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Новости за 16.10.2023

Times Union 

A Baltimore priest has been dismissed over 2018 sexual harassment settlement

A Benedictine monk has lost his priestly faculties after the Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore recently became aware of a payment he made several years ago to settle sexual harassment allegations. Last week, the pastor of St. Benedict Church was removed after serving there for nearly 40 years. The archdiocese has said in a statement Sunday that they learned about the settlement from reporters for The Baltimore Banner. They opened an internal investigation and decided to dismiss the priest. He has since returned to Saint Vincent Archabbey... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Proud Boys member pleads guilty to obstruction charge in Jan. 6 attack on Capitol

A Proud Boys member who joined others from the far-right group in attacking the U.S. Capitol has pleaded guilty to obstructing the joint session of Congress for certifying Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral victory. William Chrestman also pleaded guilty on Monday to threatening to assault a federal officer during the riot on Jan. 6, 2023. U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly is scheduled to sentence Chrestman on Jan. 12. Prosecutors say Chrestman brought an axe handle, gas mask, helmet and other tactical gear when he traveled to Washington... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Biden campaign launches account on Trump's Truth Social, saying 'converts welcome'

President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign has launched an account on Donald Trump’s Truth Social, attempting to poke online fun at the Republican candidate he may well face again in next fall’s election. Under the handle @BidenHQ, the campaign posted Monday: “Well. Let’s see how this goes. Converts welcome!” It began its time on Truth Social by following just one account: Trump’s. The former president has built a commanding early lead in the Republican primary, setting up a potential 2020 rematch. Biden’s campaign noted its move on X... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Sports, internet bets near-record levels in New Jersey, but 5 of 9 casinos trail pre-pandemic levels

Sports betting and internet gambling were at near-record levels in New Jersey in September, and nearly half of the Atlantic City casinos won more money from in-person gamblers than they did before the COVID19 pandemic. But the amount of money won from people on the casino floor is still not back to pre-pandemic levels at five of the nine casinos. That total was higher this September at $246 million than it was in Sept. 2019, at $224 million. With sports betting and internet gambling money included... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Biden postpones trip to Colorado to discuss domestic agenda as the Israel-Hamas conflict intensifies

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are meeting with national security officials as the Israel-Hamas conflict intensifies, according to the White House. Biden on Monday postponed a trip to Colorado to stay in Washington and focus on the growing conflict in the Middle East. The Democratic president is setting aside an opportunity to pitch his economic accomplishments as he runs for reelection. Biden had been heading Monday to the Colorado district of Rep. Lauren Boebert, where he... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Cambodia opens a new airport to serve Angkor Wat as it seeks to boost tourist arrivals

Commercial operations have begun at Cambodia’s newest and biggest airport, designed to serve as an upgraded gateway to the country’s major tourist attraction, the centuries-old Angkor Wat temple complex in the northwestern province of Siem Reap. The Siem Reap-Angkor International Airport was built at a cost of about $1.1 billion. It replaces an older airport that is being retired in part because of fear that vibrations from frequent flights were damaging the temples’ foundations. The new airport can handle 7 million passengers a year... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

The Supreme Court leaves in place a court victory for PETA over North Carolina's ag-gag law

The Supreme Court has rejected North Carolina’s appeal in a dispute with animal rights groups over a law aimed at preventing undercover employees at farms and other workplaces from taking documents or recording video. The justices Monday left in place a legal victory for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in its challenge to the law. An appeals court ruled the 2015 law could not be enforced against PETA when its undercover work is being performed to conduct newsgathering activities. The... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Ford Executive Chair Bill Ford gets involved in union contract talks during an uncommon presentation

Ford Motor Co. Executive Chairman Bill Ford is scheduled to make a rare speech about the future of American manufacturing with the company near an impasse with striking autoworkers. The speech near the company’s huge pickup truck plant in the company’s hometown of Dearborn, Michigan, is expected to address the monthlong strike by members of the United Auto Workers union.Last week 8,700 union members walked out at the largest and most profitable Ford plant in the world, the Kentucky Truck Plant in Louisville.After the walkout... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

The ancient ways of natural wine are finding new fans

Natural wine is gaining a following in the U.S. even as overall wine sales drop. Natural wine has no definition, but it's usually made with organic grapes and fermented naturally, with no additives. The result is wines that are earthy, savory and less predictable than many of the wines churned out by big producers. But natural wine needs to overcome some hurdles that may be hampering its growth. Unlike organic wine that must be government certified, natural wine has no set definition in the U.S. It’s not easy to find... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Stock market today: Asian shares sink, oil slips as investors brace for Israeli invasion of Gaza

World shares have fallen and oil prices slipped as investors braced for an expected invasion of Gaza by Israel. Tokyo's benchmark sank 2%. U.S. futures edged higher. On Friday, U.S. stocks mostly fell as they were buffeted by competing waves of optimism and fear. The S&P 500 slipped 0.5% and the Nasdaq composite fell 1.2%, while the Dow industrials edged up 0.1%. A survey showed U.S. consumer sentiment souring on fears about inflation. But several of the biggest U.S. banks said their profits were better during the summer than feared. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Poland waits for final election result after ruling party and opposition claim a win

Poles are facing a period of political uncertainty after they voted in huge numbers in an election in which opposition parties appeared to gain a combined majority. The ruling nationalist conservative party won more votes than any single party and said it would try to keep governing. The state electoral commission hasn't reported the final results. But the polling agency Ipsos released a so-called late poll which combined the results of an exit poll carried out during Sunday’s election and 50% of the votes counted. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Leaders from emerging economies are visiting China for the 'Belt and Road' forum

Leaders of emerging market countries are arriving in Beijing for a meeting organized by the Chinese government that will mark the 10th anniversary of its Belt and Road Initiative. More than a dozen leaders from Africa, Asia and the Mideast were flying into Beijing on Monday and more are coming Tuesday. The Belt and Road Initiative is a signature policy of Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Chinese companies have built ports, roads, railways and power plants around the world in a bid to boost trade and economic growth. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Jim Jordan's rapid rise has been cheered by Trump and the far right. Could it soon make him speaker?

Rep. Jim Jordan has such a reputation as a political brawler that former House Speaker John Boehner once said he’d never met someone “who spent more time tearing things apart.” Now, nearly a decade later, Jordan is trying to bring the Republican Party together to win the speaker’s gavel. A favorite of former President Donald Trump, his path is by no means certain. Jordan will need support from nearly every House Republican in a chamber they narrowly control. His success would help cement the far... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Used clothing from the West is a big seller in East Africa. Uganda's leader wants a ban

The Owino Market in Uganda's capital has long been a go-to enclave for rich and poor people alike looking for affordable but quality-made used clothes, underscoring perceptions that Western fashion is superior to what is made at home. But, despite their popularity, secondhand clothes are facing increasing pushback. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni declared in August that he was banning imports of used clothing, saying the items are coming “from dead people.” His order is yet to be enforced, with... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Major US pharmacy chain Rite Aid files for bankruptcy

Major U.S. pharmacy chain Rite Aid says it has filed for bankruptcy and obtained $3.45 billion in fresh financing as it carries out a restructuring plan while coping with falling sales and opioid-related lawsuits. Rite Aid said it would also close “underperforming” stores. Rite Aid, which owns Bartell Drug, is among the companies that has faced lawsuits over the opioid epidemic. It said the head of a financial advisory firm, Jeffrey Stein, was appointed CEO as of Sunday, replacing interim CEO Elizabeth Burr. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Muslim boy killed and woman wounded in Illinois hate crime motivated by Israeli-Hamas war

Authorities say a 71-year-old Illinois man has been charged with a hate crime, accused of fatally stabbing a young boy and seriously wounded a woman because of their Islamic faith and the Israel-Hamas war. The Will County Sheriff’s Office says in a statement that the man was in custody Sunday and is charged with first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, hate crimes and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. Authorities say they found the woman and child repeatedly stabbed Saturday morning at a home southwest of Chicago. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Polish opposition leader Tusk declares win after exit poll shows ruling conservatives lose majority

Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk is declaring the beginning of a new era after three opposition parties appeared to have won enough votes in Sunday’s parliamentary election to oust the governig party. That party, Law and Justice, has bickered with international allies and faced accusations of eroding rule of law during its eight years in power. An Ipsos exit poll suggested the opposition together has likely won 248 seats in the 460-seat lower house of parliament. The projection says Law and Justice obtained 200 seats... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Judge Chutkan to hear arguments over proposed gag order in Trump's election interference case

Federal prosecutors and lawyers for Donald Trump are heading to court to argue over a proposed gag order aimed at reining in the former president’s diatribes on likely witnesses and others in his 2020 election interference case in Washington. Special counsel Jack Smith’s team has accused Trump of using increasingly incendiary rhetoric to try to undermine the public’s confidence in the justice system and taint the jury pool. Trump’s defense has called the proposal an unconstitutional effort to “silence”... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Few Republicans have confidence in elections. It's a long road for one group trying to change that

Keep Our Republic, a grassroots pro-democracy group led by a Republican former state senator, is trying to build trust in elections by hosting forums in small towns throughout Wisconsin. The group is working with local officials to organize community events meant to teach residents about the election process and combat election conspiracy theories in the perennial presidential swing state. But at one recent town hall in the Republican-leaning village of Suamico, they faced an uphill fight as they... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Глава СК России поручил возбудить дело после нападения на защитников деревьев в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Путин поприветствовал участников форума «Российская энергетическая неделя — 2024»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Пригожин назвал несмешным цирком шутку о закрытии шоу Comedy Club


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