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Новости за 19.07.2016


The EU wants to use Israeli-developed technology to spot 'lone wolf' terrorists


TEL AVIV (Reuters) - European powers are trying to develop better means for pre-emptively spotting "lone-wolf" militants from their online activities and are looking to Israeli-developed technologies, a senior EU security official said on Tuesday.

Last week's truck rampage in France and Monday's axe attack aboard a train in Germany have raised European concern about self-radicalized assailants who have little or no communications with militant groups that could be intercepted by spy agencies. Читать дальше...


Taiwan bus bursts into flames, killing 26, including 24 tourists from China

Tyrone Siu/Reuters

TAIPEI (Reuters) - A Taiwan tour bus carrying tourists from China crashed into a highway railing en route to the airport on Tuesday and burst into flames, killing all 26 on board, Taiwanese authorities said Tuesday.

The bus was carrying 24 tourists on an eight-day tour organized by a travel agency in China's northeastern province of Liaoning, authorities said in a statement. The driver and the tour guide, both from Taiwan, were also killed.

"The fire moved very fast. Читать дальше...


A simple truth most of us don't recognize will make negotiating your salary infinitely easier

Stanley Chou / Stringer / Getty Images

It's hard to ask for money.

With the exception of those of us who are absolutely convinced of their own worth (congrats), negotiating a salary or a raise can be a stressful, fraught situation. If your boss says no, then what? What does that say about you?

If this sounds familiar, you're thinking about it all wrong.

On Quora, As Seen on TV CEO Ron Rule makes a simple statement that smoothes over the bumps and slights of asking for... Читать дальше...


25 phrases that'll make everyone in the office hate you

Omer via flickr

Over the years I've destroyed a few workplace relationships without even realizing it. There are a few words and phrases that we're programmed to say on a day to day basis that prevent us from having strong relationships with our coworkers.

The average American spends 8.9 hours working per workday. Some of us entrepreneurs spend upwards of 12 hours.

Because of that, it's only natural that you would want to be as comfortable as possible at your workplace. And... Читать дальше...


America's '$13 trillion gorilla' is getting even bigger

IMDB / Universal

There seems to have been one constant source of hope for the US economy over the past year: the US consumer.

Even as the stock market was falling, the UK was exiting, and corporate earnings kept disappointing, the US consumer has shown a resiliency that has buoyed the hopes of many economists.

According to the Macquarie consumer equities team, recent trends have highlighted that not only is the American consumer looking strong, but there are good reasons to believe that the outlook will only improve. Читать дальше...


The Obama administration asked the Supreme Court to rehear a key case in a 'last-ditch effort' to protect immigrants

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

In a last-ditch effort to revive a White House plan to protect up to 4 million immigrants from deportation, the Obama administration on Monday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to rehear a case on which the eight-member court was split 4-4 last month.

The June 23 high court decision left in place a lower court ruling that blocked the plan, which has never been in effect. The court is currently one justice short following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February. Читать дальше...


Here's the avoidable mistake that can cost you a job

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Your interview doesn't start when you shake hands with your interviewer — it starts as soon as you walk through the front door.

Unfortunately, job seekers often forget that they should be on their best behavior from the get go, and this could wind up costing them the job.

It's imperative to think before you speak, even when you think no one involved in the hiring decision is listening. Because the truth is, receptionists are often the first set of eyes and ears a company has... Читать дальше...


Top Republican senator agrees with Rick Perry: Parts of Donald Trump's wall will be 'virtual'

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

CLEVELAND — Sen. Chuck Grassley agrees with former Texas Gov. Rick Perry: Donald Trump's wall will, at least in part, be "virtual."

"I would use the wall and I would describe the wall with three parts and remember that a physical wall across the Southern border will not be a physical wall in every place," he told reporters at a Cleveland restaurant Tuesday. "Some places will be a virtual wall."

Grassley said drones, other electronics, and increased border patrol will be part of the solution. Читать дальше...


Harry's, the $750 million shaving startup, just made a major upgrade to the one thing that sets it apart

Hollis Johnson

Harry's, the online shave club that has converted more than 1 million customers by offering an alternative to expensive drugstore-bought cartridge shaving, has upgraded its key product.

The company's signature shaving cartridges, made by its factory in Germany, have been given a complete overhaul. Among the changes are differently spaced blades for more even cutting, a better flex hinge, and a rear blade for precise edge trimming.

Harry's Co-CEO Jeff Raider told... Читать дальше...


Gypsy moth caterpillars have decimated large portions of New England forests this summer


Gypsy moth caterpillars have taken a serious bite out of the forests of New England this summer — in fact, their destruction is so severe, it is visible from space. 

Aerial photos taken May 25 and June 26 from the NASA's Aqua and Terra satellites show just how much defoliation these furry caterpillars caused in just one month's time. 

The healthy forests appear green in these satellite images, whereas the gray-brown tinted regions are the parts of the forest that have been munched on by these hungry critters. Читать дальше...


5 epic battles where the victors ended up losing the war

Public Domain

There’s no more unfortunate name in the annals of military history than King Pyrrhus of Epirus whose lands were on the west coast of the Hellenic Peninsula, in modern-day Greece. While he famously won a string of battles against Rome and Carthage in 281 BC, he took horrendous casualties, sometimes as high as 15,000.

After one of his costly victories, Pyrrhus famously declared, “One more victory like that and we’re finished.”

Thus the term “Pyrrhic Victory” was born... Читать дальше...


Netflix is making new episodes of 'Making a Murderer'


New episodes of "Making A Murderer" are in production. 

According to a release from Netflix on Tuesday, the next chapter of the Emmy-nominated docuseries that focuses on convicted murderer Steven Avery will focus on the post-conviction process as well as the the toll it has taken on all involved. 

The episodes will offer exclusive access to Avery’s new lawyer Kathleen Zellner and co-defendant Brendan Dassey’s legal team, led by Laura Nirider and Steve Drizin, as well as... Читать дальше...


Top GOP senator claims Melania Trump 'didn't plagiarize' Michelle Obama's 2008 speech

Reuters/Aaron Bernstein

CLEVELAND — Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa told reporters Tuesday that Melania Trump "didn't plagiarize" first lady Michelle Obama's 2008 speech from the Democratic National Convention.

"She didn't plagiarize," the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman said of Trump's Monday night speech at the Republican National Convention. "Because I think you gave a definition of plagiarism. What you're saying is that I could say the same thing that Mrs. Obama said because I... Читать дальше...


These 12 sketches make complicated financial concepts simple enough to fit on a napkin

Napkin Finance

Tina Hay doesn't think in numbers.

In 2002, enrolled in a finance class while pursuing her MBA from Harvard Business School, she realized that her classmates who came from the world of banking and consulting were acing the coursework without a problem, while she struggled to master the concepts foreign to her liberal arts background.

So, she started to draw.

"I think more visually," Hay told Business Insider. "I've always put numbers into illustrations and understood them that way... Читать дальше...


DeMarcus Cousins took another shot at the Sacramento Kings, and a divorce is looking more and more inevitable

Ed Szczepanski/USA TODAY Sports

The world of sports is confusing, and few people know that better than Sacramento Kings star center DeMarcus Cousins. 

According to NBC Sports, Cousins is confused about the moves the Kings made this offseason, a shot that sounds a lot like a lack of confidence in his team's front office.

"I don’t really understand what’s going on," Cousins told the media. "I just control what I can control; I let them do their jobs."

This is just the... Читать дальше...


Tiffany is fixing one mistake that's killing business

Tiffany & Co/Facebook

Tiffany has been struggling.

The company has reported multiple quarters of slipping sales.  In its most recent quarter, worldwide sales dipped 7%, and comparable sales dropped 9%. Before that, the  fourth quarter was marred by a poor gifting season.

One of its central problems is that it young consumers demand newness, as they have been conditioned to the speed of fast fashion, as Edward Jones analyst Brian Yarborough told Business Insider in May.

... Читать дальше...


Goldman Sachs' CFO gives us a little more detail about those job cuts

REUTERS/Murad Sezer

Goldman Sachs has cut its headcount by 5% since the first quarter, to about 34,800 people.

On a call following the firm's second-quarter earnings results, CFO Harvey Schwartz provided a little more detail about those job cuts.

First of all, he said, the process started back in February. He noted that it's not unusual for the firm to cull the bottom 5% of performers across the board each year, but the exact number can vary by business.

For example... Читать дальше...


Humans are probably in no position to take control of self-driving cars



There could be a wild, sci-fi reason that SoftBank is spending $32 billion to buy mobile chip designer ARM Holdings


On the one hand, it makes perfect sense why the Japanese tech conglomerate SoftBank would want to buy ARM Holdings, the chip designer that pretty much owns the mobile market.

SoftBank offered £17 a share in cash for ARM (about $32 billion). That was 43% more than ARM's closing share price on Friday and 41% more than ARM's all-time-high closing share price. This could be the largest-ever tech acquisition of a European company.

ARM helped propel the mobile device market forward... Читать дальше...


Lewandowski: Manafort should 'resign' if he personally signed off on Melania Trump's RNC speech


Former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said Tuesday morning that current campaign chairman Paul Manafort should "do the right thing" and "resign" if he personally signed off on Melania Trump's primetime convention speech.

Portions of Melania's speech, billed as the highlight of the first night of the GOP convention, were found to have been lifted from Michelle Obama's 2008 Democratic convention speech.

Lewandowski said on CNN that the Trump campaign was... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Санкт-Петербург не смог обойти Москву в рейтинге жизни населения

Путин в России и мире

Кадыров встретился с Путиным в Москве и пригласил его в Чечню

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Песков рассказал о планируемой 23 мая в Минске встрече Путина с Лукашенко

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Лоза назвал Пугачёву женщиной с другим лицом и другим голосом


В Подмосковье около магазина нашли 6-летнюю девочку без одежды

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