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Новости за 09.03.2017


Washington Redskins GM is suddenly no longer helping make the team's decisions as 'dysfunction abounds'

Mark Tenally/AP

A strange situation has unfolded over the past two weeks between the Washington Redskins and GM Scot McCloughan, according to reports.

Last week, McCloughan was not attending the NFL Draft combine.

McCloughan was reportedly home to attend to a family matter, said to have been the passing of his grandmother. Some eyebrows were raised, however, when it was discovered she had passed away weeks earlier.

Adding to the confusion, former tight end Chris Cooley... Читать дальше...


EpiPen is getting crushed by a $10 copycat

Mark Zaleski/AP

Mylan’s EpiPen – the center of one of the many blistering scandals on Big Pharma price gouging – is getting hammered in the market, as competitors have burst on the scene, and as health insurers and prescribing physicians have gotten the memo. Its market share plunged from 95% to 71% in just two months!

Mylan had acquired the rights to the decades-old product in 2007. At the time, pharmacies were charged less than $100 for a two-pen set. By 2009, pharmacies were charged... Читать дальше...


7 fan theories that completely change the way you’ll see your favorite shows


The INSIDER Summary

• "Breaking Bad" and "The Walking Dead" take place in the same universe. 
• Mac, Dee, and Dennis from "It's Always Sunny," don't look like the actors who play them. 
• "Friends" and "Parks and Recreation" also allegedly take place in the same universe. 

For die-hard fans of pop culture, TV shows aren't just about consuming content. They're also about analyzing and coming up with theories about beloved fictional universes. That's half the fun of watching a TV show in the first place. Читать дальше...


Barcelona scored 3 goals in the final 7 minutes to complete the most absurd comeback in Champions League history

Laurence Griffiths/Getty

FC Barcelona pulled off the single most stunning comeback in UEFA Champions League history on Wednesday, rallying back from a 4-0 first-leg deficit against PSG to win the second leg of their Round of 16 clash 6-1 and advance 6-5 on aggregate.

Most stunningly, Barcelona needed — and then scored — three goals in the final seven minutes to win the match.

Entering the game, Barcelona would need four goals to tie PSG on aggregate to just force extra time. Читать дальше...


8 of the best true crime documentaries to watch on Netflix in 2017


The INSIDER Summary: 

  • True crime documentaries focus on real stories and broad topics, often famous ones, and analyze them from a new perspective. 
  • "Making a Murderer," "The Fear of 13," and "The Ivory Game" are some of the best ones available on Netflix. 

It's not difficult to become consumed with a good crime story, especially when it's true. Following the case, examining the evidence, figuring out the motivations of the accused and... Читать дальше...


Qatar Airways' swanky new seats will revolutionize business travel

Qatar Airways

On Tuesday, Qatar Airways unveiled its new QSuite Business Class at the ITB Berlin travel industry trade show. 

"Today I am proud to unveil the future of premium travel with our new QSuite Business Class," Qatar Airways Group CEO His Excellency Mr. Akbar Al Baker said in a statement. "Our unique and patented design is a world first in many ways and challenges industry norms by offering passengers more privacy, more choice, and more personalization."

A few years ago... Читать дальше...


Powerful photos of the ‘Day Without a Woman’ strike outside the Trump hotel in New York City


Thousands of women across the world are participating in demonstrations and rallies for International Women's Day on March 8.

The organizers of January's Women's March on Washington also called for a "Day Without a Woman" strike, leading to school and business closures around the US. Women were encouraged to wear red and shop only at businesses owned by women and minorities.

In New York City, protesters gathered outside of the Trump International Hotel near Columbus... Читать дальше...


It's International Women's Day — here are 23 quotes from the strongest feminist voices around the world

March 8 is International Women's Day. 

The earliest celebration of International Women's Day was in 1909. That year, the Socialist Party of America dedicated the day to honoring the 1908 garment workers' strike in New York. Through the years, the day has been spent showing the progress that women have made as well as the progress women (and men) around the world are working towards. 

This year, the organizers of the January 21 Women's March organized A Day Without Women to show the impact women have. Читать дальше...


CIA: Americans 'should be deeply troubled' by WikiLeaks' disclosure

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

The CIA responded to WikiLeaks' disclosure of the agency's hacking arsenal on Wednesday afternoon, saying that Americans should be "deeply troubled" by the revelations.

"The American public should be deeply troubled by any WikiLeaks disclosure designed to damage the Intelligence Community's ability to protect America against terrorists or other adversaries," the statement read, according to NBC's Andrea Mitchell and Bradd Jaffy.

"Such disclosures not only jeopardize US personnel and operations... Читать дальше...


Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are reportedly renting their DC home from a billionaire who is feuding with the US government


In January, it was revealed that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner would be moving into a nearly 7,000-square-foot home in the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington, DC. 

It turns out their landlord is Chilean billionaire Andrónico Luksic, according to a new report by the Wall Street Journal.

Luksic, who bought the home for $5.5 million through a shell company in December, is currently feuding with the US government through another company he owns, Antofagasta PLC, and its subsidiary, Twin Metals Minnesota LLC. Читать дальше...


Tesla is powering the Hawaiian island of Kauai with more than 54,000 solar panels and its giant battery packs (TSLA)


Tesla will power the Hawaiian island of Kauai with solar panels and its giant battery packs.

Tesla officially unveiled the project Wednesday morning in Kauai following opening remarks by CTO JB Straubel and David Ige, governor of Hawaii. Tesla partnered with the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) to launch the project.

The solar farm is composed of 54,978 solar panels with 13 megawatts of solar generation capacity. Tesla has also installed 272 of its large commercial battery... Читать дальше...


Overbought stock markets can still be bullish

Thomson Reuters

Ari Wald at Oppenheimer Asset Management put this out over the weekend and it’s an interesting take on where we are in the stock market cycle (not the economic cycle, different discussion). What if it’s only 1995 as opposed to Q1 2000?

In our 10 Big Numbers for 2017 (Jan. 2, 2017) we rhetorically asked what would make us even more bullish, and answered: the ability for the S&P’s weekly RSI to reach 75 because this momentum reading is usually reached during the early stages of a new advance, by our analysis. Читать дальше...


'Does the president have a credibility problem?': Spicer was asked point-blank about Trump's troubles with the truth

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

White House press secretary Sean Spicer was asked point-blank by a reporter during Wednesday's press conference about whether President Donald Trump has a credibility problem.

The question centered on what Trump meant by his Tuesday tweet that said: "122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!"

Trump's tweet came after a Fox News segment discussing the 122 ex-Guantanamo Bay prisoners. Читать дальше...


Congress just passed a bill that tells NASA to send humans to Mars by 2033


For the first time in more than 6 years, both chambers of Congress passed a bill that approves funding for NASA and gives the space agency new mandates.

The NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017 is a bill the Senate and House collaborated on for months, and it appropriates $19.508 billion to the space agency. (NASA received $19.3 billion in 2016, or 0.5% of the total federal budget.)

When the Senate brought the bill before the House of Representatives for a vote on March 7... Читать дальше...


What it's like to be a woman in the hedge fund business

Business Insider

Women have a long way to go on Wall Street, and nowhere is this more true than in the hedge fund industry, where only 15% of CEOs are women. 

While women often hold marketing and compliance roles, they are rare in investing positions, which usually pay the most.

There are a lot of reasons for the gap, among them biases, cliquey hiring, and weaker professional networks.

Last year, I spoke with female investors about what it is like working in the industry. Читать дальше...


One of Congress' fiercest drug-price critics just tried to get Trump on his side at a big meeting

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

President Trump on Wednesday met with Reps. Elijah Cummings and Peter Welch, along with Johns Hopkins president Dr. Redonda Miller, to talk about drug pricing. 

Coming out of the meeting, Cummings said Trump was "enthusiastic" about targeting drug prices. 

It's a topic the president has brought up many times, most recently in a tweet on Tuesday.

And at a January news conference, Trump said drugmakers are "getting away with murder" and expressed an interest in negotiating drug prices... Читать дальше...


A watchdog group wants lawmakers to investigate Carl Icahn's connection to Trump

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for New York Times

(Reuters) - A government watchdog group, Public Citizen, said on Wednesday it has asked lawmakers to investigate whether Carl Icahn violated lobbying disclosure laws, a complaint the billionaire investor denied and called a "witch hunt."

The group said Icahn may have been acting as a lobbyist when he advised President Donald Trump to overhaul the U.S. biofuels program. Icahn, an unpaid adviser to Trump on regulation, submitted a proposal... Читать дальше...


4 high-impact resume updates that take less than 5 minutes

Harry How/Getty Images

If you're like most job seekers, the thought of sitting down to update your resume can seem pretty darned unpleasant. Anxiety provoking. Full-on dreadful.

You get the drift.

Part of the reason it feels like this is that you probably assume it's going to take tons of blood, sweat, and tears to ensure that it's not only current, but aligned directly to the types of roles you hope to land next.

This process is so overwhelming for many that, when it comes time to fluff up their credentials... Читать дальше...


STOCKS AND OIL FALL: Here's what you need to know (CAT, SNAP, URBN)

Spencer Platt/Getty

Stocks fell for a third straight day as the post-election rally continued to take a breather.

Here's the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 20,854.08, -70.68, (-0.34%)
  • S&P 500: 2,362.82, -5.57, (-0.24%)
  • Nasdaq: 5,837.52, +3.59, (0.06%)
  • WTI crude oil: $50.28, -$2.86, (-5.38%)
  1. Crude oil plunged to the lows of the year. West Texas Intermediate crude futures fell after the latest inventory data from the Department of Energy... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Путин в России и мире

«Ану-ка, девушки!»: какой была легендарная передача, которая вернется на ТВ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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