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Новости за 07.09.2017


The best souvenir to buy in every state

Savvapanf Photo/Shutterstock

Souvenirs are a great way to commemorate a trip to a new destination.

A trip to Italy might not be complete without purchasing a shiny new leather bag, for example. But there are plenty of incredible things to buy right here in the US: Arizona is known for turquoise and silver, while Washington state is famous for its coffee beans and bottled cold brew. 

Here is the best souvenir you can buy in every state. 

ALABAMA: Heart of Dixie tote

... Читать дальше...


Watch the trailer for 'The Current War,' starring Benedict Cumberbatch as a devious Thomas Edison

The Weinstein Company

"The Current War" trailer, released Thursday, provides a glance into the heated battle between famed inventors Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse close to a hundred years ago.

Oscar-winner Benedict Cumberbatch plays Edison as he prepares to flood New York City with electricity, and Michael Shannon plays Westinghouse, working with Nikola Tesla (played by Nicholas Hoult) who possesses the gas powered alternating current technology.

Cumberbatch plays a cunning and devious Edison... Читать дальше...


A furious employee is suing drugmaker Mallinckrodt over claims about its $38,000-a-dose blockbuster

Markets Insider

The legal challenges at Mallinckrodt, the drugmaker Wall Street loves to hate, are piling up. An employee of the company is suing the company and its leadership, alleging they lied about its dependence on its controversial blockbuster drug, Acthar.

The employee bought shares as part of the company's stock purchase plan, so he's also suing on behalf of the plan. 

The complaint is that Mallinckrodt's failure to disclose that up to 60% of Acthar's revenue comes... Читать дальше...


Disney sinks after CEO Bob Iger gives disappointing guidance (DIS)

Associated Press

Shares of Disney are down almost 4% on Thursday after CEO Bob Iger gave a disappointing earnings forecast at a conference in New York. Iger also said that Marvel and Star Wars were coming exclusively to Disney's recently announced streaming service.

Speaking at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Media Communications Conference in New York, Iger said that the recent merger and acquisition activity is likely to continue, and that this year’s earnings per share will be roughly in-line with 2016, Bloomberg reported. Читать дальше...


Disney sinks after CEO Bob Iger gives disappointing guidance (DIS)

Associated Press

Shares of Disney are down almost 4% on Thursday after CEO Bob Iger gave a disappointing earnings forecast at a conference in New York. Iger also said that Marvel and Star Wars were coming exclusively to Disney's recently announced streaming service.

Speaking at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Media Communications Conference in New York, Iger said that the recent merger and acquisition activity is likely to continue, and that this year’s earnings per share will be roughly in-line with 2016, Bloomberg reported. Читать дальше...


The Red Sox are reportedly accusing the Yankees of using TV cameras to steal signs

Carlos Osorio/AP

Two days after being accused of using an Apple Watch to steal the New York Yankees signs, the Boston Red Sox are hitting back and accusing the Yankees of stealing signs by using a TV camera.

The New York Times reported on Tuesday that the Yankees had filed a complaint with the commissioner's office that they had proof the Red Sox were using an Apple Watch to relay signals to players.

The commissioner's office corroborated the Yankees' findings and the Red Sox admitted to the operation. Читать дальше...


Standard Chartered reportedly lost $400 million on risky loans to a cadre of diamond barons

Kim Alaniz

In 2009, while most banks were reeling from the financial crisis and paring back risk, Standard Chartered dove headlong into the dangerous game of diamond lending, according to a report from Franz Wild, Thomas Biesheuvel and Stephen Morris in Bloomberg Businessweek.

The London-based bank began courting a cadre of diamond barons, whose companies would eventually borrow billions to finance their business of buying rough stones from miners like De Beers, cleaning them up, and then selling them to retailers... Читать дальше...


Parts of Florida are running out of gas as Hurricane Irma approaches

Wilfredo Lee/AP

Several gas stations in Florida ran out of gas Thursday as Hurricane Irma approached the state.

Supplies fell as people heeded evacuation orders for some southern parts of the state. Last week, Hurricane Harvey crippled oil refineries in Texas, creating shortages even before Irma made landfall in the Caribbean.

"There's a double whammy going on where we were already experiencing a shortage, and everyone is trying to buy gas because they are trying to leave Florida," said Allison Mac... Читать дальше...


American women took all 4 spots in the final four of a major for the first time in 3 decades and it is a great sign for the state of the sport in the US

Matthew Stockman/Getty

It's been over a decade since the last time an American woman other than Serena Williams won a Grand Slam tournament, but that streak will end this week.

For the first time in over 30 years, the US Open semifinals will feature four American players, setting up what could be one of the most memorable finishes in the event's history.

World No. 9 Venus Williams, the last non-Serena American to take a Grand Slam, is the main fan draw out of the remaining group. Читать дальше...


7 insane facts that reveal how big Amazon has become

REUTERS/Rick Wilking

Amazon is hardly the same company it was in 1999, when e-commerce was still a relatively small industry and the budding online retailer exclusively sold books.

Today, the world's fourth-most valuable company ships a mind-boggling number of goods to billions of people around the world.

By some accounts, it has essentially created America's largest company town in Seattle. Recently, Amazon announced plans to spend $5 billion on a second headquarters, for 50,000 employees, somewhere in North America. Читать дальше...


Former students speak out against a Pittsburgh-area university's self-injury policy: 'They treated me like a criminal'

Ryan Loew/PublicSource

Editor's note: Chatham University President David Finegold issued a statement to the student body Wednesday afternoon announcing the creation of a task force to review and recommend action on the self-injury policy in response to this article, which originally appeared on PublicSource. He addressed one sentence directly to students: “I want to stress for those students who are dealing with mental health issues, please know that our Counseling Services department and response team are here to support and help you... Читать дальше...


The fabulous life of Anna Wintour

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

The semi-annual chaos that is New York Fashion Week has begun, and designers and fashionistas are deep in preparation mode. 

Perhaps no one knows the ins and outs of Fashion Week better than Anna Wintour, longtime editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine and artistic director at Conde Nast. Donning her trademark black Chanel sunglasses and perfectly styled bob, Wintour has been a fashion-show fixture for decades. 

With an estimated annual salary of $2 million... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump Jr.: I met with the Russians to learn about Clinton's 'fitness' for office

Brian Snyder/Reuters

President Donald Trump's son told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday that he agreed to meet with Russians who had promised his father's campaign damaging information on Hillary Clinton because he wanted to assess Clinton's "fitness" and "qualifications" for office.

“To the extent they had information concerning the fitness, character or qualifications of a presidential candidate, I believed that I should at least hear them out,” Donald Trump Jr. said in a statement provided to the committee ... Читать дальше...


An ex-Apple recruiter says a mistake that's so easy to fix is guaranteed to irritate recruiters

Rachel Bitte

You've got to be careful about what you put online.

Plenty of people have logged onto Facebook the morning after a wild night to find themselves tagged in a slew of photos featuring some questionable poses and lots of red solo cups.

It's best to immediately un-tag yourself from such photos, especially if you're looking for a job.

Rachel Bitte, chief people officer at recruiting software company Jobvite, said that poor choices on social media can seriously hamper a job candidate's chances. Читать дальше...


Amazon's domination of retail comes down to 5 simple areas (AMZN)

Thomson Reuters

Amazon's total domination of retail is well reported by now, so it's worth considering how the company does it.

One Montana brokerage firm, DA Davidson, says the answer is "SIMPL."

"To exploit the retail market opportunity in the future, retailers will need to excel in the following areas: Social Networking, International Expansion, Mobile, Payments and Logistics," Tom Forte, an analyst at DA Davidson, said in a recent note to clients.

Noise about Amazon's... Читать дальше...


Top senator: Russian Facebook ads were 'just the tip of the iceberg'

Thomson Reuters

The vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner, said Thursday that the purchase of $100,000 worth of Facebook ads from Russian-linked accounts during the 2016 election was only "the tip of the iceberg."

Warner said during a panel event hosted by the Intelligence and National Security Alliance that it may be time to pass legislation requiring social-media companies to disclose the sources of campaign-related ads, and that he wanted to see "the back... Читать дальше...


Hurricane Irma 'totally demolished' 90% of Barbuda — and the island is under hurricane watch again

ABS News

Early Wednesday morning, Hurricane Irma engulfed the tiny island of Barbuda and its population of around 1,800 with tornado-force, 185-mph, Category 5 winds and storm surge.

The destruction was so severe that instruments measuring the storm were destroyed and the island was completely cut off from communication.

After initially surveying the damage, Gaston Browne, prime minister of the dual-island nation of Antigua and Barbuda, said the island was "totally demolished" and that 90% of buildings were destroyed. Читать дальше...


Microsoft Cortana vs. FiveThirtyEight's Elo — here are their picks for Week 1 of the NFL

Maddie Meyer/Getty

The NFL season is back and it is time to make picks and everybody could always use a little help.

Below we take a look at two popular systems used to pick NFL games — Cortana, Microsoft's digital assistant, and Elo, the modeling system used by Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight.com.

In both cases, the computers are picking outright winners and are not picking against the spread. However, both give a likelihood of teams winning which, in theory, could help measure the strength of certain lines. Читать дальше...


The guy who built an iPhone using spare parts has now added a headphone jack to his iPhone 7 (AAPL)

YouTube/Strange Parts

It's been almost a year since the iPhone 7 was released, but Apple's vision of a "wireless future" and its decision to ditch the headphone jack on the iPhone 7 is still a contentious point with some iPhone users.

One of those users is Scotty Allen, a software engineer based in Shenzen, China, who took it upon himself to add a headphone jack to an iPhone 7. 

You may remember Allen from one of his previous YouTube videos where he built an iPhone 6s from... Читать дальше...


An Army officer on the US's new policy for Afghanistan: more misguided strategy

Carolyn Kaster/AP

The newly announced Afghanistan strategy differs only in style, not substance, from the strategies of the past, and certainly from the current strategy. After 16 years we still lack a coherent strategy, once that aligns ways and means to achieve realistic ends.

It’s true the administration promises to utilize all the elements of American power, but this is a bromide.

While it renounces nation building and timelines (removed in 2014) and emphasizes “killing terrorists,” the new strategy’s purported end... Читать дальше...


Right-wing media praises Trump's deal with the Democrats and rips Republican leaders

Screenshot/Fox Business Network

President Donald Trump baffled Republican leadership on Wednesday when he spurned their proposals for raising the debt ceiling and instead decided to make a deal with Democratic leadership.

But while most Capitol Hill Republicans and conservative commentators and pundits were highly critical of the deal, a number of prominent pro-Trump media figures sided with Trump and blasted Republican leadership over the deal.

Trump sided with Senate Minority... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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Фигуристка Радионова и футболист Кучаев станут родителями

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