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Новости за 15.09.2017


Here are all the reasons why Americans say they binge-watch TV shows

The rise of Netflix and Hulu is largely responsible for the spread of the term "binge-watch." For most, that means dedicating an entire day or at least an evening to sitting down and watching multiple episodes of a TV show at once. According to YouGov, 58 percent of Americans have engaged in binge-watching, and of that number 72% say it's how they normally consume TV shows. 

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20-somethings might not be as obsessed with takeout and food delivery as you thought


Americans spend a ton of money on food.

Between groceries, dining out, and ordering delivery, food accounts for 12.5% —just over $7,000 in the average budget — of annual expenditures, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Dining out at restaurants is a favorite, totaling 43% of the average family's food budget.

Millennials tend to shoulder a lot of this blame, as research shows they're typically spending more than previous generations on pricey restaurant dinners. Читать дальше...


Hedge fund giant Citadel is building out a new unit with big hires

CNBC/ Heidi Gutman

Hedge fund giant Citadel has hired three staffers in its build out a fresh investment unit.

The group is headed by Eric Felder, who was hired from Magnetar earlier this year. The team, which invests across various asset classes, is set to grow to 20 to 25 investment professionals, and was called Fundamental Strategies when it was announced earlier this year.

Citadel has hired the following to the new team:


The top 10 threats facing Europe, according to Europeans

Neil Hall/Reuters

Europeans are largely in agreement on the top threats that face the European Union — and if you've been following the news as of late, you can probably guess what they are.

Eurobarometer published a report in August showing that despite ongoing concerns like rising inflation and member states' finances, economic issues aren't necessarily at the top of most Europeans' lists of fears.

The survey was carried out in late May, and EU citizens were asked to identify... Читать дальше...


UK raises terror alert level to 'critical' after subway bombing that injured 29 people

Reuters/Toby Melville

British officials have raised the country's terrorism threat level to "critical' — meaning another attack is expected shortly.

Prime Minister Theresa May acted on the recommendation of the Joint Terrorism Analysis Center after the subway train bombing attack Friday at the Parsons Green station in southwest London. The analysis includes security services, police and government agencies.

The threat was raised from "severe" to "critical" — its highest possible level. Читать дальше...


The Trump administration is twisting itself into knots to try and explain why a DACA deal wouldn't be 'amnesty'

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Friday that allowing unauthorized immigrants who are protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to lawfully stay in the US does not count as "amnesty."

Sanders suggested that if President Donald Trump were to sign a bill allowing DACA recipients to stay in the US, it would not include permanent residency.

"The whole definition says deferred, so that takes away the idea of the permanent piece when the idea of DACA... Читать дальше...


I'm an intern in New York City making $12 per hour — here's what I spend in a week

Nisha Stickles

Right after I graduated college, I landed an internship in New York City, debt free. But there's a cost to this opportunity: living full-time in the city on an intern's salary.

Considering New York is one of the most expensive cities to live in, being financially independent isn't an easy task, especially after you pay for rent, a MetroCard, and a brunch or two. Honestly, it's almost impossible to live without support or a second job unless you consciously plan ahead. Читать дальше...


These breathtaking images of Saturn were taken by Cassini as it crashed into the planet

These are the closest-ever images of Saturn.

They were taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft just days before it crashed into Saturn. The results are spectacular. Shortly after Cassini took its final image, it flew into Saturn's atmosphere where it burned up and disintegrated.

Cassini is now a part of Saturn. A fitting end for such a historic spacecraft. 

Video courtesy of NASA.


STOCKS CLIMB TO A RECORD HIGH: Here's what you need to know


Stocks climbed above 2,500 for the first time, boosted by technology and a weaker dollar after August retail sales unexpectedly fell.

The S&P 500 increased 0.2%. Meanwhile, both the Dow and the more tech-heavy Nasdaq climbed 0.3%.

First up, the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 22,268.34, +64.86, (+0.29%)
  • S&P 500: 2,500.23, +4.61, (+0.18%)
  • Nasdaq: 6,448.47, +19.38, (+0.30%)
  • US 10-year yield: 2.20%, +0.005
  • WTI crude oil... Читать дальше...


'Why would you even go there?' Stunned CNN anchor ends segment on ESPN controversy after guest's off-color comment


Clay Travis of Fox Sports and Outkick the Coverage left CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin stunned on Friday by making an off-color remark during a segment about ESPN's political controversy.

While discussing the network's decision not to fire or suspend "SC6" anchor Jemele Hill for calling President Donald Trump a "white supremacist," Travis, a vocal conservative and critic of ESPN, said the only things he believed in "completely" were "the First Amendment and boobs."

Baldwin... Читать дальше...


ESPN has lost nearly 13 million subscribers in 6 years, but it is not as bad as it sounds

ESPN has come under fire from the White House and conservatives for comments made by "SC6" anchor Jemele Hill on Twitter in which she called President Donald Trump a "white supremacist." Trump himself responded on Friday with a tweet demanding an apology and claiming that the network's politics and "bad programming" has led to people "dumping it in RECORD numbers."

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NASA picked the 100 greatest images of Saturn from its Cassini mission — here are some of the best


After 13 years of orbiting Saturn and its moons, NASA's bus-size Cassini probe is now a puff of radioactive vapor in the planet's swirling clouds.

Space agency leaders knew this day would come since 2010, when they decided to empty Cassini's tanks to continue exploring Saturn as long as possible.

Without a means of controlling the probe, they reasoned, Cassini had to be destroyed. This would prevent it crashing into Saturn's icy moons Enceladus and Titan — which hide vast... Читать дальше...


Johnny Manziel made a move that could mean a return to football is closer than expected

Jason Miller/Getty

Johnny Manziel may be close to a return to football, this time in the CFL.

According to reports, earlier this week, Manziel and his agent notified the Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the CFL to activate a 10-day window that would force the team to make a decision on his future.

The Tiger-Cats own the CFL rights to Manziel.

The 10-day window gives teams a chance to evaluate the player then either sign him, trade him, or cut him.

On Friday, the CFL extended the window... Читать дальше...


One state just got saved from Obamacare's nightmare scenario

Alexander Scheuber/Getty Images

Insurance giant Anthem said Friday that it will provide insurance on the Obamacare exchanges in 63 Virginia counties that were previously in danger of having no insurer for 2018.

"As a result of the ongoing discussions, today, Anthem filed to revise its Individual health plan offerings for 2018 to include both on- and-off exchange Individual plans in 68 cities and counties in Virginia," the company said in a press release.

"Sixty-three of these... Читать дальше...


DEUTSCHE BANK: The dollar and the euro are all about politics

Ian Langsdon/Reuters/Pool

It looks like two of the world's most important currencies might be reacting to politics rather than economics.

The US dollar index has fallen by about 11% against a basket of its peers since US President Donald Trump's inauguration. It's now at its lowest level since January 2015.

The euro, meanwhile, has been climbing since April 2017, and is now at its highest level since January 2015. It broke through 1.200 against the dollar last week, but has since reversed some of those gains. Читать дальше...


Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio says he's done talking to the press once his book tours end

Bridgewater Associates

Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio is on tour for his first book, "Principles: Life and Work" and it's one of the last times you'll see him embrace the spotlight, he told Business Insider.

As the head of the world's largest hedge fund, with $150 billion in total assets under management, Dalio generally avoided the media for the majority of his career.

But when his firm gained increased interest in the mainstream media after it emerged strong from the 2007-08 financial crisis... Читать дальше...


White House doubles down on ESPN attacks, cites previous 'suspension' as standard for why Jemele Hill should be fired

White House

For the second time in three days, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has gone in on ESPN and "SC6" anchor Jemele Hill for her comments on Twitter in which she called President Donald Trump "a white supremacist."

On Friday, Sanders was asked about Trump's tweet earlier in the day in which he demanded that ESPN "Apologize for untruth!" and whether the president would apologize for birtherism claims made previously by Trump about President Barack Obama. Sanders... Читать дальше...


Tesla reveals it's working on tech to swap batteries — and it could help its entry into the truck space (TSLA)

US Patent and Trademark Office

Tesla is interested in building a machine that would make it easier to replace the battery in an electric vehicle.

The electric automaker filed a patent application in May that shows how the machine could elevate a vehicle and then replace its battery pack with a new one. Electrek was the first to report on the patent's filing.

Tesla writes in the patent that at least one technician could monitor the lift, which could be installed in remote locations, such as a highway between cities. Читать дальше...


Turkey's purchase of Russian missiles has ratcheted tensions up to a new level

Thomson Reuters

Turkey announced earlier this week that it had finalized a multibillion-dollar purchase of the S-400, Russia's most sophisticated surface-to-air-missile system.

The acquisition has been discussed for several months and comes amid a period of strained relations between Ankara and its partners in the NATO military alliance.

Finalizing the $2.5 billion deal appears to have inflamed those tensions however, and at least one US senator is saying sanctions on Turkey may now be necessary. Читать дальше...


Women's shoe retailer Aerosoles has filed for bankruptcy (AMZN)


Women's shoe retailer Aerosoles Group said it had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, the latest casualty in a struggling retail industry.

The company had listed assets of $10 million to $50 million and liabilities of $100 million to $500 million, according to its bankruptcy court filing.

Aerosoles' holding company AGI HoldCo Inc said it would continue to manage its stores and operate its businesses as "debtors in possession."

The company... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Крылатчан попросили с пониманием отнестись к спортивному ориентированию

Путин в России и мире

Уроженец Кировской области с позывным Струна стоял на параде рядом с Путиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: тактическое ядерное оружие для Москвы и Минска — средство сдерживания

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