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Новости за 09.02.2017


CNN host Chris Cuomo says 'fake news' insult is 'equivalent of the N-word for journalists'

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

CNN host Chris Cuomo said on Thursday that he believes hurling the "fake news" insult at journalists is similar to when people use racial slurs against minorities.

"I see being called 'fake news' as the equivalent of the N-word for journalists, the equivalent of calling an Italian any of the ugly words that people have for that ethnicity," Cuomo said on SiriusXM.

"That's what 'fake news' is to a journalist," the CNN host continued. "It's an ugly insult... Читать дальше...


Spicer gets into heated exchange with reporters after insisting Gorsuch's comments had nothing to do with Trump


White House press secretary Sean Spicer acknowledged Thursday that President Donald Trump has leveled attacks on the US judiciary and that Judge Neil Gorsuch said attacks on the judiciary were "demoralizing" and "disheartening."

But Spicer repeatedly insisted that Gorsuch's comments had nothing to do with Trump's comments, leading to heated exchanges with White House reporters about the issue.

Gorsuch, the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals judge who was nominated... Читать дальше...


Rodrigo Duterte responds to former Colombian president's anti-drug-war op-ed: 'That idiot'

Reuters/Czar Dancel

During a speech at an event celebrating the 115th anniversary of the founding of the Philippine Bureau of Customs, President Rodrigo Duterte gave a customarily blunt response to an op-ed written by former Colombian President Cesar Gaviria.

Gaviria, who presided over the hunt for and killing of Pablo Escobar, cautioned against deploying armed police and troops to fight the drug trade and called for more efforts to address the social factors related to drug use... Читать дальше...


We photographed 150 calories of all our favorite snacks — and the results are depressing

Hollis Johnson

When's the last time you ate just two Oreos?

Yeah, we can't remember the last time we did either. Yet that is the standard FDA serving size listed on the back of the package.*

Read on to see what the standard serving size — or around 150 calories — of your other favorite snack foods looks like.

Bear Naked Go Bananas Granola: 1/4 cup

Hollis Johnson

Granola is commonly touted as a health food, but in reality it's pretty high in sugar, carbs, and calories and not very high in protein. Читать дальше...


Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos sees the music industry's next 'gigantic growth' coming from devices like Echo (AMZN)

REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

The music business has lost billions of dollars over the past few years, but Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is bullish about its future.

One big reason: the wider use of voice-activated home devices, like Amazon's Echo.

"At this point in the marriage of voice-activation technology with music, I can tell you it’s already working," Bezos said in a new interview with Billboard. 

"The next gigantic growth area for the music industry is the home."

Bezos... Читать дальше...


Two short years into the NBA, Kristaps Porzingis is learning the ropes as the Knicks fall apart around him

Tony Gutierrez/AP

It's impossible to discuss the New York Knicks' future without discussing Kristaps Porzingis.

The 21-year-old, 7-foot-3 Lavtian big man, taken with the fourth pick in the 2015 draft, has changed the outlook of the Knicks with his unique blend of size, athleticism, perimeter capabilities, and rim protection.

Yet, now in his second year in the NBA, Porzingis remains one of the lone bright spots on a Knicks team that constantly seems to be in a state of turmoil. Читать дальше...


The Rock slams CEO of sponsor Under Armour for praising Trump, calling his words 'divisive and lacking in perspective'

Facebook/Dwayne Johnson

Actor and athlete Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson posted a statement on his Facebook page condemning the Under Armour CEO's praise for Trump.

"His words were divisive and lacking in perspective," Johnson wrote. "Inadvertently creating a situation where the personal political opinions of Under Armour’s partners and its employees were overshadowed by the comments of its CEO."

Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank said "to have such a pro-business president is something... Читать дальше...


The 20 best romantic movies on Netflix you'll actually want to watch

Paramount Pictures

Valentine’s Day is upon us, and whether you’re planning a fancy night out at your favorite restaurant or flopping onto the couch with single friends, let’s face it, at some point you will be watching Netflix.

Nothing breaks the mood more than a dull movie, so we’ve put together a collection of romantic movies on the streaming giant that will keep the night on a high note.

From studio rom-coms like “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” and “Serendipity” to lesser-known... Читать дальше...


A banker who's been on Wall Street for 20 years explains why you shouldn't worry too much about your first job

Michal Katz

RBC Capital Markets' technology investment banking cohead, Michal Katz, has called some big-name Wall Street firms home over the course of her over 20-year career in finance.

So she knows what it takes to get ahead in the industry.

Katz got her start at Lehman Brothers in 1996. She then spent more than four years in tech banking with Barclays, according to her LinkedIn profile.

She's been with RBC since March 2013.

Katz advises technology clients on how they can grow... Читать дальше...


Miranda Kerr, who's engaged to Snapchat's CEO, asks why Facebook has to 'steal' his ideas

Getty Images

Snap CEO Evan Spiegel has yet to publicly address Facebook's relentless copying of his app.

The 26-year-old Snap cofounder is famously shy about giving interviews, so there's a chance we may never hear what he really thinks.

But thankfully his fiancée, supermodel Miranda Kerr, gives plenty of interviews.

In a recent chat with Richard Godwin of The Sunday Times, Kerr said she's "appalled" at Facebook's copying of Snapchat.

"Can they not be innovative?"... Читать дальше...


Jeffrey Loria reportedly has a handshake agreement to sell Marlins for $1.6 billion, 15 years after buying the team for $158 million

Rob Foldy/Getty

Miami Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria has a "handshake agreement" to sell his franchise for $1.6 billion to an unnamed New York City real estate developer, Forbes reports.

Loria bought the Marlins in 2002 for $158 million. A $1.6 billion figure would make for the second biggest baseball price tag, behind only the Dodgers, who were sold for $2 billion.

According to Forbes, which cited two sources that attributed news of the deal to Marlins president David Samson... Читать дальше...


WHITE HOUSE: Kellyanne Conway 'has been counseled' after she told Americans to 'go buy Ivanka's stuff'

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, was "counseled" on Thursday after encouraging Americans to purchase products from Ivanka Trump, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said.

"Kellyanne has been counseled and that's all we're going to go with," Spicer said at the daily press briefing. "She's been counseled on that subject and that's it."

It was not immediately clear what, if any, disciplinary action was taken by the White House against Conway. Читать дальше...


What your boss really means by these 6 common phrases


I've been working in Silicon Valley for a decade, at both startups and top publications.

Throughout my career I've noticed that, under the guise of professionalism, bosses don't always say what they mean.

Whether you're new to the workforce or you've logged years of experience, there is comfort in knowing you aren't alone in your confusion.

If you feel like you need an interpreter to make sense of what your boss is telling you, check out these common phrases and their translations:

1. Читать дальше...


ISIS has claimed responsibility for a hotel attack in Somalia

via The Long War Journal

The Islamic State has claimed yesterday’s suicide assault on a hotel in the northern Somali town of Bosaso in a statement released online. The attack left at least four security guards and at least two gunmen dead.

According to local media, militants affiliated with the Islamic State faction operating in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland stormed the Village Hotel in Bosaso. This prompted a fierce shootout between the militants and the hotel’s security guards... Читать дальше...


House Oversight Chairman says Kellyanne Conway was 'wrong' to promote Ivanka Trump's brand

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz says White House counselor Kellyanne Conway's promotion of Ivanka Trump's fashion brand was "wrong, wrong, wrong, clearly over the line, unacceptable."

The Republican congressman said the White House must refer the matter to the Office of Government Ethics for review. He said he and Democratic Oversight Leader Elijah Cummings are writing a letter to the office and he will also write to President Donald Trump about the matter. Читать дальше...


US customs agents may require foreigners' social media passwords as part of vetting

Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images

Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly told the House Committee on Homeland Security on Tuesday that the Trump administration may move to require foreign visitors to give over the passwords to their social media accounts, NBC reported.

"We want to get on their social media, with passwords: What do you do, what do you say?" said Kelly. "If they don't want to cooperate then you don't come in."

Kelly said that the idea was in its preliminary stages... Читать дальше...


People wrongly claimed that a major government institution faked environmental data — and it caused an uproar

  • A former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientist criticized his colleague's data archiving methods.
  • This is a pretty normal scientific argument, the kind that happens in fields from climate science to psychology to linguistics.
  • A Daily Mail reporter wrote an article suggesting that the criticism was in fact a bombshell showing the NOAA had "duped" world leaders.
  • The article had some serious factual errors.
  • A climate science doubting... Читать дальше...


This is how you know something desperate is going on in China's economy


Things are looking a bit desperate in China.

The country has been suffering from money outflows for months  — something that troubles Beijing because it pulls down the value of the Chinese yuan and makes the economy harder to manage.

But government measures to stem the outflows — like requiring citizens to report transfers over $10,000 and discouraging overseas acquisitions— still aren't showing up in the numbers. In January, up to $82.7 billion left the country, according to Bloomberg economist Tom Orlik... Читать дальше...


Top Bridgewater exec explains how its intense, unique culture helped the world's largest hedge fund make $50 billion

Bridgewater Associates

  • Bob Prince, co-CIO of the world's largest hedge fund, correlates its long-term investment success with its unusual and demanding culture.
  • Bridgewater employees rate each other's performance, and their profiles are considered for "believability-weighted decision-making."
  • He explains how the firm recovered from a rough losing period in 2016 to become the most profitable hedge fund in 2016.

Bridgewater Associates is as well known for being the world's largest hedge fund... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Более 9 тыс сотрудников Росгвардии обеспечили безопасность в День Победы в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: великая Победа является главным моментом становления белорусской нации

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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