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Новости за 29.10.2023

Times Union 

UAW escalates strike against lone holdout GM after landing tentative pacts with Stellantis and Ford

The United Auto Workers union has widened its strike against General Motors, the lone holdout among the three Detroit automakers, after reaching a tentative contract agreement with Jeep maker Stellantis. The escalated walkout began Saturday at a Spring Hill, Tennessee plant - GM’s largest in North America, just hours after the Stellantic deal was reached. The added pressure on GM is substantial as Spring Hill makes engines for other plants in addition to big-ticket vehicles including the electric Cadillac Lyriq... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Trade tops the agenda as Germany's Scholz meets Nigerian leader on West Africa trip

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has met with Nigerian President Bola Tinubu as part of a West Africa tour as the European country looks to diversify its trade partners and expand economic partnerships in the energy-rich region. In his third trip to Africa since he took office in 2021, Scholz pushed for further development of Nigeria’s capacity to meet local needs, even as Germany seeks improved trade relations with its second-largest trading partner in sub-Saharan Africa. Germany-Nigeria trade volume... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

4 people, including 2 students, shot near Atlanta college campus

Four people were shot Sunday near Georgia State University’s Atlanta campus. Two of the victims are students at the university. Authorities say three of the victims are in stable condition, and one is in critical condition. Police say the shooting stemmed from a dispute between two groups. They did not reveal whether they had arrested anyone or identified any suspects. The shooting happened around 5 a.m. near a RaceTrac gas station. It’s the same gas station where another Georgia State student died in a December 2022 shooting. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Florida's 'Fantasy Fest' ends with increased emphasis on costumes and less on decadence

The 10-day Fantasy Fest costuming and masking celebration is ending in Key West, after some 100 events with an increased emphasis on imaginative costuming and decreases in past years’ decadence. Tens of thousands of spectators thronged the subtropical island’s historic downtown Saturday night for Fantasy Fest’s highlight event, a parade featuring over 40 motorized floats and costumed marching groups. Illustrating the festival’s move toward a more PG-rated focus, its 2023 theme was “Uniforms and Unicorns... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Shooting kills 2 and injures 18 victims in Florida street with hundreds of people nearby

Police in Florida say a fight between two groups turned deadly when a shooting in a city street resulted in two deaths and 18 people hospitalized. Tampa Police Chief Lee Bercaw says officers responded to the shooting just before 3 a.m. on the 1600 block of East 7th Avenue in the Ybor City area. Bercaw says the fight occurred in an area with several bars and there were large numbers of late night revelers in the area at the time. Investigators believe there were at least two shooters involved. Bercaw... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Mission impossible? Biden says Mideast leaders must consider a two-state solution after the war ends

As the Israel-Hamas war enters a new phase, President Joe Biden is pressing Israeli and Arab leaders to think hard about their eventual postwar reality. Biden says central to that future should be achieving the long-sought two-state solution, where Israel co-exists with an independent Palestinian state. The push for a two-state solution has been put on the back burner since the last American-led effort at peace talks collapsed in 2014. Biden himself said last year that the “ground is not ripe” for such talks. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Mainers gather for Sunday mass to pray, reflect days after a mass shooting left 18 dead

Residents in Maine gathered for Sunday mass just days after the body of man suspected of killing 18 people earlier this week was found dead. The Rev. Daniel Greenleaf the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Lewiston began services by saying how great it was to be able to finally pray together after days of lockdown while police searched for 40-year-old Robert Card of Bowdoin. His body was found late Friday at a recycling center. The worst mass shooting in the state's history occurred on Wednesday night... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Biden will visit a Minnesota family farm this week as top officials kick off stops in rural America

President Joe Biden will visit a family farm in Minnesota on Wednesday as part of two weeks of stops in rural America by top administration officials. The visits are intended to highlight how increases in government spending can help improve peoples’ lives. Biden’s focus on the state comes just five days after Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota announced he was running for president, becoming the party’s first elected official to challenge Biden in the 2024 primary. Administration officials... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

China's foreign minister says Xi-Biden meeting in San Francisco would not be 'smooth-sailing'

China’s foreign minister says the road to an expected meeting between President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden would not be “smooth-sailing." In a meeting between Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Biden, together with the latter’s top aides, both sides agreed to work toward a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of a summit in San Francisco in November. In an statement released by China’s foreign ministry on Sunday summarizing the discussion, Wang said that they could not rely on “autopilot” to make the meeting happen. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

G-7 nations back strong supply chains for energy and food despite global tensions

Trade and economy officials from the Group of Seven wealthy democracies have strengthened their pledge to work together to ensure smooth supply chains for essentials like energy and food despite global uncertainties. The nations promised in a statement on Sunday to maintain what they called “a free and fair trading system" at the end of a two-day meeting in Osaka. Worries are growing about maintaining a stable supply of computer chips as well as essential minerals, like lithium, which are critical... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Anchorage's oldest building, a Russian Orthodox church, gets new life in restoration project

A refurbishing effort will breathe new life into Anchorage’s oldest standing building, a simple Russian Orthodox log church dating from the era of Russia’s colonization of Alaska. The church features not only religious icons provided by Romanov czars but a cemetery blending burial traditions from Russia and the Indigenous beliefs of the Dena'ina Athabascan people. A three-year restoration project started this month at the old St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Eklutna, an Indigenous village... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

King Charles III seeks to look ahead in a visit to Kenya. But he'll have history to contend with

King Charles III wants to look to the future when his four-day state visit to Kenya starts on Tuesday. But first he will have to confront the past. Charles is facing calls to address the legacy of eight decades of British colonial rule. He also faces complaints that foreigners still own large swaths of rich farmland and that the U.K. has failed to accept responsibility for the crimes of British soldiers stationed in Kenya. The trip will also be closely watched around the world because it is the king’s... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

More help arrives in Acapulco, and hurricane's death toll rises to 39 as searchers comb debris

More resources are arriving on Mexico’s battered Pacific coast and the death toll from Hurricane Otis is growing as more bodies are recovered from Acapulco’s harbor and under fallen trees and other storm debris. Few people expect the latest mark of 39 dead to be where it stops. Hundreds of families are still awaiting word from loved ones. Otis roared ashore early Wednesday with 165 mph winds after strengthening so rapidly that there was little time to prepare. Military personnel and volunteers are working to clear Acapulco’s main tourist strip... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Boys graduate high school at lower rates than girls, with lifelong consequences

Girls consistently are outperforming boys, graduating at higher rates at public high schools around the country. Students, educators and researchers say there are several reasons why boys are falling short. Men generally can earn the same wages as women with less education. But boys also are more likely to face suspensions or other discipline knocking them off track. Over the long term, lacking a high school degree can hold men back. Studies show young men who drop out of high school earn less over... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Moms for Liberty unexpectedly finds itself at the center of a heated suburban Indiana mayoral race

An Indiana Moms for Liberty chapter is unexpectedly a major point of contention in a mayoral race following the group's use of a quote by Adolf Hitler. Moms for Liberty, known for challenging diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in schools, has focused on forming chapters in suburban communities across the country. The group's efforts to pack school boards with like-minded candidates has inspired strong opposition. The Hitler quote appeared in the group's inaugural newsletter earlier this year. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

In Seattle, phones ding. Killer whales could be close

In a city known for its stunning views of Puget Sound, Seattle's most coveted sightings are of orcas and other whales. The fate of endangered resident orcas is a common topic of conversation, though glimpses of the enchanting creatures are elusive. But Salish Wildlife Watch, a WhatsApp group chat, is making it easier for residents to find the whales and, organizers hope, get motivated to learn about and protect the animals. The group chat alerts its 1,800 members when orcas are near. Users credit... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Maine police were alerted weeks ago about shooter's threats

Police across Maine were alerted weeks ago about “veiled threats” by the man who authorities say would go on to carry out the worst mass shooting in the state’s history. Two local law enforcement chiefs told The Associated Press that a statewide alert was sent in mid-September to be on the lookout for Army reservist Robert Card because of threats he made against his base and fellow soldiers. But after stepped-up patrols of the base and a welfare check to Card’s home – neither of which turned up any sign of him – they moved on. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

А виновата Россия: Польша обвиняет Москву в организации «кампании по дезинформации»

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Жилин

Поэта Сергея Жилина похоронят в Ижевске 24 сентября


Псковичи могут стать участниками всероссийского конкурса «По праву памяти», посвященного бойцам СВО

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