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Новости за 02.06.2017


The Trump administration is trying to keep the full CIA torture report secret

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

US President Donald Trump's administration has begun returning to Congress copies of a voluminous 2014 report describing the CIA's harsh detention and interrogation programs, US officials said on Friday.

The Trump administration's move means it could be more difficult for the full, 6,700-page report to be made public, because documents held by Congress are exempt from laws requiring government records to eventually be made public.

The White House made the move in response to requests by Sen. Читать дальше...


Trump reportedly will make 2 huge additions to the Federal Reserve

Carlos Barria/Reuters; Composite by Bob Bryan/Business Insider

President Donald Trump is set to pick two nominees for the Federal Reserve's board of governors, according to a report.

Binyamin Appelbaum and Kate Kelly of The New York Times report that Trump will tap Randal Quarles and Marvin Goodfriend for two of the open spots on the board, citing sources familiar with the decision.

Quarles served at the Treasury Department under President George W. Bush. Goodfriend, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University... Читать дальше...


The FBI is helping Qatar get to the bottom of a 'hack' into state media

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Doha (AFP) - The FBI is helping Qatar investigate the source of an alleged "hack" of state media which sparked diplomatic tensions in the Gulf, a source with knowledge of the probe said Friday.

An FBI team has been in Doha for the past week after the Qatari government asked for US help following the claim of an unprecedented security breach by hackers last month, the source told AFP.

"American support was requested and a team sent which has been in Doha since last Friday... Читать дальше...


IAN BREMMER: NAFTA is a deal that a lot of Americans have not benefitted from

Business Insider

We asked Eurasia Group president Ian Bremmer if NAFTA is as terrible as President Trump says it is. Following is a transcript of the video.

IAN BREMMER: You know, Trump has been consistent in coming after all of these deals. You know, “TPP is the worst deal ever, NAFTA is the worst deal ever.” He does speak in hyperbole and I do think that there’s something to the notion that you don’t take Trump literally. You kind of look at the broader trajectory of what he’s saying and the statements behind it... Читать дальше...


STOCKS HIT RECORD HIGHS: Here's what you need to know

Wikimedia Commons

Stocks continued their upwards trek on Friday, even following a somewhat disappointing jobs report.

All three indices finished at record highs.

First up, the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 21,206.29, +62.11, (+0.29%)
  • S&P 500: 2,439.07, +9.01, (+0.37%)
  • Nasdaq: 6,305.80, +58.97, (+0.94%)
  • US 10-year yield: 2.154%, -0.063
  • WTI crude oil: $47.85, -0.51, -1.05%

1. The jobs report missed big, and the unemployment rate fell to a 16-year low. Читать дальше...


Uber's executive exodus: The 9 high-ranking execs to leave the troubled company

Associated Press

As Uber has faced a series of crises, it's been steadily losing top executives. 

Since February, the ride-hailing company has lost its president and its heads of communications, finance, product, and its self-driving car division. In all, nine of its most senior executives have headed out the door — all for different reasons.

As Uber faces challenges on all fronts in 2017, here's who has left the company and who (if anyone) has stepped in to fill their roles:

Jeff Jones... Читать дальше...


23 questions you should never ask at the end of a job interview

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/flickr

When you're in the hot seat, there's a good chance that your interviewer will turn the tables at some point and ask, "Do you have any questions for me?"

When you have the floor, you'll want to take full advantage of the opportunity to show that you've done your homework and determine if the job is a good fit.

But it's imperative that you put just as much thought into what you ask as you do your responses to their questions. Читать дальше...


Pittsburgh plans to power itself with 100% renewable energy

Always Shooting/Flickr

On Thursday, President Donald Trump announced he would pull the US out of the Paris Agreement on climate change. But not all US cities want to withdraw from the accord.

Pittsburgh aims to transition to 100% renewable-energy sources, like wind and solar, by 2035, Mayor Bill Peduto said on Friday.

Peduto said he was joining a coalition that intends to uphold the Paris Agreement called Mayors for 100% Clean Energy. The coalition, an initiative of the Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign... Читать дальше...


Goldman's Venezuela deal shows it missed a dramatic shift in its business

Ever since the Wall Street Journal reported Goldman Sachs bought bonds issued by Venezuela's state oil company,it has faced a firestorm of criticism. There were protests outside of the bank's New York headquarters, and Venezuela's opposition lawmakers accused it of funding an oppressive regime.All this, and we just learned that the deal didn't even rise to the attention of top bank executives. In fact, the way WSJ's Liz Hoffman tells it, buying the bonds for $0.31 on the dollar was a "no brainer" for fund managers. Читать дальше...


New York prosecutor accuses Exxon of misleading investors on how it accounts for climate change risks

AP Photo

New York's top prosecutor on Friday accused Exxon Mobil of misleading investors about how it accounts for climate change risks, court filings show, offering a rare look inside an ongoing fraud investigation as it pressed the company to turn over more documents.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said in a court filing he had evidence of "potential materially false and misleading statements by Exxon" that could have led investors to think the U.S. oil giant company properly... Читать дальше...


These size comparisons show the true scale of enormous things

Ever wanted to know how big a jet fighter is compared to a football stadium? Or a rocket engine to a smart car? Artist Kevin Wisbith created a photo series "A Quick Perspective" to illustrate the relative sizes of massive objects. The vehicles, buildings, and bridges we build are nothing compared to some of the desolate rocks in outer space. Even as decades pass, the largest ships of their time can't hold a candle to the military ships we use today. Size is all about perspective. Sometimes we... Читать дальше...


China is looking to build a submersible surface ship with guided missiles, and it looks crazy


The Chinese navy may be putting a new spin on a classic warship: It’s looking into the possibility of giving missile-laden arsenal ships submersible properties, enabling them to hide stockpiles of missiles, undetectable to radar, below the ocean surface.

The Chinese are exploring two arsenal-ship versions, according to Popular Science: One is a high-speed surface warship that can submerge at will, while the second is more similar to a traditional submarine.

What could... Читать дальше...


Steve Ballmer on the Clippers' second-fiddle status in LA: 'Let's face it. We've been kicking the Lakers' a--'


Since Steve Ballmer bought the Los Angeles Clippers in 2014, there's no question that they've been the city's better basketball team compared to the Lakers.

The Clippers have been among the top four teams in the Western Conference by wins/losses under Ballmer's ownership while the Lakers have been among the bottom two. In reality, they've been the better team over the past five years, even before Ballmer bought them.

And yet, L.A. is still considered the Lakers' town. The fan base for the Lakers runs deep. Читать дальше...


Republican congressmen are starting to distance themselves from Trump

Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

CRANFORD, New Jersey (Reuters) - Appearing at a town hall in upscale Cranford, New Jersey this week, five-term Republican congressman Leonard Lance got a barrage of complaints from constituents about President Donald Trump.

"This administration is the most foul administration I have ever seen in my life. The stench that comes from Washington can be smelled in my hometown," said Martin Carroll of Watchung, New Jersey, who drew a standing ovation.

Another man... Читать дальше...


11 things you should never throw away


Decluttering your life is always a good idea. By paring down the stuff you own to the essentials, you can clean out the junk and focus on what's important.

But it's also easy to get overzealous. what, for example, should you not throw away?

One way to think about living a minimalist lifestyle is to buy high quality versions of the objects you need, and then throw out everything else. So after going through one big purge, the items you own will last a long time, and you'll never have to throw them out. Читать дальше...


Elon Musk is a hypocrite for leaving Trump's advisory councils — and the move could spell bigger problems for Tesla


Elon Musk is being a hypocrite. On Thursday, Tesla's CEO tweeted that he's leaving White House advisory councils after President Trump said he would back out of the Paris climate accord."Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world," Musk wrote on Twitter.But Trump has promised to pull the US out of the Paris agreement since before he was elected — and Musk knew that when he joined the councils in the first place.  Musk might've hoped he could change Trump's view ... Читать дальше...


BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti explains the story behind his explosive tweet that claimed Ivanka Trump used lewd language


In October, shortly after Donald Trump's shocking "Access Hollywood" tape was made public, BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti posted an explosive tweet about Trump's daughter Ivanka.

Ivanka had publicly said she was surprised by her father's crude language in the video, in which he told the TV personality Billy Bush that he could grab women "by the p---y" because he was a star.

"That's not language consistent with any conversation I've ever had with him, certainly, or any conversation... Читать дальше...


A hardline ‘chain-smoking convert to Islam’ was just named the CIA’s Iran Chief

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

The CIA just appointed a hardline "chain-smoking convert to Islam" as its new chief of Iran operations, possibly signaling that the agency could take an even harder stance against the regime in Tehran, according to The New York Times.

Michael D'Andrea, known internally by his nicknames "Dark Prince" or "Ayatollah Mike," previously worked on the hunt for Osama bin Laden, and led the CIA's controversial drone killing and enemy detainee programs. 

D'Andrea... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о энергоэффективной постройке жилья в России

Путин в России и мире

Титов о визите Путина в Китай: Можно говорить о настоящем повороте на Восток

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Шесть городов Белоруссии и Азербайджана стали побратимами

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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