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Новости за 03.06.2017


A startup aiming to modernize the bond market has won backing from top Wall Street execs

Reuters/Albert Gea

  • BondCliq, a startup launched by former Goldman Sachs executive Chris White, has won backing from former Goldman and BlackRock execs. 
  • The startup is aiming to become "the first central market system for the corporate bond market."

Don Devine, a bond trading luminary who started his career at Goldman Sachs in the early 1980s, was in need of a gut check. He was weighing up an investment in a new bond market startup, but he'd left his last senior role on Wall Street almost a decade ago. Читать дальше...


In Mexico's biggest state, the country's dominant party is trying to stave off the political abyss

REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

On Sunday, voters will go to the polls in the state of Mexico to pick their next governor, casting ballots in what many see as a preface to the presidential election next year — and deciding whether the long-dominant party is on the outside looking in.

While there are six candidates in the running, the race has mostly narrowed to two: Alfredo del Mazo of the governing centrist Institutional Revolutionary Party and Delfina Gomez of the upstart leftist National Regeneration Movement... Читать дальше...


Trump plans to pivot to jobs and infrastructure amid the Russia controversy

Win McNamee/Getty Images

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will hit the road next week to ramp up his long-promised plan to overhaul the nation's aging airports, roads and railways, a push that could energize his supporters and distract from political intrigue in Washington.

The infrastructure push - which will include a trip to Cincinnati, Ohio - comes as the White House seeks to refocus attention on core promises to boost jobs and the economy made by Trump last year during his campaign for office. Читать дальше...


People think I'm lazy because I'm a late riser — here's why it makes me more productive


You know how people associate sleeping in with laziness? I used to have a terrible habit of not going to bed until the early hours of morning.

Whether I was up all night doing work, surfing the net or reading articles, it always felt like there weren't enough hours in the day.

Besides, I seemed to feel more awake at 2:00 am than at 9:00 am. While most people had their lights out, there I was, wide awake at my computer.

Related: Not an Early Bird? Here's How Night Owls Can Still Find Success. Читать дальше...


Nikki Haley admits that Trump believes the 'climate is changing'

Associated Press/Evan Vucci

US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told CNN's Jake Tapper that President Donald Trump believes "the climate is changing" during an interview that will air on Sunday. 

Tapper initially asked Haley to confirm whether or not Trump still believed his famous 2013 claim that global warming was a hoax "invented by and for the Chinese" in order to hurt US manufacturing.

"What I will tell you is the regulations from the Paris Agreement were [a disadvantage to] our companies. Читать дальше...


Juventus scored a jaw-dropping overhead goal in the Champions League final

Fox Sports

Mario Mandžukić scored one of the most incredible goals you will ever see in a Champions League Final.

After Cristiano Ronaldo put Real Madrid up 1-0 early in the match, Juventus equalized in the 27th minute. After a series of volleys came to Mandžukić, the Croatian forward played the ball off his chest and then delivered an overhead shot to the far corner of the goal to make it 1-1.

Here is the golazo, via Fox Sports:


Here is the replay, via Fox Sports:

NOW WATCH... Читать дальше...


Why Al Gore has suddenly become the biggest movie star of the summer

Kevin Hagen/Getty

There were a lot of big movie stars making the rounds at the Cannes Film Festival, but none loomed larger than Al Gore. Attending a posh dinner for the festival’s 70th anniversary, he hobnobbed with a crowd of A-listers while receiving well-wishes from distributors and filmmakers alike. “The Beguiled” director Sofia Coppola paid her respects, as did Sony Pictures Classics co-president Michael Barker and Los Angeles Times critic Justin Chang.

And so did I. Everyone in the room felt compelled to approach Gore... Читать дальше...


How to watch Ariana Grande's Manchester benefit concert

Frederick M. Brown/Getty

The world’s leading social media networks are all set to live-stream Ariana Grande’s upcoming One Love Manchester benefit concert on Sunday.

The event will be streamed on the main Twitter site as well as via the pop star’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Variety reported earlier that ABC and its Freeform cable channel had come on board to air the show in the U.S. Broadcasters and streaming services in at least three dozen other countries, from Australia to Brazil... Читать дальше...


Oil companies are struggling to rehire workers they laid off during the crash

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

There's renewed demand for oil workers who left the industry or were laid off during the most recent price crash.

Hiring in oil and gas extraction increased for three straight months through April, the longest stretch since April to July in 2014, which was right around when oil prices peaked.

But as companies revamp production — having adjusted to a world in which oil doesn't cost close to $100 a barrel — sustaining this pace will not be cheap.

... Читать дальше...


After my husband died, there was one thing my boss did that made the return to work much easier


When my 26-year-old husband passed away unexpectedly, work was the last thing on my mind.

Those early days after my loss are a complete blur, but I think my sister contacted my human resources office to inform them I wouldn't be back in the office for a while.

I was working as a psychotherapist. So on the upside, my co-workers were familiar with helping people cope with grief and loss.

On the flipside, I had patients waiting to see me because they were struggling with problems of their own. Читать дальше...


Devin Nunes approved requests for 'unmaskings' — and now Democrats say he's 'gone rogue'

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

The House Intelligence Committee, under the leadership of Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, made at least 5-6 unmasking requests to US spy agencies related to Russia's election meddling between June 2016-January 2017, the Washington Post reported on Friday.

Nunes, who would have had to sign off on any committee requests to reveal the identities of US persons mentioned in intelligence reports, called unmaskings "violations of Americans' civil liberties" in a tweet last week. Читать дальше...


11 things that should never cost more than $99

Flickr / Learn English at DCU

Life is expensive, y'all. Food, rent, home energy, gas — the basic necessities for modern living — cost a fortune these days. This is precisely why we need to avoid overpaying elsewhere in our budget.

Save yourself some dough by rethinking some of these could-be pricey purchases that should never come in at more than $99.

1. Men's haircut

I don't have the beautiful ginger locks I once had — it's gettin' pretty sparse up there, friends —... Читать дальше...


TOP DEMOCRAT: Devin Nunes has not fully recused himself from the House Russia probe


Rep. Adam Schiff slammed Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Saturday, and said that Nunes had not honored his decision to recuse himself from the committee's Trump-Russia investigation. 

Nunes, a California Republican, is the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee.

The House Intelligence Committee issued seven subpoenas related to the investigation on Wednesday. Four were issued to former national security adviser... Читать дальше...


Wall Street regulators just got a powerful reminder of one of the first rules of finance

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

  • Wall Street regulators decided four years ago to try and dampen leveraged lending by big banks.
  • According to a staff report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, big banks did cut back their leveraged lending, and nonbank lenders stepped in.
  • The problem: the nonbanks were funded by the big banks, meaning the risks remained. 

A bunch of US regulators decided in 2013 that the leveraged-lending market was overheating, and that it needed to be curtailed. Читать дальше...


19 simple social skills that will make you more likable

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Being likable is entirely under your control.

All it takes is the ability to pick up a few key social skills that build emotional intelligence.

To help you out, we sifted through the Quora thread "What are useful social skills that can be picked up quickly?," talked to an etiquette expert, and looked to some social psychology researchers.

Here are 19 simple ways to start crafting a "million-dollar personality" and become the most likable... Читать дальше...


Here's what could happen to US energy stocks now that Trump has pulled out of the Paris Agreement

Win McNamee/Getty Images

President Donald Trump has officially withdrawn the US from the Paris Climate Accord.

Despite opposition to this move from some within his administration, most notably Secretary of State and former CEO of ExxonMobil Corporation Rex Tillerson, Trump was dead-set on living up to a campaign promise to exit the landmark climate agreement. 

There are bound to be winners and losers from the move. While there are obvious implications for global efforts to combat climate change... Читать дальше...


A small Boston biotech is at the heart of a groundbreaking approach to tackling cancer (AGIO)

Lydia Ramsey/Business Insider

  • Agios Pharmaceuticals, a company that got its start less than a decade ago, already has one drug in front of the FDA. 
  • The company makes drugs that essentially try to repair cancer cells so they can grow old. 
  • If the drug's approved, it could be the first to target the metabolism of cancer cells, a relatively new area of research.

The idea is a simple one: Starve out cancer cells. 

But finding the right way to do that isn't nearly as simple. Читать дальше...


'I sit back and wait for them to fire me': A former Googler explains the secret to success over 15 years at the company

Courtesy of Chade-Meng Tan

Chade-Meng Tan was a Google engineer in 2007 when he started teaching his coworkers about mindfulness and emotional intelligence.

The course would eventually earn the name "Search Inside Yourself," attract thousands of Tan's coworkers, and spread across the globe.

But back then, it was just a project that Tan pursued in his "20% time," or the time Google gives employees to pursue passions that are unrelated to their core responsibilities but that... Читать дальше...


Mexican police busted a drug-dealing ring using UberEats as cover, and it may be a positive development

Excelsior/Imagen TV

Police in Mexico City disrupted a drug-trafficking operation in on May 28, capturing several suspects and uncovering a new, possibly positive development in the area's drug trade.

After a shooting that left several people wounded at the southern edge of Tepito — a rough neighborhood known as a bastion of the Sante Muerte faith — 200 police officers were dispatched, shutting down streets and searching alleys and buildings in pursuit of suspects who fled the scene. Читать дальше...


The White House hyped up a 'Pittsburgh, not Paris' rally — and Trump skipped it to go to his golf club

REUTERS/David Moir

The Trump administration has been hyping up a "Pittsburgh, not Paris" rally currently being held at a park across from the White House — but it looks like Trump isn't in attendance.

According to a pool report, the president's motorcade pulled up at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia on Saturday morning. It's unclear whether the president is playing golf, and the press pool said it would file another report when it gets more information about the president's activities. Читать дальше...


Deutsche Bank is making a big bet on the future of finance


Deutsche Bank is making a big bet on financial technology.

The German bank is investing in fintech startups. It just opened a fourth innovation lab, this time in the financial district in New York. A chunk of its website is dedicated to digital banking.

Now it's making a push to advise financial technology companies, too.

The German bank has hired Tommaso Zanobini as its global head of financial technology, based in New York. He was most recently the... Читать дальше...


Why we're overreacting to Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement

Win McNamee/Getty Images

The Trump administration has announced the US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Should we expect any substantive effect on global climate efforts or changes to other US climate policies?

Some suggest there will be additional emissions of up to three billion metric tons of carbon dioxide in the air a year. Others point to higher US emissions due to potentially diluted auto fuel efficiency standards and changes to rules to restrict methane leaks from the oil and gas industry.

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Экология в России и мире

Московские краснокнижные зайцы обзавелись потомством

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о догазификации СНТ  

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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