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Новости за 14.03.2017


The marijuana industry's first unicorn is being added to an influential stock index (TSE:, WEED)

Blair Gable/Reuters

Canopy Growth, a marijuana-growing company based in Ontario, is being added to the S&P/TSX composite index, The Globe and Mail reports.

The company will be added to the index's healthcare sector and start trading on March 20. Shares were down 0.72%, at 11.05 Canadian dollars, on Tuesday afternoon.

Large institutional investors use the S&P/TSX composite index, so it may lead to more demand for the stock and a boost for Canada's marijuana industry, according to The Globe and Mail. Читать дальше...


5 high-paying, part-time jobs you can do from home

Alper Çuğun/Flickr

When you think of work-from-home jobs, do you think of low-paying gigs? If so, it might be time to adjust your perspective.

While there are plenty of entry-level, non-professional roles for people who want to work from home, those aren’t the only game in town.

Professionals can find telecommuting jobs that satisfy their desire to keep moving forward in their career and get paid appropriately for their experience and skills.

Recently, Remote.co ran... Читать дальше...


LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman joins Microsoft's board of directors (MSFT)


LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman has joined Microsoft's board of directors, he announced in a blog post.

Microsoft bought LinkedIn for $26.2 billion in June 2016.

In his blog entry, Hoffman says his focus on the Microsoft board will be continuing to guide the development of LinkedIn, but also that he will "contribute more broadly as Microsoft deepens its presence in Silicon Valley and continues to weave social, AI, and other technologies into it products."

Hoffman... Читать дальше...


'It's not worth losing your job over': Bachelor, Amazing Race, and Survivor alums explain how reality stardom affected their careers

Warner Bros. Television Distribution

On this season's finale of "The Bachelor," Nick Viall met Santa, played with dogs, and, finally, gave out his last rose (and a flashy ring).

The episode marked the end of a season that's spotlighted some rather unusual occupations, from aspiring dolphin trainers to adult nannies. But what does becoming a contestant on reality television really do to your career? Can having a national platform help you snag bigger and better opportunities? Or does... Читать дальше...


Loud noise is more dangerous than we thought

Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images

Matt Garlock has trouble making out what his friends say in loud bars, but when he got a hearing test, the result was normal. Recent research may have found an explanation for problems like his, something called "hidden hearing loss."

Scientists have been finding evidence that loud noise — from rock concerts, leaf blowers, power tools and the like — damages our hearing in a previously unsuspected way. It may not be immediately noticeable, and it does not show up in standard hearing tests. Читать дальше...


These are the 12 most believable iPhone 8 rumors we've heard (AAPL)


Even die-hard iPhone fans have to admit that the AMOLED displays on other phones, particularly those from Samsung, look better than the LCD screens on iPhones.

But if the rumors are true, iPhone fans may no longer need to concede bragging rights to other phone screens, as Apple is reportedly looking to use a form of OLED display on the next iPhone. Just prepare your wallet, because OLED isn't cheap.

But that's just one of the rumors we're hearing. Check... Читать дальше...


Tinder gets a 'blizzard bump' when a big snowstorm hits


When the weather outside is frightful, residents of snow-stricken regions curl up with their tiny glowing screens and fire up Tinder, according to data from the popular dating app.

After hearing a few people talking about "Blizzard Tinder," and hearing the hilarious phrase "blizzard buddy," I decided to check in with Tinder to see if people actually do swipe more when there's a storm out.

The answer is not only "yes," but also that it happens in a pretty predictable fashion. Читать дальше...


A stock that doesn’t vote is not stock — even if it's Snap

Hollis Johnson

Snap, Inc. went public and sold stock to “investors” who were content, apparently, to be in possession of equity that didn’t have voting rights.

That’s right—Snap’s stock doesn’t vote. You probably heard that.

In a sense, this isn’t new. This tactic has been successfully used by media companies in the past… think Twenty-First Century Fox (NWS/A) and Viacom (VIA/B).

But the latest monkey business with voting rights doesn’t come from old-as-Methuselah media CEOs, but from Millennial tech CEOs. Читать дальше...


15 'health foods' you're better off avoiding

Unsplash / Peter Hershey

We're all familiar with them — foods that we think are healthy because we heard about them on the news or from a health-conscious friend.

And no matter how much we may dislike them, we keep buying them because we think they're good for us.

Take swapping dairy milk for almond milk. Is liquid from nuts really nutritionally superior to milk from a cow? Or splurging on Himalayan sea salt. Healthy habit or a bit of nonsense?

We asked Andy Bellatti ... Читать дальше...


The timing could be right for the makers of Monopoly and Barbie to do a deal (MAT, HAS)

Thierry Chesnot / Stringer / Getty Images

The time could be right for a combination of toy makers Hasbro and Mattel.

Hasbro makes things like Monopoly, My Little Pony, and Nerf while Mattel makes stuff like Barbie and Hot Wheels.

That's according to UBS analysts led by Arpine Kocharyan, who said they had "consistently been getting questions on the strategic rationale of a potential MAT+HAS combination."

Bloomberg reported last year that the two had held merger talks, but the conversations didn't go anywhere. Читать дальше...


Common explains why he's fighting against a blindness epidemic most people don't know about

See America/Allergan

Common is a busy guy. On top of acting and making music, the Oscar winner values the importance of using his fame and extraordinary talent for projects that reflect his own values. He cares about people, and wants to use his powerful voice to affect change.

Common came across the See America initiative from Allergan, which is bringing awareness to preventable blindness in the United States. The statistics are overwhelming, and it’s an issue Common takes very seriously. Читать дальше...


Artificial intelligence isn’t science fiction – it’s a business fact


Artificial intelligence goes by many names—machine learning, augmented intelligence, neural networks and more.

In fact, over a dozen terms are used to describe how machines are being used by organizations of all types to emulate human thinking, reasoning and decision-making.

Artificial intelligence is simply machines emulating human thinking, reasoning, decision-making.   Far from being the stuff of science fiction, AI is here now and creating exciting new opportunities... Читать дальше...


AIG reportedly removed its CEO to avoid a battle with Carl Icahn

Thomson Reuters

(Reuters) - American International Group Inc's decision to remove Peter Hancock as its chief executive was to avoid a proxy battle with billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter.

AIG said last week that Hancock would step down, a decision he made after the insurer's poor financial performance frustrated shareholders and its board of directors.

Hancock agreed to resign after several directors... Читать дальше...


The IRS has revoked tax-exempt status for Richard Spencer's white nationalist group

REUTERS/Chris Keane

The U.S. government has revoked the tax-exempt status of a group run by prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer for its failure to file tax returns.

Internal Revenue Service records show Spencer's National Policy Institute automatically lost its tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit after failing to file tax returns for three consecutive years.

Spencer blamed the revocation on an IRS error that led his group to think it wasn't required to file tax returns. Читать дальше...


Watch winter storm Stella hit Manhattan in just 60 seconds

Winter Storm Stella was supposed to be the record-breaking blizzard, but it didn't meet forecast predictions in New York City. Here's what Monday night into Tuesday morning of the snowstorm looked like from our New York office on Fifth Avenue.


STOCKS SLIDE: Here's what you need to know

Scott Eisen/Getty Images

Stocks slipped in trading on Tuesday as the Federal Reserve kicked off its March meeting.

Despite snowy conditions on the East Coast, the Fed kicked off their two-day monetary policy meeting as scheduled. The decision — which the market nearly unanimously thinks will be a rate hike — will be released Wednesday.

All three indexes dipped into the red during trading and oil fell on the back of news from OPEC.

We've got all the headlines, but first... Читать дальше...


Stocks just did something they haven't done since 1995


The S&P 500 just did something it hasn't done since 1995.

Tuesday marked the 105th consecutive day that the S&P 500 did not close down by 1% or more. That's 105 straight days of either closing up or seeing a drop of less than 1%.

The last time this happened was in 1995, according to Ryan Detrick, a senior market strategist at LPL Financial.

Stocks rallied after the November election of President Donald Trump as investors considered the possibility of deregulation... Читать дальше...


Colombia's president apologizes for 'shameful acts' related to Latin America's widening corruption scandal

Thomson Reuters

BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos on Tuesday acknowledged that funds were illegally obtained during his 2010 election campaign and asked the nation's forgiveness for the "shameful" act.

Santos, who ran for office in 2010 and 2014 said he "rejects and condemns" the illegal payments and said he had no knowledge and did not authorize any funds that were illegally obtained during the campaign.

"I am deeply sorry and ask forgiveness to Colombians... Читать дальше...


The parents in that viral BBC interview video have finally broken their silence


The parents in that viral BBC interview have broken their silence on becoming overnight internet celebrities.

Robert Kelly, a political-science professor specializing in East Asian affairs at Pusan National University in South Korea, was in the middle of an interview with BBC News last week when his 4-year-old daughter, Marion, hopped into her father's study and was soon followed by her 8-month-old brother, James.

The video, which has been viewed online at least 100 million times so far... Читать дальше...


China 'ready to counter' purely defensive US missile system meant to stop North Korean nukes

Thomson Reuters

China knew it might not be able to stop Seoul deploying a US anti-missile system and was prepared to counter with its own anti-radar equipment, a retired PLA general said on Monday.

The comments by Wang Hongguang came as a South Korean court’s decision to uphold the impeachment of Park Geun-hye, the country’s former president, fanned hopes Seoul might put plans for the Terminal High Altitude Area ­Defence system on hold.

China vows ‘resolute’ measures as US... Читать дальше...


Student loan defaults jumped by nearly 20% last year

Nate Shron/Getty Images

The stock market is up, unemployment is down but things aren't rosy for all Americans.

A new analysis of government data by the Consumer Federation of America found that the number of Americans in default on their student loans jumped by nearly a fifth last year.

As of the end of 2016, there were 4.2 million Federal Direct Loan borrowers in default, meaning they've not made a payment in more than 270 days. That's up 17 percent from 3.6 million at the end of 2015. Читать дальше...


An ovarian cancer drug kept the disease from progressing in a closely watched study (AZN, TSRO, CLVS)

REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett

LONDON, March 14 (Reuters) - AstraZeneca's ovarian cancer drug Lynparza slowed disease progression sharply in a closely watched clinical trial, boosting hopes for a product that belongs to a novel drug class called PARP inhibitors.

The British drugmaker hopes the data from the SOLO-2 trial will widen the use of Lynparza and help it keep up with competitors racing to broaden the use of PARP medicines.

Women with recurrent ovarian cancer and defective... Читать дальше...


17 weird jobs you probably didn't know exist

Courtesy of Jen Glantz

It seems as though we can pay people to do anything for us these days: walk our dogs, build our furniture, organize our homes ... cuddle with us when we're feeling lonely.

That's right: You can hire a professional cuddler to snuggle with you for about $60 an hour. You can also pay an "undercover bridesmaid" to stand next to you on your big day, or a professional mourner to cry with you at a loved one's funeral.

Those are just a few of the weirdest jobs... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об эффективности экологических проектов в России

Путин в России и мире

Путин: Нынешний разворот России на восток стал возможен благодаря БАМу

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске прошла рабочая встреча Александра Лукашенко и Александра Цыбульского

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Военный ВСУ рассказал, что готов идти на Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




В филиалах АО "Желдорреммаш" прошли традиционные весенние общезаводские субботники


Публичная и тайная жизнь одного из самых ярких российских адвокатов XIX века в новом историческом детективе “Плевако”

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