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Новости за 18.10.2023

Times Union 

Former Missouri officer who fatally shot a Black man plans another appeal and asks for bond

A former Missouri detective convicted in the 2019 death a Black man plans another appeal and is asking for bond. Eric J. DeValkenaere's lawyer on Wednesday asked for his release pending a rehearing or appeal to the Missouri Supreme Court. The former Kansas City detective had been free on bond until an appeals court upheld his conviction Tuesday. DeValkenaere was found guilty in 2021 of second-degree manslaughter and armed criminal action in the death of 26-year-old Cameron Lamb. DeValkenaere said... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Minnesota leaders to fight court ruling that restoring voting rights for felons was unconstitutional

A pro-Trump Minnesota judge has declared a new state law restoring voting rights for convicted felons unconstitutional. His rulings have drawn a sharp rebuke from Minnesota’s attorney general and secretary of state who say he overstepped his authority. They plan to defend the law, which lets felons vote after they get out of prison. Mille Lacs County District Judge Matthew Quinn declared the law unconstitutional in a pair of orders last week in which he sentenced two offenders only to probation,... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

US imposes more Iran drone sanctions as UN rules set to expire

The U.S. has imposed sanctions on a group of people and firms based in Iran, China, Hong Kong and Venezuela, tied to the development of Iran’s ballistic missile and drone programs. The Wednesday penalties come as the United Nations’ restrictions on Iran missile-related activities under a Security Council Resolution are set to expire, as well as the E.U. restrictions on Iran ability to obtain nuclear and conventional arms.

Times Union 

Broad rise in wealth has boosted most US households since 2020 and helped sustain economic growth

The net worth of the typical U.S. household grew at the fastest pace in more than three decades from 2019 through 2022, while low interest rates made it easier for households to pay their debts. Wealth for the median household — the midpoint between the richest and poorest households — jumped 37% during those three years, the Federal Reserve reported, to nearly $193,000. (The figures are adjusted for inflation.) The increase reflected primarily a jump in home values and higher stock prices and a... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Biden's pick to be ambassador to Israel tells senators he'll ensure the US ally 'has what it needs'

President Joe Biden’s nominee to be ambassador to Israel has told senators he will “ensure Israel has what it needs to defend itself” and will work with the U.S. ally to end the attacks by Hamas if he's confirmed. Jacob Lew said at a Senate committee hearing Wednesday that he would coordinate with the international community and address the humanitarian crisis facing civilians in Gaza during Israeli military strikes. Lew was a treasury secretary under President Barack Obama and also worked in the Clinton White House. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

United Airlines rolling out plan that lets passengers in economy class with window seats board first

United Airlines says that it will start boarding passengers in economy class with window seats first starting next week, a move that will speed up boarding times for flights. The airline said in an internal memo that it will implement the plan on Oct. 26. The plan, known as WILMA, for window, middle and aisle, was tested at four domestic locations and one hub. United said that it’s shown to save up to two minutes of boarding time.

Times Union 

Bloomberg Philanthropies launches $50 million fund to help cities tackle global issues

Bloomberg Philanthropies unveiled a $50 million initiative Wednesday to help cities address global issues, including climate change, by launching programs proven effective in other cities around the world. The Bloomberg Cities Ideas Exchange will give city governments grants for startup costs and technical support, as well as sponsor trips and webinars to inform leaders about new programs. The new initiative, announced at the Bloomberg CityLab conference in Washington on Wednesday, formalizes a process that CityLab has used for years. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Former Virginia House Speaker Filler-Corn will forego run for governor and seek congressional seat

Former Virginia House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn has decided against a bid for governor in 2025 and will instead run next year to represent the competitive northern Virginia congressional seat being vacated by a fellow Democratic lawmaker. Filler-Corn spoke with The Associated Press about her decision Tuesday before filing official paperwork to run in the Loudoun County-based 10th District. U.S. Rep. Jennifer Wexton announced last month that she would not seek reelection after learning she has a severe form of Parkinson’s disease. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Musk's X tests $1 fee for new users in the Philippines and New Zealand in bid to target spam

Elon Musk’s social media platform X has begun charging a $1 fee to new users in the Philippines and New Zealand. It's a test designed to cut down on the spam and fake accounts flourishing on the platform formerly known as Twitter. The company said late Tuesday that it's started trying out the annual subscription method for new and unverified accounts. The program, dubbed Not a Bot, won’t apply to existing users. It’s not clear why it only applies to New Zealand and the Philippines or why those countries were chosen. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Europe is looking to fight the flood of Chinese electric vehicles. But Europeans love them

Chinese automakers are winning over drivers as they make major inroads into Europe’s electric vehicle market. They're challenging long-established homegrown brands in an industry that’s key to Europe’s green energy transition. The competitive threat has spurred the European Union to launch an investigation into Beijing’s support for its EV industry. That adds to tech-related tensions between the West and China. Europe is attractive for Chinese EVs because auto import tariffs are a lot lower than... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

UN to vote on Gaza resolution that would condemn attack by Hamas and all violence against civilians

The U.N. Security Council has scheduled a vote Wednesday on a resolution that initially condemned “the heinous terrorist attacks by Hamas” on Israel as well as all violence against civilians. It also called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver desperately needed aid to millions in Gaza. Negotiations on the Brazil-sponsored resolution continued throughout Tuesday, and the final version to be voted on had not been released by late Tuesday. The vote follows the council’s rejection Monday evening of... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

China's economy grows 4.9% in Q3, beating expectations but slowing from previous quarter

China’s economy slowed in the summer as global demand for its exports faltered and the ailing property sector sank deeper into crisis. The government said Wednesday that the economy expanded at a 4.9% annual pace in July-September, beating analysts' forecasts of about 4.5%. But that was much slower than the 6.3% annual growth rate of the previous quarter. The Chinese government has issued policy support measures to help the economy, including raising spending on ports and other infrastructure, cutting... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

In big year for labor, California Gov. Gavin Newsom delivers both wins and surprises

California Gov. Gavin Newsom often touts California's leadership on the national stage. Some speculate he may decide to run for national office one day. Newsom has said he has no desire to run for president. But his decisions on whether to sign or veto bills in California resonate beyond the state. Newsom signed laws to raise wages for health care workers and require large companies to disclose their emissions. But he vetoed bills to give unemployment benefits to striking workers and decriminalize natural psychedelics. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

GOP's Jim Jordan will try again to become House speaker, but his detractors are considering options

Having lost the first vote to become House speaker, Rep. Jim Jordan will try a decisive second ballot. Wednesday's House vote will test whether the hard-edged ally of Donald Trump can win over the holdouts or if his bid for the gavel is collapsing, A surprisingly large and diverse group of 20 Republican lawmakers rejected his bid on Tuesday. Many view Jordan as too extreme for the powerful speaker's job, second in line to the president. The combative Jordan made a plea for colleagues to “stop attacking... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Republicans and Democrats agree on one thing: The Afghan war wasn't worth it, AP-NORC poll shows

At a time when Americans are deeply divided along party lines, a new poll shows agreement on at least one issue: The United States' two-decade-long war in Afghanistan was not worth fighting. The new Pearson Institute/AP-NORC poll comes two years after the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan and the Taliban returned to power. Sixty-five percent of Democrats and 63% of Republicans said the war wasn't worth fighting. Many have doubts about how successful the U.S. was at accomplishing specific goals such... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

China's Xi promises more market openness and new investments for Belt and Road projects

Chinese President Xi Jinping is promising greater access to China’s market for international firms and new financing exceeding $100 billion for other developing economies. He made the remarks at a forum on his signature Belt and Road infrastructure policy Wednesday. The initiative has built power plants, roads, railroads and ports and deepened China’s relations with other regions. But the massive loans that funded the projects have burdened poorer countries with debts. Xi promised two Chinese-backed... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Fijian prime minister 'more comfortable dealing with traditional friends' like Australia than China

Fiji's prime minister says his government is “more comfortable dealing with traditional friends” such as Australia as China pursues closer security ties in the Asia-Pacific region. Sitiveni Rabuka and Australia's Anthony Albanese met on Wednesday during the Fijian leader’s first state visit to Australia since he returned to power last year. Rabuka sided with Australia in what he described as the “rivalry” and “one-upmanship“ between the United States and China. The two leaders announced several developments... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Remains of at least 189 people removed from Colorado funeral home, up from 115, officials say

Officials say the remains of at least 189 people have been removed from a Colorado funeral home. Authorities discovered the decaying bodies while responding to a foul odor at the site two weeks ago. The number announced Tuesday is up from about 115 initially reported. Officials say the figure could change but that all remains have been removed from the Return to Nature Funeral Home in Penrose. The discovery came after the funeral home owners missed tax payments in recent months, got evicted from... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

War between Israel and Hamas raises fears about rising US hostility

The war between Israel and Hamas is raising fears about rising hostility across the United States. Experts say crimes against U.S. Jewish communities tend to escalate when conflict erupts in the Middle East, and anti-Muslim crimes also can spike, particularly when Americans are taken hostage or killed. In Illinois, a landlord is accused of attacking a Palestinian American tenant and her son with a knife on Saturday because of their Muslim faith, stabbing the 6-year-old boy to death and seriously injuring the mother. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Deer struggling in cold Alaskan waters saved by wildlife troopers who give them a lift in their boat

Two Alaska Wildlife Troopers wound up playing the role of rescuers last week while boating to Ketchikan in southeast Alaska's famed Inside Passage. The troopers spotted two deer struggling against the current while trying to swim from one island to another. The troopers cut their boat's engine, and the deer swam up to the boat, even butting their heads against it to get in. The troopers helped the deer aboard, boated to a nearby island, and helped the deer off. The deer were still a little shaky from the cold swim... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

More US ships head toward Israel and 2,000 troops are on heightened alert. A look at US assistance

Within hours of the horrific attack by Hamas, the U.S. began moving warships and aircraft to the region to be ready to provide Israel with whatever it needed to respond. On Tuesday, more ships and forces were heading toward Israel. Five shipments of U.S. weapons and equipment have arrived in Israel and the Pentagon has ordered another 2,000 troops to be prepared to deploy to the region if necessary. The buildup reflects U.S. concerns that the deadly fighting between Hamas and Israel could escalate into a more dangerous regional conflict. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Broken rail caused fatal Colorado train derailment that collapsed bridge, early findings show

The truck driver killed when a train derailed and collapsed a bridge over Interstate 25 in Colorado has been identified as a California man. The Pueblo County coroner says the victim was 60-year-old Lafollette Henderson, of Compton. The National Transportation Safety Board announced preliminary findings Tuesday that a broken rail caused Sunday's derailment of 30 cars from a BNSF Railway train hauling coal. Coal and mangled rail cars spilled onto the highway, and the bridge collapsed as Henderson was driving underneath. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Глава СК России поручил возбудить дело после нападения на защитников деревьев в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Трамп назвал Зеленского "лучшим торгашом в истории"

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Оркестр Игоря Бутмана отметит 25-летие туром по 25 городам России


«Аркадия», «Приречная страна». Что планируют в «Мастерской Петра Фоменко» в новом сезоне

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