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Новости за 04.03.2017


A commercial mocking the GOP's controversial tax plan will air during 'SNL'


A parody commercial mocking House Republicans' proposed tax on imports will run this weekend during "Saturday Night Live."

The commercial was produced by the National Retail Federation, a retail trade organization, as part of a campaign to rally opposition to the provision, which would impose a tariff on imports.

Retailers would be hit hard by the tax: an estimated 97% of all clothing and footwear sold in the US is imported.

The infomercial sarcastically... Читать дальше...


Bond investors should prepare for higher volatility as change comes to the Fed

Getty Images

Change is coming to the Federal Reserve.

Two of the seven seats on the Board of Governors have been open since 2013 as nominees never made it as far as confirmation hearings. Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo, who heads supervision and regulation, has announced plans to retire in April. In addition, Fed Chair Janet Yellen’s term as Chair will be up in February 2018 while Vice Chair Stanley Fischer’s will be up in June 2018. 

Assuming Yellen will not be reappointed, the... Читать дальше...


'Right now we're just celebrating': Inside Snap's crazy $33 billion IPO (SNAP)

Hollis Johnson

NEW YORK — Cheers erupted from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday as cofounders Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy rang the opening bell to announce Snap's hotly anticipated IPO.

The Snapchat maker's debut is the first tech IPO of the year and the largest tech deal since Alibaba went public in 2014.

Snap had priced its IPO at $17 per share, but demand pushed the opening price to $24 at a $33 billion valuation.

Snap's share price closed at $24.48 on its first day of trading... Читать дальше...


Here's how much people working for hedge funds made in 2016


It's no secret that hedge funds have been dealing with some issues lately.

High fees and lackluster performance are forcing some clients to evaluate whether they should leave their money with the once mighty kings of Wall Street or take it elsewhere.

Just last week, investment icon Warren Buffett urged investors to seek out alternative investment venues.

"When trillions of dollars are managed by Wall Streeters charging high fees, it will usually be the managers who reap outsized profits... Читать дальше...


How a single typo brought the internet to its knees

Chip Somodevilla/Getty

This week, an Amazon Web Service (AWS) failure caused a massive outage all over the internet. Now we know why: a typo.

The company released a detailed report explaining what happened. An employee entered what they thought was a routine command to remove servers from an S3 subsystem. By mistake, they entered a larger number than intended. These servers supported two other S3 subsystems, both of which manage the storage and metadata for the entire region. Down went the dominoes. Читать дальше...


A key innovation at Starbucks and Chipotle is turning into a major problem (CMG, SBUX)


Mobile ordering, which was once a feature chains like Starbucks and Chipotle bragged about, has become a major headache. 

In January, Starbucks reported that transactions, an important measure of customer traffic, dropped 2% in the most recent quarter, in large part due to problems caused by mobile ordering.

Mobile ordering allows customers to order and pay on their smartphones, and in theory, skip the line in stores. But the new technology has created bottlenecks... Читать дальше...


Here's exactly what to say when you've decided you don't want to be friends anymore

Universal Pictures

The one real friend breakup I experienced was a lot more painful than any romantic dissolution I've been through.

It was high school, and the thrust of my ex-friend's breakup speech was this: My other, cooler friends don't like you. So I've decided that I don't either. 

To be fair, we were young, and there's really no good way to tell someone you don't want to spend time with them anymore, for whatever reason. 

There are, however, a few decent ways that don't make you look like a total flake. Читать дальше...


France's bond market is too afraid of Le Pen win in the French elections

Philippe Wojazer/Reuters

French government bonds sold off to yield about 85 bps more than equivalent 10 year German government bonds as political uncertainties hit a peak last week. Given that the Presidential election is not due until 23rd April (with a likely second round due to take place on 7th May), opinion poll jitters are likely to continue to drive market flows over the next couple of months.

To an extent, it is perfectly rational for the market, after having been surprised by the Brexit and Trump votes last year... Читать дальше...


Here are the 13 US housing markets that would be most affected by rising interest rates

Flickr / Justin Brown

US homebuyers are most concerned about rising interest rates, but they still plan to go ahead with their initial buying plans, according to survey results released by Zillow Group Mortgages.

"Most people (83 percent) planning to buy within the next three years will continue with their homebuying plans even if rates increase their monthly mortgage payment by $100," Zillow said in a press release.

Higher rates would, however, limit buyer choices. According to Zillow... Читать дальше...


A best-selling author reveals what it was like to get a flesh-eating disease while exploring a 'lost city' in the Honduran jungle

Dave Yoder / National Geographic

As the sun set over his campsite one evening, author Douglas Preston silently congratulated himself on still being alive.

Preston had spent the last week in a remote jungle in Honduras. In that time, he and a team of researchers had wrestled a venomous snake, nearly drowned in quicksand, and been visited by hungry pumas on the prowl. He details the full experience in the new book "The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story."

All of this was... Читать дальше...


Republicans are facing increasing pressure to make details of 'Obamacare Lite' public

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Republicans are facing increasing bipartisan pressure to reveal the details of their Obamacare repeal and replace bill, which may be ready for House committee markup next week. 

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul is leading the fight to make the bill public. On Thursday, Paul, tailed by a pack of reporters, led a scavenger hunt through the Capitol for the bill, which is being kept in a "secure location." 

“This is being presented as if it were a national secret... Читать дальше...


Tesla is missing out on the biggest auto sales boom in US history (TSLA)

Daniel McMahon

Tesla has steadily sold more cars each new year than it did the year before, with an all-time high of nearly 80,000 in 2016. CEO Elon Musk ambitiously expects to be delivering 500,000 vehicles annually in 2018, with a million to come by 2020.

Tesla's sales improvements have taken place since it launched its first designed-from-scratch Model S sedan in 2012.

In 2015, the Model X SUV was added to the lineup, and the Model S has been progressively improved over the past four years... Читать дальше...


The American wealthy have been redefining social status through a practice known as 'countersignaling'

Rick Wilking/Reuters

Fashion is but one example of how the American wealthy have been redefining social status through a practice known as countersignaling.

Countersignaling is when you go out of your way to show you don’t need to go out of your way. The boss doesn’t have to wear a tie or even dress up.

If he did, that would suggest he had something to prove, which would be a negative rather than a positive impression.

The next step is that the vice presidents also don’t have to dress up... Читать дальше...


Men's clothing stores keep popping up in New York City — and they're all targeting the same kind of guy

Sarah Jacobs

Stroll into any retail clothing store focused primarily on menswear, and you'll likely find a few things: an assortment of clothing, staff trained to be stylists as well as salespeople, and some kind of cafe serving drinks and often food. It's a one-stop shop that's curated so that anything you pick up is stylish and current.

And it all seems to be targeting one man: the kind who actually likes to shop and who has the money (but not necessarily the know-how) to do it often. Читать дальше...


The US is considering a direct strike against North Korea — here’s how it would go down

KCNA/Handout via Reuters

Just after North Korea carried out a missile test and a high-profile assassination of Kim Jong Un's half-brother in Malyasia, the Wall Street Journal reported that the US was considering direct military action against the Kim regime. 

US President Donald Trump has apparently honed in on North Korea as his most serious external challenge, and has reportedly declared them the single greatest threat to the United States. In January, Trump tweeted that North Korean missile hitting the US... Читать дальше...


10 countries that desperately want people to have more sex

dragon jeremiah/Flickr

There are few things more important than fertility in determining a nation's future viability.

Demographers suggest that a country needs a fertility rate of just over two children per woman to hit "replacement fertility" — the rate at which new births fill the spaces left behind by deaths.

But because of certain cultural and economic forces, only about half of the world's 224 countries currently hit replacement fertility.

For those that don't,... Читать дальше...


The rise of Snapchat from a sexting app by Stanford frat bros to a $31 billion public company (SNAP)


Snapchat's beginning sounds a lot like Facebook's from "The Social Network."

In Snapchat's case, it wasn't two ousted cofounders (the Winklevoss twins) against Mark Zuckerberg. But still, it featured the backdrop of an elite university — Stanford versus Harvard — and ended up in litigation, with Snapchat cofounders Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy against Reggie Brown.

At stake was the founding story of a social network to make photos disappear. Snapchat's founders ended... Читать дальше...


Here's what a 'pot sommelier' looks for when buying marijuana

Courtesy of Jessica Catalano

One in five Americans has access to legal weed, which means they can drop in at their local dispensary, browse a menu of marijuana varieties, and buy without a doctor's note.

While the days of buying marijuana in a back alley from your college roommate's cousin's friend may be nearing an end, there's often still confusion on what kind potency various strains have and where it comes from. These specs aren't always clearly labeled.

Jessica Catalano... Читать дальше...


Tesla will launch its Model 3 later this year — but I'm still crazy about the company's first car (tsla)

Matthew DeBord/Business Insider

You never forget your first Tesla.

In 2010, right after the company had survived a near-death experience, I was offered the chance to sample what was then the carmaker's only vehicle: the original Roadster.

It's hard to overestimate the importance of this car, which sold for over $100,000, turned in blistering acceleration, and could top 200 miles on a single charge.

The Roadster changed our minds forever about what an electric car could... Читать дальше...


How to write an email that won't be mocked, trashed, or ignored

Emails can be tricky.

Whether you're reaching out to a new connection or firing off a note to your work idol's inbox, there are a ton of email mistakes to be made.

That's a big problem. We conduct so much business over email nowadays. A lousy subject line or an unfortunate sign off can actually have an impact on your career.

That's why The Business Backer created the ultimate list of email do's and don't's:

The Business Backer

NOW WATCH: 8 terrible email sign-offs... Читать дальше...


The Keystone pipeline won't use US steel despite Trump's pledge

Terray Sylvester/Reuters

The Keystone XL oil pipeline won't use American steel in its construction, despite what President Donald Trump says.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Friday that's due to language in a presidential directive Trump issued in January. The directive applies to new pipelines or those under repair. Sanders said it would be hard to do an about-face on Keystone because it's already under construction and the steel has been acquired.

Trump... Читать дальше...


JPMorgan revealed the logic behind the crazy popular Sapphire Reserve card

JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase revealed its newest rewards card, the Chase Sapphire Reserve, last summer. 

It came complete with a $450 annual fee and a bevy of benefits, including an unheard-of 100,000-point sign-up bonus worth about $1,500 in travel credit.

Suffice to say, the card was hugely popular. It even made the front cover of Bloomberg Business Week. 

"We had some tremendous PR and excitement around the product," Gordon Smith, chief executive and consumer and community banking at JPMorgan... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Алла Пугачёва

Гитарист Пугачевой Левшин рассказал о проблемах со здоровьем у певицы


Бушманов – о дерби: «Скукотища, а не футбол»

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