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Новости за 09.03.2017


Here's what you'll pay for a babysitter in nine of the most expensive cities in the US


Child care is expensive: In 33 US states, it costs more than sending your kid to college.

But even if your children no longer require a nanny or attend a  day care, hiring a sitter for a single night out can add up quickly — especially if you live in a major city, such as New York or San Francisco. 

UrbanSitter recently surveyed over 20,000 families from across the country to find the average hourly rate parents pay for babysitting, focusing its report on nine of America's most expensive cities. Читать дальше...


21 signs your company doesn't care about you

Jonny McCullagh/Shutterstock

You're bound to have a bad day at work once in a while, even if you love your job.

Sometimes, you might even get to thinking that your organization doesn't appreciate you enough.

But you shouldn't be feeling that way constantly. That's a pretty big red flag.

So, how can you be sure that your employer couldn't care less? There are some telltale indications that you should be on the lookout for.

Here are 21 signs your employer doesn't really care about you:

1. Читать дальше...


The world's 2nd-largest cocaine producer is adding drones to its police force


The Peruvian National Police force is developing a unit of unmanned aircraft for use in aerial patrols and to boost citizen security.

According to Interior Minister Carlos Basombrio Iglesias, the drones will be deployed as a complement to the helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft already in use by the police aviation unit and will be "a big step in modernization."

"Police aviation will be in the center of modernity," he said.

Gen. Orlando Velasco Mujica, the... Читать дальше...


IBM wants to protect senior citizens by tracking nearly their every move (IBM)

IBM Research/Flickr

Baby boomers aren't getting any younger, and IBM knows it.

Over the last several years, the computing giant has spent much of its time researching ways to keep America's second-largest generation happy and healthy in old age.

That research has zeroed in on outfitting boomers' living spaces with artificially-intelligent sensors that can measure things like air quality, sleep quality, movement patterns, falls, and changes in scent and sound.

Susann Keohane... Читать дальше...


Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan are expecting another baby


Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are expecting another baby girl, the Facebook CEO announced on Thursday.

The baby will be their second child after their 1-year-old daughter, Max.

"After our difficult experience having Max, we weren't sure what to expect or whether we'd be able to have another child," Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post.

"When Priscilla and I first found out she was pregnant again, our first hope was that the child would be healthy. My next hope was that it would be a girl. Читать дальше...


Twitter memes are poking fun at Paul Ryan's healthcare PowerPoint presentation

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

House Speaker Paul Ryan rolled out a television at the start of his weekly press conference on Thursday and delivered a PowerPoint presentation on the GOP's planned overhaul of the Affordable Care Act.

And the internet will not stop making fun of him.

Tweet Embed:
incredible pic.twitter.com/p1JpmeYNtyTweet Embed:
This has gone a little overboard... Читать дальше...


12 things successful married couples do with their money

Ashley Peterson Photography/Bruce Bentley/Flickr

Saying "I do" is more than just a commitment to share your life with someone, it's also a pact to share your finances. Once you walk down the aisle, every money-minded decision you make — from saving for retirement to going out to lunch — affects your partner as well.

While there's no magic formula for a successful marriage, there are steps any couple can take to increase their chances of a long and happy life together, starting with their finances. Читать дальше...


The 'disease of more' could be keeping you from feeling successful

J. Pat Carter/AP

Success is often the first step toward disaster. The idea of progress is often the enemy of actual progress.

I recently met a guy who, despite having a massively successful business, an awesome lifestyle, a happy relationship, and a great network of friends, told me with a straight face, that he was thinking of hiring a coach to help him "reach the next level." 

When I asked him what this elusive next level was, he said he wasn't sure, that that's why he needed a coach... Читать дальше...


Business Insider is hiring a tech and gadgets intern in our San Francisco office!

Melia Robinson/Business Insider

Business Insider is looking for a paid tech editorial intern for its San Francisco office.

Our tech section covers everything from the hottest startups to big tech personalities to Apple earnings. We need someone who is as enthusiastic about social media as s/he is about staying on top of the latest product launches and what people in the tech scene are buzzing about.

We want someone who is curious about how certain companies dominate our lives while others crumble into dust. Читать дальше...


Here's your complete preview of Friday's jobs report

Drew Angerer/Getty

At 8:30 a.m. ET on Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics will release its headliner monthly report on America's employment situation. 

For February, here's what Wall Street is forecasting: 

  • Nonfarm payrolls: +200,000
  • Unemployment rate: 4.7% 
  • Average hourly earnings month-on-month: +0.3%
  • Average hourly earnings year-on-year: +2.7% 
  • Average weekly hours worked: 34.4

Here comes the Fed

The number... Читать дальше...


'Misusing his power': There's displeasure with Trump's new homeland security secretary on both sides of the border

REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Homeland Security John Kelly was greeted with a "lovefest" when he went before the Senate for his confirmation hearing in January.

The approbation he received on Capitol Hill was informed by his long and successful military career, which concluded with his leadership of US Southern Command.

His appointment to lead the Department of Homeland Security was met with optimism, as he had expressed more nuanced opinions about many of the challenges the US faced... Читать дальше...


Adidas is launching an unprecedented attack on Under Armour's home turf

Reuters/Stefanie Loos

Adidas is doubling down on its American invasion. 

The German sportswear giant is increasing its focus on the US market, where it's taking the fight to its rivals Nike and Under Armour.

Adidas has been on a tear as of late, riding the tide of better-performing lifestyle products like its Originals, Neo, and Y3 lines. According to Bloomberg, sales of those categories rose 45% in 2016, amid a slump in traditional performance-oriented sportswear.

"The... Читать дальше...


A 19 year-old made a free robot lawyer that can help refugees claim asylum

Geert Vanden Wijngaert / AP / Press Association Images

In late 2015, Stanford student Joshua Browder created a chatbot, called DoNotPay, that helps users appeal parking tickets for free in the UK. 

Browder, then 19 years old, described it to Business Insider as one of the world's first robot lawyers. It overturned over $3 million in parking fines in a matter of a few months.

Realizing the bot could have multiple applications, Browder later programmed it to assist travelers... Читать дальше...


Be warned: The next version of iOS will feature a major but hidden change (AAPL)

Getty Images/Justin Sullivan

Be honest. When you learn that a new version of iOS is available do you completely back up all of your data and files to Apple's cloud before installing it?

With the next version of iOS, it will be imperative that you do. That's because with this version, Apple is introducing a new file system, called Apple File System (APFS) that completely replaces the ancient 30-year file system that iOS currently uses, known as HFS+.

Your iOS will automatically... Читать дальше...


Sears is 'taking an Advil to cure a heart attack' (SHLD)

Business Insider/Hayley Peterson

Sears reported widening fourth-quarter losses and plunging same-store sales on Thursday.

The retailer's losses grew nearly 5% to $607 million in the fourth quarter, and same-store sales, or sales at stores open at least a year, fell 10.3%.

But the company's adjusted loss was smaller than last year as Sears more closely managed its inventory and costs, which cheered investors and sent the stock climbing more than 5%.

One analyst says there's no reason to celebrate, however. Читать дальше...


A former Marine reveals a trick for earning respect fast

Courtesy of Angie Morgan

Everyone's got their own definition of success. It's a nice idea.

Except that in practice, that concept doesn't always make sense. When you start at a new company, it's up to you learn how your team defines success — and to start implementing that knowledge, stat.

That's according to Angie Morgan, former US Marine and a co-author, along with Courtney Lynch and Sean Lynch, of the new book, "Spark: How to Lead Yourself and Others to Greater Success."... Читать дальше...


Neiman Marcus is selling Ivanka Trump's brand again

REUTERS/Rick Wilking

Neiman Marcus is once again selling Ivanka Trump's fashion line after it disappeared from the retailer's website in early February. 

Shannon Coulter, the originator of the anti-Trump #GrabYourWallet boycott movement, posted on Twitter on Wednesday that two new Trump brand items had surfaced on the retailer's website. 

Tweet Embed:
Just re-added @neimanmarcus to the #GrabYourWallet boycott list as two new Trump brand items have surfaced there. Читать дальше...


The head of HR at a top Wall Street bank explains what she looks for in new hires

RBC Capital Markets

Many people think you have to be a "Yes Man" to get ahead on Wall Street. 

But that's not the type of person Liz Lieberman wants working at her bank. 

Lieberman recently joined RBC Capital Markets as managing director and Head of US Human Resources.

Before joining RBC Capital Markets in October 2016, Lieberman was the Global Head of HR at the Royal Bank of Scotland. She also held top HR roles at Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, and Deutsche Bank, according to her LinkedIn page. Читать дальше...


Harvard Law School just dropped the LSAT as an admissions requirement

Via Flickr

Harvard Law School announced Wednesday that it will accept the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) in a pilot program for students applying to its class of 2018.

The move is a major divergence from the norm in law school admissions, and is part of a larger strategy to expand access to legal education and to diminish the financial burden, according to Harvard.

"Harvard Law School is continually working to eliminate barriers as we search for the most talented candidates... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Ключевой аспект успеха: как построить долгие и хорошие отношения с клиентом

Путин в России и мире

«Ану-ка, девушки!»: какой была легендарная передача, которая вернется на ТВ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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