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Новости за 07.02.2017


9 things Tesla plans to accomplish in 2017 (TSLA)

Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP

Tesla had a huge 2016. 

Among other things, the company unveiled the Model 3, launched new battery products, acquired SolarCity, and revealed its new solar shingles.

From what CEO Elon Musk has revealed so far, it sounds like the company has even bigger plans for 2017. 

Here's a look at everything we know so far about what Tesla plans to accomplish this year. 

Reveal details about the Tesla car sharing network

William Wei, Business Insider

In July of 2016... Читать дальше...


'What the president says I have money riding on': The ripple effects of Trump's import-tax plan

William Fierman

When Jerry Phillips bought his business in 2009, the imports that sustained his sales mostly came from Europe.

As a dealer in parts for vintage Alfa Romeo and Fiat automobiles, most of the parts sold by Phillips' company in Fort Worth, Texas, were going into cars from Italy.

Phillips found, however, the parts didn't necessarily have the same origins as the cars they were paired with.

"I discovered when I purchased the business that all the parts that we were buying from Europe... Читать дальше...


How to crush a job interview at Facebook

Sarah Jacobs

Snagging any good job can be daunting.

But if you've set your sights on a big-name company with a selective hiring process like Facebook, the whole thing can seem rather overwhelming, maybe even impossible.

Don't get discouraged, though. You just need to know exactly what you're getting yourself into.

Luckily, Business Insider recently spoke to Facebook global head of recruiting Miranda Kalinowski and VP of people Lori Goler to get a better sense of what it's like to interview at the Menlo Park... Читать дальше...


UN Chief: Israel's new law on settlements is a 'contravention of international law'

Thomson Reuters

The Israeli parliament's move to legalize thousands of settler homes in the occupied West Bank goes against international law and will have legal consequences for Israel, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

Palestinians have condemned the legislation approved by Israeli lawmakers on Monday as a blow to their hopes of statehood, but its passage may only be largely symbolic as it contravenes Israeli Supreme Court rulings on property rights. Читать дальше...


A $30 billion hedge fund's foreboding letter on Trump starts with quotes from The Joker, 'Lord of the Flies,' and Thomas Jefferson

Getty Images/ Kevork Djansezian

Baupost Group's Seth Klarman is worried about what the election of President Donald Trump means for global markets.

In a private letter to investors dated January 20 and reviewed by Business Insider, he starts with three quotes:

  • "In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." — Thomas Jefferson
  • "The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away." — William Golding, "Lord... Читать дальше...


Iran pulls missile from launchpad following being put 'on notice' by Trump administration

Amir Kholousi, ISNA via AP

Iran appears to have pulled a ballistic missile that appeared prepared for testing off a launch pad after being put "on notice" by the US, according to a report from Fox News on Tuesday.

Studying satellite imagery, Fox determined that Iran pulled a Safir missile from the launch pad in recent days.

Patrick Megahan, an expert on Iran's missile programs at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Business Insider that the Safir has been used to launch a satellite into space in the past. Читать дальше...


Watches were once considered a 'silly a-- fad' — here's what that could say about their future


Wristwatches have been commonplace for nearly everyone alive today.

It was hard to imagine a world where most people — both men and women — didn't have a watch mounted on their wrist. A future where we learn the time from glancing at our phones and not our wrists was inconceivable. But that certainly seems to be the future we're heading towards.

And, historically, it's not an inconceivable one. Watches, when they were first being worn on the wrist in the early 1900s... Читать дальше...


Here's how many years you need to work to afford a down payment in 15 US cities

prochasson frederic/Shutterstock

Buying a home takes a lot of planning. Neighborhoods need to be researched, open houses attended and, if you have children, schools need to be investigated. But first and foremost, before you can even take the first step in buying a home, you need to make sure you have enough saved up for a down payment. Depending on where you live, saving for a down payment can be a multi-year process requiring careful financial planning.

Below, we investigate how... Читать дальше...


A $100 billion fund manager tells us what keeps her up at night


Business Insider asked the Chief Investment Officer of $100 billion manager Bessemer Trust on what she thinks are the biggest risks to the global economy.

"I’m always worried about what I’m missing," said Rebecca Patterson in an interview with Business Insider. "I’m always worried most about the thing I’m not catching."

According to Patterson, the three risk factors she worries most about are bond market volatility surrounding Federal Reserve appointments, the French election, and Russia's involvement in Europe. Читать дальше...


Betsy DeVos was just confirmed as education secretary — here's what she will control

Yuri Gripas/Reuters

The Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos as the secretary of education on Tuesday in historic fashion, requiring Vice President Mike Pence to cast the tiebreaking vote.

The Senate split 50-50, with every Democratic member and Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voting to oppose DeVos. Pence's vote was the first time in US history that a vice president has had to cast a tiebreaker for a Cabinet nominee.

The vote ended an uncharacteristically... Читать дальше...


Billionaires are transforming Hawaii into a tropical paradise for the tech elite

Justin Sullivan/Getty; Shutterstock; Melia Robinson/Business Insider

More than eight million visitors come to the Hawaiian Islands every year for the state's pristine parks, beaches, native cuisine, and rich cultural traditions.

It's no wonder that when Silicon Valley billionaires are plotting their next vacation home, they often look to Hawaii. Over the years, tech icons from Marc Benioff to Larry Ellison (who owns an entire island) have purchased a slice of paradise.

The trend isn't without its conflicts. Читать дальше...


Drake went on a passionate rant against Trump: 'F--- that man'


On Sunday night, while the US was watching Super Bowl LI and tweeting about Lady Gaga and eating chicken wings, Drake fans across the pond watched the Canadian rapper rant about President Donald Trump at a concert in London. 

Here's the transcript, courtesy of The Washington Post:

“Every day I wake up and see all this bulls‑‑‑ going in the world, people trying to tear us apart, people trying to make us turn against each other. So tonight, my proudest moment isn’t selling tickets or having people singing songs. Читать дальше...


UNDER ARMOUR CEO: Trump is 'a real asset for the country' (UAA)

Getty/Chip Somodevilla

Under Armour CEO didn't hold back his praise for President Donald Trump in an interview with CNBC's 'Fast Money Halftime Report' on Tuesday. 

"To have such a pro-business President is something that is a real asset for the country," Plank said. "People can really grab that opportunity."

Trump has earned a reputation as a business-friendly president in his recent tenure in the Oval Office. He passed an Executive Order to "repeal two regulations for every... Читать дальше...


Major storm could strike Pittsburgh, Philly, NYC, and Boston with up to a foot of snow on Thursday


If you live anywhere between Pittsburgh and Maine, prepare for a snowstorm on Thursday.

AccuWeather reports that 6 to 12 inches are possible in the worst-affected areas — shown in darkest blue on the map, near New York City and Boston.

Elsewhere, lighter accumulation or slush are more likely.

The storm could significantly affect travel throughout the region, with 1 to 2 inches of snow falling per hour in some places.

As always, caution is key in reading these predictions. Читать дальше...


Scientists have figured out how our brains sharpen our memories while we sleep

Flickr / Pedro Ribeiro Simões

We all know that if we want what we've studied during the day to stick, it's best to get a good night's sleep. And while scientists have long understood that our memories rely on connections being built between neurons in our brains, it's not been clear how sleep actually helps to consolidate that information.

Now, two new studies have found biological evidence that explains the age-old wisdom that if we want to remember, we need to sleep to forget.

... Читать дальше...


The GOP just gave Exxon Mobil a gift

REUTERS/Mike Stone/File Photo

It's a good time to be at Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's old firm, Exxon Mobil.

Last week, Senate Republicans voted along party lines to get rid of the Dodd-Frank rule that forces huge oil and gas companies to disclose how much they pay foreign governments while they're doing business abroad.

Now, you can be excused if you feel like the urgency for killing this specific rule seems to have come out of nowhere. Arguments for getting rid of Dodd-Frank ... Читать дальше...


Apple completely dominates Samsung in profits — this stat shows why (AAPL)


Apple took 92% of the total smartphone industry profits last quarter, according to a research note by Canaccord Genuity analyst Michael Walkley distributed to clients on Tuesday. 

This means that Apple's iPhone is dominating the high end of the smartphone market. It's the most popular and profitable expensive phone by far. 

Here's one stat that drives that home. Samsung, Apple's primary smartphone rival, sold slightly more phones than Apple did last quarter — it sold 90 million phones... Читать дальше...


CNN fires back at Sean Spicer: We have not 'walked back' comments on Kellyanne Conway's credibility

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

CNN on Tuesday rebutted White House press secretary Sean Spicer's suggestion that the cable news network had walked back comments about a top adviser's credibility.

The New York Times reported earlier this week that CNN's "State of the Union" passed up the opportunity to interview Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser to President Donald Trump, in part over "serious questions about her credibility."

During Tuesday's press briefing, Spicer said CNN had backed off its comments on Conway. Читать дальше...


Amnesty International: Syria's 'slaughterhouse' prison hanged up to 13,000 detainees

SANA via Reuters

BEIRUT (AP) — The Syrian prison was known to detainees as "the slaughterhouse." Behind its closed doors, the military police hanged as many of 13,000 people over the course of four years before carting out their bodies by the truckload for burial in mass graves, according to a new report issued by Amnesty International.

The report, issued on Tuesday, said that 20-50 people were hanged each week, sometimes twice a week, at the Saydnaya prison in what the organization... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Результативность, вовлечённость, трудоголизм — где грань? Книга от автора российской модели факторов вовлечённости персонала.

Путин в России и мире

Путин сказал Алиеву: "Пора!". Новый БАМ пройдет через Кавказ. Транспортным коридором "Север — Юг" Россия и Азербайджан перешли дорогу Западу

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске открывается ВНС: что будет

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Запрещено в служении проводившему панихиду по Навальному священнику

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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