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Новости за 25.02.2017


A Breitbart boat party and Trump fans everywhere: What it's like at CPAC, the largest annual gathering of conservatives

Oliver Darcy/Business Insider

The Conservative Political Action Conference took place this week in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside Washington, DC.

The annual political confab has been the largest gathering of conservatives since its inception in 1974. Thousands attend each year to listen to luminaries deliver speeches and offer their vision for the future of conservatism. 

This year was no different. With a noticeable tilt toward Trumpism, the 2017 conference brought... Читать дальше...


TOP DEMOCRATIC SENATOR: The party has to do these 3 things to start winning again

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

The Democratic Party is in the midst of an identity crisis — but a leading Democratic senator said he has an idea of what the left needs to do in order to win at the ballot box in 2018 and 2020.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, speaking with Business Insider during a promotional tour for his new book, "Captured: The Corporate Infiltration of American Democracy," outlined three planks the party needs to run on in future elections.

The first, he said... Читать дальше...


Jordan Peele explains why his horror movie about racism is what we need in the Trump era

Diana Yukari/Business Insider, AP

Jordan Peele is a horror fanatic. That may come as a shock to some who only know him as half of the duo behind the Comedy Central series "Key & Peele," alongside Keegan-Michael Key, but Peele is showing off his darker side in his directorial debut, "Get Out" (in theaters Friday) — and it's quite impressive.

In exploring the perennial issue of racial division in America, Peele combines "Rosemary's Baby" and "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" to deliver... Читать дальше...


DNC narrowly elects Tom Perez as new chair

REUTERS/Chris Berry

ATLANTA — In an extremely close race that went to multiple rounds of balloting, former Department of Labor Secretary Tom Perez was elected to head the Democratic National Committee on Saturday, ending the months-long jockeying for the top spot in the Democratic Party's election arm.

Perez was elected with 235 votes, narrowly defeating Rep. Keith Ellison. South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Idaho Democratic Party chair Sally Boynton Brown, who also ran, dropped out on Saturday. Читать дальше...


How California could secede from the US relatively easily

Ted Soqui/Reuters

With the election of Donald Trump and the backlash to some of his early moves in office, Americans are rediscovering nationalism. But confusion reigns over what American nationalism really is. Does it have to be federalist, for instance? Does it have to be liberal? In one of the great ironies of the political season, these kinds of questions are thrown into sharp relief by the strangest nationalist movement now underway — in California.

Drawing inspiration from breakaway groups in Europe... Читать дальше...


The US East Coast is bloated with gasoline

Thomson Reuters

The U.S. East Coast traditionally relies on imports from east Canada and Europe to fill in its gasoline demand. However, these days the gasoline glut in the New York area is so big that traders are scheduling exports of gasoline from the New York Harbor to West Africa and Europe.

Shippers plan to export at least two million barrels of gasoline and diesel from New York and Philadelphia in the coming weeks, according to shipping data compiled by Bloomberg. UK supermajor... Читать дальше...


The Jaguar F-PACE sets a new standard for beauty in luxury SUVs

Hollis Johnson

It's a Jaguar. It's an SUV. It's a Jaguar SUV.

Yes, that day has finally come. At the Los Angeles auto show in 2015, Jaguar Land Rover officially unveiled its first-ever sport utility for the US market. Last year later, we got our hands on it.

In the flesh, the vehicle, called F-PACE, was as stunning on the street as we initially thought it was on the showroom floor in LA. The name, which is meant to connect the crossover in nomenclature with Jag's F-Type sports cars, is weird. Читать дальше...


Nissan has one of the best engines out there — but its days could be numbered


Business Insider's Transportation team loves engines.

And it's a great time to be an engine lover, with all manner of powertrains now propelling modern cars and trucks. We've driven big American V8s, exotic V10s and W12s, lots of turbocharged four-cylinder powerplants, a fair number of twin-turbocharged supercar engines, and of course a wide range of gas-electric hybrids and full-electric vehicles.

Sometimes, the good old workhorse engine of the auto industry, the venerable V6, has gotten lost in the shuffle. Читать дальше...


Why this new horror movie has a rare perfect score from critics — and you need to see it


It’s very rare, even close to unseen, for a wide-release movie to get a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes just a day before its release. A score of 100% means that every critic who has seen the movie so far gave it a positive review.

Even some of the movies you’d expect to have a perfect score don’t have one. This honor is primarily reserved for classic films including “Citizen Kane,” “All About Eve," “Singing “in the Rain,” and “North by Northwest.”

But before its opening weekend... Читать дальше...


Sean Spicer compared marijuana to opioids — but there's major differences

Rena Schild/Shutterstock

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer relayed the Trump administration’s first official comments on legal cannabis this past Thursday. Unfortunately, his remarks involved zero scientific consideration when he compared adult-use cannabis to the ongoing opioid epidemic:

"When you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people," Spicer said. "There is... Читать дальше...


$3.7 BILLION HEDGE FUND: There's a lot to be excited about under Trump, but nobody's talking about it


You can add the $3.7 billion hedge fund Tourbillon Capital to the list of firms wary of betting on President Donald Trump's policies.

"The next four years will be filled with a very wide range of outcomes," Jason Karp, founder of Tourbillon Capital Partners, wrote in a February investor letter reviewed by Business Insider. "We can confidently say after hundreds of man hours of research that it is highly unpredictable and unknowable."

Karp said that making trades based on... Читать дальше...


There's a good chance Melania Trump would have been deported if Trump's new immigration rules had been in place in the 1990s

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

On Nov. 4, the Associated Press reported that it had obtained documents showing that Melania Trump—then known as Melania Knauss or Knaus—had been paid for modeling work performed in 1996 while she was staying in the United States on a B1/B2 visitor visa.

A lawyer representing Melania Trump said the documents were not familiar to him but did not otherwise challenge their veracity or deny that she had done the work, which would have violated the terms of the visitor... Читать дальше...


The 10 most powerful agents in the NBA

Erika Goldring/Getty Images for Remy Martin

As salaries in the NBA continue to skyrocket and player movement has become more difficult, agents are more powerful than ever.

As we near the NBA trade deadline, we have already seen the impact agents can wield as it is widely believed that the underwhelming return in the DeMarcus Cousins trade was driven by his agents telling teams Cousins would not re-sign with any team that traded for him.

Not surprisingly, most of the NBA's biggest... Читать дальше...


A 26-year-old CEO and former Googler breaks down the worst job hunting advice 20-somethings get

Liz Wessel

If you're a recent grad or a college senior, you may have been told to focus your job search. Cut down on the number of applications you send out and just hone in on three or four companies.

Well, according to WayUp CEO Liz Wessel, that's usually terrible advice.

"I've definitely heard that young people are told by career services sometimes, 'Only apply to three or four jobs, do your research, and only look for a couple jobs. Put your eggs in those baskets, and... Читать дальше...


7 of the most unusual ski destinations around the world

When thinking of a ski vacation, most people probably picture the United States' Rocky Mountains or the Alps over in Europe. And it's true — these destinations are the crème de la crème of skiing with pristine slopes, gorgeous lodges, and plenty of activities for the whole family. But for those looking for a different kind of ski adventure, consider one of these seven spots that likely haven't crossed your mind.

Читать дальше...


The Model 3 could be the worst thing that ever happened to Tesla (TSLA)

YouTube/Motor Trend

Small cars are in crisis in the US. Automakers struggle to make money on them, and increasingly consumers want big pickups and SUVs — vehicles that generate fat profits. 

The smaller vehicles that customers are clamoring for are compact crossover SUVs. Automakers don't want to give up on small cars because they remember what happened the last time gas prices spiked and large vehicles fell from favor. But Trump-era politics are making it difficult to shift small-car production to cheaper labor markets. Читать дальше...


3 injured after man drove a vehicle into a pedestrian area in Germany

Screenshot / Google Maps

BERLIN (AP) — German police say a man apparently drove a vehicle into people in a central square in the city of Heidelberg, injuring three people, then fled and was shot after being tracked down by officers.

Police spokeswoman Anne Baas said one of the three people hit outside a bakery on Saturday afternoon was seriously injured.

The suspect fled and was then found by a police patrol, and was shot by an officer following a short standoff. He was taken to a hospital. Читать дальше...


Millennials have figured out the secret to thriving in the modern age

Jason Kempin / Staff / Getty Images

Millennials aren’t lazy, says economist Tyler Cowen, they’re just better adapted to thriving in the modern age.

Cowen in "The Complacent Class" argues that the modern world is good for people who are motivated by strong personal interests, whether record collecting, hiking, cooking, or obsessing with "Game of Thrones." These people, called matchers or enthusiasts, are "not trying to come out ahead of everyone else; rather, they seek to have some... Читать дальше...


China's military is approaching 'near parity' with the West

Jon Woo/Reuters

China's military is fast approaching "near parity" with western nations, according to a new report from the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

In its 2017 Military Balance report, which focuses on global military capabilities and defense spending, IISS experts say that China has made significant progress in research and development and improved its military capabilities, putting it close to on par with the US and other allies.

"Western military technological superiority... Читать дальше...


Democratic senator accuses FBI Director Comey of withholding information on Russia for political reasons

Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Sen. Ron Wyden has suggested that FBI Director James Comey is using classification to hide information about possible Russian interference in the US election for political reasons, according to The New Yorker.

The Democratic senator from Oregon told the magazine that he's concerned intelligence is becoming politicized.

"My increasing concern is that classification now is being used much more for political security than for national security," Wyden said. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

При каких обстоятельствах может затопить Петербург и Москву? Отвечает гидролог

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Владимир Высоцкий

Что Золотухин рассказывал про некрасивые тайны Таганки и почему Высоцкий его не простил


С начала года программа создания мест приложения труда расширилась в 1,5 раза

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