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Новости за 09.06.2017


House Intelligence Committee asks for Comey memos and any Trump tapes

Thomson Reuters

The House intelligence committee is asking the White House counsel whether there are any tape recordings or memos of former FBI director James Comey's conversations with President Donald Trump.

The committee's chairman, Rep. Mike Conaway Texas, and the ranking Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, sent a letter Friday to White House Counsel Don McGahn, asking him whether any such tapes or memos exist now, or had existed in the past.

The committee has also sent a letter to Comey... Читать дальше...


'I rarely get to see my kids' — Apple is getting roasted over this ad for its new TV show about making apps (AAPL)

Screenshot / Twitter

Apple's first original TV show, "Planet of Apps," premiered its first episode this week.

The show is essentially "Shark Tank" for app developers. They pitch their ideas to a roster of celebrity judges with the end goal of raising money from VC firm Lightspeed Ventures.

Reviews of the first episode have been far from flattering, and now the show is in hot water for running a promotion on Friday featuring one of its contestants, Andrew Kemendo, that says... Читать дальше...


3-on-3 basketball is now officially an Olympic sport — here's how it will work

Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

On Friday the IOC announced a number of new events that will be included in the upcoming 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

Most notable among these new additions for basketball fans is the inclusion of 3-on-3 basketball for both men and women.

The 3-on-3 Olympic competition will follow current FIBA rules. Games will be played in the half court with a 12-second shot clock. Scoring goes by ones and twos over the course of one, 10-minute period.

The first team to reach 21... Читать дальше...


Trump says he will answer question of Comey tapes 'in the very near future'

Andrew Harrer/Pool,Getty Images

When asked if he had tapes of his discussions with former FBI director James Comey, President Donald Trump said that he would answer that question "in the very near future."

In a joint press conference with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, Donald Trump faced reporters' questions on Comey's Thursday testimony about Trump's alleged involvement with the Russia investigation.

"I'll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future," Trump... Читать дальше...


Here are all the clones on 'Orphan Black' you need to know

BBC America

Warning: Spoilers from the first four seasons of "Orphan Black" ahead.

"Orphan Black" embarks on its fifth and final season on Saturday.

At the center of the show is the building mystery behind a top-secret cloning project and Emmy-winning star Tatiana Maslany's portrayal of more than a dozen clone characters. Additionally, there are at least seven male clones played by Ari Millen.

With all those clones running around, we thought we could help you by creating a guide to the doppelgangers. Читать дальше...


TRUMP: Comey lied about what I said, and I'm '100%' willing to be questioned under oath about it

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

President Donald Trump suggested Friday that former FBI Director James Comey lied under oath when he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

Trump, in a press conference at the White House, said he "didn't say" he "hoped" Comey would "let go" of an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

But he added that if he did make those comments, there was nothing wrong with it, according to "everybody that I read today."

Trump... Читать дальше...


F-35 fighter wing grounded after pilots report problems with the oxygen system

Samuel King, DVIDS

US Air Force officials cancelled F-35 flights on Friday at Luke Air Force Base after over a month of pilots reporting that the plane caused them to suffer from hypoxia-like symptoms from a lack of oxygen.

Pilots flying the world's most expensive weapons system apparently found themselves running short of air, though the Air Force said in all cases, the plane's backup system engaged and no lives or planes were lost.

"In order to synchronize operations and... Читать дальше...


TECH GETS SLAMMED: Here's what you need to know


The Nasdaq took a nosedive in the mid-afternoon after hitting a new record high earlier in the day.

The tech-heavy index fell by as much as 2.8% just before 3 p.m. ET before retracing some of its losses minutes later.

Earlier in the day, Goldman Sachs came up with a new acronym for the big-player stocks in the tech space —"FAAMG" — encompassing Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Alphabet. 

Shares of all five got slammed on Friday, with each falling about 4-5% around 3 p.m. ET.

First up... Читать дальше...


Trump unequivocally pledges to protect NATO from Russia — but still wants unprecedented backpay

White House via Youtube

At a joint press conference with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, US President Donald Trump affirmed his commitment to protecting NATO allies against possible Russian military incursions and made it clear that his problem with NATO is purely monetary.

Asked directly if Trump would answer a call from NATO on Article 5, the clause of the treaty that states that an attack on one NATO state should be responded to as an attack on all NATO states, Trump said "yes... Читать дальше...


Here's what the cast of 'Orange Is the New Black' looks like in real life

Netflix/Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images | INSIDER composite

Some of the "Orange Is the New Black" stars go makeup free, get their teeth dirtied, and even have their heads shaved for their roles on the Netflix series.

While you may recognize some of the stars outside of Litchfield Peneteniary, some look unrecognizable off set, like Laura Gomez who plays Blanca Flores.

In honor of the fifth season streaming on Netflix, keep reading to see how a majority of the inmates look when they're not behind bars. Читать дальше...


The real story behind the world's most controversial type of pizza is an inspirational tale of international triumph


Fifty-five years ago, Sam Panopoulos made a decision that would change pizza forever: he took a can of pineapple and threw it on a pizza.

On Thursday, the inventive pizza maker passed away at age 82, CBC Radio reported. To honor Panopoulos' life, Business Insider decided to take the opportunity to look at the history of the pizza that has become much bigger than one man, state, or even nation — Hawaiian pizza. 

The path that led Panopoulos to Hawaiian pizza began long before 1962, Atlas Obscura reported. Читать дальше...


Roman Polanski’s rape victim urges court to drop 40-year-old case

Paul Buck/AP

Samantha Geimer, who was raped at 13 by director Roman Polanski, urged a judge on Friday to resolve the 40-year-old case.

“I would implore you to finally bring this to a close as an act of mercy to myself and my family,” Geimer told L.A. Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon. “We are human beings, not wins and losses.”

Polanski pleaded guilty to raping Geimer in 1979, but fled the country before sentencing. He has lived as a fugitive abroad ever since, and is now seeking... Читать дальше...


Steve Kerr jabs former NBA players saying their teams would beat the Warriors: 'The guys in the '50s would've destroyed everybody'

Thearon W. Henderson/Getty

There's been no shortage of former NBA players speaking up to their say their former teams would beat the Golden State Warriors.

This should hardly be surprising — naturally competitive people, who reached the pinnacle of their careers, of course think that their teams and eras were the best.

When asked about the comments on Friday, Warriors head coach Steve Kerr had a great response, taking a shot back at the legions of players who think they were the best. Читать дальше...


WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Kevin Durant's surprisingly deep 2007 draft class

Elaine Thompson/AP

Kevin Durant has exceeded expectations of him when he entered the NBA in 2007 at just 19 years old.

Durant easily sits atop the 2007 Draft class, an all-time great player in a solid, if unspectacular class.

While the 2007 Draft produced one of the more sad and notorious busts in Greg Oden, it also was surprisingly deep and has produced solid players like Al Horford, Mike Conley, Joakim Noah, and Wilson Chandler.

The draft is littered with some players who have had long... Читать дальше...


Everything new we learned from James Comey's bombshell testimony

REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein

Former FBI director James Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday about his conversations with President Donald Trump and subsequent fallout after his abrupt firing in May.

Comey's statements to the committee were the first public comments he has made since his termination. 

A slew of media reports after Comey's firing raised new questions about the president's motives behind removing the FBI director, as well as Trump's... Читать дальше...


Stephen Curry has a very specific and unusual demand in his shoes — they must be loud

Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

Stephen Curry has gotten some social media flak in the past for his shoes, which at times have been considered too boring. Those giggles have died down with newer models, but one thing is still the same: they are loud.

Yes, loud. As in, the shoes squeak loudly on the court, and that is by design.

According to two people who work at Under Armour, the squeak is one of the most important features for Curry.

Kort Neumann was the lead designer for the Curry 3... Читать дальше...


Nvidia plunges after a week of big gains (NVDA)

Nvidia is quickly erasing its huge gains from earlier in the week.

At the beginning of trading Friday, there was no reason to believe that Nvidia would do anything other than continue to go through the roof.

But then, a single analyst came out loudly as a bear when so many people were trying to outdo each other with more and more outlandish bull calls. That call was followed by a crash in the final hours of trading that almost knocked out all its gains from earlier in the week.

... Читать дальше...


3 of the smartest strategies I used to help me retire at 40


Learning how to achieve financial independence and retire early (FIRE) is pretty simple in theory. I’ve covered some key technical concepts is past articles. These include the math behind building wealth quickly and simple tax planning strategies common in the FIRE community.

While the concepts are simple in theory, they are not always easy in practice. I’ve studied early retirees and discovered key strategies and patterns of behavior that separate them from those living a more conventional lifestyle. Читать дальше...


Apple is going after Facebook by letting people talk to businesses in iMessage — here's how it works (AAPL)

Thomson Reuters

Apple will let businesses communicate directly with their customers in iMessage when iOS 11, the next major software update for iPhone and iPad, is released this fall.

"With Business Chat, your customers can connect with you, have personalized conversations and even make purchases with Apple Pay," Apple says on a webpage that asks businesses to register for the upcoming feature.

The iPhone maker originally teased that Business Chat was coming earlier this week... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

KP.RU: в Москву после зимы вернулись грачи, скворцы, белые трясогузки и жаворонки

Путин в России и мире

Запад признает, что бывший офицер КГБ В.Путин не дал им подчинить Москву и вернул великую славу России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко подписал указ по реализации до 2028 года нового с РФ проекта в сфере космоса

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленского выпороли ультиматумом: США жестко ответили на наглость и поучения Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец Николай Расторгуев назвал полной ерундой массовую отмену концертов "Любэ"


От размышлений — к жизни! Итальянский натюрморт в Пушкинском музее

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