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Новости за 23.01.2016


Donald Trump jokes that he could 'shoot somebody' and not lose any voters

AP Photo/John Locher

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump joked during a Saturday campaign rally that he could shoot someone without losing any votes.

"They say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that?" Trump said to his supporters in Sioux Center, Iowa.

He continued: "Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody. And I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's like incredible."

A Trump campaign volunteer told ABC News that Trump's point was clear... Читать дальше...


Quentin Tarantino explains the mind-blowing way that all of his movies are connected

Jason Merritt/Getty

For years, superfans of Quentin Tarantino have put all of his work under a microscope and come to the theory that his films exist within the same world.

And it turns out they're right.

From Uma Thurman's character in "Pulp Fiction," Mia Wallace, explaining the plot of "Fox Force Five" (which is essentially the same as "Kill Bill") to characters in different films being related (like Vic Vega in "Reservoir Dogs" and Vincent Vega in "Pulp Fiction") the connections among Tarantino films are deep. Читать дальше...


The megapixel count on your camera doesn't matter


Megapixels don't matter anymore.

But to look at most phone or camera ads you'd think they're the most important stat in the world.

A megapixel is a measure of resolution: 1 million pixels. Pretty much every camera on the market today has several times that. If you're reading this on an HD screen, you're seeing about 2 megapixels. If you're reading this on a top-of-the-line 4k screen, you're seeing a little more than 8 megapixels.

It only takes about 7 megapixels to print a nice big photo for your mantle. Читать дальше...


20 stupid grammar mistakes that even smart people make

Flickr/Het Nieuwe Instituut

When you hear someone using grammar incorrectly do you make an assumption about his or her intelligence or education?

There's no doubt that words are powerful things that can leave a lasting impression on those with whom you interact.

In fact, saying an idiom incorrectly or screwing up your grammar is akin to walking into a meeting with messy hair.

That's according to Byron Reese CEO of the venture-backed Internet startup Knowingly, which recently launched Correctica... Читать дальше...


How two Googlers who left the company's top-secret lab sold their startup (GOOG)


On Wednesday, Spotify announced it had acquired both New York City-based startup Cord Project and Dublin-based music discovery startup Soundwave.

In its announcement of the two new purchases, Spotify stayed vague, only saying it would use the companies it acquired to build "engaging and innovative music experiences."

The Cord Project will be shutting down its main service, which lets anyone send 12-second voice messages to one person or several people at a time. (Soundwave... Читать дальше...


Goldman Sachs has a bull case for the business that's been wrecking Wall Street

Joseba Etxaburu/Reuters

Fixed income, currencies, and commodities trading businesses have been a horror show for Wall Street banks.

Goldman Sachs, however, has stayed the course in the business, largely maintaining its presence as rivals have pulled back. 

On call on Wednesday following the release of the firm's fourth-quarter earnings, Goldman Sachs's CFO Harvey Schwartz laid out the bull case for the business.

"We don't generally run the businesses for the bull case... Читать дальше...


ISIS has destroyed key oil infrastructure in Libya


ISIS militants once again attacked key oil infrastructure in Libya. The Ras Lanuf port on the Mediterranean Coast, one of Libya’s largest oil export terminals, was the target of yet another attack by ISIS this week.

Earlier this month, ISIS attacked and set fire to seven oil storage tanks at the port. Early reports say that the latest attacks have also resulted in huge plumes of black smoke emanating from the port.

ISIS also targeted oil pipelines that travel from the Amal oilfield to the port of Es Sider... Читать дальше...


Sallie Krawcheck shares the worst advice she got when starting a business


I spent the past couple of decades of my career at big companies and am now an entrepreneur.

My team and I are in the midst of building Ellevest, a digital investment platform for women.

As I’ve made my transition, I’ve gotten a lot of advice, all of it well-meaning. And some of it was bad. Some of it really bad. Here’s the worst of it:

"Don’t start Ellevest. You don’t want to limit your business to a niche market." Women? A niche? Seriously?

"Don’t start Ellevest. Читать дальше...


An implant the size of a matchstick could be the answer to America's serious overdose problem (FMI)

Braeburn Pharmaceuticals

An implant that delivers a medication continuously for six months could help address some of the toughest challenges with managing drug addiction.

The implants, an inch long and the width of a matchstick, carry a drug called buprenorphine, which scientists hope can help wean people off addiction.

Buprenorphine is an opioid that appears to work by activating the receptors in the brain that respond to opiates like prescription pain medications or heroin. Читать дальше...


TRUMP: If I'm president, 'Christianity will have power'

REUTERS/Brian C. Frank

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump suggested on Saturday that he would have had "less difficulty" if he had proposed barring Christians from entering the US instead of Muslims.

Last December, the Republican presidential front-runner ignited a national firestorm by proposing to suspend all Muslim immigration and tourist travel into the US.

"If I said that about Christians, and if I said 'banned,' I'm telling you I would have had less difficulty," Trump said Saturday. Читать дальше...


A former cop believes this notorious serial killer is behind the 'Making a Murderer' killing

Netflix, Wikimedia

Former police sergeant and cold-case expert John Cameron believes he knows who killed Teresa Halbach — and it isn't "Making a Murderer" subject Steven Avery.

Cameron has a theory outlined on his website, as Uproxx previously reported, that an infamous serial killer named Edward Wayne Edwards, who's known to frame others for his murders, is behind the killing that's at the center of the Netflix docuseries.

And there are certainly some interesting connections. Читать дальше...


Moving the Rams to Los Angeles has already made their owner a ton of money

Nick Ut/AP

It is going to cost owner Stan Kroenke $550 million to move the Rams to Los Angeles, but he has already made back a lot more than that, based on the increased value of the franchise alone.

In a story for the Washington Post, Michael Ozanian of Forbes said the value of the Rams "doubles" now that they are in Los Angeles, which would put their current value at approximately $2.9 billion.

In Forbes' most-recent valuations of NFL teams, the Rams ranked 28th out of the... Читать дальше...


A chemist says we're missing the most important step of brewing coffee

Tom Smith Photography

Christopher H. Hendon, a postdoctoral fellow in chemistry at MIT, was sitting in a coffee shop near his graduate school in the UK a few years ago when he overheard a conversation between two frustrated baristas. 

"They were having problems with coffee that tasted good one day and not another," he said. While that's a frustrating mystery for a coffee shop with exacting standards, "from a chemistry point of view, that's an interesting problem."

Specialty... Читать дальше...


Here's why everyone should take a gap year

Here's why going to college right after high school is a bad idea »

NOW WATCH: MISS UNIVERSE: What I was thinking when Steve Harvey announced the wrong winner


The college where students go on to earn the most money in every state


Salary potential isn't the only factor to consider when narrowing down potential colleges, but with tuition continually on the rise, it's nice to know which schools pay off in the long run.

In a recent report, the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce looked at the four-year colleges whose students go on to earn the highest salaries after graduating. The report used the US Department of Education's College Scorecard to highlight the median earnings... Читать дальше...


This model who couldn't get an internship in fashion is becoming an icon for an industry most retailers ignore


Gabi Gregg is known to her fan base as GabiFresh.

The blogger has collaborated with swimwear line SwimsuitsForAll. Her line is called GabiFresh for Swim Sexy.

Her most recently launched collection has been hailed as one of the most size-inclusive collections. Fans say it contains the sort of styles one might see in a regular swimwear collection.

One major criticism of plus-size fashion — and models — is that there's a small representation of plus-size bodies. Читать дальше...


The McDonald’s of the Philippines wants to take over the world


If you’ve been the the Philippines, you know about Jollibee.

The burger chain is ubiquitous in the country, where there are 890 locations selling Filipino takes on American classics, like fried chicken, burgers with pineapple rings, and sweet spaghetti topped with ham and sausage.

The chain’s unique variations on fast-food offerings have helped Jollibee defeat much larger competition in the Philippines in the last four decades. Notably, despite McDonald’s opening its first location in the Philippines in 1981... Читать дальше...


Meterologist: Jonas will be 'one of those generational events' that people will tell their kids about

REUTERS/ Kevin Lamarque

Millions of Americans awoke Saturday to heavy snow outside their doorsteps as a mammoth winter storm crawled up the East Coast, making roads impassable, shutting down mass transit and bringing the nation's capital and its largest city to a standstill.

After days of weather warnings, most people heeded requests to stay home and off the roads, which were largely deserted. But more was yet to come, with blizzard conditions expected to persist until early Sunday. Читать дальше...


Here's how Facebook and Snapchat are shaping the future of mobile video

BI Intelligence

Millennials are spending more time than ever watching short-form video content on their mobile devices, and players like Facebook and Snapchat are reaping the benefits. These platforms — which capture billions of video views each day — are competing to capture growing mobile audiences and challenge the historical dominance of YouTube. The ensuing bout will create a new set of opportunities for content creators looking to cash in on the mobile video craze. 

In a new report from BI Intelligence... Читать дальше...


Damning reports reveal how little respect LeBron James and the Cavs had for David Blatt

Maddie Meyer/Getty

The Cleveland Cavaliers made the shocking move Friday of firing head coach David Blatt.

Despite guiding the Cavaliers to the Finals last year and helping the Cavs build a firm lead for first place in the Eastern Conference this year, the Cavs and Blatt never seemed to have a strong relationship.

Though the timing of the move came as a total surprise, that the Cavs decided to move on from Blatt seemed somewhat inevitable, as multiple reports confirm.

Yahoo's... Читать дальше...


Why 'few successful startup founders grew up desperately poor'

Ricky Yean

My co-founder David and I both grew up in poverty and can call ourselves “battle-tested” when it comes to both life and startups, so when the talk in the Valley turned to income inequality, our ears perked up. For a moment, our two worlds were colliding. Here’s a quote from Paul Graham that got our attention.

“Closely related to poverty is lack of social mobility. I’ve seen this myself: you don’t have to grow up rich or even upper middle class to get rich as a startup founder... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: 9 мая в Москве еще будет кружить снег

Путин в России и мире

Владимир Путин вступил в должность президента РФ на новый шестилетний срок

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пригрозил мгновенным ответом на агрессию против Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Андрей Губин

Андрей Губин планирует своим ходом добраться до Владивостока


Подозреваемый в убийстве русской модели в Турции схвачен в Германии: Подробности громкого дела

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