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Новости за 01.03.2017


Watch British airstrikes blast ISIS vehicles off the road near the group's last stronghold in the country


Dozens of countries have committed personnel and resources to the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

While the US had assumed a leading role in the coalition, the British military has assisted the campaign on both the ground and in the air.

In the footage below, provided by the UK's Ministry of Defense, British air force Tornados destroy seven armored ISIS trucks at night on February 26 in northwest Iraq, and Brimstone missiles can be seen destroying two ISIS trucks moving across the desert. Читать дальше...


Snap is going public at a $24 billion valuation

Samantha Lee/Business Insider

Snapchat's parent company, Snap Inc., just raised $3.4 billion in the tech industry's largest initial public offering in over two years.

Snap sold 200 million shares at $17 apiece, valuing the company at $23.8 billion, according to a person familiar with the matter.

It had aimed to raise $3.2 billion by offering the shares at between $14 and $16 — for a maximum valuation of about $22 billion.

It's the highest-profile tech IPO since Alibaba Group raised $25 billion in 2014... Читать дальше...


Oklahoma now has the same risk of earthquakes as California


A large swath of Oklahoma will face the same threat of a severe earthquake as California in 2017, according the United States Geological Survey's forecast for this year.

The prediction isn't exactly surprising — it closely matches last year's forecasts — but it signals a significant change in the distribution of earthquake risks around the United States.

Until recently, Oklahoma was a low-risk earthquake area. It experienced just 41 tremors in 2010.

But in the last few years... Читать дальше...


The man who broke records by winning 74 games and $2.5 million on 'Jeopardy' says everyone gets the same thing wrong about human memory

Getty Images/Handout

If there's one thing most "Jeopardy" champions have in common, it's that they find everything — even the stuff you consider weird and boring — interesting.

That's according to Ken Jennings, who broke records back in 2004 when he won 74 "Jeopardy" games in a row, ultimately walking away with over $2.5 million in prize money.

Jennings explained that having a "wide-ranging curiosity" is key to remembering obscure facts. 

In fact, while most people think memory has a limited capacity... Читать дальше...


'Doctor Strange' director talks about the movie's superhero cape and how 'Aladdin' unintentionally inspired the cloak


The INSIDER Summary

• The Cloak of Levitation is the ultimate scene-stealer in "Doctor Strange."
• Fans have compared the cloak's personality to that of Aladdin's magic carpet.
• Director Scott Derrickson tells INSIDER they never thought of the similarity until post-production.
• He says the cloak originally didn't have a lot of screen time in the film.
• They kept looking for ways to add more of it.

If you've seen Marvel's latest superhero movie... Читать дальше...


7 smart questions you should ask in a business school interview

Flickr / Jack Duval

In a business school interview, you have to be prepared to answer some questions.

And you need to be prepared to ask them.

Asking questions during an interview can be an essential opportunity to get insider information about the program, as well as demonstrate interest, curiosity, and enthusiasm to your interviewer, writes Brian Precious, author of "Get In, Get Connected, Get Hired: Lessons from an MBA Insider."

However, any questions won't do. The key to impressing your interviewer... Читать дальше...


Range Rover's stunning Porsche fighter is here — and it's a high-tech marvel

Jaguar Land Rover

The Range Rover we've all been waiting for is here. On March 1, Jaguar Land Rover unveiled the latest addition to its burgeoning line-up of luxury off-roaders, the Range Rover Velar. 

The Velar — which will make its public debut at the 2017 Geneva Motor Show this month — is billed as a stylish, high-tech competitor against the best Germany can offer. 

"The new Range Rover Velar brings a new dimension of modernity to our brand while reinforcing our total commitment... Читать дальше...


The top 5 predictions for the future of digital

Micahel Seto/Business Insider

The future of digital is rapidly transforming right before our very eyes.

Digital is inheriting the earth, and the generational shift is in full force as millennials and Gen X grow older and smartphones, computers, and tablets become the go-to options for media consumption.

But the rise of digital won't just affect news. Advertising and television will also face major disruption in the coming years.

For the past seven years, IGNITION, Business Insider’s flagship conference... Читать дальше...


The 15 best US states for first-time homebuyers

Katie Haugland Bowen/Flickr

The narrative that millennials are eschewing all of the traditional habits of their parents is simply a myth, particularly when it comes to homebuying.

In fact, 65% of millennials still consider buying a home part of the American Dream, more than any other generation.

But burdensome student loan debt, high rent prices, and low wages are affecting their ability to save up for a down payment, contributing to the lowest homeownership rate in the US in decades. Читать дальше...


The number of US homes without a TV doubled in just 6 years


A survey by the US Energy Information Administration reveals some startling details about television use in American homes.

The amount of homes that don't own a TV has at least doubled since 2009. According to the USEI survey, 2.6% of American homes didn't have a TV in 2015. That's a huge increase from the 1.3% of American homes that didn't have a television in 2009.

In fact, from 1997 to 2009, the percentage remained stable at 1.3%, except for 2001, when the percentage... Читать дальше...


5 surprising facts about getting into shape, according to a professional trainer

Buda Mendes/Getty Images

Spring seems to have come early in much of the world, and that's motivating many people to go outside and get back in shape.

Training for a competition to get fit — a triathlon, 10K, mud-and-obstacle run, or something else fun — is an excellent way to stay motivated.

But if it's your first time preparing for that kind of physical challenge, you're likely to learn a few unexpected things along the way.

Business Insider spoke with Dan Arnett, a professional triathlon coach... Читать дальше...


Here's how to split the restaurant bill in any situation


Whether you're taking a client to dinner, grabbing lunch with a new friend, or sharing a meal with your in-laws, awkwardness can immediately settle in when the bill comes and everyone stares, silently wondering, "Who pays?"

Several potential scenarios can play out: Should you split the check evenly? Should everyone pay for their own meal? Is it expected that your father-in-law will pick up the check?

Every dining situation, from a birthday dinner to a double date... Читать дальше...


How to earn your first $100,000 as a freelancer, from someone who's done it

Laura Pennington

For anyone working as a freelancer, the first major barrier (and business breakthrough) comes at the $100,000 mark.

Even if that seems far off, it's easier than you think to build a sustainable freelance business from home.

Whether you're part-time hustling while you're still at another job or making a go of this full time, hitting the $100,000 mark is, mentally, where most freelancers begin to think, "I can make this work."

Hitting $100,000 is a significant financial milestone... Читать дальше...


Snap is pricing its IPO — here's the case for and against investing


Snapchat's parent company, Snap Inc., is set to price its initial public offering on Wednesday, allowing investors to decide how much the social-media company is ultimately worth.

The company is officially seeking to raise as much as $3.2 billion and pricing shares at $14 to $16. That would value it between $19.5 billion and $22 billion. However, as Business Insider on Tuesday reported, there is enough demand to drive the share price to $17 or $18, which would value the company at about $25 billion. Читать дальше...


Google once bought $32,000 in magnets from Home Depot for a project (GOOG, GOOGL)


Google Cardboard turns smartphones into makeshift VR headsets, and over 10 million of the inexpensive headsets have been shipped, according to Google.

But once upon a time, in 2014, it was a nascent project at Google, with employees putting together the first run of devices with parts bought from a Silicon Valley Home Depot. 

Google's VP of Virtual Reality Clay Bavor shared the original invoice for $32,592 of magnets at Home Depot on Wednesday:

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The Labor Department has proposed delaying a rule meant to protect Americans' retirement money from Wall Street

Getty Images

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Labor Department has taken a first step toward possible derailment or dilution of its controversial rule on retirement advice as it begins to re-examine it at the directive of President Donald Trump, according to a notice made public on Wednesday.

The department proposed a 60-day delay of the fiduciary rule, which requires retirement advisers to put the interests of clients ahead of their own. It was slated to take effect on April 10, but... Читать дальше...


Despite Trump's speech, immigrants commit far fewer crimes than native-born Americans

Alex Wong/Getty Images

On Tuesday night, President Donald Trump called on the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to documents crimes committed by immigrants.

In an emotional address to Congress, Trump proposed VOICE —short for Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement — to publish a regular repository of crimes committed  by anyone who has ever moved to the US.

While Trump's rhetoric focused on the goal of keeping communities safe from horrific attacks like the... Читать дальше...


These red tubes might be the oldest evidence of life on Earth — and the implications could be enormous

Courtesy of Matthew Dodd

In August 2016, a team of researchers announced they'd found 3.7 billion-year-old fossils of bacteria called stromatolites.

The fossils were the oldest-known evidence of microbes on the planet at the time, prompting scientists to say the discovery had "staggering" implications for the history of life on Earth.

But now an international team of scientists may have them beat — by at least 300 million years, and possibly even half a billion.

In some of the oldest rocks on Earth... Читать дальше...


A Twitter employee making $160,000 a year says he's only scraping by in San Francisco

Noah Berger/Reuters

In the San Francisco Bay Area, even a six-figure salary can make tech workers feel poor.

A Twitter employee speaking on the condition of anonymity told The Guardian he's scraping by on a base salary of $160,000. The employee is in his early 40s, lives in San Francisco, and has had to borrow money in the past to "make it through the month," The Guardian reports.

"I didn't become a software engineer to be trying to make ends meet," the Twitter employee said. Читать дальше...


White House tells ethics watchdog Kellyanne Conway 'inadvertently' endorsed Ivanka Trump's clothing line

Thomson Reuters

The White House told a government watchdog agency that Kellyanne Conway, a senior aide to President Donald Trump, acted "inadvertently" when she publicly endorsed the clothing and jewelry line of Trump's daughter, Ivanka, according to a letter the administration released on Wednesday.

Conway came under criticism last month when she said on television that Americans should "go buy Ivanka's stuff," in comments that appeared to violate government ethics rules prohibiting... Читать дальше...


Kevin Durant's injury could have a $212 million ramification for Paul George and the Pacers

Nick Wass/AP

The Golden State Warriors announced on Wednesday that Kevin Durant is out for at least four weeks with a Grade 2 MCL sprain and bone bruise.

While the injury may put the Warriors' depth to test and make their hold on the No. 1 seed a little tougher, the injury could have huge ramifications on an unsuspecting team, the Indiana Pacers.

If Durant doesn't play the rest of the regular season, he'll have played 59 (very good) games with the Warriors this season. Durant has averaged 25 points... Читать дальше...


Astronomers just solved a long-standing mystery about how planets form

Much about planet formation is not understood. Astronomers suspect that planets form from a disk of gas and dust that clumps together over time, to form giant planets. There's just one problem: How do you get something the size of a pebble to form something the size of a planet? A new study suggests the solution has to do with something called "dust traps". 

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The massive AWS outage hurt 54 of the top 100 internet retailers — but not Amazon (AMZN)

Devan Joseph

Amazon Web Services has become so powerful that when it goes down, it takes down a large chunk of the internet with it, as the world found out Tuesday.

Systems were back to normal on Wednesday, according to the company and other sources that watch the internet. Amazon has yet to offer a detailed explanation on what happened and why its S3 cloud storage service went awry.

The problem highlighted one scary thought for internet businesses: that a single company, Amazon... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Кабардино-Балкарии стартует крупнейшая экологическая акция «Вода России»

Путин в России и мире

Тема дня: Путин назвал сохранение духовных ценностей условием укрепления суверенитета

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске открывается ВНС: что будет

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Священнику, отпевавшего Навального, запретили носить рясу и крест

Здоровье в России и мире

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Розенбаум разнес "губастых" любителей пластических операций


Жителей ХМАО пригласили на Всероссийский субботник 27 апреля

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