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Новости за 01.06.2017


'Call his bluff': Mark Cuban tells Democrats how to punch back after Trump pulls out of Paris climate deal

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The billionaire businessman Mark Cuban tweeted some advice for Democrats after President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that he would pull the US out of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Cuban told Democrats to "call his bluff" and "put him on the spot" in response to Trump's comments on Thursday that he would be open to renegotiating the agreement and getting "a deal that's fair."

The owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks and star of ABC's "Shark... Читать дальше...


'INDUSTRY MUST NOW LEAD': Business leaders slam Trump's decision to withdraw from Paris climate agreement

AP/ Evan Vucci

President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he will pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement.

The agreement, which was signed by 195 nations in December 2015, aims to slow down the rate at which the planet is warming.

Before today's decision was made, several executives of US companies showed their disapproval of the US pulling out of the agreement. On Wednesday, a letter signed by the executives of major companies, including Facebook, Google, Apple... Читать дальше...


Trump just pulled out of the Paris Agreement — but the US has contributed more to climate change than any other country

Thomson Reuters

President Trump has announced that the US will withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, the 2015 international accord by which 195 nations agreed to limit greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent global temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

However, the US has contributed more the problem of excess carbon dioxide than any other country on the planet. It wouldn't be wrong to say that climate change was "made in America."

"In cumulative terms... Читать дальше...


Millennials want less stuff and retailers are hurting

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

While the internet deserves blame for the failure of some retailers and the struggles of others, that's not the only problem facing brick-and-mortar chains. Retailers must also deal with shoppers, especially younger ones, with different goals and dreams than the baby boomers upon whom many chains built their businesses. It's been said that millennials, perhaps as a reaction to their parents, have shown more interest in acquiring experiences rather than accumulating stuff. Читать дальше...


Google is about to start blocking annoying ads so you don't have to (GOOGL)


Google's Chrome browser will automatically block certain ads starting next year.

The new feature will filter out ads that have been deemed "unacceptable" by the Coalition for Better Ads, an industry coalition whose listed membership includes the Interactive Advertising Bureau, the digital ad world's leading trade group.

News of this Chrome feature was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

What are unacceptable ads? The coalition has identified four types... Читать дальше...


Facebook execs face more questions and concerns about fake news (FB)


Fake news dominated the discussion at Facebook's annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday. 

The company received several questions and comments from investors about what it was doing to combat false stories and hoaxes posted to its site, and had to fend off a shareholder resolution urging the company publish a report about the extent of the problem and how the social media giant is handling it. 

The steps Facebook has taken so far have been too little, too late, said Natasha Lamb... Читать дальше...


BREMMER: 'If you want a watershed moment beyond Trump's inauguration, American withdrawal from the Paris Accord is it'

REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

US President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he will pull the US out of the landmark Paris climate change agreement, following through with a key campaign promise.

"I don't want anything to get in our way," Trump said. "The US will withdraw from the Paris climate accord, but begin negotiations to reenter either the Paris accord, or a really entirely new transaction with terms that are fair to the United States."

"We're getting out, we'll start to negotiate... Читать дальше...


Watch a US Marine cook bacon using a suppressed M-4 rifle

Screenshot/US Marine Corps video

U.S. Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 5 Christian Wade, a division gunner with the 2nd Marine Division, demonstrates how an M4-style short-barrel suppressor can get hot enough to cook — or even “vaporize” — bacon during a safety demonstration near Camp Lejeune, N.C., May 26, 2017.

The video, shot by Cpl. Clarence L. Wimberly, is part of the Marine Corps’ “Gunner Fact or Fiction” series designed to dispel common myths and misconceptions about the service’s weapon systems. Читать дальше...


'We're getting out': Watch Trump announce the US' withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord

President Donald Trump announced that he will pull the US out of the landmark Paris climate agreement, following through with a key campaign promise. While the decision should galvanize his base, it goes against what some of the largest American companies — and many in the rest of the world — were hoping for. Following is a transcript of the video:

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Lululemon surges after beating on earnings and announcing store closures for its kids' line (LULU)


Lululemon gained as much as 8% in extended trading on Thursday after the company reported better earnings and revenues than expected, and plans to restructure its kids' clothing line. 

Ivivva, the activewear brand for girls, will become a primarily online-only business as 40 of the 55 stores close, Lululemon said in its earnings statement.

Half of the remaining locations will be converted to Lululemon stores. All Ivivva-branded showrooms will be shut down. Читать дальше...


12 things you probably don't realize about working at Costco, according to employees

Tim Boyle / Getty Images

You may love Costco for the free samples, but there's plenty more to the wholesale store than you think.

Many of us have never walked out with less than a cart full of items, and that's because you truly get value for your buck, especially on Kirkland products.

To dig up more information on things we never knew about the company, we checked out IamAs from a 10-year veteran (who works the floor and forklifts), a part-time college employee, and a food court employee. Читать дальше...


Uber's CEO wrote a touching tribute honoring his late mother

Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has published a deeply personal and touching tribute to his late mother, less than a week after both his parents were involved in a tragic boating accident. Kalanick's mother died in the accident, while his father remains in the hospital in "serious" condition. 

"So many of you have asked me what my Mom was like," Kalanick wrote in a post on his Facebook page. "The best answer I can give is that she was a lover. She wore her heart on her sleeves ... Читать дальше...


Elon Musk bails on Trump's advisory councils after US withdraws from Paris climate deal (TSLA)

AP/ Evan Vucci

Elon Musk is breaking his ties with the White House now that President Donald Trump has said he will pull the US out of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO said on Wednesday that he would have "no choice" but to leave the two advisory councils he sits on if the US withdrew from the landmark climate deal — a commitment he reiterated on Thursday after Trump made the announcement.

"Am departing presidential councils," Musk tweeted. "Climate change is real. Читать дальше...


Tim Armstrong's dad gave him important career advice the night before he started as AOL's CEO

Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images for Business Insider

Tim Armstrong, CEO of AOL, had built an impressive career for himself in his mid-30s.

He was an executive at Google who helped build some of the company's key advertising products, like AdSense. While those in a similar position may have settled into the comfort of a job they had already mastered, Armstrong decided to risk it all and start over fresh at a new company.

In an episode of Business Insider's podcast, "Success! Читать дальше...


This new laser-guided missile could make the Army's grenade launcher more deadly


Everyone who’s fired one knows that the M320 grenade launcher isn’t the most accurate weapon in the infantry arsenal.

Propelled with a standard charge, the 40mm grenade follows a ballistic arc that forces a trooper to lob the projectile onto its target rather than shoot it straight in.

But new technology has allowed some weapons makers to miniaturize the same guidance systems housed in air-dropped missiles into ones that can be easily carried by ground troops.

... Читать дальше...


A 25-year-old spent $250 turning his truck into a camper van to travel across the US

Courtesy John Charles Putrino

The INSIDER Summary:

• John Charles Putrino built a bed and storage unit into the back of his truck.
• He's driving to national parks across the US.
• It took some getting used to, but he enjoys the solitude of low-maintenance travel.

John Charles Putrino wanted to keep his cross-country trip simple.

Instead of investing in a pricey camper van to shuttle between national parks, he built a bed and storage unit into the back of his Dodge Ram 1500 truck for just $250. Читать дальше...


STOCKS TICK UP TO RECORD HIGHS: Here's what you need to know

Ilya Naymushin

Stocks ticked up to record highs on Thursday.

All three major indices finished up in the green, with the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq touching record highs.

First up, the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 21,114.18, +135.53, (+0.65%)
  • S&P 500: 2,430.06, +18.26, (+0.76%)
  • Nasdaq: 6,246.83, +48.31, (+0.78%)
  • US 1o-year yield: 2.213%, +0.015
  • WTI crude: $48.00, -0.32, (-0.66%)

1. Friday is jobs day. The Bureau of Labor... Читать дальше...


Here's what the US actually agreed to in the Paris climate deal

Thomson Reuters

In December 2015, nearly every country, including all of the world's biggest polluters, came together in Paris and agreed to limit carbon emissions.

The Paris Agreement was designed to keep the planet from warming by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels.

It was a cornerstone of President Barack Obama's environmental legacy. Now President Donald Trump is withdrawing the US from the accord.

Here's a quick primer on the Paris Agreement. Читать дальше...


US Intel: Russian diplomats have been fanning out across the US looking for infrastructure vulnerabilities

Alexei Nikolsky/Pool Photo via AP

Whatever you think of all the blather about the current U.S. administration and Russia — and for all the damning facts out there, there’s a ton of dumb bluster — Russia is not America’s friend.

The latest evidence is a new Politico report that Russian “diplomats” with immunity from criminal prosecution are fanning out across America to look for infrastructural vulnerabilities — crucial stuff like fiber optics and telecom lines — even as authorities in Moscow harass... Читать дальше...


Trump is pulling the US out of the Paris agreement — here’s what that could do to the environment

Sean Gallup/Getty Images

President Trump has announced his intention to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement.

If the US succeeds in withdrawing from the accord (a process that will take years), the consequences for the environment will be serious. But projections of the additional carbon dioxide (CO2) and global temperature rise that we should expect depend on what other countries decide to do as a result of the US decision.

As the researchers at Climate Interactive have broken down in a detailed analysis... Читать дальше...


Here's what Earth might look like in 100 years — if we're lucky

Thomson Reuters

President Donald Trump on Thursday announced his intent to withdraw the US from the Paris climate accord.

"We're getting out, but we will start to negoatiate to see if we can make a deal that is fair," Trump claimed during a televised briefing from the White House.

Trump's widely denounced decision comes on the heels of the hottest year the world has seen since 1880 — when scientists first started keeping global temperature logs — and the fifth annual heat record of the past dozen years. Читать дальше...


MORGAN STANLEY CEO: Investors are ignoring the 'enormous uncertainty' created by Trump (MS)

REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi

The "Trump Bump" is gone for the major bank stocks.

Bank stocks slid Wednesday after Bank of America and JPMorgan executives announced lower second-quarter trading revenues compared to last year. Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman is now saying the same for his firm.

“We all have similar clients, if not the same clients,” Gorman told Bloomberg in a video interview. 

Trading revenue is expected to drop at least 10% in the second quarter at Morgan Stanley, Gorman said. Читать дальше...


Here's what could happen to Earth over the next 500 years if we ignore climate change


Hey there! Nice to meet you. I'm from the future.

I live in the 26th century, which is deep in the Anthropocene epoch — a time when people are officially the greatest driver of climate change on Earth, and have been for awhile.

Things really seemed to pick up steam about 500 years earlier, after a US president backed out of an international agreement to dramatically curb carbon emissions.

It's a dubious honor if you could see the planet from five centuries later. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

При каких обстоятельствах может затопить Петербург и Москву? Отвечает гидролог

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время в пути от Москвы до курортов Черного моря

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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Певец Стас Пьеха рассказал о постановочной драке с Тимати, за которую его хотели избить


Генерал, который не обманул: Тимур Иванов ответил за Пригожина?

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