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Новости за 11.06.2017


Barbara Corcoran swears by one interview question to weed out complainers

Andrew Toth / Stringer / Getty Images

When Barbara Corcoran interviewed candidates for her successful real estate brokerage, she never bothered to read their resumes first.

Resumes can be easily fabricated and perfectly finessed, so she didn't see the point. Instead, she wanted to know one key fact about each potential employee: Was he or she happy or not?

Looking for the light.

The self-made real estate mogul and Shark Tank star cares deeply about personality and drive. Читать дальше...


The US is looking at a major tank upgrade, but a weapon to counter it may already be out there

Wikimedia Commons

The US Army is considering various systems to better shield tanks and armored vehicles from RPGs, antitank missiles, and other enemy fire.

But the latest version of the RPG, a staple in the arsenals of Russia and other forces, may already be a step ahead of the active-protection systems the US may soon adopt.

The Pentagon has purchased active-protection systems to test out on Abrams tanks and Bradley and Stryker armored vehicles, and may even mount them on lighter vehicles... Читать дальше...


Fashion and technology are merging — here's what that means for our future

Metropolitan Museum of Art

The arts and technology are beginning a courtship that may fundamentally affect the way we perceive both of them: in visual art, we have Google Deep Dream, creating hallucinatory vistas on par with the wackier end of Hieronymus Bosch or Alan Aldridge; in music, we have A.I composers; virtual reality offers an unprecedented and fully-immersive opportunity for filmmakers and writers alike.

Fashion, however, is another kettle of fish because it is an art that is lived, occurring at all hours of the day. Читать дальше...


Why taking down Confederate monuments is only the first step to justice

Thomson Reuters

Recently the city of New Orleans removed several Confederate monuments from a prominent, downtown location. The decision to remove these memorials has touched off a debate throughout several other major U.S. cities who have memorials dedicated to the Confederacy. While critics of the removal say the effort erases history, supporters argue that these memorials celebrate racism and memorialize white supremacy.

We are scholars of memory and cultural landscape. Our work... Читать дальше...


Why Arab nations cut off Qatar for its ties with Iran and Islamist groups

Reuters/Murad Sezer

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The political crisis engulfing Qatar stems from accusations by its Arab neighbors that it supports terrorism. Qatar denies the allegations, but its ties with Iran and embrace of various Islamist groups have brought intense scrutiny, made it a regional outlier and created enough smoke to spark a fire.

Last week, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain severed ties with Qatar amid a slew of punitive measures.

On Friday... Читать дальше...


Canadians are using second mortgages to avoid bankruptcy


Does a lack of bankruptcies in Canada mean the Canadian consumer is doing better than most experts think? Much like the lack of mortgage defaults, the devil’s in the details. The debt experts at Hoyes Michalos have created the Homeowners Bankruptcy Index, which is currently at an all-time low.

At first glance, this looks great. However, Hoyes Michalos claims there is an artificially low number of bankruptcies due to homeowners refinancing their debt, and just slapping it onto their mortgages. Читать дальше...


A new show features ‘Biggest Loser’ winners who regained weight — and reveals a deeper truth about weight loss

The Big Fat Truth / Z Living

The truth hit Ryan Benson when he couldn’t fit into a seat on his son’s favorite roller coaster: He’d regained the weight he’d fought so hard to lose as a contestant on "The Biggest Loser."

In 2005, Benson was crowned the first winner of the popular TV show, which ran for 12 years and has since ballooned into a multi-million-dollar franchise. Benson lost 122 pounds and won $250,000, but he's since returned to his pre-show weight.

That problem wasn't unique to Benson ... Читать дальше...


Puerto Rican vilified for his alleged links to a deadly bombing campaign ignites furor at NYC's Puerto Rican Day Parade (JBLU, T)

Thomson ReutersNEW YORK, June 11 (Reuters) - A Puerto Rican nationalist, vilified for his alleged links to a deadly bombing campaign, decided on his own to pass up a special award that Puerto Rican Day Parade organizers wanted to give him, hoping to dispel the rancor that had enveloped the New York event, an official said.

Читать дальше...


Companies are trying to use your DNA to give you personalized diet advice — here's what the science says

Thomson Reuters

In our never-ending quest to get healthy, there's a constant, nagging hope that we'll find a hidden key to fitness — some trick or piece of information that finally makes it easy to look and feel how we want.

That's why bizarre diets take off and nutrition "breakthroughs" tend to go viral (even though these findings rarely change what we know about eating healthy).

Recently, dieters and investors alike have started betting on companies offering "personalized nutrition"... Читать дальше...


How to properly load a dishwasher

Think your dishwasher has it bad?

To test this workhorse appliance, Consumer Reports slathers plates, cups, and silverware with an imposing mix of peanut butter, egg yolk, and other gooey stuff, then lets it all sit out overnight before running the wash cycle. Dishwashers that make our list of top dishwasher picks deliver sparkling results every time.

But even the best of the bunch won’t get the job done if they’re loaded improperly. Chances are you’re doing at least one thing... Читать дальше...


A NASA experiment could color the skies over the East Coast blue and red on Sunday


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - A high-flying science experiment may color the skies above the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast with bluish green and red clouds on Sunday evening, as NASA seeks to learn more about charged particles at the top of Earth's atmosphere.

A small rocket carrying 10 canisters of barium and other chemicals is due to lift off from Wallops Island, Virginia between 9:04 and 9:19 p.m. EDT.

About five minutes after launch the canisters, which are about the size of soda cans... Читать дальше...


If a nuclear bomb goes off, this is the most important thing you can do to survive


  • A small nuclear bomb set off by a terrorist is one of 15 disaster scenarios the US government plans for.
  • Such a blast would create radioactive fallout, which can kill or hurt people many miles away.
  • If you survive a nuclear attack, take shelter indoors, stay put, and listen to a radio for instructions.
  • Sheltering from fallout could save hundreds of thousands of lives in a city.

The Cold War ended in 1991, but the looming threat of nuclear attack lives on ... Читать дальше...


Primetime television helped elect Trump — but not in the way you think

Carolyn Kaster/AP

Many gallons of ink (and megabytes of electronic text) have been devoted to explaining the surprise victory of Donald Trump.

Reasons range from white working-class resentment, to FBI Director James Comey's decision to reopen the Hillary Clinton email investigation, to low turnout. All likely played some role. It would be a mistake to think the election turned on one single factor.

However, a study we conducted during the campaign – just published in the Journal of Communication ... Читать дальше...


A LOOK BACK: 50 years ago, the Lovings won interracial couples the right to marry


MILFORD, Va. (AP) — EDITOR'S NOTE: On June 12, 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously struck down as unconstitutional 16 state bans on interracial marriage. The ruling came in a lawsuit brought by Richard and Mildred Loving, a white man and black woman who had been jailed for being married to each other.

After the court's decision, the Lovings lived quietly in their native Virginia with their three children until Richard Loving's death in a 1975 car crash. Mildred Loving, critically injured in that same crash... Читать дальше...


Daniel Craig didn't break character or his weird voice while shooting 'Logan Lucky'

Bleecker Street

One of the many highlights from the trailer for Steven Soderbergh's "Logan Lucky" is the hilarious voice Daniel Craig uses to play bank robber Joe Bang. 

It turns out, to keep that high-pitched twang on the tip of his tongue, the James Bond star talked like that even off the set for the entire time he was working on the movie.

"He was doing the voice the whole time," Riley Keough, who also stars in "Logan Lucky," told Business Insider while she was promoting... Читать дальше...


Here's what bond investors need to know about the Fed's efforts to reduce its balance sheet

The minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting for March indicated that Federal Reserve policymakers were discussing strategies to reduce the size of the Fed’s balance sheet starting later this year. While the full details of the plan have not yet been spelled out, we have a good idea of the Fed’s thought process based on statements from various current and former members and a recently published paper by the New York Federal Reserve Bank, which provided updates on its projections... Читать дальше...


Your Starbucks drink order may reveal basic truths about how you spend money

Sorbis / Shutterstock.com

I realize coffee is a fraught topic in the world of personal finance. 

Many people will tell you buying coffee every day is a waste of money, and depending on your overall budget, it often is. 

But, as a certified financial planner who spends a lot of time analyzing other people's spending habits, I've learned to view coffee through multiple lenses.

For one, caffeine is an essential tool for a successful client meeting. I ask every client for their favorite Starbucks order... Читать дальше...


The 17 most and least reputable drug companies in the world (ABBV, PFE, NVS, JNJ, NVO, GILD, GSK, AZN, MRK)

REUTERS/Karoly Arvai

Glancing at the headlines, it might seem like drug companies have a hard time avoiding anger over the prices of medications. 

But public opinions about them have changed in some surprising ways in recent years, especially amid controversies over the high and rising prices of drugs, specifically in the US.

A new analysis from the research consulting firm Reputation Institute evaluated public perceptions of 17 pharmaceutical companies in seven areas: products and services... Читать дальше...


Scott Pruitt makes brief appearance at G7 environment summit, where allies express their displeasure at Trump's Paris climate decision


BOLOGNA, Italy (AP) — Top environment officials from the Group of Seven wealthy democracies met Sunday in Italy amid ongoing differences between the U.S. and other members of the club over how to deal with climate change.

Scott Pruitt, head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, attended the first few hours of the two-day summit before returning to Washington for a Cabinet meeting, U.S. officials said.

Before his departure, Pruitt's counterparts from Britain... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В СВАО Москвы реконструируют дорогу и построят мост

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время движения поездов от Москвы до курортов Черноморского побережья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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Сергей Рахманинов

Концерт в честь Сергея Рахманинова прошел в Воскресенске


Гуцул попытались допросить в аэропорту Кишинева

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