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Новости за 16.02.2017


Nearly 800 former EPA officials oppose Trump's EPA pick, who just moved one step closer to confirmation

Thomson Reuters

  • Environmentalists have serious concerns about Trump's pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt.
  • Nearly 800 former EPA officials  publicly oppose Pruitt.
  • The Senate just moved him one step closer to confirmation.
  • His path to confirmation looks clear, despite one Republican Senator's opposition — especially because one Democrat said she would vote for him.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly 800 former Environmental... Читать дальше...


How 'Split' pulled off its incredible twist ending — and where it goes next

Blumhouse Productions

Following the smash success of M. Night Shyamalan's "Split" at the box office, we now know how the movie pulled off its shocking final moments. And it turns out it involved the rare cooperation of a studio not involved with the movie.

Warning: Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen "Split."

At the end of "Split," we find that the character with 24 split personalities played by James McAvoy lives in the same cinematic world as a character from another Shyamalan movie when Bruce Willis suddenly appears... Читать дальше...


The Cubs used a radical strategy to shut down Bryce Harper, and it may have messed with his game

Nick Wass/AP

After a 2015 MVP campaign in which he transformed into one of the scariest hitters in baseball, Bryce Harper struggled in 2016.

Across the board, Harper's batting numbers fell — his batting average, on-base percentage, slugging percentage, and OPS all fell drastically from the year before.

According to ESPN's Eddie Matz, some people in the baseball world feel that Harper's slump originated from an eye-opening early-season series against the Chicago Cubs.

Determined not to be beaten by Harper... Читать дальше...


US, South Korea, and Japan condemned North Korean missile firing in a joint statement

Thomson Reuters

BONN, Germany (Reuters) - The United States, South Korea and Japan on Thursday issued a joint statement condemning North Korea's test firing of a ballistic missile and saying Pyongyang should face an "even stronger" international response for violating U.N. resolutions.

The statement, which also condemned Pyongyang's human rights abuses, was released after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se... Читать дальше...


5 things the wealthy can teach us about money

Christopher Furlong / Staff / Getty Images

In 1998, Dr Thomas J. Stanley of Georgia State University published his best-selling book "The Millionaire Next Door," in which he revealed two decades of research into the character traits of America's wealthy.

Many were quite surprised by his findings at the time, especially when compared with the go-go stock market attitude and eternal optimism of the late-1990s, in which many pundits suggested that fortunes could be made in stock market speculation alone. Читать дальше...


Trump's Israel ambassador pick has deep ties to West Bank settlements

Associated Press/Susan Walsh

BEIT EL, West Bank (AP) — President Donald Trump's nominee for ambassador to Israel may be causing controversy in Washington. But in this West Bank settlement, he is a well-known friend.

As the Senate holds a confirmation hearing Thursday on the nomination of David Friedman, he could face grilling about his ties to Beit El, a community north of Jerusalem located in the heart of the occupied territory Palestinians demand for an independent state.

Friedman... Читать дальше...


Tillerson: I didn't suggest scrapping Iran nuclear deal

Thomson Reuters

BONN, Germany (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday he did not suggest to French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault that Washington planned to scrap the Iranian nuclear agreement.

"I didn't leave any such impression," Tillerson told reporters before a meeting with the Argentinian foreign minister, when asked about a report which cited Ayrault as saying the French had the impression that Washington wanted to get rid of the deal.

Ayrault... Читать дальше...


FINANCE PROFESSOR: Trump is preparing a 'hostile takeover' aimed at remaking the Fed

Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Mark T. Williams teaches finance at Boston University, is a former Federal Reserve Bank Examiner and author of “Uncontrolled Risk” about the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the key drivers of the 2008 financial crisis.

The success of the Federal Reserve System is linked to independence, nonpartisanship and the ability to make decisions without undue political influence.

President Trump is preparing a hostile takeover aimed at remaking the Fed, reducing independence... Читать дальше...


Suburban moms ditch Nordstrom and go on a cash-waving rampage at Dillard's to support Ivanka Trump (JWN, DDS)

Laurie Ray

A new viral video shows a group women storming into a Nordstrom to cancel their accounts in response to the retailer's decision to stop selling Ivanka Trump's fashion brand, promising to shop at Dillard's instead. 

On Wednesday, Laurie Ray posted a video on Facebook of herself and seven other women — some wearing "Haters Gonna Hate" Trump shirts — walking into Nordstrom with handfuls of cash to cancel their accounts with the retailer at a location in Chandler, Arizona, the Daily Mail reported. Читать дальше...


New Hampshire lawmakers blocked a bill to make union dues optional

Associated Press/Charles Krupa

(Reuters) - Lawmakers in New Hampshire's legislature blocked on Thursday a bill to make the state the 29th in the country where paying dues was optional for employees in union-represented jobs.

The 200-177 vote to stop the measure followed passage of similar "right to work" in Missouri and Kentucky this year, where new Republican-controlled legislatures made the issue a top priority.

In New Hampshire, the measure had passed the state senate by one vote last month and Governor Chris Sununu... Читать дальше...


Jake Tapper slams Trump's 'unhinged' press conference: 'It was an airing of grievances. It was Festivus'


CNN anchor Jake Tapper blasted President Donald Trump's lengthy press conference Thursday afternoon, calling Trump's tirades against the media "wild" and "unhinged."

"It was an airing of grievances. It was Festivus," Tapper said.

Trump took questions from reporters for more than an hour after announcing his new nominee for Labor Secretary, Alexander Acosta. He used much of the time to rage against negative coverage of his administration, and complained... Читать дальше...


A flash flood watch is in effect as a once-a-decade rainstorm barrels toward Los Angeles

Andrew Zarivny/Shutterstock

A powerful series of rainstorms is headed for California Thursday and through the weekend — arriving after a period of already severe weather in the state.

A flash flood watch is in effect throughout Los Angeles, Ventura, and souther Santa Barbara counties.

Up to a foot of rain is expected in some places, as the storms drench a region from Northern California down to San Diego, raising safety concerns. Those concerns are perhaps most serious at the Oroville Dam... Читать дальше...


Bill Maher fires back at journalist who's protesting his show over Milo Yiannopoulos booking


Bill Maher broke his silence about Jeremy Scahill's protest of the booking of controversial far-right journalist Milo Yiannopoulos on Maher's HBO talk show, "Real Time," and Scahill's decision to cancel his appearance on the show.

Scahill, the founder of the journalism website the Intercept and a frequent "Real Time" guest, announced his decision to cancel his appearance on Maher's show on Wednesday over the booking of Yiannopoulos on the same episode airing Friday.

In Scahill's lengthy statement... Читать дальше...


Trump is giving up on the old travel ban, says a new one will come next week

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — President Donald Trump's administration said in court documents on Thursday it does not want a larger appellate panel to review a ruling keeping its travel ban on hold and will instead replace the ban.

"In so doing, the president will clear the way for immediately protecting the country rather than pursuing further, potentially time-consuming litigation," the administration said in the filing.

A three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit... Читать дальше...


An HGTV star who's invested in over 100 properties explains how to tell if a fixer-upper is a great deal — or a money pit

Malcolm Taylor/Getty Images

If you're ready to buy a house, putting in the work on a fixer-upper instead of choosing a home with more amenities can save you a solid chunk of change.

But it can be tricky to tell if a property is worth the investment or will end up costing more than it's worth.

To figure out if a fixer-upper is a good deal, Scott McGillivray, the host of HGTV's "Income Property" and a real estate expert who's invested in over 100 properties, recommends figuring... Читать дальше...


A financial planner's simple sketches can teach anyone 9 important lessons about money

Carl Richards / Behavior Gap

You can learn a lot from a tweet.

Especially if that tweet is from New York Times columnist, author, and financial planner Carl Richards.

He's made a career out of exposing and analyzing what he calls the "behavior gap" — the gap between what you should do with your money and what you actually do.

In his "napkin sketches," he boils these insights down to a few drawn lines that are simple enough to fit on a napkin. He's gathered many of these in his books... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черного моря до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Квинтет Игоря Бутмана и певица Фантине впервые выступят на джазовом фестивале в Бахрейне


В Казахстане объяснили, почему мигранты никогда не станут своими в России

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