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Новости за 24.01.2016


New York travel ban lifted while Washington, DC remains at a standstill after massive blizzard


NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A travel ban for the New York area was lifted on Sunday but Washington was still at a standstill after a blizzard paralyzed the northeastern United States, killing at least 19 people.

The storm was the second-biggest in New York history, with 26.8 inches (68 cm) of snow in Central Park by midnight on Saturday, just shy of the record 26.9 inches set in 2006, the National Weather Service said.

Thirteen people were killed in weather-related car crashes in Arkansas... Читать дальше...


Even the best antivirus likely can't save your files from a ransomware infection

REUTERS/Kacper Pempel

With new types of computer viruses being released every day, the internet can be a dangerous place, especially if you value the files on your computer.

One of the most prevalent forms of malware out there right now is called ransomware, a virus that encrypts a user's files, leaving them scrambled unless the victim pays for the decryption key.

It’s a criminal business model that has proven extremely profitable. Some of the largest actors may be making millions on the scam. Читать дальше...


The only 6 things you need to bring to a job interview

University of Exeter/flickr

Job interviews are stressful because so many factors are out of your control — like what the hiring manager will ask or whether your personality matches what they're looking for.

But there is one thing you can control that can make all the difference: How prepared you are.

Career experts and hiring managers say to be (and appear) fully prepared, you really only need to bring six things with you to the interview.

Here are the essentials they say you should show up with:

1. Читать дальше...


Bernie Sanders: I can beat Michael Bloomberg and Donald Trump


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) said that he can beat both Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in a potential presidential match-up.

The New York Times reported on Saturday that Bloomberg may enter the race if Trump and Sanders become the nominees for the Republican and Democratic parties respectively.

In an interview on "Meet The Press" on Sunday, the Democratic presidential candidate said that he doubted that... Читать дальше...


20 modern classic TV shows everyone needs to watch in their lifetime


If you've ever felt left out at a party when conversation inevitably turns to "this show you absolutely need to watch" — well, you've come to the right place.

Business Insider has rounded up the 20 most noteworthy shows of the last 15 years — the best of this bright generation in TV. They range from the most elite shows of the period, like "Six Feet Under" and "Mad Men," to shows that have become part of the pop-culture lexicon, like "Firefly" and "30 Rock."

And before... Читать дальше...


Leonardo DiCaprio's 'The Revenant' survives Storm Jonas to win weekend box office

Warner Bros.

Snowzilla couldn't stop Leonardo DiCaprio.

Alejandro G. Inarritu's awards frontrunner "The Revenant" rode to the top of the box-office chart in its fourth weekend in wide release — the first time the movie has come in No. 1. The frontier epic, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, grossed $16 from 3,711 theaters for a domestic total of $119.2 million. 

"The Revenant" and other films faced a formidable foe this weekend as hundreds of theaters closed on the East Coast because of winter storm Jonas... Читать дальше...


Hershey is relaunching a cult classic that has been called ‘most undervalued brand in the world’

Take 5 Hershey

A cult-classic Hershey product is hoping to attract millennial chocolate lovers in 2016.

The confection company is relaunching the Take 5 Bar, with a new wrapper and marketing campaign created by a panel of millennial marketing students.

The Take 5 Bar is a combination of five ingredients: chocolate, peanut butter, caramel, pretzels, and peanuts.

The candy bar has never been a major Hershey’s brand, but has cultivated a surprising number of fans. Without any marketing support from Hershey... Читать дальше...


Chelsea Handler's new app will get you out of bad dates and awkward meetings


In an episode of her new Netflix documentary series, "Chelsea Does," comedian Chelsea Handler works through her frustrations around technology. She even helped create her own app, called Gotta Go.

Designed in partnership with app developer Yeti, Gotta Go has one simple function: to get you out of unwanted situations.  

All you have to do is create an excuse (i.e. aliens are abducting me, my house was just burglarized), assign it to a phone contact who will be the one to fake-text or call you... Читать дальше...


HOWARD MARKS: These 16 pieces of time-honored investment wisdom are myths

Bloomberg TV

"It's not supposed to be easy," Berkshire Hathaway's Charlie Munger says about investing. "Anyone who finds it easy is stupid."

Oaktree Capital's Howard Marks couldn't agree more.

In his new 15-page memo titled "It's Not Easy," Marks unpacks Munger's conclusion.

In his discussion, he considers 16 pieces of market wisdom and rules of thumb that often get thrown around.

And he breaks down just how wrong they are.

"It's a collection of time-honored... Читать дальше...


'Storytellers own the world': Dean of admission shares 2 tips on how to write the perfect college essay

Mike Segar/Reuters

The vice president and dean of admission at Reed College — a liberal arts school in Oregon — recently went on Reddit to answer questions about the college admissions process. 

In his AMA, or Ask Me Anything, Milyon Trulove provided two important tips for students to remember when writing their college admissions essays:

A. Tell me a good story.

I've long said storytellers own the world. Take a second to think about someone that always has a wild tale for you. Читать дальше...


The best way to text with someone you want to date, according to Aziz Ansari

Flickr / hehaden

Dating in the 21st century is confusing. We have complicated ways of connecting that didn't exist 20 years ago, and much of our conversation with romantic partners happens over text message. 

Comedian Aziz Ansari is here to help us out. For his new book, "Modern Romance," Ansari worked with sociologist Eric Klinenberg to explore how we date in the digital age. They talked with hundreds of single people across the world, asking how they connect with romantic partners. Читать дальше...


Google reveals what people are dying to know about their favorite celebrities (GOOG)

Business Insider and Google

Why is Oprah the Antichrist? 

Is Barack Obama dead? 

Does Taylor Swift have any siblings? 

When it comes to celebrities, there's only one reliable place to answer all your burning questions: Google. 

Okay, so maybe it's not a totally foolproof method, but Google is still a useful, and often hilarious, way to find info about the rich and famous. 

Keep reading to find out what questions people are asking about 22 of our favorite celebrities. Читать дальше...


VOLATILITY EXPERT: Get ready for more extreme days in the market (SPX, SPY)

Phil Walter/Getty Images

The start to 2016 has been a wild ride for investors in the markets, and it might be a sign of what's to come.

According to Todd Hawthorne, the lead portfolio manager at Boston Partners, the swings and volatility in the stock market of the past few days are going to be the new normal for 2016.

"This is a resumption of normalized volatility behavior, and I expect it is what we're going to see going forward," Hawthorne told Business Insider.

Hawthorne's... Читать дальше...


China uses these yak patrol teams to enforce claims over its disputed western borders

Chinese state media

China is the third largest country in the world by area, with many of its most remote areas incredibly difficult for humans to reach unaided. 

This is especially true along China's western border with Pakistan. Here, China's Xinjiang Province soars into the sky as it meets the Pamir Mountains — one of the highest mountain ranges in the world. 

Faced with a lack of roads, extremely adverse terrain, and incredibly cold weather, the Chinese turned to a unique... Читать дальше...


2 psychologists researched break-ups and found that a simple strategy can make them easier


It’s a question that often plagues people after a painful break-up: What went wrong?

As they work to figure out the answer, people typically create new relationship stories, analyzing the events leading up to the breakup and using them to build a cohesive narrative.

In some cases, this type of storytelling can be positive, helping people to make sense of—and come to terms with—painful things that happen to them. Other times, though, the storytelling process can be a negative one... Читать дальше...


25 books that every entrepreneur should read

Michael Buckner/Getty

You are what you read, and if your goal is to build a massively successful company where you call the shots, you might want to start with the following books.

We spoke with wildly successful entrepreneurs and VCs like Mark Cuban and Peter Thiel and pored over years of interviews with star founders to find the books that every aspiring entrepreneur should read.

Here are their top recommendations.

Bianca Male, Aimee Groth, Richard Feloni, Natalie Walters... Читать дальше...


How Google thinks about its iconic 'Doodles' that spruce up its homepage (GOOG)


Ryan Germick loves to shed light on forgotten anniversaries or lesser-known historical figures, and he has an incredibly enormous platform with which to do so: Google's homepage.

For the last five years, he's led the "Doodle Team", a small-but-scrappy group of artists, engineers, and program managers who bring splashes of cleverness and creativity to the search engine's site. 

The now-iconic Doodle tradition started way back in 1998, when Google founders Larry Page and... Читать дальше...


The FBI's 9 most wanted fugitives still on the run


On January 16, the FBI captured Myloh Jaqory Mason, also known as Colorado's "Scream Robber," one month after Mason debuted on the FBI's most wanted list.

The following individuals on the FBI's list have alternate identities and are considered armed and dangerous.

All photos and captions are provided by the FBI.

Please do not attempt to apprehend any of these fugitives. Report any tips to the FBI by clicking here.

Victor Manuel Gerena is being sought in connection... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

6 городов России, где можно увидеть белые ночи кроме Санкт-Петербурга

Путин в России и мире

Дугин в интервью Такеру Карлсону: "Путин — это традиционный лидер"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Киеве СБУ проводит облавы против нелояльных Зеленскому

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)


ФРГ обеспечивает занятость // Сложно ли получить рабочую визу в Германию

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