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Новости за 24.07.2016


On Thursday, a meteor shower created by a mysterious comet will reach its peak — here’s how to watch

Andrés Nieto Porras/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Perseids, one of the most popular meteor showers of the year, is coming up in just under a month. But you don’t have to wait until August to see shooting stars light up the sky.

Right now, we are in the middle of a meteor shower called the Delta Aquarids, which began around July 12.

Around July 28 and 29, the Delta Aquarids will reach their peak. Although the shower favors the southern hemisphere, northern observers won’t be completely left in the dust. Читать дальше...


Here's what extreme heat does to your body and brain


The US is headed for a heat wave.

Across most of the US, as President Obama warned Wednesday, there's expected to be extreme heat.

And while it may feel like you're literally melting, there are actually some pretty interesting things that are going on inside your body when it's faced with extreme heat. 

To get some answers, Business Insider spoke with Matthew Cramer, a researcher at the Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine in Texas who studies the effects of heat on the body. Читать дальше...


The bond market is 'broken'

Thomson Reuters

Record-low – and negative – bond yields. Stagnant economic growth. Nosebleed levels of economic and political uncertainty. Looming deflation. Meanwhile, some stock markets – most notably, the U.S. – are hitting record highs.

As we’ve written before, if you really want to know what’s happening in the world economy you need to look at what the bond market is saying. But these aren’t normal times, and looking to the bond market for guidance is, well, misguided.

What... Читать дальше...


Nepal's prime minister quits just before no confidence vote

Reuters/Navesh Chitrakar

KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Nepal's Prime Minister K.P. Oli resigned on Sunday, nine months after coming to power, minutes before parliament was to vote on a no confidence motion he was likely to lose.

Oli, 64, was forced to quit after allies of his multi-party coalition deserted the government accusing him of not honoring power sharing deals that helped install him as prime minister in October.

"I have already submitted my resignation to the President when... Читать дальше...


A psychological trick to get people to trust you is best used over lunch

Phillip Capper via flickr

Psychologists are increasingly discovering that, while trust can be built gradually over the course of a friendship or a professional relationship, it can also develop super quickly — sometimes over the course of a single meal.

The latest evidence of that phenomenon is a study led by researchers at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and cited in The Wall Street Journal. A series of four experiments suggests that there's an easy way to make someone you don't know that well trust you... Читать дальше...


A star investor is launching a new hedge fund with the backing of his $3 billion former employer

REUTERS/Tony Landis

A star investor at a $3 billion hedge fund is going it alone with the backing of his former employer.

Joe Cornell, a managing director at Chilton Investment Co., has left to launch an equity fund making long and short bets, according to three people familiar with the matter. The fund will use a generalist, fundamental strategy.

Richard Chilton and his firm are backing the New York-based startup, which is set to be called "Bluegrass Capital Partners."

... Читать дальше...


ASK A FINANCIAL PLANNER: Should I get a 15- or 30-year mortgage?

Samantha Lee / Business Insider

Certified financial planner Sophia Bera answers:

I'm in my 30s and ready to buy a home. Should I get a 15-year mortgage or a 30-year mortgage? What's the difference, and how do I decide?

Picking a mortgage really depends on your personal situation. There is no one “right” answer.

As you make your decision, it helps to understand how these options differ. Choosing between a 15-year and a 30-year mortgage could be a six-figure decision, so it’s one that you shouldn’t take lightly. Читать дальше...


China isn't the only one building islands in the South China Sea


China is not the only nation building islands in the South China Sea — although the scope of its construction is unparalleled.

Along with Beijing, Vietnam has also started projects mostly within the past two years of constructing islands. Altogether, the Center for Strategic and International Studies' Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative has documented 10 sites of Vietnamese construction throughout the region. Together, Vietnam has built slightly over 120 acres of land in the area. Читать дальше...


Putin is a big winner of the failed coup in Turkey

Getty Images

Turkey was shaken last Friday as a faction of the military tried unsuccessfully to force President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from power.

The coup attempt failed within a day, and Erdogan was quick to use the opportunity to solidify his already increasingly authoritarian rule by implementing a three-month state of emergency, temporarily suspending the European Convention on Human Rights, and removing tens of thousands of employees from military and government positions.

... Читать дальше...


This may be one of the boldest attempts we've seen someone make to enter the US illegally


In this June 7, 2001, photo, Mexican national Enrique Aguilar Canchola is found sewn into a passenger seat of a vehicle as part of an attempt to illegally enter the US.

Canchola, 42, was stopped at the San Ysidro, California, border crossing (which you can see out the window). At the time of Canchola's attempted entry, it was the world's busiest border crossing.

According to US Immigration and Naturalization officials, the incident was part of growing trend of undocumented... Читать дальше...


DNC chair will no longer speak at her party's convention after damaging email revelations

Studio08Denver via Flikr

Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz will no longer speak at or preside over her party’s convention, CNN reported Sunday, citing sources.

"She's been quarantined," a top Democrat told the cable-news outlet.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders additionally said on "Meet the Press" Sunday morning that, "it's clear she's not going to be speaking at the convention."

Neither a spokesperson for the DNC nor Hillary Clinton's campaign... Читать дальше...


Turkey's ruling and opposition parties rally together after coup

Thomson Reuters

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Supporters of Turkey's ruling and main opposition parties, usually bitter foes, were set to rally together on Sunday in support of democracy following a failed military coup as President Tayyip Erdogan tightens his grip on the country.

In another demonstration of unity after the coup, which was staged by a faction within the armed forces, the head of Turkey's air force issued a rare statement stressing "absolute obedience" to the chief of the military General Staff. Читать дальше...


I asked 10 historians to nominate the 'worst' year in history — here are their picks

REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol

When news of the truck killings in Nice, France, broke last week, I started seeing variations of the same sentiment on Twitter and Facebook: Is this the worst year ever, or what? Terror attacks, Zika, Brexit, police shootings, Syria, Trump, record-hot temperatures, the losses of Prince and David Bowie—this has been one unrelenting turn around the calendar.

Have terrifying events truly piled up on each other in 2016, in a way they didn’t in any other year in human history? Читать дальше...


14 hobbies you can turn into a high-paying side gig

Benjamin Lawless/flickr

Making the most of your free time by taking up a hobby can do you wonders.

Depending on the hobby, they can help you better perform mentally challenging tasks, reduce stress, and think more creatively.

They can also help you rake in some extra cash on the side.

There are many avenues you could take to turn your part-time passion into a side gig — plenty of people, for example, flock to sites like Etsy and Fiverr to bring their special skills to market. Читать дальше...


This NYU professor's 'porn' comment about Tumblr has sparked a 'pissing match' with a famous VC (YHOO)

Universal Pictures

NYU professor and Bloomberg contributing editor Scott Galloway thinks Tumblr is like a "porn site" because of the amount of traffic it gets from adult content. He also calls Yahoo's purchase of Tumblr the "worst acquisition" in the past decade.

Union Square Ventures' Fred Wilson, who was an early Tumblr investor, didn't take that comment too nicely. So he took to his blog on Wednesday, comparing Galloway to Donald Trump and calling him a "jerk ... saying crazy s--t."

Galloway... Читать дальше...


The disgraced Boston lab-technician who compromised 24,000 convictions is a shocking reminder of how common plea deals are

REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi

Want to know just how much our criminal justice system relies on plea-bargaining and how rarely prosecutions result in the kinds of jury trials we see on TV? Look no further than the story of Annie Dookhan, the disgraced Boston-area drug laboratory chemist whose egregious corner-cutting over a decade of work may have compromised more than 24,000 convictions in Massachusetts.

Dookhan had been working in a state lab operated by the Massachusetts State Police... Читать дальше...


The cofounder of a $1.4 billion tech fund is going it alone

Wikimedia Commons

Seth Wunder, the cofounder of $1.4 billion Contour Asset Management, has left the firm and is in the early stages of planning a new hedge fund.

Wunder left Contour in June, and cofounder David Meyer has taken over his duties, according to a regulatory disclosure.

The New York hedge fund focuses on long and short stock investments in tech, media, and telecom companies.

Wunder is in the early stages of prepping a new hedge fund, Black and White Capital... Читать дальше...


The new 'Star Trek' wins the weekend box office, but performs below expectations

Paramount Pictures

It looks like the Trekkies came out in force to support the latest movie highlighting the voyages of the USS Enterprise, "Star Trek Beyond," as it won the weekend with an estimated $59.6 million, according to Variety.

However, it would have been better for the film's studio, Paramount, if a few more outside of the fan base showed up this weekend, as "Beyond" has the lowest opening weekend out of the two previous "Trek" releases in this most recent reboot of the sci-fi franchise. Читать дальше...


The psychology of ‘friends with benefits’


Some of my colleagues and I have published a series of studies on friends with benefits (FWBs) over the last few years, which I have written about before on the blog (see here and here).

Among the many things we have found in our research is that people get into these relationships for a range of reasons and, as a result, sometimes have wildly different expectations for what they hope will happen to their FWB in the future.

For instance, some people hope that their FWB will become a romantic partner... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Директор Московского зоопарка Светлана Акулова провела экологический марафон

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о показателях нефтедобычи

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Союзное государство – сила двух суверенных стран

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Охранник Зеленского предлагал Киеву сдаться в первые дни СВО

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Глава Совета отцов прокомментировал скандал с концертом Элджея в Новосибирске


Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о популяризации спорта

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