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Новости за 19.02.2017


NBA POWER RANKINGS: Where all 30 teams stand at the All-Star break

Nick Wass/AP

This year, the NBA's most compelling races may come from the East, as opposed to the West.

The West is mostly locked up, with the Warriors leading the way, the Spurs trailing, followed by the Rockets, Clippers, Jazz, Grizzlies, and Thunder. There is a race for eighth place to see who will be knocked in four games by the Warriors in April.

But out East, things get interesting. The Cavs are vulnerable, with Kevin Love and J.R. Smith out and LeBron James shouldering a worrisome workload. Читать дальше...


A $14 billion hedge fund is venturing where others fear to tread

YouTube / 20th Century FOX

Canyon Capital Advisors, a $14 billion Los Angeles-based investment firm set up Joshua Friedman and Mitchell Julis, sees a fresh money-making opportunity betting on corporate takeovers.

In a January letter to investors, the hedge fund firm said there has been a "significant increase in supply" of potential deals "as companies having difficulty growing organically have instead sought to buy growth."

At the same time, fewer investors are able to invest in these kinds of deals... Читать дальше...


A senior Trump appointee was fired after criticizing the administration's relations with Mexico

REUTERS/Henry Romero

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A senior Trump administration official was fired following criticism in a private speech of President Donald Trump's policies and his inner circle of advisers.

Craig Deare, whom Trump appointed a month ago to head the National Security Council's Western Hemisphere division, was on Friday escorted out of the Executive Office Building, where he worked in Washington.

A senior White House official confirmed that Deare is no longer working... Читать дальше...


11 insider facts most flight attendants know — and you probably don't

Flight/Paramount Pictures

No one has more insider knowledge about flying than flight attendants.

But by talking to these veteran globetrotters, as well as scouring Reddit and various articles, we were able to unearth 12 lesser-known facts about flying.

Whether you want more attentive service or to avoid getting kicked off your flight, read on for the inside scoop:

You can't physically open a door mid-flight — and trying could get you kicked off the plane

Annette Long... Читать дальше...


Report: Trump's lawyer hand-delivered Michael Flynn a secret plan to lift sanctions on Russia

Mario Tama/Getty Images

Trump Organization lawyer Michel Cohen hand-delivered a "peace" plan for Russia and Ukraine to former national security adviser Michael Flynn before Flynn was asked to resign, the New York Times reported on Sunday.

The plan, which involved lifting sanctions on Russia, was drafted by Cohen — a close confidante of President Donald Trump who has served as his organization's special counsel since 2007 — and Felix Sater, a Russian-American real estate developer... Читать дальше...


McCain: Dictators get started by 'suppressing the free press'


Senator John McCain (R-AZ) defended the free press on Saturday following President Donald Trump's attacks on the media.

"I hate the press, I hate you especially," McCain told NBC's Chuck Todd on Saturday. "But the fact is, we need you — we need a free press. It's vital."

McCain was responding to Trump's tweet on Friday where the president attacked the media as the "enemy of the American people." 

"The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy... Читать дальше...


A man who flew around the world for 3 months on less than $1,000 shares his best advice to save a fortune on airfare

Courtesy of the Mad Fientist.

After retiring at age 34, Brandon traveled around the world for three months, visiting 14 countries on four different continents — and he paid only $947.91 for his flights.

What's his secret to traveling so cheaply?

Frequent flyer miles, scored through free credit card signup bonuses. 

Brandon, who goes by his first name only on his blog, Mad Fientist, for privacy reasons, traveled to Central and South America with United, stopping at Mexico City... Читать дальше...


A little-known startup that has quietly amassed 100,000 Wall Street users just scored a big investment

REUTERS/Toby Melville

  • OpenFin, a startup that helps electronic-trading firms build their desktop applications, has raised $15 million in funding.
  • Backers include JPMorgan, the high-speed trading firm DRW, and the venture capital firm Euclid Opportunities.
  • The firm wants to become what iOS and Android are to the mobile application world.

You might have heard of the high-speed market-maker Citadel Securities or the interdealer broker TP ICAP. Then there's TruMid... Читать дальше...


How America can take control in the South China Sea

REUTERS/Denis Balibouse

Rex Tillerson, the former ExxonMobil chief who just became the new U.S. secretary of state, might not be causing the same level of global disruption as his boss, President Donald Trump. But in his Senate confirmation hearing on Jan. 11, he sent shockwaves through the China-watching community, vowing: “We’re going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island building stops and, second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.”

... Читать дальше...


Most vitamins are useless, but there's one you could probably use

Colin Dunn/Flickr

When it comes to vitamins and minerals, more is always better, right?

Not exactly. While it may be enticing to reach for that vitamin-C packed drink when feeling under the weather, your body can't actually process it all. And a balanced diet typically carries enough B, C, and E vitamins to keep your body running smoothly. 

But there is growing evidence that there could be one vitamin worth getting with the help of supplements: vitamin D.

Though how... Читать дальше...


A former Navy SEAL shares the No. 1 leadership lesson he learned in military training


Commander Rorke T. Denver knows something about leadership.

In a keynote address at the 2015 Lacrosse Convention in Baltimore, the former All-American defenseman at Syracuse and 13-year Navy SEAL said the best leadership lesson learned in military training was simple: "Calm is contagious."

Denver told the story of his final training exercise as a Navy SEAL, where students in training have to plan, organize and execute a mission all "under the watchful eye of the lunatic... Читать дальше...


Snap just lost a key ad exec weeks before its IPO


A key ad exec is leaving Snap less than a year after joining the company — and only a few weeks before the company's hotly anticipated IPO. 

Sriram Krishnan, who left Facebook in February 2016 to help lead advertising efforts at Snapchat's parent company, is stepping down from his role at Snap. The news was first reported by Recode's Kurt Wagner, but Krishnan later announced it via Twitter on Sunday. 

"After a great year at Snap, I've decided to leave and move back to SF to be closer to @aarthir... Читать дальше...


Why the Nazis studied American race laws for inspiration

Jack Delano, via Wikimedia Commons

On 5 June 1934, about a year and half after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of the Reich, the leading lawyers of Nazi Germany gathered at a meeting to plan what would become the Nuremberg Laws, the centrepiece anti-Jewish legislation of the Nazi race regime.

The meeting was an important one, and a stenographer was present to take down a verbatim transcript, to be preserved by the ever-diligent Nazi bureaucracy as a record of a crucial moment in the creation of the new race regime. Читать дальше...


Taxpayer money is keeping many Catholic schools alive

Many Catholic schools that accept vouchers rely on that public funding to stay open, a new study finds. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has advocated expanding such programs. Catholic schools' reliance on vouchers highlights the legal gray area in the separation of church and state. Many Catholic parishes in Milwaukee that participate in student voucher programs rely almost entirely on those public funds to stay in operation, a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research has found.

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How I landed a 6-figure job at LinkedIn without a degree

Sarah Jacobs

Considering that I dropped out of high school at the age of 17 and my first job was as a part-time shoe salesman, one would be surprised to find out that I started social media for Winn-Dixie, one of the largest grocery chains in the U.S., ran digital marketing for Save-A-Lot food stores, and currently lead social media globally for BMC Software.

Despite the aforementioned opportunities and over 10 years of experience, throughout my career, I have been turned down for... Читать дальше...


ABC reporter delivers pointed declaration to Trump: We will 'pursue the truth' even if we must endure your 'wrath'


ABC White House reporter Jonathan Karl closed a show on Sunday with a declaration: Reporters will keep doing their jobs despite President Donald Trump's declaration that news outlets were "the enemy of the American people."

Filling in for George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," the ABC reporter said the president's criticism of the press was surprising because of his love of media attention during his business career.

Karl also said "there's nothing new about a president... Читать дальше...


Warren Buffett's $10 billion airline investment reveals everything you need to know about the industry (AAL, UAL, DAL, LUV)

Flickr/Eric Salard

For the second time in six months, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway will invest billions of dollars into the US airline industry.

In total, Buffett's investment in American, Delta, United, and Southwest Airlines totals nearly $10 billion.

The move showed a stunning change of heart for Buffett, who as recently as 2013 referred to the US airline industry as a "deathtrap for investors."

However, it is the consistency of Buffett's investment in America's... Читать дальше...


A major mystery of the new 'Star Wars' movie 'The Last Jedi' has been solved

The Force Awakens

Many people have been trying to decipher the title of Star Wars: The Last Jedi in order to pull as much information from the title as they possibly can. Now, it appears that a great deal more can be learned by looking at the title in other languages. The problem that we have is that English just isn't a descriptive enough language. The same title in French would seem to indicate that the word Jedi in the title is, in fact, being used in its plural form.

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Famous last words of 19 famous people

Famous last words of 19 famous people.

NOW WATCH: 'It's a lie': Jake Tapper calls out Trump during a fiery interview with Kellyanne Conway


Thousands of people share their knowledge online for free — and for many, it's supercharging their careers

Mark Wilson/Getty

In 2011, Faisal Khan had recently turned 40 and quit a stressful job as a manager at an information technology company. He'd just spent a year studying banking and payments in the hopes of pursuing a new career in the field.

Searching online for professional conferences to attend one day, he stumbled on a helpful post someone had written on question-and-answer website Quora.

Browsing other threads, Kahn quickly realized that people were asking banking and... Читать дальше...


The 12 cities with the most trees around the world

Shutterstock/Gregory James Van Raalte

There's a global movement to encourage cities to grow more trees and plan more parks. But which ones have the most green space today?

To get a clearer picture, MIT's Senseable Lab partnered with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to create Treepedia, a site with interactive maps that show the density of greenery in major cities around the world. 

The researchers used information from Google Street View to determine what they call the "Green... Читать дальше...


'A natural outgrowth of America electing a reality show president': Entertainment news outlets wade into politics coverage

Donald Trump

As an entertainer, Donald Trump couldn't always keep the media's attention. As president, entertainment sites can't stop writing about him. 

Once relegated to the entertainment section of The Huffington Post as a statement, Trump has increasingly garnered prime real estate on the front pages and splashes of entertainment sites, which have been consumed by the new administration's drama unfolding on television and social media.

Though Trump's reality television... Читать дальше...


'Lego Batman' and 'Fifty Shades' power the holiday box office as 'Great Wall' fails

Warner Bros.

The long President's Day weekend helped holdovers like "The Lego Batman Movie" and "Fifty Shades Darker," but for new releases "The Great Wall," "Fist Fight," and "A Cure for Wellness" there wasn't much business.

"Lego Batman" took in an estimated $34.2 million, according to Exhibitor Relations, to win the domestic box office for a second consecutive weekend. That's only a 35 percent dip from last week.

The animated movie that has pleased kids and Batman die hards... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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Алла Пугачёва

Гитарист Пугачевой рассказал о проблемах со здоровьем певицы после Чернобыля


Премьера инклюзивного спектакля состоялась в Губернском театре

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