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Новости за 01.01.2016


The 6 most dangerous trips in the world

K. Oliver/Flickr

Some of us prefer vacations spent lying on the beach.

But others don't consider travel a treat unless adventure is involved. For this latter group, we've come up with plenty of lists of destinations and activities that will get your heart racing.

But we haven't yet covered ones that will make your heart stop — at least, not until now.

Of course, this new list of six of the deadliest tourists attractions in the world includes feats that many a traveler has successfully conquered... Читать дальше...


LaGuardia airport's American Express Lounge is incredibly stylish

Angela Pham/BFAnyc.com

New York's LaGuardia Airport gets a bad rap. It regularly appears on "America's worst airport" lists, and Vice President Joe Biden once claimed it belonged in a "third-world country."

But things are looking up for the beleaguered airport — at least for a certain group of customers. In late 2014, American Express opened its Centurion Lounge, a drastic departure from the often drab domestic lounges that populate most major airports around the country. 

Located inside Terminal B (home to American... Читать дальше...


Why Los Angeles is an ideal place to build your startup, according to one founder

Leura Fine

Two years ago, Leura Fine founded Laurel & Wolf, a startup that matches up interior designers with people who want their homes beautified.

Laurel & Wolf has software that connects designers and clients virtually, letting designers work for customers anywhere across the country.

When you're in need of an interior designer, you go to the website, take a style quiz, answer questions about the space you want designed, and upload pictures and information about the dimensions of your space. Читать дальше...


30 items that cost women more than they cost men

Carsten Koall / Getty Images

It's expensive to be a woman, and it's not just because it costs a lot to maintain one's appearance.

There's a "pink tax" involved, or a surcharge in which women are sometimes charged more than men are charged for many products.

A recent study from New York's Department of Consumer Affairs, called "From Cradle to Cane: The Cost of Being A Female Consumer," demonstrated how this is a problem that often plagues females from birth until they're senior citizens. Читать дальше...


Frustrated by Congress, Obama plans unilateral gun-control steps

Thomson Reuters

President Barack Obama, frustrated by Congress' inaction on gun control, will meet with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday to discuss ways of reducing gun violence unilaterally through measures that do not require congressional approval.

Obama, in his weekly recorded address, said Friday that he had received "too many letters from parents, and teachers, and kids, to sit around and do nothing."

He has repeatedly urged Congress to tighten gun laws.

... Читать дальше...


I sold my car last year — here's how much I've saved so far

Justin Sullivan/Getty

My husband and I moved from Indianapolis to Chicago in July 2014, and we brought our car with us.

We liked the idea of going car-less in a big city, but we weren’t immediately sure getting rid of it was a good idea. After all, there were advantages to having it, perhaps the biggest being the ability to go anywhere we wanted at any time.

We also have family in other states we try to visit regularly, as well as a dog that needs to be transported to the vet and daycare on occasion. Читать дальше...


Massive manhunt underway for Israeli Arab suspect in shooting at Tel Aviv pub

REUTERS/Baz Ratner

A gunman identified by relatives as a member of Israel's Arab minority killed two people on a bustling thoroughfare in central Tel Aviv on Friday before fleeing, an incident that ramped up tensions after three months of Palestinian street violence.

Security-camera footage showed the assailant, who appeared to be in his mid-to-late 20s and wore protective eyeglasses and a windbreaker, browsing dried fruit at a health-food store on Dizengoff Street.

He then... Читать дальше...


Iran pledges to expand missile capabilities, defying Obama

Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP

A series of Iranian officials vowed on Friday to expand Tehran's missile capabilities, a challenge to the United States which has threatened to impose new sanctions even as the vast bulk of its measures against Iran are due to be lifted under a nuclear deal.

"As long as the United States supports Israel we will expand our missile capabilities," the Revolutionary Guards' second-in-command, Brigadier General Hossein Salami, was quoted as saying by the Fars news agency. Читать дальше...


10 years ago, I made a simple change that improved my life dramatically

Reuters/Brendan McDermid

I don't believe in New Year's resolutions.

But 10 years ago today, I changed something. And that change turned out to be one of the best things I've ever done.

I started exercising regularly.

At the time, I didn't think of myself as particularly lazy or out of shape. I was never a jock, but I was a competitive swimmer until my junior year of high school. I skied in the winter and played a lot of pickup games in the neighborhood where I grew up, mostly street football and basketball. Читать дальше...


14 insights about getting rich, from a 90-year-old book on wealth that's still relevant today

Mark Thompson/Getty Images

Nearly a century ago, George S. Clason boiled down what it takes to get rich in his 1926 personal finance classic "The Richest Man in Babylon." — and the steps are surprisingly simple.

He articulates the steps through a collection of amusing parables based in the wealthiest city of the ancient world: Babylon.

We scoured Clason's pages to come up with some of his best insights about investing, success, and accumulating and growing your personal wealth:

Learn... Читать дальше...


These are the best headphones for working out

The Insider Picks team writes about stuff we think you'll like. Business Insider has affiliate partnerships, so we may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.There are too many headphones. In-ears, on-ears, full-size, Bluetooth, bone conduction, whatever — we’re reaching critical mass when it comes to things that put noise in your head. Thankfully, lots of them are pretty good.

Читать дальше...


People shared their biggest regrets in life, and some of their answers will make you cry

Thomson Reuters

Hindsight is 20/20, as they say, and oftentimes it can lead to regret.

Some people have the philosophy that everything happens for a reason, and there is no point in having regrets.

But for so many of us, looking back on our lives can lead us to linger on one poignant moment or period when we wish we had done things differently, and that nagging question, "What if ...?," plays on repeat in our heads.

"This may sound a little melodramatic, but no matter how happy you are... Читать дальше...


How Elon Musk's SpaceX is upending the spaceflight industry


When billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk founded SpaceX in 2002, no one could anticipate just how fast and high Musk would take the company.

This December, SpaceX realized one of Musk's dreams for a fleet of reusable rockets by shooting a Falcon 9 rocket up into space and then landing its first stage back on Earth, completely intact.

This incredible feat is just the latest in a series of milestones for SpaceX, which is paving the road toward a new era of spaceflight unlike anything we've ever seen. Читать дальше...


Hillary Clinton raised $112 million in 2015

Scott Eisen/Getty Images

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton raised $55 million in the last three months of 2015, her campaign said on Friday.

The latest haul for Clinton, 68, brings her 2015 fund-raising total to $112 million, giving her one of the best-funded campaign treasuries in the race for the November 2016 US presidential elections.

"At the beginning of this campaign, Hillary Clinton set a goal of $100 million in primary contributions for 2015 and blew past that goal... Читать дальше...


They 'can go viral in a matter of seconds': An inside look at how ISIS sympathies spread in the US

Militant website / AP

A recent report has shown the extent to which ISIS' influence has extended into the US, with hundreds of Americans following pro-ISIS accounts on social-media platforms.

The terrorist group, also known as the Islamic State or ISIL, recruits people from all over the world, including the US. Thousands of people from Western countries are thought to have joined the group's ranks in Iraq and Syria, where ISIS has forcefully established a self-declared Islamic caliphate. Читать дальше...


Here's a clear explanation of the confusing galactic politics in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'


"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" introduces the New Republic, the Resistance (basically the new Rebels), and the First Order (basically the new Empire), but between all the battle scenes, it never exactly explains the relationship between the three organizations.

For those wondering about the new galactic politics, the film's novelization, written by Alan Dean Foster, offers some insight. We read it and this is what we found.

The New Republic formed in the wake of... Читать дальше...


Turns out exercise might not be a cure for weight gain

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 35% of Americans are obese. That's 78.6 million people.

We talked to Gary Taubes, an expert on obesity who wrote the best-selling book "Why We Get Fat." He says the idea that exercising and physical activity can cure obesity is incorrect.

Produced by Graham Flanagan. Camera by Justin Gmoser.

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Google is afraid of something Facebook is doing

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

The mobile Internet experience is vastly different from accessing the web on a desktop computer. People use apps instead of a browser, and that means the companies that own the most popular apps are at a significant advantage.

According to Nielsen, Facebook and Google own all eight of the most popular apps in the United States. But Facebook likely dominates total engagement compared to the Alphabet company. Facebook management says its apps account for 20% of time spent on mobile. Читать дальше...


Belgium releases three held over New Year attack plot

Thomson Reuters

Belgian investigators released three people on Friday after questioning them over an alleged plot to attack the capital on New Year's Eve which forced the cancellation of the city's annual fireworks display.

Police had detained six people after searches at seven locations in and near Brussels on Thursday. They also seized computers, mobile phones and equipment for airsoft, a sport like paintball using guns that shoot plastic pellets.

Authorities believe some... Читать дальше...


18 books billionaire Warren Buffett thinks everyone should read

REUTERS/Rick Wilking

When Warren Buffett started his investing career, he would read 600, 750, or 1,000 pages a day.

Even now, he still spends about 80% of his day reading.

"Look, my job is essentially just corralling more and more and more facts and information, and occasionally seeing whether that leads to some action," he once said in an interview.

"We don't read other people's opinions," he said. "We want to get the facts, and then think."

To help you get into the mind of the billionaire investor... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Светильники обновили в переходах и тоннелях Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Мантуров: на инаугурации Путина 7 мая представят обновленный Aurus Senat

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Полина Гагарина

Полина Гагарина опровергла «уход на пенсию» и рассказала о новом рубеже


Войну на истощение России не выиграть: Три источника пополнения ВСУ и одно возможное решение

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