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Новости за 11.07.2016


GOLDMAN: The US bond market is getting 'overrun'

Eloy Alonso/Reuters

The bond market is setting a multitude of records right now. Over $13 trillion in bonds have negative yields, US Treasury bonds have hit record lows, and US corporate bonds have sunk to lows not seen since Marilyn Monroe was starring in films.

Francesco Garzarelli, cohead of Goldman Sachs' market and macroeconomic research teams, put the issue very simply: The market is pricey.

"As readers familiar with our analytical approach know, a large part of the fluctuations... Читать дальше...


Walmart launches massive sale to rival Amazon's Prime Day, which promises 'more deals than Black Friday'

REUTERS/Jonathan Alcorn

Walmart is trying to steal some fire from Amazon's biggest shopping day of the year.

The retailer is kicking off a massive sale and offering free shipping on all online orders ahead of Amazon's second annual Prime Day, a day of shopping that Amazon says has "more deals than Black Friday."

Walmart's free shipping offer starts Monday — the day before Prime Day — and lasts five days.

In preparation for Prime Day Walmart also rolled back prices on... Читать дальше...


Online voting would be disastrous because hackers could hijack the democratic process


During the 2012 American presidential election, 129 million people cast ballots, while 106 million eligible voters neglected to do so. That’s only a 54.9 percent conversion rate, not to mention the 51 million voters who weren’t registered. Meanwhile, in 2015, there were almost 172 million Americans making purchases online. Those are apples and oranges, admittedly, but the ease with which the shopping occurs only helps its proliferation.

If the ultimate goal is maximizing the country’s voting turnout... Читать дальше...


'They don't want to hear about it': Trump explains why he doesn't spend more time talking about Clinton's emails

John Sommers II/Getty Images

Donald Trump said Monday that the reason he hasn't spent more time railing on Hillary Clinton over her email controversy at rallies is because his audience doesn't "want to hear about it."

"I am talking to a crowd of people who have standing in line for seven or eight hours," Trump told The Washington Post. "They don’t want to hear about it. I covered every point. The way it’s reported is unfair in that if you read those stories, it’s like I didn’t even... Читать дальше...


Where to eat near the 25 colleges with the best off-campus dining

Facebook/Mother Bear's Pizza

Choosing a college means choosing a home away from home. For some people, constant trips to the dining hall and living off a meal plan is plenty but for others, grabbing a bite to eat off-campus gives them a chance to try new foods and get to know a new neighborhood. 

Niche, a company that researches school information, compiled data from students enrolled at four-year colleges and universities to find out which schools in the US have the best off-campus dining. Читать дальше...


Here's why weed makes you so paranoid

Drake Baer

Dude, look around. Everyone in the room can totally tell you're high right now. And they're judging you for it. Don't hold your hands in your lap like that, you look bonkers. Quick, do something normal! Put them on your head. Both hands, on your head. Ahhhhh. Much better.

Weed, in case you haven't heard, often makes users super paranoid. The cliche of the freaked-out stoner makes a kind of intuitive sense. Marijuana is a widely banned substance with a strong smell and other tell-tale signs. Читать дальше...


WHERE ARE THEY NOW? The players from Tim Duncan's 1997 NBA draft class

LM Otero/AP

On Monday, Tim Duncan decided to retire from the NBA after 19 years.

At 40 years old, Duncan was the last player remaining from the 1997 draft class, and easily the best, as he'll go down as one of the best big men to play the game.

But what happened to the rest of the 1997 class? 

It was a solid draft that produced several All-Stars, a few renowned role players, and, of course, a few busts.

Check out where they are today.

The Spurs took Tim Duncan with the No. Читать дальше...


Consumers are furious about a fast fashion brand's Instagram photo — here's why


Asos is in hot water with its shoppers.

The website had originally posted a photo of model Naomi Shimada — but it called her a "plus size model and travel film-maker," as Fashionista notes.

But if you go to Asos's Instagram page now, it no longer says that Shimada a "plus size model" — rather, she's just a "model and travel film-maker." 

That's because people were furious that the company felt the need to point out her size — let alone call her plus size at all. Читать дальше...


Baton Rouge prosecutor recuses himself from Alton Sterling police shooting case

Screenshot via The Advocate

(Reuters) - East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore on Monday recused himself from the investigation into the fatal shooting last week of 37-year-old Alton Sterling by police officers responding to a call he had threatened someone with a gun.

Moore said he has known the parents of one of the officers for many years and has worked with the officers on programs and projects.

NOW WATCH: The 'Zulu Cobra' helicopter is one of the Marines' most... Читать дальше...


You have to see what 'Pokémon Go' has done to Central Park

Jonathan Perez/Twitter

The Pokémon Go phenomenon continues to fulfill every child's question: what if Pokémon existed in real life?

The app recently passed Tinder in monthly active users, an amazing feat, given that the game has only been live for about a week now. 

Writer and Twitter user Jonathan Perez recently caught a scene that is an incredible real-life demonstration of the game's popularity.

In a short video, dozens of people could be seen congregating around one tiny spot in New York's Central Park... Читать дальше...


These are the 5 best Marvel movies on Netflix, surprisingly

So, here's the thing. While Netflix may be one of the greatest time-killers known to humankind - and possess a near superhuman ability to keep you watching just one more episode of “Fuller House”, a full two hours after you meant to go to bed - it's also inherently limited in its scope. With licensing deals being what they are (incredibly tough to negotiate and often extraordinarily complicated), even Netflix's thousands-strong back catalog is a drop in the ocean compared to the number of films... Читать дальше...


The 'Mr. Robot' season 2 premiere was leaked by the show itself

USA Network

"Mr. Robot"'s season two premiere is streaming on Twitter and other formats after a surprise leak hit the internet over the weekend. The sneak preview of the premiere, titled "eps2.0_unm4sk-pt1.tc,"was announced on a Facebook chat early Sunday.

In the middle of a "Mr. Robot" interview that included Rami Malek, Christian Slater, Portia Doubleday and Carly Chaikin, moderated by comedian Keegan‐Michael Key, Mr. Robot's fictional hacker organization, FSociety broke in to... Читать дальше...


Stocks are at all-time highs (NTDOY, SPY, SPX, DJI, IXIC, AMZN, CMCSA, LOW)


Stocks are at all-time highs for the first time since May 2015.

Shortly after the market open on Monday, the benchmark S&P 500 index crossed the old intraday record of 2,134.72, which it reached on May 20 last year. The tech, industrials, and materials sectors led gains.

After recovering its post-Brexit losses, the index on Friday finished within a point of its closing record, 2,130.82, reached on May 21, 2015.

It rallied after the June jobs report... Читать дальше...


Some of China's biggest companies just hit a regulatory brick wall


"I saw it on the internet, so it has to be true!"

You may laugh at that phrase, but China is trying to do something about it.

Internet advertising in the country will now be subject to increased regulations including checks against misleading and malicious ads, which will take effect September 1, 2016.

This could impact some of the largest internet companies in the county.

Chinese internet giants Baidu and Alibaba both rely heavily on advertising revenue. Читать дальше...


Dwayne Johnson goes up against a new enemy in the 'Ballers' season 2 trailer


Andy Garcia joins the second season of "Ballers," which launches Sunday at 10 p.m. on HBO, and goes toe-to-toe with Dwayne Johnson in a war to see which of their characters ends up on top.

In the new "Ballers" trailer, Spencer (Johnson) wants to take his new sports agency to the next level. That means he'll need to butt heads with an old adversary, Andre (Garcia). 

"In this business, you don't cross the biggest guy," Spencer's partner, Joe (Rob Corddry), warns him of messing with Andre. Читать дальше...


A common job interview question about theft is a trap — here's how to answer it

Sam Figueroa/flickr

There are thousands of weird or awkward questions a hiring manager could ask you during a job interview. But one you might actually want to prepare for is: "Have you ever stolen a pen from work?"

According to James Reed, author of "Why You?: 101 Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again," and chairman of Reed, a top job site in the UK and Europe, hiring managers do sometimes ask this one.

The thing is, we've all taken a pen or two ... so if you say you haven't, they might think you're a liar. Читать дальше...


Top Wall Street analyst believes there's a chance Yahoo won't even get sold (YHOO)

Thomson Reuters

After months of reports that Yahoo's in talks for a potential sale of its core internet business, SunTrust's analyst Bob Peck says there's a chance a deal won't even happen at all.

In a note published Monday, Peck wrote it's still possible that Yahoo could walk away from a deal if it doesn't find an attractive offer for its internet business, which the company was once reported to have valued at $10 billion. 

Peck wrote $10 billion would be a "stretch" for Yahoo's core business at this point. Читать дальше...


The Dallas shooter was 'ostracized' by black power groups before he opened fire on police officers in Dallas


New details have emerged about Micah Xavier Johnson, the man who shot twelve police officers in Dallas last Thursday, killing five. 

In an interview with The Blaze, Johnson's parents and stepmother said his behavior changed noticeably after he left the US army in 2014. Johnson served six years in the military, including a seven-month deployment in Afghanistan. 

Johnson wanted to become a police officer growing up, according to his mother, Delphine. He became... Читать дальше...


Osama bin Laden's son threatens 'revenge' on the US for his father's death

Associated Press

The son of slain al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has threatened revenge against the United States for assassinating his father, according to an audio message posted online.

Hamza bin Laden promised to continue the global militant group's fight against the US and its allies in the 21-minute speech entitled "We Are All Osama," according to the SITE Intelligence Group.

"We will continue striking you and targeting you in your country and abroad in response to your oppression of the people of Palestine... Читать дальше...

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Мантуров: на инаугурации Путина 7 мая представят обновленный Aurus Senat

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Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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ФСБ: Гитлер надеялся тайно переманить США и Великобританию на свою сторону

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