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Новости за 23.11.2023

Times Union 

Search resumes for the missing after landslide leaves 3 dead in Alaska fishing community

Officials say rescue teams have resumed searching for three people who remain missing after a landslide ripped through a remote Alaska fishing community this week, killing three others. The landslide swept over three homes in the southeast Alaska town of Wrangell on Monday night. The state Department of Public Safety say a girl was found dead in an initial search and the bodies of two adults later on. Crews with heat-sensing drones and a trained dog continued to search Wednesday for two missing children and an adult. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

New York City Mayor Eric Adams accused of 1993 sexual assault in legal filing

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been accused in a legal filing of sexually assaulting a woman in 1993. The three-page summons filed Wednesday does not contain details of the alleged assault but names Adams, the transit bureau of the New York Police Department and the New York Police Department Guardians Association as defendants. In a statement, a City Hall spokesman said the mayor does not know the person making the accusation and denied the claim. The filing comes as Adams has been dogged by... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

OxyContin maker's settlement plan divides victims of opioid crisis. Now it's up to the Supreme Court

The legality of an agreement by the maker of OxyContin to settle thousands of lawsuits over the harm done by opioids is going before the Supreme Court. Families that lost loved ones to overdoses are divided over Purdue Pharma's plan to settle with governments. The settlement could provide billions of dollars to address an overdose epidemic and pay victims. But the settlement would protect from future lawsuits members of the Sackler family, which owns the Connecticut-based company. One Florida woman... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Turkey's central bank hikes interest rates again as it tries to tame eye-watering inflation

Turkey’s central bank has delivered another huge interest rate hike as it tries to curb double-digit inflation that has left households struggling to afford food and other basic goods. The bank on Thursday increased its policy rate by 5 percentage points to 40% to combat inflation that hit 61.36% last month. It's the bank's sixth interest rate hike in a row targeting inflation that hit an eye-watering 61.36% last month. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan previously backed an unorthodox policy of cutting interest rates to fight inflation. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Retailers ready to kick off unofficial start of the holiday season just as shoppers pull back

Retailers are kicking off the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season on Friday with a bevy of discounts and other enticements. But executives are growing concerned with a spending slowdown that could temper sales on the day after Thanksgiving as well as throughout the holidays. Shoppers, powered by a solid job market and steady wage growth, had demonstrated a resilience that confounded economists and ran counter to sour sentiments that Americans themselves have expressed in opinion polls. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Stock market today: Asian shares are mixed, with markets in Japan and US closed for holidays

Shares are mixed in Asia after a modest advance on Wall Street that kept the market on track for a fourth straight weekly gain. Markets in Japan and the U.S. are closed Thursday for holidays. Oil prices fell about $1 a barrel after OPEC postponed until next week a meeting to discuss production cuts. On Wednesday, the S&P 500 rose 0.4%, the Dow added 0.5% and the Nasdaq composite rose 0.5%. Nvidia fell even after reporting blowout profits. Trading was muted ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

How the hostage deal came about: Negotiations stumbled, but persistence finally won out

Negotiations to free the hostages held by Hamas hardly ran smoothly. Hamas resisted as Israel laid waste to huge areas of Gaza. But talks proceeded, aided by intermediaries in Qatar, eventually leading to Wednesday's agreement. A month and a half after Hamas raided Israel, killing about 1,200 and grabbing hundreds, the deal was sealed. There would be a cease-fire, dozens of hostages — but not all — would be released and so would many Palestinians held by Israel. Through skips and stumbles, the negotiators' persistence paid off.

Times Union 

US electric vehicle sales to hit record this year, but still lag behind China and Germany

Electric vehicle sales are expected to hit a record 9% of all passenger vehicles in the U.S. this year, according to Atlas Public Policy. That will be up from 7.3% of new car sales in 2022. This will be the first year U.S. EV sales surpass 1 million, and they will probably reach between 1.3 million and 1.4 million cars. Electric vehicle prices in the U.S. have been falling. Although the numbers show significant progress for electrification in the US, the nation is lagging behind countries like China, Germany, and Norway.

Times Union 

To save the climate, the oil and gas sector must slash planet-warming operations, report says

The oil and gas sector, one of the major emitters of planet-warming gases, will need a rapid and substantial overhaul for the world to avoid even worse extremes fueled by human-caused climate change. That's according to a report released Thursday. The International Energy Agency says the current investment of $800 billion a year for the oil and gas sector will need to be slashed in half and emissions need to fall by 60% to give the world a fighting chance to meet its climate goals. It also found... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Decision on the future of wild horses in a North Dakota national park expected next year

About 200 wild horses roam free in a western North Dakota national park. But that number could shrink as the National Park Service is expected to decide next year whether it will eliminate that population. Advocates fear a predetermined outcome that will remove the beloved animals from Theodore Roosevelt National Park. An extended public comment period ends Friday on the recent environmental assessment of the park’s three proposals: reduce the horse population quickly, reduce it gradually or take no immediate action. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Balloons, bands, celebrities and Santa: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade kicks off

Beloved cartoon characters like Snoopy and SpongeBob SquarePants are taking to the skies above New York City in the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The parade, marking its 97th year, starts Thursday on Manhattan’s upper west side and makes its way alongside Central Park in front of big crowds before ending up in front of Macy’s flagship store on 34th Street. At street level, more than two dozen floats will go by, interspersed with marching bands from around the country. Among the big names performing is Cher... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Incumbent Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall wins bid for second term

Incumbent Erin Mendenhall has won her reelection bid for mayor of Utah’s capital in a ranked-choice contest that included a challenge by former Mayor Rocky Anderson. The Salt Lake Tribune reports ballot returns released Wednesday showed Mendenhall with 58% of the vote to Anderson’s 34%. Anderson conceded and wished Mendenhall success in her second term. Though the position of mayor is officially nonpartisan, the city is largely Democratic in a mostly Republican state. This was Salt Lake City’s first... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Peru lost more than half of its glacier surface in just over half a century, scientists say

Peruvian scientists say Peru has lost more than half of its glacier surface in the last six decades due to climate change. According to a new glacier inventory released Wednesday by a government agency, 175 glaciers became extinct between 2016 and 2020. In total, scientists say, the South American country has 1,050 square kilometers of glacial coverage left. That is about 44% of what was recorded in 1962, when the first glacier inventory was done.

Times Union 

North Korean missile launch after South Korea partially suspended their 2018 agreement likely failed

South Korea says North Korea has fired a ballistic missile toward the sea but the launch likely failed. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff says the launch was made from North Korea’s capital region on Wednesday night. It came a day after North Korea launched a spy satellite and claimed to have put it into orbit. South Korea says it has decided to partially suspend an inter-Korean agreement and restart front-line aerial surveillance of North Korea. U.N. Security Council resolutions prohibit any satellite liftoffs by North Korea... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Hawaii's governor wants to make it easier for travelers from Japan to visit the islands

Hawaii leaders want to make it easier for tourists from Japan to visit the U.S. state by creating a traveler pre-clearance program. Gov. Josh Green and other state officials proposed the idea during a recent visit to Tokyo. Hawaii News Now reported Tuesday that Green hopes allowing travelers from Japan to save time at the Honolulu airport by completing immigration, customs and agricultural inspections before departure will help boost tourism to the islands. Tourism from Japan has been sluggish since the COVID-19 pandemic. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Search continues for the missing after landslide leaves 3 dead in Alaska fishing community

Three people are dead and three others remain missing after a landslide ripped through a remote Alaskan fishing community this week. The landslide slammed into three homes in the southeast Alaska town of Wrangell on Monday night. The state Department of Public Safety said a girl was found dead in an initial search and the bodies of two adults later. Crews with heat-sensing drones and a trained dog continued to search Wednesday for two missing children and an adult. A major storm with gusting winds... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Georgia Supreme Court ruling prevents GOP-backed commission from beginning to discipline prosecutors

Georgia’s state Supreme Court is refusing to approve rules for a new commission to discipline and remove state prosecutors. The Wednesday ruling means the commission can’t begin operating. Some Republicans in Georgia want the new commission to discipline or remove Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis for indicting former President Donald Trump. Justices say they have “grave doubts” about their ability to regulate the duties of district attorneys beyond the practice of law. One Republican says... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Lawsuit blaming Tesla's Autopilot for driver's death can go to trial, judge rules

A jury should decide whether Tesla and Elon Musk oversold the electric car company’s Autopilot system and caused the fatal crash of a man who engaged it and took his hands off the steering wheel. That's the ruling of Florida Judge Reid Scott. He rejected Tesla's motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed by Jeremy Banner's widow. The 50-year-old software engineer's Tesla crashed into a truck in 2019 seconds after he engaged Autopilot, killing him instantly. Scott ruled there is sufficient evidence that... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Stellantis recalls more than 32,000 hybrid Jeep Wrangler SUVs because of potential fire risk

Automaker Stellantis has announced a recall of more than 32,000 of its hybrid Jeep Wrangler SUVs because they pose a potential fire risk. During a review of customer information, Stellantis determined that eight of the hybrid Wranglers had caught fire while they were turned off and parked. Six of the vehicles were being charged when the fires started. The company said it doesn’t believe anyone was hurt in the fires. The recall covers 2021-2024 models of the Jeep Wrangler 4xe SUVs. Stellantis is advising... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

What the events leading up to Sam Altman's reinstatement at OpenAI mean for the industry's future

It’s been quite a week for ChatGPT-maker OpenAI — and co-founder Sam Altman. Altman, who helped start OpenAI as a nonprofit research lab back in 2015, was fired as CEO Friday in a sudden and mostly unexplained exit that stunned the industry. And while his chief executive title was reinstated with a swift return just days later, much remains unknown. In addition to trust concerns around a burgeoning technology that many people still have questions about, multiple experts add that this drama highlights how it should be governments ... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Доля жилья класса «делюкс» на элитном рынке выросла до 45%

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Трамп назвал Зеленского "лучшим торгашом в истории"

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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