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Новости за 24.10.2023

Times Union 

Illinois mother recuperates after Palestinian American boy killed in attack police call a hate crime

A Palestinian American woman whose 6-year-old son was killed in what police are calling a hate crime in a Chicago suburb is asking the public to “pray for peace” as she recuperates from her injuries. Hanaan Shahin issued a statement Tuesday through the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations after meeting with the group’s executive director a day earlier. It marked her first public comments since the brutal Oct. 14 attack that left her with multiple stab wounds and stitches on her face. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

How safe are cockpits? Aviation experts weigh in after security scare

Aviation experts say the incident in which an off-duty pilot tried to disable a jetliner in midflight renews questions about the threat posed by insiders — airline workers who have special access to places where passengers can't go. Incidents like the one Sunday on a Horizon Air flight on the West Coast are very rare. Disaster was averted when the captain and first officer subdued the off-duty pilot, who was riding in a jump seat inside the cockpit. Aviation experts say the incident highlights the... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Police in Massachusetts are searching for an armed man in connection with his wife's shooting death

Police in Massachusetts are searching for a man in connection with the shooting death of his wife. Police say 33-year-old Aaron Pennington was considered to be armed and dangerous. They found his car Monday night in the woods in the city of Gardner, about 15 miles from the New Hampshire line. Police had temporarily issued a shelter-in-place order for a street near the woods. The car was unoccupied, and police using search dogs and helicopters did not find him. They resumed searching Tuesday. Police... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Crews clear wreckage after 'superfog' near New Orleans causes highway crashes that killed at least 7

Crews worked through the night clearing the wreckage of more than 150 vehicles involved in a series of crashes on Interstate 55 near New Orleans caused by a “superfog” of marsh fire smoke and dense fog that killed at least seven people and injured another 25. Hazardous driving conditions Tuesday morning prompted several schools in the area to close or delay. Louisiana State Police say an estimated 158 vehicles were involved and 25 people injured, warning the death toll could climb as first responders looked for victims. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Polish opposition groups say Donald Tusk is their candidate for prime minister

The leaders of opposition parties that collectively won the most votes in Poland’s recent elections say they have agreed to form a government together. They also announced Tuesday that Donald Tusk, the leader of the largest group, is their candidate to be prime minister. Tusk is a former prime minister and former president of the European Council. Their announcement came just before President Andrzej Duda opened two days of postelection consultations with the heads of parties that won seats in the new parliament. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Autoworkers strike cuts into GM earnings, company sees further loses if walkouts linger

A strike by autoworkers against General Motors is expected to cut the automaker's pretax earnings by $800 million this year, and another $200 million per week after that. That's according to the company’s chief financial officer. And those figures just include factories that are on strike now by the United Auto Workers union. So if more plants are added, the losses will pile up further, CFO Paul Jacobson told reporters. His statements came as GM reported Tuesday just over $3 billion in net income from July through September... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

The 2023 Soros Arts Fellows plan to fight climate change and other global issues with public art

Palestinian artist Nida Sinnokrot, one of 18 artists receiving the 2023 Soros Arts Fellowships from the Open Society Foundations on Tuesday, says that art provides hope and resilience, even in the midst of war. Members of this year’s class of Soros Arts Fellows, including Sinnokrot, will receive $100,000 in unrestricted funding from Open Society Foundations to develop a public art project that confronts climate change with community-based solutions in the next 18 months, said Tatiana Mouarbes, Open Society’s Team Manager for Culture... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Four years after fire engulfed California scuba dive boat killing 34 people, captain's trial begins

Federal prosecutors are seeking justice for 34 people killed in a fire aboard a scuba dive boat called the Conception in 2019. The trial against Captain Jerry Boylan begins Tuesday with jury selection. Boylan has pleaded not guilty to one count of misconduct or neglect of ship officer. It's a pre-Civil War statute colloquially known as “seaman’s manslaughter.” His public defenders did not return requests for comment. The tragedy has spurred changes to maritime regulations, congressional reform and multiple civil lawsuits. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Don Laughlin, resort-casino owner and architect behind Nevada town, is dead at 92

Donald “Don” J. Laughlin, a resort owner and the namesake of a southern Nevada town that he turned into a tourist destination, has died. He was 92. A spokesperson for the Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino in Laughlin confirmed Monday that he died Sunday at his penthouse home at the resort. He died of natural causes. Laughlin moved to the region in 1964. Two years later, he ended up naming the area Laughlin after a postal inspector said he needed a name to receive mail. Today, the town of Laughlin is home to eight casino resorts. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

'Superfog' near New Orleans blamed for highway crashes that killed at least 7

Authorities say at least seven people have been killed after a “superfog” of smoke from south Louisiana marsh fires and dense fog caused multiple massive car crashes involving 158 vehicles. Louisiana State Police said in a statement Monday that 25 people were injured and the number of fatalities may increase as first responders continue to clear the crash scenes and search for victims. The crashes turned Interstate 55 near New Orleans into an apocalyptic scene of mangled and scorched cars as people cried out for help. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Few transplant surgeons are Black. Giving medical students a rare peek at organ donation may help

A novel program in Tennessee aims to interest more Black and other minority medical students in organ transplants, to help ease troubling disparities. Six students from Meharry Medical College spent the summer shadowing specialists at Tennessee Donor Services for hands-on lessons in recovering organs, matching them to recipients — and the empathy needed to work with grieving families. Thousands die awaiting a transplant because there aren't enough donated organs and some don’t get a fair chance, including Black Americans. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

There's a long list of candidates for House speaker as Republicans try voting again on a new leader

House Republicans will meet privately to try nominating a new House speaker. It's three weeks now since Republicans ousted Kevin McCarthy and the House speaker will need to accomplish the seemingly impossible job of uniting a broken, bitter GOP majority and returning to the work of Congress. The candidates are a hodge-podge of lesser-known congressmen including Majority Whip Tom Emmer of Minnesota, Rep. Kevin Hern, a conservative leader from Oklahoma, Rep. Byron Donalds, a newcomer from Florida who is aligned with Donald Trump... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Mayor says West Maui to reopen to tourism on Nov. 1 after fire and workers are ready to return

Maui County's mayor says all of West Maui except for burned-out sections of historic Lahaina will reopen to tourism on Nov. 1. Maui has had impassioned discussions about when to welcome travelers back to the disaster-stricken region. Some residents drafted a petition opposing the return of tourists, saying the community wasn’t ready. Mayor Richard Bissen says workers are ready to return to their jobs while acknowledging that's not true for everyone. He says those who aren’t prepared to go back to... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Pentagon rushes defenses and advisers to Middle East as Israel's ground assault in Gaza looms

The Pentagon has sent advisers, including a Marine Corps general versed in urban warfare, to Israel to assist in its plans to conduct a ground assault in Gaza. It also is speeding multiple sophisticated air defense systems to the Middle East to defend U.S. bases in anticipation of additional retaliatory strikes by Iranian-backed groups. The U.S. is sending multiple Patriot battalions and a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, as well as repositioning the Eisenhower strike group to the Middle East. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Бастрыкин поручил возбудить дело против рубщиков леса в Хорошево-Мневниках

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Владимир Высоцкий

Завтра в Калининграде покажут спектакль «Высоцкий. Последняя гастроль»


Военкор Коц сообщил о кадровых перестановках в подразделениях после гибели «Гудвина» и «Эрнеста»

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