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Новости за 03.06.2017


Why it took so long for Hollywood to make a great female-led superhero movie

Warner Bros.

Though Wonder Woman is one of the most well-known superhero characters ever to appear in a comic books, it took 75 years for Hollywood to finally get its act together and bring her to the big screen. 

It seems to have been worth the wait. Warner Bros.' "Wonder Woman" opens Friday as not just the jewel of the studio's fledging DC Comics Extended Universe division but arguably one of the best superhero movies ever made. (The movie currently has a score of 97% on Rotten Tomatoes.)

Which begs the question... Читать дальше...


The $14 million McLaren F1 supercar is now 25 years old


Last Sunday, the legendary McLaren F1 supercar turned 25. 

For most, it's hard to believe the iconic marvel of engineering is a full quarter century old. 

To this day, the F1's modern design and speed demon performance stand up to the test of time.

"The F1 is a technological tour de force and a real triumph in terms of packaging and design," Former McLaren Automotive executive chairman Ron Dennis said in a statement in 2010. "Whether endurance racing or on road, it is supremely fast, agile, and yet comfortable. Читать дальше...


Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte: ISIS was not behind Manila casino attack that killed 36

Thomson Reuters

MANILA (Reuters) - Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said on Saturday that Islamic State militants were not behind the deadly attack at a casino in the capital Manila on Friday.

"That is not the work of ISIS," Duterte told reporters, using an acronym for Islamic State.

Islamic State claimed responsibility on Friday for the attack that killed at least 36 people, after Philippines officials said there was no evidence of militant involvement.

(Reporting... Читать дальше...


The Chevy Cruze diesel is a great alternative to a hybrid — here's what it's like to drive (GM)


It's hard to overestimate the importance that the Chevy Cruze played for General Motors coming out of bankruptcy and the bailouts during the financial crisis. 

Prior to the meltdown, GM had left small cars pretty much for dead. Detroit has historically struggled to make decent profits below the full-size sedan segment, while raking in the dough on pickups and SUVs. It only makes sense to let the Japanese and the Koreans dominate smaller vehicles — that was how these foreign... Читать дальше...


'It's cool to hate America these days': Fox News panel upset Wonder Woman isn't American enough

Warner Bros.

It turns out Fox News host Neil Cavuto and his guests on Friday had a major issue with Wonder Woman.

During a panel discussion, the "Your World with Neil Cavuto" host and his guests questioned the patriotism of the current version of the legendary DC Comics character.

“‘Wonder Woman’ is out in theaters right now. Some are calling it less American because her outfit isn’t red, white and blue — and, in order to appeal for foreign audiences, [it has] very little reference to America at all,” Cavuto said. Читать дальше...


Google's former in-house therapist on the surprising thing people talk about most in therapy

University of Exeter/flickr

We all have our tiny handful of people that we bestow with the ironic but ultimate gesture of modern affection: talking to on the good ole’ fashioned phone.

Among my tiny handful is one of my best friends; when she calls and I’m not able to pick up, she leaves a full on conversation on my voicemail as if I’m on the other end of the phone.

If the voicemail cuts her off because she’s been talking for 6 minutes, she calls back and starts another message with... Читать дальше...


There is a secret US government airline that flies out of commercial airports

Turns out the US government has a secret passenger airline. Area 51 workers are shuttled in from the Las Vegas airport every day on the passenger jets, which are owned by the US Air Force. The fleet is made up of 11 planes, and is commonly referred to as JANET airlines. While some joke JANET stands for "Just Another Non-Existent-Terminal," it may actually mean "Joint Air Network for Employee Transportation."

Читать дальше...


Traders are making a big change to how they use the world's hottest investment product

Getty Images

Some investors use exchange-traded funds to achieve easy portfolio diversification. Others are attracted to their relatively low fees.

But what they're not doing is using ETFs to bet on share declines. At least not lately.

Short interest currently sits at 6.1% of total ETF assets, the lowest level since the financial crisis, according to data compiled by JPMorgan. That comes amid a roughly 30% drop in total short interest for US-listed funds over the past seven months. Читать дальше...


These robots are milking cows without any humans involved, and the cows seem into it

Dana Varinsky/Business Insider

Stensland Family Farms, which sits in the northwest corner of Iowa, has 170 dairy cows, but nobody milks them. Robots do.

Aided by sensors, lasers, and data collection, automated technology is cropping up on dairy farms around the world. The shift offers benefits for farmers who struggle to find workers willing to do the manual labor, and, after the cows adjust, they seem to like the robots better.

Here’s how you get milk from a cow without a human ever touching her. Читать дальше...


Pittsburgh has unexpectedly become a climate battleground after Trump ditched the Paris Agreement

Win McNamee/Getty Images

With one sentence, President Donald Trump placed Pittsburgh at the center of a post-Paris climate battle.

"I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris," he said during his Thursday Rose Garden speech announcing that he would withdraw the US from the Paris climate deal, which aims to prevent global warming. Trump later mentioned Detroit, Youngstown, Ohio, and Pittsburgh as cities he was putting "before Paris, France" by ditching the agreement... Читать дальше...


What to expect from Apple's big annual event next week (AAPL)


Apple's major annual event, the Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC), kicks off on Monday.

Apple CEO Tim Cook and other executives will deliver a keynote in front of thousands of developers, journalists, and Apple employees. 

Apple holds this summit once a year to speak directly people who make software for iPhones, iPads, and Macs, and announce what new capabilities Apple has been building into its products. 

So WWDC is usually about Apple's software — not its new hardware. Читать дальше...


27 stunning images that were taken by Google Street View

Jon Rafman/Google

Since 2007, Google Street View has taken panoramic shots of over 5 million miles of roads, covering 45 countries and about 3,000 cities around the world.

Canadian artist and filmmaker Jon Rafman has spent many hours culling through these images. He takes screenshots of the best ones and displays them on his blog. (Though, he never reveals their location.) Called "9-Eyes," his Tumblr is named after the nine cameras that Google's Street View cars use.

The photos... Читать дальше...


Millennials are killing chains like Buffalo Wild Wings and Applebee's (BWLD)


Casual dining is in danger — and millennials are to blame. 

Brands such as TGI Fridays, Ruby Tuesday, and Applebee's have faced sales slumps and dozens of restaurant closures, as casual dining chains have struggled to attract customers and grow sales. 

"Casual-dining restaurants face a uniquely challenging market today," Buffalo Wild Wings CEO Sally Smith recently wrote in a letter to shareholders.

According to Smith, these sit-down restaurants' struggles can... Читать дальше...


NYU MBA STUDENT: Young people are avoiding the rat race — and settling for something worse


Nicholas Ryan is a veteran and MBA student at NYU Stern.

When Clayton Christensen introduced his concept of “disruptive innovation” in 1995, he couldn’t possibly have anticipated the movement he had started.

In broad terms, he defined disruptive innovation as new entrants in an industry capturing the lowest-end, least-profitable market share and moving upwards to capture the mainstream.

An example he offered, quaint as it now sounds, was the disruption – and eventual destruction ... Читать дальше...


The 10 most affordable places to buy a beach home in the US

shutterstock/ESB Professional

The sun is shining, the days are longer, and it's finally warm enough that the bold among us are starting to bust out those cargo shorts. That can only mean one thing: Beach season is coming. 

But as fun as excursions to the Hamptons and Nantucket can be, these ritzy summer enclaves can also sap your entire vacation fund in a hot minute if you're not careful. 

And perhaps you're looking for a permanent fix for your ocean-air addiction? If you're... Читать дальше...


HSBC: The dollar looks like it's about to repeat an ugly move that happened under Reagan — but that's exactly what Trump wants

John Locher/AP Images; Doug Mills/AP Images

President Donald Trump has been compared to President Ronald Reagan in many ways.

In a note on Wednesday, HSBC strategists did this through the lens of the US dollar.

The greenback surged to a 14-year high in late 2016 as Wall Street hoped for pro-growth policies from the incoming president and the Federal Reserve raised interest rates.

"The trajectory of the USD envisaged by our FX team is quite similar, but more compressed... Читать дальше...


Why 'Wonder Woman' matters to women — and is already changing the movies we watch

Warner Bros. Pictures

Guys have Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Aquaman. The list is seemingly endless. But the few women superheroes have always been limited in their exposure. Even Wonder Woman, until now.

Female superheroes usually take a backseat to the male ones in movies, or their stories are only told on the small screen. Yes, we had the pink Power Ranger and the yellow Power Ranger. We had Storm, Catwoman, Supergirl, and Batgirl. But they... Читать дальше...


Here's how Trumpcare could change your healthcare spending


As the American Health Care Act, also known as Trumpcare or the AHCA, works its way slowly and painfully through the Senate, it's wise to consider how each of the major sections would affect your costs for healthcare and healthcare coverage. Many of these sections will change or disappear during the Senate negotiation process, but others will likely remain essentially unchanged. As the bill stands today, most young, healthy enrollees will end up paying less for healthcare than they do under Obamacare... Читать дальше...


Elon Musk tells Tesla employees to be 'hardcore' to fight off 'companies that want to kill Tesla' in leaked memo (TSLA)

Tesla Motors

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is pushing his employees to keep a startup mentality as the company grows and competition increases. 

According to a memo obtained by Electrek, Musk told employees that Tesla has to be "hardcore" and that its employees have to work "faster, harder, and smarter' than its rivals. 

"Tesla has to be hardcore and demanding, not for the hell of it, but because we are fighting for a good cause against giant, entrenched competitors who just want the status quo to continue. Читать дальше...


This anecdote about Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos shows the indirect way he thinks his businesses can change laws and society

Getty/Drew Angerer

Over the past few years, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has gone full-throttle into realms where “story” is king, both by buying The Washington Post in 2013 and pushing Amazon into producing its own shows and movies.

And for Bezos, it’s not just about the prestige of owning a paper, or wearing a tuxedo to the Oscars.

Don’t get me wrong, Bezos does seem to loves those elements — he did have a cameo in a Star Trek movie, after all. But he also firmly believes in the power of storytelling to enact massive change... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Ежемесячную денежную выплату получают более 1,6 млн пострадавших от радиации

Путин в России и мире

Участников СВО обучат для работы в органах власти

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске одобрен проект соглашения о системе таможенного транзита ЕАЭС

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