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Новости за 07.10.2023

Times Union 

Drop boxes have become key to election conspiracy theories. Two Democrats just fueled those claims

Ballot drop boxes have been a prime target for those pushing right-wing conspiracy theories that the 2020 presidential election was rigged and that voting results can’t be trusted. That's a false narrative, but Democrats in Connecticut’s largest city are unwittingly fueling the claims. Two candidates for mayor of Bridgeport are trading accusations that the other side stuffed drop boxes with bogus ballots. The dispute is heading to a court showdown. Republicans have seized on it to say it validates... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Judge denies Texas inmate's request to stop execution over claims that fire damaged injection drugs

A federal judge has denied a request to stop the execution of a Texas inmate who had alleged in a lawsuit the drugs he's to be injected with next week were exposed to extreme heat and smoke during a recent fire, making them unsafe. Jedidiah Murphy's lawyers claimed extreme heat and smoke from the August fire at a prison unit made them unsafe. But the Texas attorney general’s office says testing done after the fire shows the drugs “remain potent and sterile.” The judge's order denying the execution stay was issued Friday evening. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig

New eyewitness accounts are raising questions about the FBI’s secretive 2018 dig for a legendary cache of Civil War-era gold. Two men who were near the excavation site in rural Pennsylvania have told The Associated Press they heard loud noises early in the morning. Later, they say they saw a convoy with an armored truck that appeared heavily weighed down. A treasure hunter who led FBI agents to the site accuses the agency of conducting a secretive overnight dig and spiriting away hundreds of millions of dollars in gold. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Pharmacist shortages and heavy workloads challenge drugstores heading into their busy season

Customers may need a dose of patience at U.S. pharmacy counters as those businesses start their busiest season. Drug and staffing shortages haven’t gone away. This fall, stores also are dealing with a new vaccine and the start of insurance coverage for COVID-19 shots. Some drugstores have made progress addressing challenges by doing things like adding employees at busy hours. But experts say many locations, particularly the big chains, still don’t have enough workers. That can lead to slower service and lines.

Times Union 

U.S. lawmakers led by Senate Majority Leader Schumer arrive in China on first such visit since 2019

A delegation of U.S. lawmakers led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has arrived in China on Saturday in the first congressional visit to the country since 2019. The trip comes amid a sharp deterioration in relations between the two countries and as Chinese and American officials try to lay the groundwork for a possible meeting between Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping in November. The delegation of three Democratic and three Republican senators landed in Shanghai in the mid-afternoon. China... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Powerball jackpot is up to $1.4 billion after 33 drawings without a winner

An estimated $1.4 billion Powerball jackpot that has been growing since July is about to be on the line. Saturday night’s jackpot is the world’s fifth-largest lottery prize after rolling over for 33 consecutive drawings. The last time someone claimed the top prize was July 19. That streak trails the record of 41 draws set in 2021 and 2022. The scarcity of Powerball jackpot winners reflects the game’s daunting odds of 1 in 292.2 million. The $1.4 billion prize is for a sole winner who is paid through an annuity, with annual checks over 30 years.

Times Union 

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta brings colorful displays to the New Mexico sky

The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is ready to bring colorful displays to the New Mexico sky. The event starts at sunrise on Saturday with a drone light show and mass ascension of hot air balloons. Over nine days, local residents and visitors should be treated to a cavalcade of colorful and special-shaped balloons. The annual gathering has become a major economic driver for the state's biggest city. Balloon pilots from around the world take advantage of wind patterns allowing them to bring... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

US fears Canada-India row over Sikh activist's killing could upend strategy for countering China

The Biden administration is nervously watching an ongoing dispute between Canada and India. Some officials are concerned it could upend the U.S. strategy toward the Indo-Pacific that is directed at blunting China’s influence. Publicly, the administration has said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's allegations of Indian government involvement in the murder of a Sikh activist near Vancouver are a matter between the two countries. Behind the scenes, though, U.S. officials say they believe Trudeau’s claims are true. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Trump is inserting himself into the messy race to become the next House speaker. Will it matter?

Donald Trump’s decision to insert himself into the chaotic race to replace Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker will serve as a test of the former president’s sway with lawmakers as he works to win a second term. Trump first volunteered to serve as an interim candidate. Then he offered Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, one of his closest allies in Washington, his “Complete & Total Endorsement!” Jordan's path to victory is complex, and he is facing at least one other candidate — House Majority Leader Steve Scalise — who is also on good terms with Trump. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Iran unlawfully detaining human rights activists, including new Nobel peace laureate, UN expert says

A U.N. independent investigator says Iranian authorities are cracking down on protesters, unlawfully detaining human rights activists, including new Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi, and carrying out an “alarming” number of executions. The wide-ranging report on human rights abuses in Iran by Javaid Rehman, covering the period from October 2022 through July, was circulated Friday but written before the announcement hours earlier that the Nobel Peace Prize had been awarded to Mohammadi... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Sam Bankman-Fried stole customer funds from the beginning of FTX, exchange's co-founder tells jury

NEW YORK (AP) — Sam Bankman-Fried authorized the illegal use of FTX customers' funds and assets to plug financial gaps at an affiliated hedge fund from the exchange's earliest days, FTX's co-founder Gary Wang told a New York jury on Friday, as prosecutors pressed their case that Bankman-Fried was the mastermind behind one of the biggest frauds in U.S. history.

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Times Union 

Mississippi Democrat Brandon Presley aims to rally Black voters in governor's race

Mississippi's Democratic nominee for governor says the election could hinge on turnout among Black voters. Brandon Presley says Black residents haven’t wielded political influence commensurate to their share of the state population. At at a campaign event in the 80% Black state capital of Jackson, Presley said Black voters could help carry him to victory. He also accused incumbent Republican Gov. Tate Reeves of hoping they stay home. Presley says issues like health care and political representation... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Man who attacked Capitol with tomahawk and now promotes Jan. 6 merchandise gets 7 years in prison

A Texas man who attacked the U.S. Capitol with a metal tomahawk and now promotes the sale of Jan. 6-related merchandise from jail has been sentenced to seven years behind bars. Forty-six-year-old Shane Jenkins tried to smash a Capitol window with his tomahawk during the 2021 insurrection. Jenkins threw makeshift weapons, including a desk drawer and a flagpole, at police officers. From jail, Jenkins promotes a fundraising website that hawks T-shirts and other items with Jan. 6-themed slogans such... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Alaska fishermen will be allowed to harvest lucrative red king crab in the Bering Sea

Alaska fishermen will be able to harvest red king crab for the first time in two years. The news offers a slight reprieve to the beleaguered fishery beset by low numbers likely exacerbated by climate change. There was no such rebound for snow crab, however, and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced Friday that fishery will remain closed amid population declines. Scientists think that population decline was a result of two years of low sea ice cover and abnormally warm ocean temperatures... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Nearly 1,000 migrating songbirds perish after crashing into windows at Chicago exhibition hall

Almost 1,000 migrating songbirds have perished after smashing into windows at an exhibition center on Chicago's lakefront. According to officials at the Chicago Field Museum, 964 birds were found dead Thursday at the McCormick Place Lakeside Center. David Willard, the museum's collections manager emeritus, says the most dead birds anyone has found at one time at the center in the last 40 years was around 265. Experts say conditions were optimal for songbirds to launch their annual fall nocturnal... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве рядом с бульваром Генерала Карбышева и улицей Генерала Глаголева появится станция метро

Путин в России и мире

Путин поприветствовал участников форума «Российская энергетическая неделя — 2024»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Ольга Бузова

Парашютист из Казани сделал Бузовой экстремальное предложение в воздухе


Без установки. Парковку в Москве можно оплатить в блиц-приложении

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