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Новости за 15.02.2017


25 of the must stunning photos from the last year

Francis Pérez

The INSIDER Summary:

• The World Press Photo Contest highlights the best images from photojournalists around the world.
• They range from capturing current events to wildlife to humanitarian crises.
• The Photo of the Year depicts the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey.

Out of 80,408 pictures submitted by 5,034 photographers from 125 different countries, the World Press Photo Contest chooses only 129. These are the most breathtaking images of newsworthy events... Читать дальше...


A CEO explains why he runs his company 'like a 2,000-person basketball team'

Mat Ishbia

United Shore CEO Mat Ishbia says he likes to run his organization "like a 2,000-person basketball team."

It's a mentality he's taken from his days playing on the Michigan State Spartans under coach Tom Izzo.

Ishbia isn't exactly ordering the employees at his Troy, Michigan-based financial services business to run suicides or practice their layups.

He just wants them to always "challenge the why" and ask questions. This stems from his experience helping Izzo... Читать дальше...


'God willing we will eliminate them': ISIS still poses an insidious threat in liberated parts of Iraqi

Thomson Reuters

MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - The first blast, down the street from his uncle's restaurant in eastern Mosul, sent Mohammed Badr racing towards the door to check the situation.

The second one, moments later at the entrance of the restaurant itself, knocked him off his feet.

Together, last Friday's twin suicide bombings killed 14 people and fractured the sense of safety and relief that many residents felt after Iraqi forces pushed the jihadists out of their neighbourhoods... Читать дальше...


I paid off $40,000 of student loans in a year and a half on a teacher's salary — here are 5 things you should do if you want to get out of debt fast

Bobby Hoyt

I was basically the picture of an average millennial fresh out of college. I hadn't really been taught anything about personal finance, had a shiny degree, and held almost $40,000 of student loan debt that I had no idea what to do with.

Initially, my plan was to make the minimum payments like everyone else did. Fortunately, I listened to a successful entrepreneur that I met through my wife's family. His message to me? Pay off your debt as quickly as you can. 

I took that advice to heart and ran with it. Читать дальше...


Sessions won't remove himself from Trump-Russia investigations — here's what the rules say

Associated Press/Susan Walsh

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has faced mounting calls in recent days to recuse himself from any investigations into Russian ties to Trump's former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn and other aides and Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, but has so far remained unpersuaded.

On Wednesday, for the second day in a row, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer demanded an investigation into Russian ties to Trump associates conducted by an "independent and... Читать дальше...


Facebook is taking on LinkedIn by letting businesses post job listings (FB, MSFT)


Facebook is going after LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and other job listing sites.

Starting Wednesday, US businesses on Facebook will be able to post open job listings natively to their pages and in the News Feed.

Facebook's VP of Ads, Andrew Bosworth, told Business Insider that the feature is rolling out after a Facebook-commissioned survey of small business owners in the US that showed the hardest problem they had is finding the right people to hire.

"They actually... Читать дальше...


Scientists have finally created a triangle-shaped molecule in the lab

  • The idea of a triangle-shaped molecule made out of carbon was first proposed in 1950.
  • It was very difficult to create and would break down before its existence could be verified.
  • Researchers at IBM finally figured out how to synthesize it and keep it stable.

For the first time, researchers have synthesized a strange and unstable triangle-shaped molecule called triangulene, which physicists have been chasing for nearly 70 years.

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A top NYC divorce attorney shares the first question she asks all of her clients

Mary Cybulski/Paramount Pictures

Jacqueline Newman, a managing partner at a top New York City divorce law firm, makes a living by helping people navigate the harrowing process of getting divorced.

But when new clients walk into her office, she asks one pointed question before anything else: "Are you sure you want to get divorced?"

Despite the fact that they showed up to her office willingly, the answer's not always a 'yes,' which is exactly why Newman opens with the inquiry. Читать дальше...


A lifelong entrepreneur who turned a 30-city tour into a business explains how he knew it was the right idea

Chris Guillebeau/Flickr

Chris Guillebeau has worked for himself in various capacities since he was 19.

"I'm 39 now and I've never had a 'real' job," Guillebeau, now a New York Times bestselling author, told Business Insider. "My whole life has been kind of a series of side hustles."

Guillebeau worked as a freelancer, overseas aid worker, and founder of several small business — often all at the same time — before becoming an author. For the past 20 years, he's enjoyed the flexibility of entrepreneurship... Читать дальше...


DEMOCRATS: Trump's Russia controversy is 'already bigger than Watergate'


Democrats are using the word "Watergate" to describe the latest developments in the Russia-related firestorm casting a cloud over the White House in the early days of President Donald Trump's administration.

Elected officials and party operatives have used language related to the scandal that sank Richard Nixon's presidency, and even mentioned it outright.

The statements came after Michael Flynn resigned as national security adviser on Monday night after having misled the... Читать дальше...


Rays player who has made $3 million in his career spends his off-seasons as an Uber driver and has a 4.8 rating

Chris O'Meara/AP

MLB Spring Training is upon us, which for most players means an end to an extended vacation that likely featured little beyond some time on the golf course and in the gym. 

For Nick Franklin of the Tampa Bay Rays, however, the end of the offseason also means the end of his side-hustle as an Uber driver. 

Franklin, who has made $3 million over the course of his career, said he made nine or ten trips driving for Uber around Orlando, and has managed to maintain a solid 4.8 rating.

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Politicians are using their shoes as a secret weapon to appear more powerful


A successful politician needs a few things: good ideas, a strong voter base, and above-average height.

In any competitive environment where opinions and egos clash — as they often do in politics — an inch or two of height is no small advantage. Keeping that in mind, it's understandable that a politician would want to wear boots or other slightly heeled shoes to appear taller.

There's more to this desire to appear taller than just ego, however. Sociological studies and historical... Читать дальше...


15 terrible sequels to amazing action movies

Warner Bros.

What makes an action film great? It sounds like a simple question, but it really isn't. While most movies are judged by the quality of their acting, writing, direction, and overall premise, the action genre isn't always held to these same standards. There have been numerous great action movies that featured some bad acting, bad writing, and outlandish premises.

It's not that conventional aspects of great movies can't help an action film be great as well, but the genre isn't dependent on such qualities. Читать дальше...


Google Fiber has a new boss and is losing hundreds of employees (GOOG, GOOGL)

George Frey/Reuters

Google is significanly scaling back its high-speed internet business, eliminating hundreds of jobs, even as it brings on a new leader for the group.

Access, the division of Google's parent company Alphabet that includes Google Fiber, hired Gregory McCray to be the new boss, Business Insider has confirmed.

McCray was the CEO of Aero Communications before the new role at Alphabet, and is joining Access several months after the previous boss stepped down. 

... Читать дальше...


Palestinians warn Trump against giving up on the 2 state solution


Palestinians warned the United States on Wednesday against abandoning a two-state solution to the conflict with Israel after a White House official said peace did not necessarily have to entail Palestinian statehood.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meet later in the day for the first time since the U.S. election in November that brought the Republican to office.

On the eve of the meeting, a senior White House official said it... Читать дальше...


A Trader Joe's competitor is opening 100 stores in the US — see if it's coming to your hometown


The German supermarket chain Lidl is about to make its US debut by opening dozens of stores along the East Coast. 

The chain, which is like a cross between Kroger and Trader Joe's, will open its first 20 stores this summer in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Within the first year, Lidl plans to open 100 stores.

The chain hasn't revealed a comprehensive list of the cities where its stores will open.

However, Planned Grocery — a new app that tracks grocery store development ... Читать дальше...


Famous last words of 19 famous people

Wikimedia Commons

Last words have always fascinated people.

Perhaps they hold an echo of wisdom or a biting witticism — or at least a hint about who's getting what in the will.

And so, Business Insider put together a list of the reported last words of 18 famous historical figures.

Bob Marley, musician:


"Money can't buy life."

Source: The Guardian

Archimedes, mathematician:

Wikimedia Commons

"Stand away, fellow, from my diagram!"

... Читать дальше...


Trump's fast-food CEO pick for labor secretary expected to drop out

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Andrew Puzder, President Donald Trump's pick for Secretary of Labor, is expected to drop out of the running for the position just a day before his confirmation hearing.

NBC News senior correspondent Peter Alexander tweeted that Puzder is likely to withdraw from consideration for the position. Fox Business was also reporting the news.

On Wednesday, CNN reported that top Republicans in the Senate encouraged the White House to withdraw Puzder's nomination... Читать дальше...


An American Airlines plane made an emergency landing after it struck a deer during takeoff


An American Airlines plane had to make an emergency landing after striking a deer on the runway of Charlotte Douglas International airport on Wednesday.

Fuel began leaking from the plane directly after it hit the deer, resulting in an emergency landing, the Charlotte Observer first reported. 

American Airlines confirmed the report to Business Insider, stating that the flight immediately landed so the 44 passengers and 4 crew members could evacuate safely.... Читать дальше...


Here are all the iconic musical movie references in 'La La Land' you need to know


Critics have described this year's Oscar frontrunner for best picture as a step back in time — and for good reason.

"La La Land," written and directed by Damien Chazelle ("Whiplash"), pays homage to classic movies and the greats that came long before Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone were stars. In fact, both actors have admitted to studying the classic film musicals while preparing for their own roles in the award-winning movie. 

From “Funny Face” to “Singin' in the Rain,”... Читать дальше...


Here's exactly what to say when you’re running really late to a first date

Timothy Krause/Flickr

The only thing worse than being stuck in gridlock and imagining your date waiting awkwardly outside a bar is figuring out how to tell said date that they may be waiting even longer.

Which is why a natural impulse here is to avoid texting or calling at all to say that you're running super late.

This is a great idea — if you want to make the situation even more uncomfortable than it needs to be. 

That's according to relationship expert Andrea Syrtash... Читать дальше...


Texas becomes the first state to back Trump's immigration ban

Thomson Reuters

President Donald Trump acted well within his authority in issuing his executive order on immigration, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told a federal appeals court on Wednesday.

Paxton, a Republican, attached a brief in asking the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in California for permission to argue in support of Trump's temporary ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

Texas is the first state to back Trump in the closely watched litigation. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире


Путин в России и мире

Площадь трех вокзалов в Москве переименуют

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Сегодня президент Беларуси Александр Лукашенко встретился в Минске с губернатором Поморья Александром Цыбульским

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Байден заверил Зеленского в скорых поставках новых пакетов помощи

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Тепляков

Депутат ЗСК Виктор Тепляков принял участие в открытии выставки «Народности России»


Антонов: США подсаживают союзников на собственный газ на десятилетия вперед

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