In 2008, short of sending a suitcase full of cash, there was essentially just one way for an individual to send money between, say, the United States and Europe.

You had to wire the money through a mainstream financial service, like Western Union or a bank. That meant paying high fees and waiting up to several days for the money to arrive.

A radically new option arose in 2009 with the introduction of bitcoin. Bitcoin makes it possible to transfer value between... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump had the most fitting entrance possible to the Republican National Convention

Michael Jackson or Donald Trump?

The Manhattan billionaire's grand entrance to the GOP convention in Cleveland seemed more fitting for a rock star than a major party's presidential nominee.

The businessman walked onstage behind glowing lights while "We Are the Champions" blared in the background before he quickly introduced his wife, Melania, for her primetime address.

Watch below:

RAW Embed

NOW WATCH: Trump praised Scotland for voting to leave the EU — it didn't


See the Republican National Convention through the years


On Monday, the Republican Party kicked off the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. 

Ahead of anointing Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee, here's a look at the convention over the years.

A general view of the opening of the Republican National Convention in the Coliseum in Chicago on June 8, 1920.


This 1927 photo shows automobiles driving past the Chicago Coliseum which was the site of all Republican conventions from 1904 to 1920... Читать дальше...


Texas Governor: Targeted killing of police officers should be a hate crime

Reuters/Brendan McDermid

Gov. Greg Abbott wants the targeted killing of a police officer to be deemed a hate crime in Texas and urged lawmakers to send him such a bill to sign during next year's legislative session.

Abbott announced Monday his plan to lobby for adding his Police Protection Act to Texas law.

Along with extending hate crime protections to law enforcement, the measure would also increase criminal penalties for any crimes in which the victim is a law enforcement... Читать дальше...


T-Mobile leverages Pokémon Go to boost its network (TMUS)

The Pokemon Company

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence Apps and Platforms Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

On Tuesday, July 19, T-Mobile will begin offering Pokémon Go players free data for the next year via its T-Mobile Tuesdays app, according to Fortune.

T-Mobile is well versed in launching special offers to entice customers to switch networks. These offers have been integral to T-Mobile in securing the mantle of the fastest-growing network in the US. Читать дальше...


There are many reasons to doubt that the Nice attacker had any connection to ISIS


The Bastille Day terror attack on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice has been claimed by the Islamic State group – sort of.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a delivery driver known to police for petty crimes, drove a 19-ton white Renault truck into crowds gathered for a fireworks display. At least 84 are dead.

As they did when Orlando shooter Omar Mateen killed 49 people, IS news agency ‘Amaq released a statement calling Bouhlel a “soldier of the Caliphate.” IS reiterated the claim in its Bayan Radio news bulletin... Читать дальше...


This infographic explains the tension in the South China Sea

REUTERS/Erik de Castro

Tension in the South China Sea reached a potential inflection point this week.

Days ago, an international tribunal ruled in favor of the Philippines, dismissing China’s sweeping territorial claims to the hotly contested waters in the South China Sea.

Since then, it has become clear that China plans to ignore the ruling, while Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin has threatened to declare an air defense identification zone over the waters to help protect the country’s interests. Читать дальше...


Vevo revamps its app in a bid to join music streaming elites


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Digital Media Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Sony- and Universal Music-owned music video service Vevo has launched a new app, with a revamped design and a host of new features, Recode reports.

This development is part of Vevo’s strategy to build out its own platform and rely less YouTube for viewership, a key focus of CEO Erik Huggers, who joined in April 2015. Around 400 million people... Читать дальше...


Pokémon Go is just the start for mobile gaming

Thomson Reuters

Over the past week, it's been almost impossible not to hear about Pokemon Go. The game allows users to fulfill their childhood (or adult) dreams of becoming a Pokemon master. It's also almost impossible not to have heard how the game has influenced Nintendo's value. The company's market cap has doubled since the game was released -- rising to just under $36 billion in under a week.  Pokemon Go's success marks a continued signal for mobile gaming's success.

Freemium... Читать дальше...


One of the hottest areas of finance now has its own stock market index

Associated Press

One of the most exciting areas of finance now has its own stock market index. 

Nasdaq and KBW launched a new fintech index on July 18, 2016.

The index will track the performance of companies that leverage technology to deliver financial products and services and represents approximately $785 million in total market cap.

The index has 49 fintech companies including major data, exchange, trading and payments companies. Their distribution is nearly exclusively electronic. Читать дальше...


Mother of Benghazi victim addresses Republican convention: 'Hillary for prison. She deserves to be in stripes'


On the first night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, the Republican Party wanted one message to come through clearly: Remember the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya.

During an emotional speech Monday, the mother of a victim killed in the 2012 attack on the US consulate there launched into a fiery tirade against Clinton, blaming the former secretary of state for the attack.

"I have repeatedly asked Hillary Clinton to explain to me the real reason why my son is dead," said Patricia Smith... Читать дальше...


Google's Android has gotten so out of control that $55 billion Salesforce had to take drastic measures (GOOG, CRM)

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider

Google's Android operating system has long suffered from a problem called "fragmentation."

Unlike with the Apple iPhone, it's up to smartphone manufacturers, not Google, to push out updates to customers. So there's no guarantee that any given phone will get the operating system upgrades.

There's also a ton of different hardware, some of which does a better job supporting certain features. Contrast this with Apple's very few different hardware choices. Читать дальше...


GOP congressman: What other 'subgroup' of people has contributed more to civilization than 'white people'?


US Rep. Steve King, an Iowa Republican, shocked members of an MSNBC panel on Monday by challenging them to name a "subgroup of people" that has contributed more to civilization than white people.

The statement came as other panel members were discussing the lack of racial diversity in the Republican Party ahead of the party's convention, which started on Monday in Cleveland, Ohio.

One of the panelists, Esquire's Charles Pierce, said that the hall at the Quicken Loans Arena was "wired by loud... Читать дальше...


Yachts may be the perfect mode of transportation for playing Pokemon Go

Yacht Harbour

Launched on July 6th in the United States, Pokemon Go has become a widespread phenomenon amongst kids and grown-ups alike. The game that combines augmented reality with one of the world's most popular gaming franchises has already boosted Nintendo's market cap by over 10 billion dollars. 

Pokemon Go has gotten near 8.5 million downloads in the US in its first week, topping all-time installs for popular dating app, Tinder and reaching 10.8% of smartphones in America.... Читать дальше...


The marijuana industry has a big energy problem

Reuters/Blair Gable

As voters go to the polls this November, at least four states will consider ballot questions on marijuana legalization. Pending proposals in Nevada, Maine and California would authorize recreational marijuana use, while Floridians will vote on whether to allow medical marijuana use.

Legalization of marijuana in the United States has spread rapidly over the last few years. Half of the states have already legalized marijuana in some form. Alaska, Colorado, Oregon... Читать дальше...


Don King responds to not being allowed to speak at RNC: 'The world is calling me to speak'

Allan Smith/Business Insider

CLEVELAND — Don King launched into an impassioned rant on Monday in response to a report in The New York Times that said he was not allowed to speak at this week's Republican National Convention in Cleveland because he once stomped a man to death and was convicted of manslaughter.

Trump pressed to have King speak, after repeatedly boasting that "Big Don King" would be speaking at the convention for him. RNC chair Reince Priebus called him and said the... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

АГН "Москва": при переиздании Красной книги Москвы будет использоваться ИИ

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский хочет вступить в НАТО до завершения полномочий Байдена

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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Телетайпный зал в здании ТАСС на Тверском бульваре. Москва, 1978 год

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