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Новости за 11.03.2017


The head of HR at a top Wall Street bank explains what she looks for in new hires

RBC Capital Markets

Many people think you have to be a "Yes Man" to get ahead on Wall Street. 

But that's not the type of person Liz Lieberman wants working at her bank. 

Lieberman recently joined RBC Capital Markets as managing director and Head of US Human Resources.

Before joining RBC Capital Markets in October 2016, Lieberman was the Global Head of HR at the Royal Bank of Scotland. She also held top HR roles at Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, and Deutsche Bank, according to her LinkedIn page. Читать дальше...


Trump and Trudeau have formed an unlikely alliance


While other world leaders have been disparaged by Donald Trump or faced ire at home for trying to woo his White House, Canada's progressive Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has struck up an unlikely alliance with the US president.

Trudeau has been called the "anti-Trump" in a German newspaper, while at home, supporters on the left have bit their tongue as he renews neighborly ties with the Republican, for the sake of a key trade and security relationship.

Of course... Читать дальше...


The French election is a horror show

Former Prime Minister Alain Juppé's announcement Monday that he has decided “once and for all” not to enter the French presidential race makes it very likely that neither the center-left nor the center-right will have a candidate in the second-round runoff vote in May, an unprecedented development in modern French politics.

Читать дальше...


Rex Tillerson might be the weakest secretary of state ever

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

While much of America’s political class is transfixed by the debate about connections between Russia and the White House, a quieter but perhaps more consequential drama is playing out at Foggy Bottom. It concerns the startling diminution of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and perhaps the entire department that he heads. Normally the most important position in the cabinet, the secretary of state has had little impact on the Trump administration so far. And, if anything... Читать дальше...


Preet Bharara, the 'Sheriff of Wall Street,' is fired by Trump after refusing to resign

REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz

Preet Bharara, the US attorney for the Southern District of New York – commonly known as the "sheriff of Wall Street" –  was fired by President Donald Trump on Saturday after refusing to tender his resignation.

"I did not resign. Moments ago I was fired. Being the US Attorney in SDNY will forever be the greatest honor of my professional life," Bharara tweeted Saturday afternoon. 

Dana Boente, the acting deputy Attorney General, called Bharara on Saturday... Читать дальше...


Apollo astronaut: 'You go to heaven when you are born'


It seems like the world has caught a case of moon fever.

On February 27, tech entrepreneur Elon Musk announced that two unnamed people are paying his rocket company, SpaceX, to send them on an auto-piloted trip around the moon in 2018. Later The Washington Post revealed that Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos and his own rocket company, Blue Origin, had circulated a 2020 moon colonization plan around Capitol Hill.

But it's not just a gaggle of billionaires who've set their sights on Luna. Читать дальше...


The most terrifying villain in the movie everyone's talking about is white womanhood — here's why

Universal Pictures

Spoilers ahead.

On a recent episode of Jeff Goldsmith's podcast The Q&A, the host asked his guest, "Get Out" director Jordan Peele, about how he had conceived of the movie's white girlfriend Rose, played by Allison Williams.

In the sharp horror satire, Rose brings her boyfriend Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) to meet her WASPy family in their rural, stately East Coast mansion but doesn't let them know ahead of time that he's black.

A series of terrifying events ensues... Читать дальше...


Trump knows the feds are closing in on him

Reuters/Carlo Allegri

It didn’t last long.

Immediately before and after his well-received speech to a joint session of Congress on Feb. 28, President Trump curtailed his use of Twitter. "For precisely four days, eight hours and five minutes, Trump refrained from tweeting anything inflammatory," the Washington Post noted. "That’s 6,245 consecutive minutes!"

That self-restraint began to break down on the evening of March 2, just two days after his big speech, when Trump accused... Читать дальше...


PENCE: 'The Obamacare nightmare is about to end!'

Carlo Allegri/Reuters

Vice President Mike Pence delivered a strong endorsement Saturday morning of the GOP's replacement bill for the Affordable Care Act, which was introduced earlier in the week by House Republican leadership and supported by President Donald Trump. 

Pence, who spoke to constitutents in Kentucky, highlighted some of the pitfalls of Obamacare, including rising premiums and a lack of carrier options. 

"The Obamacare nightmare is about to end," Pence said as he kicked off his address. Читать дальше...


The $2.5 trillion investor behind a statue of a girl on Wall Street is tackling its own gender problem

Rachael Levy

A statue of a little girl standing defiantly in front of Wall Street's iconic bull caught the public's imagination this week. 

The statue was installed by State Street Global Advisors, a nearly $2.5 trillion investor and unit within State Street Corp., ahead of International Women's Day. 

Business Insider's story on the statue has been read by over 1.2 million people. People visited Wall Street to place pink, floppy "pussy hats" atop the head of the newly installed statue. Читать дальше...


Trump is right that America has lost manufacturing jobs — he's just picking on the wrong country

Wang Zhou — Pool/Getty Images

President Donald Trump spent much of his election campaign attacking Mexico and China for, in his words, "killing us on trade" because of "bad trade deals."

As president, however, Trump's harsh tone with Mexico has persisted while he has mostly backed off the stronger China rhetoric — even though China had a much larger impact on the manufacturing jobs the president has said he wants to "bring back" to the US.

The chart below, which shows the path of US manufacturing employment over time... Читать дальше...


A documentary filmmaker explains how infamous actress Paz de la Huerta hijacked his Scientology movie

Magnolia Pictures

In Louis Theroux's first feature film, "My Scientology Movie" (in theaters Friday), the acclaimed British documentarian travels to Hollywood in the hopes of better understanding the Church of Scientology by investigating its most infamous moments with former members.

But, as it typically goes with a Theroux project, the unknown creates the most compelling footage. And there's nothing more compelling in "My Scientology Movie" than the hilarious and surprising moment when... Читать дальше...


An intruder who claimed he is a 'friend' of Trump's was arrested at the White House


An intruder carrying a backpack entered the White House grounds and was arrested by U.S. Secret Service agents at an entrance near the president's residence, CNN reported on Saturday morning, citing an unnamed source.

The intruder reportedly told Secret Service agents he was a "friend" of President Donald Trump, and that he had an appointment to see the president, reports The New York Times' Jeff Zeleny. 

However, it was nearly midnight and Trump was not in the White House at the time. Читать дальше...


Deutsche bank is struggling to stay alive

REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach

Let me say this upfront: When an at-risk too-big-to-fail bank raises fresh capital from investors, it’s a great thing for affected taxpayers. When push comes to shove, every dollar thus extracted from investors lowers the burden on taxpayers.

Since the Financial Crisis, Deutsche Bank has been raising capital in large waves — $20 billion so far. And now, its new efforts to raise another $8.5 billion by selling shares would bring the total to $28.5 billion, and... Читать дальше...


How to reset your body clock for daylight-saving time and jet lag, according to science

Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

Ah, daylight-saving time, that point in the year when — because of what almost seems like a joke by Ben Franklin — we shift our clocks forward an hour.

Not all states or countries observe the time change, but it is nice to suddenly be able to leave work before sunset. The first morning after you've lost an hour of sleep can be rough, though. (There are actually more auto accidents the week after the change.)

Fortunately, science can help.

We all have a natural internal clock of sorts... Читать дальше...


4 pieces of retirement advice from financial experts who've been there

Michael Steele/Getty Images

Most retirement advice has a flaw: It's being given by people who haven't yet retired.

So I asked money experts who have quit the 9-to-5 for their best advice on how to prepare for retirement.

They still faced curveballs when it was their turn. Making the right financial moves is important, they said, but so is getting ready mentally, emotionally and socially.

You can't plan for everything

A central retirement decision is when to do it. Читать дальше...


WikiLeaks has joined the Trump administration

Oli Scarff/Getty Images

A presidential candidate, Donald Trump declared, “I love WikiLeaks!” And he had good reason to display affection to this website run by accused rapist Julian Assange. By releasing reams of emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, WikiLeaks helped tilt the 2016 election in Trump’s favor.

As president, Trump hasn’t come out and said anything laudatory about WikiLeaks following its massive disclosure of CIA secrets on Tuesday ... Читать дальше...


North Korea could be Trump's first real crisis

Associated Press/Evan Vucci

For all the storm and turmoil that have kept this president in a near-constant state of agitation, Donald Trump has not yet faced any crises (other than those of his own making) or made a single decision on foreign policy.

This may be about to change, after North Korea tested four ballistic missiles Monday morning, once again flouting U.N. Security Council resolutions that ban such tests and elevating the threat to South Korea and Japan.

No crisis is in the offing just yet... Читать дальше...


Spurs forward LaMarcus Aldridge out 'indefinitely' with heart arrhythmia

Eric Gay/AP

The San Antonio Spurs announced on Saturday that forward LaMarcus Aldridge is out "indefinitely" after experiencing minor heart arrhythmia.

The team said that Aldridge will be kept out until more tests are done and the team can figure out a more definitive timeline.

According to ESPN, Aldridge was diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, a condition that can cause a rapid heartbeat, during his rookie season in 2007. ESPN also reports that Aldridge missed time in 2011-12 with a similar occurrence. Читать дальше...


4 things Hollywood gets wrong about archaeologists — and 2 things it gets right

Paramount Pictures

Quick, think of a fictional archaeologist.

You pictured Indiana Jones, right?

That's not surprising. Harrison Ford's popular character didn't just grab the attention of movie audiences. As National Geographic previously reported, the film franchise inspired a lot of real world interest in the field of archaeology.

Of course, actual archaeology involves fewer boulder traps, melting faces, and big golden statues than the series indicates. In fact, there... Читать дальше...


The bull market in stocks just turned 8, and a pullback is the best thing that can happen

Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters

The postelection surge in US stocks has lost its steam in March.

And a pullback might be the best thing that can happen next, even though that may sound counterintuitive.

After all, most investors — especially those piled into increasingly popular index funds — gain only when the stock market goes up. And they have done just that since November 9, with the S&P 500 up 9% after the election and before President Trump's administration has had a chance... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Песков: погода не является препятствием для проведения парада Победы

Путин в России и мире

Путин поблагодарил Рахмона за соболезнования в связи с терактом в «Крокусе»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассмотрит заявление об убежище от польского суди Шмидта

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Юрий Назаров: «Андрей Макаревич* на себя бы в зеркало поглядел, а не народ ругал»


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