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Новости за 18.02.2017


David Tepper's Appaloosa just dropped about $1 billion on 4 pharma stocks (PFE, TEVA, MYL, AGN)


David Tepper's Appaloosa went big on pharma stocks in the fourth quarter. 

The fund took big new positions in Teva ($183 million), Pfizer ($156 million), and Mylan ($125 million) in the final three months of the year, according to a 13F filing. They were the fund's biggest new positions in the period. 

In addition, Appaloosa raised its stake in Allergan by 250%, increasing its position by around 3 million shares to a stake worth $894.9 million. The additional shares are worth around $660 million... Читать дальше...


I took the Dalai Lama to a ski resort and he told me the meaning of life

By Crimson-Hearted Phoenix on Flickr

In the mid ’80s, I was living in Santa Fe, N.M., making a shabby living writing magazine articles, when a peculiar assignment came my way.

I had become friendly with a group of Tibetan exiles who lived in a compound on Canyon Road, where they ran a business selling Tibetan rugs, jewelry, and religious items. The Tibetans had settled in Santa Fe because its mountains, adobe buildings, and high-altitude environment reminded them of home.

The... Читать дальше...


A Wall Street performance coach who's consulted on Showtime's 'Billions' says too many people have the same misconception about success

Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

For some of Denise Shull's clients, being in a slump might mean losing millions of dollars of other people's money.

Shull is the founder of the ReThink Group, a performance coaching group that specializes in clients on Wall Street. She's also one of the inspirations for Maggie Rhoades, the in-house psychiatrist at the fictional hedge fund at the center of Showtime's hit show "Billions."

Shull studied the neuropsychology of unconscious thought... Читать дальше...


Here's why Snap is playing it safe with investors

Snap Inc.

Snapchat executives hit the road on Friday to lure investors into what could be the biggest tech-sector stock offering in years. 

The schedule of meetings will take them to London on Monday, and New York on Tuesday, and eventually across the US. And if it's like other high-profile tech deals of recent years, they'll draw a standing room only crowd of analysts and fund managers looking to get a feel of what the buzz is about.

Already, though, Snap Inc. has raised some eyebrows on Wall Street. Читать дальше...


The anonymous plaintiff in the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling has died

Thomson Reuters

(Reuters) - Norma McCorvey, the anonymous plaintiff known as Jane Roe in the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark Roe vs. Wade ruling legalizing abortion, died on Saturday at the age of 69, a journalist close to McCorvey said.

McCorvey died on Saturday morning of heart failure at an assisted living home in Katy, Texas, Joshua Prager, a journalist who is writing a book about the decision, said in an email.

Her lawsuit, filed under the pseudonym Jane Roe, resulted in... Читать дальше...


Billionaire Chase Coleman's Tiger Global made a nearly $500 million bet on Fiat (FCAU)

Business Insider/ Mike Nudelman

Billionaire Chase Coleman's Tiger Global made a big bet on Fiat Chrysler last quarter.

The $20 billion investment firm took a new position in Fiat valued at $481 million in the final three months of the year, according to Bloomberg's analysis of a regulatory filing on February 14. It was the fund's biggest new position in the quarter. 

The quarterly filing, called a 13F, lists the long stock positions of investment firms. The positions are current as of 45 days prior... Читать дальше...


Here's why Justin Trudeau won't criticize Trump

For Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Monday’s meeting at the White House with Donald Trump went pretty much as well as possible. Trump promised that any change in the binational trade relationship would be a “tweak,” while Trudeau got a meme-able moment of subtle resistance to Trump, when he refused to succumb to the president’s overbearing handshake.

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Managers at a $1 trillion asset manager say investors are dangerously underplaying 3 things (PRU)


  • Investors are focusing on upcoming European elections as risks, but the French outcome matters much more than what happens in Germany, the Netherlands, or Italy. 
  • Concerns about China's economy and the Federal Reserve's interest-rate decisions were blamed for a stock market sell-off last year
  • They could make a comeback as big risks, according to leaders at PGIM

2016 was not a great year for forecasting. 

The UK's decision to leave the European Union... Читать дальше...


Rays player who has made $3 million in his career spends his offseasons as an Uber driver

Chris O'Meara/AP

MLB Spring Training is upon us, which for most players means an end to an extended vacation that likely featured little beyond some time on the golf course and in the gym. 

For Nick Franklin of the Tampa Bay Rays, however, the end of the offseason also means the end of his side-hustle as an Uber driver. 

Franklin, who has made $3 million over the course of his career, said he made nine or ten trips driving for Uber around Orlando, and has managed to maintain a solid 4.8 rating.

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The top 20 presidents in US history, according to historians

REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

It should come as little surprise to anyone that, for the third time in a row, historians agree that Abraham Lincoln was the best US President.

But what about our newest former president?

As part of C-SPAN's third Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership, almost 100 historians and biographers rated the 43 former presidents on ten qualities of presidential leadership: Public persuasion, crisis leadership, economic management, moral authority, international relations... Читать дальше...


A Green Beret explains how the average person can learn mental toughness without joining the military

Ann Heisenfelt/AP

This post from Ronald Fry,  former Green Beret team leader and author of "Hammerhead Six," originally appeared on Quora.

Mental toughness is, as inferred, a state of mind. An average person can develop this without being part of the military.

Mental toughness is resilience, an ability to stick to something regardless of obstacles, to be goal oriented, to be always trying to improve, to be dependable and consistent.

I feel mental toughness is fueled... Читать дальше...


A successful entrepreneur opened a new meditation studio in NYC to cash in on a $1 billion market

Photo courtesy of Inscape

Meditation has gone main stream. The now $1 billion dollar industry has grown increasingly popular with Wall Street bankers, and it's also moved into the tech world, with a plethora of apps that guide you through practices, such as Headspace.  

Khajak Keledjian, the former owner of Intermix — a women's luxery clothing store that he sold to Gap for $130 million in 2013 — has been benefiting from meditation since 2007, after a friend of his who is a hedge fund manager, introduced him to the practice. Читать дальше...


This fascinating map is the Ottoman Empire’s take on the United States In 1803

Osher Map Library, University of Southern Maine

What did the United States look like to Ottoman observers in 1803? In this map, the newly independent U.S. is labeled “The Country of the English People” (“İngliz Cumhurunun Ülkesi”). The Iroquois Confederacy shows up as well, labeled the “Government of the Six Indian Nations.” Other tribes shown on the map include the Algonquin, Chippewa, Western Sioux (Siyu-yu Garbî), Eastern Sioux (Siyu-yu Şarkî), Black Pawnees (Kara Panis), and White Pawnees (Ak Panis). Читать дальше...


Tesla has sent investors on an epic roller coaster ride for years — look back at the craziest moments (TSLA)

Reuters/Mike Blake

Tesla is headed into fourth quarter and full-year 2016 earnings next week with arguably the biggest head of financial steam in the company's history. 

A surprise profit in the third quarter last year, coupled with Donald Trump's win in the election and the assumption that an America-first manufacturing policy favors Tesla, has sent shares on an epic rally. The stock has risen as much as 50% of the past three months, surging toward $300 and ending last week above $270. Читать дальше...


RESET: After one of the most tumultuous weeks in presidential history, Trump tries to return to his comfort zone

Sean Rayford/Getty Images

Backed into a corner, President Donald Trump returned late this week to what he knows best: Campaigning and taking his message directly to the public.

Three moves this week signaled the president's return to his campaign roots: An impromptu Thursday press conference, a large event at a South Carolina Boeing facility Friday, and an airport hangar rally in Florida on Saturday that was a trademark of his quest for the White House.

The moves came as the... Читать дальше...


A high-profile hedge fund sent a letter explaining all the reasons it lost money last year, and why it is going to do better this time

Flickr/Alex Proimos

A high-profile hedge fund founded by a Steve Cohen acolyte sent a letter to investors explaining all the reasons for its underperformance.

In a January investor letter, Folger Hill's Sol Kumin set out why his firm's flagship fund dropped 17.5% last year. Among the cited reasons: a difficult environment for stock pickers, hedge fund "crowding" and the US election.

"I am truly sorry that we have not delivered better results thus far to our investors who put their faith in me," Kumin wrote in the letter... Читать дальше...


Trump lashes out at the media, says the 'the White House is running very well'

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

President Donald Trump lashed out at the "main stream media" and said that the White House was running "very well" in an early Saturday morning tweet. 

"Don't believe main stream (fake news) media. The White House is running VERY WELL," Trump tweeted. "I inherited a MESS and am in the process of fixing it."

Trump has consistently attacked the media following a tumultuous week in Washington, defined by allegations over his administration's ties to Russia. Читать дальше...


This creepy tool reveals how Facebook's AI tracks and studies your data


Have you ever wondered how Facebook collects all the data it has to feed you with the content it presumes you'll like and keep you coming back for more? Well, now there's an app that can answer these questions.

Well, now there's an app that can answer these questions.

Available for free, Data Selfie is an open-source Chrome extension that helps you discover how machine learning algorithms track and process your Facebook activity, and gain insights about your personality and habits. Читать дальше...


I will never go on vacation without Snap's Spectacles, the sunglasses that record what you see

Hollis Johnson

When my gadget-loving boyfriend wore Google Glass in public for the first time, the thing I remember most is the stares. People squinted across trains and sidewalks at the utterly uncool head-mounted display built in the shape of eyeglasses.

So when Snap, the startup behind the disappearing messages app, unveiled Spectacles that can record what you see, we were both thrilled. Spectacles look cool compared to Google Glass — we aren't embarrassed to wear them on weekend adventures and future vacations. Читать дальше...


How comedian Pete Holmes used his divorce to create HBO's next big comedy show

Diana Yukari/Business Insider, Getty Images

The best way to gauge Hollywood success is to look at what someone has lined up next, and with Judd Apatow’s “Girls” coming to a close on HBO, it’s time for the producer to show what he’s got for an encore. Enter popular stand-up comedian Pete Holmes.

The 37-year-old best known for his comedy specials and Nerdist podcast, "You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes," has a style that couldn’t be further from "Girls" creator/star Lena Dunham, but... Читать дальше...


The 2 most important money rules to follow in your 20s, according to a bestselling author who's written about finance for nearly 3 decades

Valeriy Belobeev/Strelka Institute/Flickr

Your 20s are a time for living it up. But if you're the type who tends to get a little too reckless when it comes to spending money, you'd be wise to establish some simple ground rules now. No doubt you'll thank yourself later.

In a recent Facebook Live interview with Business Insider, personal finance writer Beth Kobliner laid out the two most important things to do financially in your 20s.

An updated version of Kobliner's bestseller "Get a Financial Life... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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Здоровье в России и мире

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Киркорова оштрафовали на 6 тысяч рублей из-за неуплаченного штрафа в 3 тысячи


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