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Новости за 24.01.2016


Stop hurting your engine by idling the car when it's cold out

frankieleon on Flickr

Harsh driving conditions in winter are already hard on your car, but you could be making things a lot worse if you're turning your vehicle on in the morning so it can "warm up" before you drive off.

If you're one of the many drivers who thinks it's important to idle your car — turn it on and let it sit — in these frigid winter months to protect the engine, you've likely fallen victim to a myth that may be doing more harm than good.

We spoke with mechanical... Читать дальше...


There's no rush to buy Brazil

Thomson Reuters

After an interlude between 2008 and 2014, Brazil returned to the “junk” league last year (S&P and Fitch downgraded Brazil) on the back of a major economic and political crisis. In fact, GDP contracted almost 4% in 2015 and a similar recession is expected for 2016 (which should be the worst two-year performance in Brazilian economic history), while the President faces the risk of impeachment (to be voted in 1H16).

As described early last year (see Brazil: Baby steps... Читать дальше...


Hillary Clinton says she'll win the Democratic nomination so Michael Bloomberg won't need to run for president


Hillary Clinton brushed off former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's potential exploration of a presidential run.

In an interview with Meet The Press on Sunday, the Democratic presidential candidate said that Bloomberg's recent flirtation with an independent run in order to keep the presidency out of the hands of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) was unnecessary.

"I'm going to do the best I can to make sure that... Читать дальше...


19 jaw-dropping photos of military police training for riots

US Army Spc. Bryan Rankin

Lots of troops complain about the gas chamber. It’s stuffy, it’s hot, and trying to see anything through the mask sucks.

Know what’s worse? Trying to see through a riot mask while you are literally on fire. That’s what military police (MP) have to do to pass fire phobia training.

Here are 19 photos of MPs getting hit with Molotov cocktails and other incendiaries in training:

1. The training is done to help military police learn how to control riots

US Army Sgt. Читать дальше...


Here's why a once hostile Arab country may open up ties with Israel


Earlier this month, the Sudan News Agency reported that the country's National Dialogue Conference endorsed "normal and conditioned" diplomatic relations with Israel.

Khartoum has already switched sides in the unfolding Saudi-Iranian cold war, cutting off diplomatic ties with its former partners in Tehran at the behest of its now even closer Saudi allies.

But diplomatic relations with Israel would be an even more stunning development.

Sudan is one of over 30 countries that does not recognize Israel... Читать дальше...


Bill O'Reilly confronts Donald Trump on his $100,000 Clinton Foundation contribution

Fox News/screenshot

In an interview that aired Tuesday, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly directly asked Donald Trump how he could attack Hillary Clinton's family foundation while having been a major donor.

"Some of your opponents have said, 'Look, Donald Trump gave $100,000 to this Clinton Foundation.' And you say?" O'Reilly said.

Trump portrayed himself as a businessman who would give to anybody to help his bottom line.

"Over the years I've been called a great businessman," Trump said. Читать дальше...


Facebook is using the same approach the NFL took to increase diversity in the league

Andy Lyons/Getty Images

When Facebook released its first annual diversity report in 2014, it surprised no one that like other tech giants, it was overwhelmingly white and male.

But when it released its second report a year later, which showed nearly identical demographics, critics panned the numbers as "pathetic" and "dismal."

There was an announcement in that report, however, that could potentially result in a material difference. In a pilot program that included an undisclosed... Читать дальше...


Meet Ground Force One, the president's $1.1 million armored bus


The president has no shortage of transit options, from Air Force One and Marine One to Cadillac One. Now meet Ground Force One, the president's armored bus and the most recent edition to the presidential fleet.

We've compiled some of Ground Force One's most impressive features:

Ground Force One is a 45-foot long bus specially designed by the Secret Service.

REUTERS/Larry Downing

Source: America's Book of Secrets "Presidential Transports"

And just like... Читать дальше...


12 things every guy should have in his living room


A living room needs to be livable. It's obvious in the name.

Unfortunately, too many guys treat their living rooms as afterthoughts, stuffing them with futons and not putting the proper care into making it a space worthy of spending such a large amount of time in.

Make sure that's not the case for your living room by ensuring you have all of these 12 essentials.

A real, authentic, honest-to-goodness sofa.


There's nothing more necessary to a living room than a sofa. Читать дальше...


One couple fed themselves for 6 months on less than $200 by eating the food no one else wanted


Collectively, people waste nearly 50% of global food — and in the US and Canada alone, we're wasting $6,000 worth of food every second.

Canada-based filmmakers Grant Baldwin and Jen Rustemeyer wanted to find out how much of that food is still good, and if they could eat it, so they came up with a challenge: to survive on food waste for six months.

"We went cold-turkey," they told NPR on a recent podcast. "We said we're going to consume only food that is destined for the trash or already in it. Читать дальше...


The 10 best stock pickers you read about on the internet in 2015

Stock investors are bombarded with analyst recommendations everyday.

However, many buy, sell, and hold calls end up being wrong.

TipRanks analyzed every stock recommendation made in 2015 and distilled the 10 analysts with the most successful picks.

To create the list, they measured the average return on every call over a three-month period. Based on all the ratings made in 2015, they also derived each individual's success rate and average return.

These were most successful... Читать дальше...


Why the NFL still uses an outdated technology to measure distance during games

Hannah Foslien/Getty Images

Two sticks connected by a chain. In a modern world, it is a strange relic for measuring distance that the NFL, a league that makes $12 billion annually in revenue, still relies on to make sometimes game-altering decisions.

The first-down chains, although not used as often as they were 10 to 20 years ago, played a huge role in the Arizona Cardinals' win over the Green Bay Packers in the divisional round of the NFL playoffs. On a key drive in the fourth quarter with the Cardinals trailing... Читать дальше...


The best TVs you should consider buying this year

Business Insider

There's never been a better time to buy a TV.

Whether you're looking to spruce up a dorm room, home entertainment center, or try out the world of 4K or 3D, there's a set for everyone.

But because there's so many categories of TV out now, it can be tough to choose the best option that fits your needs. To help you make up your mind, we've compiled a collection of the best TVs based on multiple factors, whether you're looking to save money, try 4K for the first time... Читать дальше...


Everyone raved about Bernie Sanders' 'powerful' new ad

Bernie Sanders

Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-Vermont) presidential campaign released a television advertisement Thursday that has earned widespread praise from political observers.

The one-minute ad — set to Simon and Garfunkel's "America" — shows a montage of idealized rural and small-town scenes laying out Sanders' vision of modern America. It's complete with wind turbines, independent coffee shops, tugboats in a harbor, young creative types working in naturally lit spaces, multigenerational farming... Читать дальше...


Britain is considering taking in unaccompanied child refugees fleeing Syria

Thomson Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain might take in refugee children who have been displaced by the war in Syria and have traveled to other countries in Europe, a government minister said on Sunday.

International Development Secretary Justine Greening said the government was considering whether it could do more for the estimated 3,000 children who have fled the conflict without their parents or guardians and are in Europe.

Asked whether the government was close to agreeing... Читать дальше...


'SNL' host Ronda Rousey made sure these mean girls would never bully the new girl again


NBC's "Saturday Night Live" made good use of host Ronda Rousey's MMA fighting skills in a scene we've seen go down in some form in high school movies over and over, but this time with a new kick-ass ending.

Rousey played the school's new girl, who was invited on a date with the school's clueless BMOC Chad, played by Beck Bennett. Everything is so romantic, until Rousey eats her soup and discovers it's strangely crunchy.

It turns out the whole date was a high-production... Читать дальше...


I tried Kite Hill's vegan 'cheese,' the taste totally surprised me

Jessica Orwig/Business Insider

There are a wealth of vegan substitutes on the market for those of us who are either allergic or have ethical issues with the dairy industry. 

Unfortunately, most of them taste terrible.

But what if you didn't have to choose between ethical sourcing and taste?

Kite Hill is a Silicon Valley-based startup that makes plant-based "cheeses" and other products that it claims are healthy, good for the environment, and above all, taste good.

Founded by vegan celebrity chef Tal Ronnen... Читать дальше...


10 qualities of people with high emotional intelligence

WOCinTech Chat/flickr

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have an unlimited amount of success in both their personal and professional lives? It could be because they possess high emotional intelligence.

According to Psychology Today, "Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others." This usually involves:


My office romance turned into a marriage — here are 13 rules for dating a coworker

Laura Leslie Photography

I once dated a coworker. 

Quick backstory: We didn't meet on the job — we were dating for almost four years before we started working together (which, by the way, wasn't planned … long story). But for about 11 months, we sat three cubes apart from one another and kept our relationship under wraps.

That's right: Nobody knew we were a couple.

"Nobody knew?!" "Wasn't it hard to hide?" "Isn't that illegal?" 

Those are questions I'm frequently... Читать дальше...


Tina Fey brought her iconic Sarah Palin impression back to SNL


Tina Fey brought her iconic impression of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin back to Saturday Night Live to spoof the governor's endorsement of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

Miming the former governor's free-associative, occasionally rhyming rhetorical style, on Saturday, Fey demonstrated that her grasp of Palin's folksy idiosyncrasies is still just as strong as when she ran as Sen. John McCain's (R-Arizona) running mate in 2008. 

"They stomp on our necks. Читать дальше...


This guy used the blizzard as an opportunity to go snowboarding behind a Jeep through the empty streets of New York City


YouTuber Casey Neistat is no stranger to creating viral videos, but his latest might just be his best.

Like most New Yorkers this weekend, Neistat found himself trapped in the city during the big snowstorm. With an official travel ban in effect, the streets were mostly empty. But instead of staying indoors, Neistat grabbed his snowboard and some friends to film what it would be like to go snowboarding through the empty streets — towed behind a Jeep Wrangler, of course. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве заметили первый в России электромобиль Tesla Cybertruck

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Киеве СБУ проводит облавы против нелояльных Зеленскому

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Shot: экс-бойфренда Волочковой подозревают в обмане московского бизнесмена


В Театре сатиры проводили в последний путь актрису Зою Зелинскую

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