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Новости за 09.09.2017


Recently ousted Fox News host's son found dead in apparent suicide

Chase Bolling/Facebook

Eric Bolling's son was found dead on Friday, just hours after Fox News announced that it was parting ways with the former Fox News host.

TMZ reported that Eric Chase Bolling, 19, was found dead Friday afternoon in Boulder, Colorado, the result of an apparent suicide.

Bolling confirmed the news in a tweet, though he cautioned that the circumstances surrounding his son's death were still unclear.

"Adrienne and I are devastated by the loss of our beloved son Eric Chase last night. Читать дальше...


Central banks are still more important than economics or politics for asset prices

Jim Tanner/Reuters

North Korea, Charlottesville, border wall funding, Arpaio, two hurricanes, and North Korea (again) have collectively renewed a sense of social and political chaos in the United States in recent weeks, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at stock prices or credit spreads.

Conversely, economic data in the US has been reasonably firm, with Q2 GDP revised up to 3.0% and Q3 still tracking above 3% according to the Atlanta Fed. And yet, you wouldn’t know it from looking at Treasury yields. Читать дальше...


Lots of married couples have the same argument about work while they're on vacation

Moreno Novello/Shutterstock

Half of all married couples argue about working while on vacation, according to a recent survey.

Fifty percent of married couples told surveyors at Korn Ferry that they have “had a disagreement with [a] spouse about being too connected to work” while on vacation.

While traveling together as a couple is great for deepening connections, remaining tied to work while traveling can have the exact opposite effect. Choosing to check in with work instead... Читать дальше...


Hurricane Irma’s winds are already hitting Florida


Hurricane Irma, currently a Category 3 storm with 125-mile winds, is barreling along the coast of Cuba and heading toward Florida.

Although the eye of the storm is still 145 miles southeast of Key West, Irma’s tropical-storm-force winds extend nearly 200 miles in all directions, and many parts of southern Florida are already experiencing strong winds and rains from the storm’s outer bands.

NBC 6 South Florida is reporting that tropical-storm-level... Читать дальше...


14 real recruiters share their favorite job interview questions

National Assembly for Wales Follow/Flickr

Don't get me wrong, yes, you're a special candidate who deserves unique consideration for a job.

However, the truth is that recruiters and hiring managers have favorite questions they love to ask candidates.

There are a handful of questions that are in their arsenals and come out every time they are on the phone with a candidate like yourself. Don't take it personally. Instead, get prepared.

We spoke to a group of recruiters... Читать дальше...


The frequency of catastrophic natural disasters really is increasing, but not by as much as you'd think from media coverage


No sooner had Hurricane Harvey’s record rains receded from Houston and neighboring cities than the residents of Florida began bracing for a wallop from an even more powerful storm. And hurricane season hasn’t even peaked yet.

This begs the question: Is the number of major natural disasters striking the United States actually increasing, or does the media’s natural tendency to overhype conflict only make it seem so?

The federal government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric... Читать дальше...


'Hurricane hunters' are flying right into Irma to collect data critical to US forecasts that can save lives

Thomson Reuters

THE EYE OF HURRICANE IRMA (Reuters) - The sky darkened, lightning flashed and a jolt of turbulence shook the cabin of the hulking Air Force turbo-prop aircraft as it plied its way toward the eye of Hurricane Irma, one of the strongest Atlantic storms ever recorded.

Piloting the four-engine, WC-130J aircraft was Air Force Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Jim Hitterman, who over the past 22 years has flown into 40 to 50 hurricanes.

Every storm is different but he likens... Читать дальше...


Margot Robbie gives a career-defining performance playing Tonya Harding in her new movie

Toronto International Film Festival

In a year where a lot of the hyped titles playing at the Toronto International Film Festival have already premiered at Telluride or Venice, “I, Tonya” is one title TIFF can claim as its own.

The dark, twisted, and hilarious look at the rise and fall of US Olympic figure-skater Tonya Harding had its world premiere at the fest on Friday, and with no distribution in place, the movie has buyers scrambling to nab it.

Margot Robbie plays the disgraced... Читать дальше...


Philip Rivers bought a $200,000 luxury SUV with a film room to help with his new work commute

Harry How/Getty

Philip Rivers has lived in the San Diego area since being drafted by the Chargers in 2004, and when the team made the surprising announcement that it was relocating to Los Angeles, he had a decision to make.

The commute between his house and the Chargers' practice facility in Costa Mesa takes around 90 minutes, making it lengthy, but manageable. Combine that with the fact that Rivers is the father of eight children settled in San Diego, and it makes sense that the veteran signal caller... Читать дальше...


11 highly successful people who went to public universities

Gregory Shamus / Getty Images

Ivy League schools, with their extensive rosters of famous alums, are typically lauded as bastions of success.

As it turns out, public colleges and universities can boast a similar claim.

Business Insider compiled a list of the most successful people who received an undergraduate degree from a public school.

From one of the richest people in the world to a former vice president, some of the most successful people in the US chose to attend public universities for their college degree. Читать дальше...


The royal family doesn't use last names — here's what Prince George will be called at school

Richard Pohle/WPA Pool/Getty Images

The INSIDER Summary: Royals don't really need a last name, but it's technically Mountbatten-Windsor, a blend of the Queen and her husband's surnames. Some royals use their family's territorial designation (like Wales or York) as a last name. Because Prince George's parents are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, he'll be known in school as "George Cambridge." With four-year-old Prince George starting school this year, his official title of "His Royal... Читать дальше...


Inside the New York City offices of $45 billion hedge-fund firm Two Sigma

Sarah Jacobs/Business Insider

What do you picture when you imagine a hedge-fund office? A noisy trading floor full of hedge-fund guys in fleece vests?

Two Sigma, a $45 billion hedge-fund firm that uses advanced technologies to find investment opportunities, is a little different. The firm, which says it has seen head count grow by more than 400% in the past seven years, is as much a technology company as it is a finance company, analyzing over 10,000 data sources to find patterns in markets. Читать дальше...


8 things recruiters wish they could tell you — but won't


  • Recruiters usually want what's best for the company and the applicant
  • But that doesn't mean they can tell you everything
  • For instance, they might not mention your references didn't paint you in the best light

Recruiters may seem intimidating, but they genuinely want the best for both candidates and the company.

Good recruiters want you to have the best experience possible during the application and interview process — but even though they want the best for you... Читать дальше...


Trump says he 'cleared the way' for tax reform, but there's still one huge roadblock

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

In rationalizing his break with the Republican Party by making a budget-debt ceiling-Hurricane Harvey aid deal with Democratic leadership, President Trump has said that he was trying to "clear the way" for tax reform.

Well, he forgot a roadblock.

Earlier this week the House Freedom Caucus released its own tax plan. Axios' Jonathan Swan published some details. The plan:


The filmmakers behind a big game hunting doc tackled a controversial subject, and almost got shot by a poacher

The Orchard

Shaul Schwarz and Christina Clusiau never thought much about big game hunting. In fact, the two photojournalists-turned-filmmakers, who have been a couple for years, didn’t even know how each other felt about the controversial sport.

Then almost four years ago, Schwarz was on his computer when he came across a “trophy shot” — a photo taken of a hunter next to the animal he or she has just killed. Schwarz shouted his displeasure, which fell on deaf ears as Clusiau didn’t see any problem with it. Читать дальше...


12 people who don't deserve their Emmys

Getty Images

The Emmys are supposed to honor greatness in television.

Sometimes they fall short.

All award shows have their controversies. The Oscars, too, have snubbed greatness in favor of mediocrity. But the Emmys, in particular, are really easy to win. So it's a particular shame when they don't give an award to the person or show that deserves it.

Here's a list of 12 Emmy winners that don't deserve statues on their mantelpieces.

Jim Parsons is not funnier than Steve Carell. Читать дальше...


Even lawmakers know that self-driving cars are the future

Win McNamee/Getty Images

In a bold and somewhat unexpected move, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed legislation that would dramatically increase the number of self-driving cars allowed on U.S. streets. The "Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research In Vehicle Evolution Act," or SELF DRIVE Act, would not only hasten the deployment of driverless vehicles, but would pre-empt state regulation from blocking them. 

The bill still awaits debate in the Senate... Читать дальше...


25 bands that formed in high school or college

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

School may be for educational purposes, but it provides ample opportunity to meet people with shared interests. This makes it a prime place for musicians to come together and form bands.

From Pink Floyd forming in college to Green Day getting together in high school, here are 25 bands that formed in school: 

Public Enemy started at Adelphi University on Long Island.

Scott Gries/Getty Images

Carlton Ridenhour (Chuck D.) met Hank Shocklee at the student radio station. Читать дальше...


Eric Wareheim talks 'Tim & Eric's Bedtime Stories,' the creepiest (and funniest) show on TV

Adult Swim

It is no exaggeration to say that the comedy duo of Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim has produced some of the most disturbing and gut-wrenchingly funny television in the history of the medium. 

After meeting in film school at Temple University in the '90s, Tim and Eric found a home at Adult Swim in the mid 2000s, where they released a string of innovative, 11-minute shows, including the animated "Tom Goes to the Mayor" and the absurdist sketch comedy "Tim and Eric's Awesome Show... Читать дальше...


It's finally dawned on Trump how much people 'f---ing hate' him — and he's pivoting to a new strategy

Alex Wong/Getty Images

President Donald Trump is adopting a new approach to governing after a rocky start to his term. 

One adviser told Axios' Mike Allen that after seven months in office, the president finally realized, "people really f---ing hate me."

Trump's decision this week to work with House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, and Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, may signal that he's open to pivoting to a different strategy after hovering at record low levels of popularity... Читать дальше...


WALL STREET PAYDAY: Banks could make more than $100 million in fees from the massive United Technologies acquisition (UTX)

Anne-Marie Sorvin-USA TODAY Sports

United Technologies announced its $30 billion acquisition of Rockwell Collins Monday, in a deal that would create one of the largest airline-equipment suppliers in the world. 

The final $140-a-share price tag that United Technologies paid represents an 18% premium over the $119 Rockwell was trading at before deal rumors surfaced in early August, according to Reuters. 

Wall Street bankers are set to make a fat payday of as much as $105 million on the mega-deal. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Московскую компанию заподозрили в хищении 103 млн рублей при реализации нацпроекта в Орле

Путин в России и мире

Тема дня: Путин назвал сохранение духовных ценностей условием укрепления суверенитета

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Патриарх Кирилл запретил в служении священника, проводившего панихиду по Алексею Навальному

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Рахманинов

Концерт в честь Сергея Рахманинова прошел в Воскресенске


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