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Новости за 26.01.2016


Fox News issues incredible response to Donald Trump's Twitter poll about going to the Fox debate

REUTERS/Christopher Aluka Berry

Fox News was apparently amused that Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump took the unusual step of polling his Twitter followers about whether he should attend Thursday's Fox-hosted primary debate.

Trump has complained that Fox host Megyn Kelly, one of the debate moderators, would be unfair to him.

In a Tuesday statement to Business Insider, a spokesperson for the network mused about whether global leaders would be fair to a potential President Trump. Читать дальше...


BlackRock just upped its stake in 4 US tech giants (AAPL, FB, HPQ, MSFT)

Thomson Reuters

BlackRock has upped its stake in some big-name tech companies.

The world's largest asset manager, with $4.5 trillion, now has a 5.6% stake in Facebook, a 5.6% stake in HP, a 5.7% stake in Apple, and a 5.6% stake in Microsoft, according to SEC filings published recently.

Apple's stock has taken a slide in recent months and is currently trading below $100. HP's stock is trading around $9.50.

Facebook, meanwhile, is up from a year ago and trading around $97, versus $77 last January. Читать дальше...


I've lived in New York City for 22 years, and here are my favorite places to eat for less than $20

Unsound Media/ Flickr

Born and raised in Brooklyn for the past 22 years, I have a knack for finding the best cheap eats that are not dingy, hole-in-the-wall restaurants.

I love food, and there are plenty of restaurants throughout the city that offer it cheap and good. Living in New York City is expensive enough — not every meal has to be.

Here are my favorite restaurants to have a full meal, including a 15%  tip (where it applies) for less than $20.

Chive and pork dumplings at Vanessa's Dumplings... Читать дальше...


A startup is teaming up with Harvard Law School to 'free the law'

Lydia Chan/Ravel Law

Can you apply big data to the legal industry? 

That's exactly the question Daniel Lewis and Nik Reed, the co-founders of Ravel Law, asked when they were law students at Stanford.

They were frustrated with the old way of doing legal research, which often involved reading through thousands of different cases to find information.

If they could make research easier, they thought, then they would save students, lawyers, librarians, and paralegals thousands of hours of time ... Читать дальше...


The first thing you should do when you start at a Wall Street bank


Navigating through your first Wall Street job is not going to be easy.

Junior bankers work long hours under high pressure in extremely competitive environments.

But there's one thing you can do to help you stay afloat: Find a sponsor within the firm as soon as possible.

Michelle Domanico, a principal in credit at investment giant KKR who previously worked at investment bank UBS, told Business Insider that it's extremely important to find a senior person in the firm who is not your boss ... Читать дальше...


Among all the millionaires I've met, I've yet to meet a single person who feels rich

Flickr/Jaume Escofet

This post from LinkedIn Influencer Jeff Haden originally appeared on LinkedIn.

One day I'd like to meet someone who is actually rich.

Sometimes I think I've found one but it always turns out I'm wrong. No matter how rich I assumed the person to be ... within a few minutes I find out just how "poor" that person really is.

Take the guy who sold his company for more than $40 million. (Well, actually $100 million in total; $40 million is his share.) I was sure he was rich. Читать дальше...


27,000 people are currently on the wait list to eat at a pop-up version of one of the best restaurants in the world


Noma — the brainchild of Danish mastermind chef René Redzepi — has been named the best restaurant in the world four times. For 10 weeks, starting today, Redzepi will be cooking his award-winning tasting menu at a pop-up version of his restaurant in Sydney, Australia. 

More than 27,000 eager diners are currently on the wait list, each one of them willing to shell out the $339 per person that Noma is asking for its unique, bizarre, and otherworldly cuisine. When reservations opened... Читать дальше...


Amazon has a plan to make money when you buy stuff on other websites — and 23 million people have tried it so far (AMZN)

Screenshot / YouTube

Amazon wants to make money off of you even when you're not shopping on its website.

Because the company already has hundreds of millions of credit cards on file, it offers a service called Pay with Amazon that allows third-party retailers to let shoppers use their Amazon payment and shipping information at check-out.

And in a rare bout of transparency, Amazon just revealed that 23 million customers have used the service since it launched in 2013.  

... Читать дальше...


This isn't the first time Flint has had a lead poisoning crisis

Sarah Rice/Getty

Flint, Michigan is in the middle of a major lead poisoning crisis.

But unfortunately, this isn't the first time the residents of the city have come in contact with large amounts of lead.

In the 1990s, an incinerator near Flint used wood from demolished buildings to generate electricity. However, because the demolished houses contained a lot of lead paint, that lead (along with a host of other contaminates) made its way into Flint's air.  

People once... Читать дальше...


Yale had a record-high number of applicants despite a year of tense and emotional student protests

Philipp Arndt Photography

Yale University saw a record-high number of applications for the class of 2020 despite a year that was marked by racial tension and student protests, The Yale Daily News reported.

The school received 31,439 applications, surpassing the 31,000 marker for the first time in the school's history. There was also a 10% uptick in applications for African-Americans, according to the YDN.

At least one student attributed the record number of applications to... Читать дальше...


How babies identify faces can teach us something fascinating about learning


Faces and facial expressions have a special power over us as human beings. While friendly faces make us feel warm and fuzzy, those of our opponents evoke fear or even anger.

So, when do we as kids learn to recognize faces and facial expressions? And what lessons can be learned by parents whose facial signals carry a massive amount of information for infants?

As a researcher primarily interested in emotional development, I’ve spent years studying how infants... Читать дальше...


Lamborghini posted record sales in last year and is getting ready for a big 2016


Lamborghini announced today a record number of sales in 2015.

The automaker sold 3,245 vehicles last year in keeping with a generally bullish car market, the Italian exotic car maker said in an official press release.

The company will also add 150 employees to aid assembly of their third model, the Urus SUV, and will soon double the size of its production facility in Sant'Agata Bolognese and add another 320 employees ahead of the new model's release.

"We... Читать дальше...


Knicks player has an awesome story about the moment he knew Kristaps Porzingis was ready for the NBA

David Goldman/AP

Kristaps Porzingis is having a terrific rookie season, averaging 14 points, eight rebounds, and two blocks per game for the surprisingly competitive New York Knicks.

Perhaps even more surprising is that Porzingis has been so effective so early into his career — many people thought the long, lanky, 20-year-old Latvian would need several seasons to develop.

In a terrific profile of Porzingis from Sports Illustrated's Lee Jenkins, Jenkins illustrates that Porzingis'... Читать дальше...


Everything that's coming in the next big Apple TV update (AAPL)

Apple/Tech Insider

The Apple TV is getting some great new updates pretty soon.

The fourth-generation Apple TV, which launched last October, is the first Apple TV to have an App Store, the first with the ability to play games, and the first with a touch-sensitive remote control that also works with Siri.

Apple has only released one major update for the Apple TV since it launched: tvOS 9.1, which was released in early December, offered several bug fixes and offered support for Apple Music... Читать дальше...


The massive blizzard that hit the US East Coast could mess up auto sales

Henry Blodget, Business Insider

A few weeks after closing out a year of record sales in 2015, carmakers and dealerships are feeling a big chill from winter storm Jonas.

East coast plants — like BMW's Spartanburg, SC facility — cut several shifts during the storm, as did Toyota and GM plants in Kentucky and another GM plant in Tennessee, Automotive News reported.

Southern states experienced record snowfalls, ranging from a few inches to several feet, making roads impassable. Читать дальше...


Brazil is badly losing the fight against Zika

Leo Correa/AP Photo

Brazil's health minister says the country will mobilize some 220,000 troops to battle the mosquito blamed for spreading a virus suspected of causing birth defects, but he also was quoted Tuesday as saying the battle already is being lost.

Marcelo Castro said that nearly 220,000 members of Brazil's Armed Forces would go door-to-door to help in mosquito eradication efforts ahead of the country's Carnival celebrations, according to Rio de Janeiro's O Globo newspaper. Читать дальше...


11 habits of people who always reach their goals


Research shows that 45% of Americans usually make New Year’s Resolutions, while only 8% are successful in in achieving them.

What is it about those 8% that make them so different? It might sound simple, but it comes down to their habits.

Here are 11 you simply must have if you want to reach your goals:

1. Set specific goals

Unfortunately, one of the things that derails many goal-setters is that they lack a specific finish line. “Lose weight” is vague ... Читать дальше...


The world's most valuable private company hasn't had a CFO for almost a year now

Thomson Reuters

It is one of the biggest CFO jobs on the market. 

Uber, the ride-hailing Goliath, is valued at more than $62.5 billion — if you're to believe the figures it's reportedly using as it talks to investors about a new $2 billion funding round. And startup is probably the wrong word to call the company with a valuation that's higher than GM's market cap.

It has its own China branch, and an elaborate tax structure that spans multiple subsidiaries from the Bahamas to the Netherlands. Читать дальше...


A bipartisan task force is suggesting a policy shift that could save the federal government $5 billion



Tesla wants to build cars in China for a very good reason

Reuters/Bobby Yip

Tesla will eventually make cars in China, including its first mass-market vehicle, the Model 3, CEO Elon Musk said in a recent interview with CNN.

"It will eventually be made in China," Musk said. "If it was possible to do local production in China sooner, we would, but I think it is going to be close to three years before we can achieve that outcome."

Tesla is not eligible for local incentives in China, so all vehicles sold in the country come with a very high import duty. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Мокрый фасад: как сделать отделку по технологии СФТК

Путин в России и мире

МИД РФ иронично прокомментировал высказывание Шольца о Путине и Канте

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко убежден, что белорусы «никогда еще так хорошо не жили»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Патриарх Кирилл запретил в служении священника, проводившего панихиду по Алексею Навальному

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




В филиалах АО "Желдорреммаш" прошли традиционные весенние общезаводские субботники


Памятник природы «Гнездо белого аиста» в Подмосковье поставлен на кадастр

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