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Новости за 03.03.2017


Deutsche Bank is looking at raising $8.5 billion (DB)

Thomson Reuters

Deutsche Bank is looking at "conducting preparatory steps" for a potential $8.5 billion capital raise.

Here's the statement from the bank:

"Deutsche Bank confirms that it is conducting preparatory steps for a potential capital raise of approximately EUR 8 billion and several potential strategic measures. These include retaining Postbank and integrating it with the Bank’s existing German retail and commercial business and a sale of a minority stake in Deutsche... Читать дальше...


Sweden is bringing back its military draft for men and women

REUTERS/Ints Kalnins

Sweden just brought back conscription — and this time, women will be required to sign up too. Under the plan approved on Mar. 3, all of Sweden’s 18-year-olds could be called on to sign up for service each year.

Sweden did away with compulsory service seven years ago because voluntary participation was high, but the country decided to return to the draft in order to bolster readiness. Swedes who want to sign up voluntarily will still be able to serve as well.

... Читать дальше...


Bill Ackman's nightmare stock is getting kicked around again

What more does the market want from Valeant Pharmaceuticals?

The stock fell over 5% during Friday's trading day. The news of the day, though, was that the company had completed a $1.3 billion asset sale to L'Oreal, something investors were clamoring for during the company's earnings call on Tuesday, as Valeant is holding around $30 billion in debt and could use the cash from some asset sales.

So, it's interesting that despite making a move that investors were looking for, the company is still getting punished. Читать дальше...


Russian ambassador at center of Sessions firestorm did not attend corresponding Democratic convention event

AP Photo/Cliff Owen

Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak did not attend a corresponding Democratic National Committee event to one he attended at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, where he held an initial chat with then-Sen. Jeff Sessions, according to the DNC event's organizer.

That event was the International Leaders Forum, put on by the National Democratic Institute last July in Philadelphia. The State Department invites foreign ambassadors and dignitaries to both conventions... Читать дальше...


Trump's trade policy violates basic rules of behavior we teach in kindergarten

Flickr / woodleywonderworks

In kindergarten, most children are taught lessons they are meant to carry through the rest of their lives. This is where they are socialized, and become humans capable of working with other humans.

They learn lessons like,"treat others the way you want to be treated;" "don't bully;" and "play nice with others."

The Trump trade agenda, which was published this week, violates all of those principles in the name of creating a more prosperous America. Читать дальше...


Here's how the cast of 'Logan' looks compared to their comic-book counterparts


Wolverine is back in theaters March 3 for one last ride in "Logan." 

While some familiar faces appear in the movie, there are a few new ones who may leave you for a loop. Here's who the characters are in the comics and how they compare to their comic-book counterparts.

Let's start with an easy one. Hugh Jackman is back for one more go around as Wolverine.

20th Century Fox/Marvel

The film takes place in 2029 so we see the mutant with impervious claws as a slightly older, aged version of his former self. Читать дальше...


Trump's cutting $1 billion from the Coast Guard at a time when it's doing more than ever

Petty Officer 1st Class Zac Crawford/USCG

President Donald Trump's proposed budget guidance is asking for $1.3 billion in funding cuts to the U.S. Coast Guard at a time when the service is doing more than ever, and is already severely under-resourced.

Trump's budget would cancel a $500 million ship that is already in production, and would likely hit other areas of the Guard, which specializes in interdicting drugs, human trafficking, and keeping a close eye on what Russia is doing in the Arctic. Читать дальше...


13 unexpected costs of having a kid

Sean Gallup/Getty

First-time parents face a mountain of expenses, from top-of-the-line nursery furniture to dozens of teensy polka-dotted socks.

But filling a nursery isn't the only thing making demands on a new parent's wallet. Unscheduled doctor's visits, utility bill spikes, and the ever-increasing cost of childcare can hit new parents' bank accounts with a variety of unexpected costs. 

While everyone's experience is different, a little foresight can be great for the budget. Читать дальше...


'The Walking Dead' star Christine Evangelista weighs in on Sherry's sudden exit

Gene Page/AMC

Warning: Spoilers ahead if you haven't caught up with "The Walking Dead."

Fans are still processing the sudden departure of Sherry from last week's episode of AMC's "The Walking Dead," but the star behind the role, Christine Evangelista, says she expected that her time on the zombie show was limited.

Sherry was Dwight's (Austin Amelio) ex-wife and later, one of murderous Negan's (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) many reluctant wives. Despite the danger, she was kind to Daryl... Читать дальше...


Uber has been secretively deceiving authorities for years with a tool called 'Greyball'

REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

Uber has been using a secretive tool to evade authorities for years, particularly at times when city regulators were trying to block the ride-hailing service, according to a new report by The New York Times' Mike Isaac.

Called Greyball, the tool collected data from Uber's app to identify and evade officials in cities like Boston, Paris, and Las Vegas. The Times reports that the program was used in markets where Uber was outright banned or being resisted by law enforcement. Читать дальше...


Here's what the charts are saying about bitcoin

Reuters/Lucas Jackson

Technical Analysis is the study of the behavior of the market and market participants. We try and identify the direction of the primary trend and invest accordingly. As Technicians we can apply our price-focused approach to any market, whether it’s stocks, commodities, currencies or even Bitcoin. If it is liquid and driven by the supply and demand dynamics in that particular market, then applying our methods of price analysis makes perfect sense and it works very well. Читать дальше...


15 mega-billionaires who made a fortune last year

REUTERS/Albert Gea

Bill Gates is once again the richest man in the world, adding another $10.6 billion to his net worth in the past year. Not a bad haul, but four other billionaires actually outearned Gates in the past year. 

Using data from the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, which recently relaunched and expanded online to include 500 billionaires across the globe, Business Insider ranked which of the 30 richest billionaires in the world gained the most wealth in the past year.

... Читать дальше...


Former Trump adviser on meetings with Russian ambassador: 'I never met him anywhere outside of Cleveland'

Associated Press/Pavel Golovkin

Carter Page, a former adviser to President Donald Trump's campaign, admitted he had contacts with the Russian ambassador at the center of the firestorm around the Trump administration's ties to Russia, after previously denying the meeting. 

"I'm not going to deny that I talked with him," Page told MSNBC's Chris Hayes on Thursday evening, referring to Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. "Although, I will say that I never met him anywhere outside of Cleveland. Читать дальше...


9 signs you're successful, even if it doesn't feel like it

Jim Young/Reuters

This post from LinkedIn Influencer Travis Bradberry originally appeared on LinkedIn.

If you're ambitious, you're bound to feel like a failure from time to time. Lofty goals lead to inevitable moments when you aren't yet living up to your expectations.

We live in a world that reinforces this feeling. Though most people won't admit it — other than the guy with the 'He who dies with the most toys wins' bumper sticker — in the back of our minds, we equate material possessions with success. Читать дальше...


Evan Spiegel's friends might just have made a killing on Snap's IPO (SNAP)

Charley Gallay/Getty Images

Friends of Snap executives might already have booked a 60% profit on an investment in the company's shares thanks to its decision to set aside some of the stock in its IPO for them. 

The company raised $3.4 billion in an initial public offering this week, and its shares have popped 60% from the IPO price. The "friends" are among a select group of investors for whom Snap reserved some stock in advance of the sale. 

The company said it was going to hold about 14 million shares... Читать дальше...


Arnold Schwarzenegger is leaving 'The Apprentice' because of the show's 'baggage'

"The Celebrity Apprentice"/NBC; Hulu

Arnold Schwarzenegger has told NBC he's leaving "The Celebrity Apprentice" after only his one season hosting the show, according to a New York Times reporter.

Tweet Embed:
Arnold Schwarzenegger told NBC he's leaving "The Celebrity Apprentice." Here's his statement: pic.twitter.com/HXS6w1vqlb

In the statement from Schwarzenegger posted by New York Times TV reporter John Koblin, the actor... Читать дальше...


Microsoft reveals the secret weapon it says will topple Amazon's $970 million live gaming juggernaut (MSFT)


Back in October, Microsoft bought Beam — a fast-growing competitor to Twitch, the live video game streaming company that Amazon bought for $970 million in 2014. 

At this week's Game Developer Conference in San Francisco, Microsoft outlined its vision for the future of Beam, and explained how this service is going to be coming very soon to a PC and Xbox One console near you, when the Windows 10 Creators Update launches this Spring. 

"We think there's a future for interactivity... Читать дальше...


Joe Biden's son is in the middle of a twisted family drama that sounds straight out of a soap opera


DOVER, Del. (AP) — The estranged wife of former Vice President Joe Biden's youngest son, Hunter Biden, claims he squandered the couple's money on drugs, alcohol and prostitutes since the couple separated in 2015.

In a court filing last week, Kathleen Buhle Biden asked a Washington, D.C. judge to order Hunter Biden to stop spending the couple's remaining assets.

"Throughout the parties' separation, Mr. Biden has created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs... Читать дальше...


A tiny London firm run by a couple of 30-somethings won a slice of Snap's IPO at the last minute (SNAP)

Drew Angerer/Getty

Snap Inc. just raised a greater-than-expected $3.4 billion in the largest US tech initial public offering in over two years.

Given that the typical IPO raises less than $500 million, pulling off a sale of this size takes a lot of work. Naturally, Snap drafted some heavyweight banks with huge sales forces for the job.

Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs led the deal, along with a long list of banks including the likes of JPMorgan, Allen & Company, and UBS. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Смешарики и «Академия Эстрада Тинс» выпустили трек «Попурри»


Биолог Лосев рассказал, как клетки организма защищаются от вирусов

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