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Новости за 02.09.2017


Trump increases federal funding for debris removal after Harvey

Thomson Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump on Saturday authorized an increase in the level of federal funding for debris removal and emergency protective measures as a result of Hurricane Harvey to 90 percent from 75 percent, the White House said.

"President Trump increased cost sharing to 90 percent federal funding for debris removal, including direct federal assistance, and a 100 percent federal funding for emergency protective measures, including direct federal... Читать дальше...


Juicero's founder lives it up at Burning Man immediately after his company shut down


Juicero — the Silicon Valley company known for its $400, Wifi-enabled juicer — shut down and suspended sales of its presses and produce packs Saturday.

Meanwhile, its founder and raw food evangelist Doug Evans is in the Nevada desert for Burning Man, the annual festival known for its wild art, costumes, and parties.

Evans has posted several Instagrams at the festival in the past few days. In the one below, he blows fire from a tricked-out bicycle:

Instagram Embed:


Hedge funds are cashing in on bitcoin mania — there are now 50 dedicated to cryptocurrencies

Reuters/Lucas Jackson

The market for cryptocurrencies is red-hot, and dozens of crypto-focused hedge funds are looking to get in on the action. 

Digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, are powered by distributed ledger technology and are not controlled by a centralized authority. The market for such currencies has exploded with over 800 coins on the market with a combined marketcap of $166 billion. 

Autonomous NEXT, a fintech analytics firm, released a list of 55 cryptocurrency hedge funds on Tuesday... Читать дальше...


Astros manager gave a heartwarming speech before the first baseball game in Houston after Hurricane Harvey


Eight days after Hurricane Harvey made landfall on Texas, the Houston Astros played its first post-Harvey home game at Minute Maid Park in Houston on Saturday.

Astros manager A.J. Hinch gave a short speech and welcomed the city back to its home stadium, before Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner threw the first pitch. 

"It's a very special day to start the re-build process of our great city," he said.

"We want to thank everyone in the city of Houston that's doing something good for somebody else. Читать дальше...


Trump told Hurricane Harvey survivors to ‘have a good time’ while visiting shelter


While visiting the Houston area on Saturday to meet with survivors of Hurricane Harvey, President Donald Trump told reporters that he is seeing "a lot of happiness," Talking Points Memo reported. 

"It's been really nice," Trump said of the visit. "It’s been a wonderful thing. As tough as this was, it’s been a wonderful thing, I think even for the country to watch it and for the world to watch. It’s been beautiful."

According to the Associated Press, 43 people have died so far as a result of the hurricane ... Читать дальше...


Hurricane Harvey floods toxic waste sites — and the EPA is missing in action


HIGHLANDS, Texas (AP) — As Dwight Chandler sipped beer and swept out the thick muck caked inside his devastated home, he worried whether Harvey’s floodwaters had also washed in pollution from the old acid pit just a couple blocks away.

Long a center of the nation’s petrochemical industry, the Houston metro area has more than a dozen such Superfund sites, designated by the Environmental Protection Agency as being among America’s most intensely contaminated places. Many are now flooded... Читать дальше...


The world champion of public speaking says every line of a speech should answer the same question

Toastmasters International

When Manoj Vasudevan took the stage ahead of his winning speech in the finals of the Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking, he saw an audience that looked worn out and ready to leave.

He knew he would have to make some adjustments to his presentation.

Toastmasters is the largest public speaking training organization in the world, and its competitions typically take place in the morning.

The 2017 finals, however, took place at night... Читать дальше...


Finland is 'the worst country to eat, drink, smoke and vape in the European Union' according to a free market think tank's Nanny State Index

Benjamin Horn/Flickr

The free-market think-tank IEA (Institute of Economic Affairs), has updated The Nanny-State Index for 2017 and one thing that hasn't changed is how sovereignly Finland tops the list.

The index compares EU-countries in their restrictiveness when it comes to the consumption of alcohol, nicotine and food & soft drink —  to determine which are “the worst countries to eat, drink, smoke & vape in the EU”.

Out of 28 European countries, Finland is ranked number one with 51.6 points while the UK... Читать дальше...


Iran military chief: Even 'unwise' leaders in the West know conflict would have huge costs

Thomson Reuters

DUBAI (Reuters) — Enemies are unlikely to attack Iran, especially on the ground, the country's military chief predicted on Saturday, saying even "unwise" leaders in the West know that any such conflict would have huge costs for them.

U.S. President Donald Trump, adopting an aggressive posture towards Iran after its test launch of a ballistic missile, said in February that "nothing is off the table" in dealing with Tehran, and the White House said it was putting Iran "on notice". Читать дальше...


Mueller may have just gotten 'the most important evidence' so far in his obstruction of justice case

Thomson Reuters

Stephen Miller, one of President Donald Trump's most controversial advisers, helped the president draft a letter to FBI Director James Comey in May explaining his firing, but White House counsel Don McGahn thought it was problematic and ultimately blocked it from being sent.

The advice McGahn gave to Trump in early May, first reported by the New York Times on Friday, may prove pivotal in the obstruction of justice case that FBI special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly building against the president. Читать дальше...


12 things you should know about your lease before renting a new apartment

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

If you're looking for an apartment, you'll soon have the "fun" task of reviewing your lease — a legally binding agreement that dictates your security deposit, termination date, obligations as a tenant and, of course, how much money you'll be forking over each month.

It's a dense document, but to fully protect yourself, pay special attention to these details before signing on the dotted line.

1. The termination date and renewal options

The standard lease agreement is 12 months... Читать дальше...


Top 30 NFL Draft prospects heading into the college football season

Harry How/Getty

College football is back, and with it, so are everyone's favorite stars from across the NCAA's powerhouse conferences.

Of course, this season will include plenty of intrigue in and of itself, but for NFL fans, this is a chance to take a long look at some of the names who could be drafted into the pro ranks in less than a year. There will surely be a few unheralded players who establish themselves as viable prospects this fall, but for the most part, we already have... Читать дальше...


There is no war in Afghanistan, and the US will never win

Carolyn Kaster/AP

In announcing last week that more US forces were headed to Afghanistan, President Donald Trump remarked that "the American people are weary of war without victory."

He's right about the weariness.

But that very weariness is encouraged by the widespread belief that Afghanistan is the kind of war in which there is going to be a moment of victory, if only the American people support the war a little longer.

And that is to misunderstand the nature of the conflict in Afghanistan. Читать дальше...


6 tricks you can use to make your home look better and feel cleaner in 20 minutes or less

Flickr/Donnie Ray Jones

Rachel Hoffman's "Unf*ck Your Habitat" is as much about self-empowerment as it is about taking care of your home.

As in: Your bedroom doesn't have to look like your most neurotically organized friend's bedroom. You don't have to spend every weekend vacuuming to be a successful adult. You do you!

But — and this is important — you can still feel good about inviting people over; you can still eat dinner without the stench of overflowing trash wafting over you. Читать дальше...


Irma will become a ‘major’ hurricane early next week

National Hurricane Center

The U.S. National Hurricane Center described Irma as a small hurricane on Saturday as it moved west across the Atlantic Ocean but said it should become "major" when it gets closer to the Lesser Antilles early next week.

"It is much too early to determine what direct impacts Irma will have on the Bahamas and the continental United States," the forecaster said.

At 11 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT), the hurricane center said Irma was about 1,220 miles (1,965 km) east of the Leeward Islands... Читать дальше...


99% of Houston’s companies are small businesses — and they’re struggling to recover after Harvey

Thomson Reuters

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Josh Beasley and his fiancé bought Houston's Body3 Personal Fitness on July 1, less than two months before Tropical Storm Harvey swamped the gym with a foot of water and left behind the dank stench of fetid mildew.

Wading into the Stygian dark of the powerless gym on Sunday, the day after the storm hit, Beasley said he was overwhelmed by the looming cleanup and repair. He estimated it could cost up to $35,000.

"To walk in and see all that water was just devastating," said Beasley... Читать дальше...


American Muslims making pilgrimage to Mecca can’t stop talking about Donald Trump

Thomson Reuters

MECCA/RIYADH (Reuters) - Even at Islam's holiest sites and during the most sacred time of year for Muslims, some people cannot stop talking about Donald Trump.

Among one group of American, Canadian and British pilgrims in Mecca this week for the annual haj, the U.S. president and policies they say target Muslims and immigrants are a regular conversation topic.

"People are irritated, angry, somber, a little bit worried," said Yasir Qadhi, an Islamic scholar who... Читать дальше...


A biotech CEO who sold his last company for $14 billion explains what it takes to build a company

Courtesy Axovant

David Hung knows a thing or two about building companies. 

Now the CEO of Axovant, a company that has a shot to launch the first new Alzheimer's drug in 15 years, Hung had previously founded Medivation, a cancer drugmaker that Pfizer bought for $14 billion in August 2016. 

Since Hung joined Axovant in April, the company's doubled in size from 55 employees to about 105 now.

Hung told Business Insider that it's key to have the right people in place when building a company... Читать дальше...


11 of the most bizarre words played at the national Scrabble championship

Becki Groves

In Scrabble, words are valuable resources — the more you have, the greater your chances of success.

And while most of the 200,000 words in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary are relatively useless in everyday life, expert Scrabble players dedicate hundreds of hours to memorizing them to increase their chances of winning.

There's no better place for serious players to show off their expansive word knowledge than on the game's biggest stage: the North American Scrabble Championship... Читать дальше...


19 ways you could be holding yourself back

Cameron Spencer/Getty Images

Change is difficult for most people.

Left to our own devices, most of us would rather carry on as we are. But if you're holding yourself back from your potential, or if you feel stuck where you are, life is telling you it's time to make a change.

Often it's the most brightest, talented people who need this message the most.

Here are 19 ways you may be holding yourself back, with solutions for the first steps to take in getting unstuck:

1. Читать дальше...


Airline workers share 26 things they'd love to tell passengers but can't


Whether it's to keep their jobs or to maintain the peace, there are some things that airline workers just can't tell travelers.

But sharing some of these things, while perhaps controversial, could be to their, your, and other passengers' benefit, if only someone would say something.

So Business Insider asked more than 80 airline workers including flight attendants, gate agents, ticket agents, and other airport customer service reps to weigh in on what they'd love to tell passengers but can't. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: на территории Польши и Прибалтики готовят атаки на восток

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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