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Новости за 25.03.2017


Trump has met with 81 executives since being elected president — here's who made the cut

Skye Gould/Business Insider

One of the main reasons Donald Trump won the presidency is because he convinced enough Americans that their country needed a successful businessperson at the helm, someone who knows how to make lucrative deals and who lacked political baggage.

The first 100 days in the White House have been an adjustment for Trump, who's never held elected office. However, during this transition he's regularly put himself in his element, talking business at tables full of executives. Читать дальше...


'Seems like it’s going to be about his corporate cronies': Environmental groups fret over Trump's infrastructure plan

Thomson Reuters

In 2004, then-real estate mogul Donald Trump told Vanity Fair that the figure in he most admired was iconic New York builder Robert Moses, who built many of the parks, highways, and public housing in the city and surrounding counties during the mid-20th century.

Now as president, Trump plans to embark on his own ambitious building project, a $1 trillion plan to improve America's existing infrastructure, while kickstarting select ambitious projects like Elon Musk's high speed rail project. Читать дальше...


Replacing the US electric grid could cost $5 trillion


Since Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse lit up Buffalo from Niagara Falls at the end of the 19th century, electricity has been an integral part of American life, heating homes, freezing food, and powering computers. But the U.S. electric grid is old, with most transmission lines and power plants decades into their lives.

The grid modernization debate and initiatives have been on the table for years, but now President Trump’s proposal for a $1 trillion investment... Читать дальше...


Here's the next hill Trump, Ryan and House Republicans could die on

Alex Wong/Getty Images

The AHCA is dead, long live the AHCA.

The healthcare bill's swift death occured, in part, because House Speaker Paul Ryan and the Trump administration are anxious to get to some legislative policy where they can rack up a win — specifically, tax reform.

But it's not going to be that easy, especially not without the spending cuts the passage of the AHCA would've provided.

Republicans needed those cuts because they are trying to pass tax reform through a mechanism called budget reconciliation. Читать дальше...


Apple just won a big victory in China

Thomson Reuters

A Chinese court has ruled in favor of Apple in design patent disputes between the Cupertino, California company and a domestic phone-maker, overturning a ban on selling iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus phones in China, Xinhua news agency reported.

Last May, a Beijing patent regulator ordered Apple's Chinese subsidiary and a local retailer Zoomflight to stop selling the iPhones after Shenzhen Baili Marketing Services lodged a complaint, claiming that the patent for the design... Читать дальше...


How a mid-season, NCAA-style tournament in the NBA could stop players from skipping games

Steve Dykes/Getty Images

The uproar over star NBA players taking nights off became a topic again in recent weeks as the league's three best teams — the Golden State Warriors, the San Antonio Spurs, and Cleveland Cavaliers — all had their best players sit out nationally televised games.

The players are taking the games off to minimize injury risk and to make sure they are not too worn down when the playoffs arrive, which just adds more fuel to the growing sentiment among people in the NBA that the season is too long. Читать дальше...


The 15 worst episodes of 'The Walking Dead,' ranked


The Walking Dead wouldn’t be one of the most watched shows on television if didn’t have a great many entertaining episodes. Starting with the superbly made series premiere, this AMC show has turned out hours upon hours of some of the best binge watching that’s available today. But with a rocky season seven nearing its end, we’ll be looking at the other end of the spectrum by counting down the most flawed episodes of the series.

While some of these episodes are indisputable misfires... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump is not having fun

If your name is Donald Trump, the past few weeks have brought a crescendo of bummers. Your party’s vaunted health care plan appears dead on arrival, beloved by none and mocked by all. The “fake news” has continued to harp on Russia, emboldened by treacherous leakers and disrespectful TV comics.

Читать дальше...


This is the massive cannon US Marines are using to obliterate ISIS fighters in Syria

Spc. Jacquelynn Gaines/US Army

As coalition forces slowly make gains in liberating Mosul from ISIS control, another campaign to finally oust the terror group's forces is taking place in Raqqa, Syria.

According to The Washington Post, a contingent of US Marines from the 1st Battalion, 4th Marine regiment recently established a combat outpost in Syria to assist local US-backed forces, who have begun their assault on the city.

By providing support through various means, Coalition... Читать дальше...


The first official trailer for 'Justice League' is finally here

Warner Bros.

Warner Bros. has been teasing the release of its big superhero movie, "Justice League," and the official trailer for the film is finally here.

With Superman "gone," Bruce Wayne/Batman and Diana Prince/Wonder Woman seek out all of the superheroes that were teased in "Batman v Superman" to stop the onslaught of an attack set to plague all of mankind. We get good looks at Aquaman (Jason Momoa), the Flash (Ezra Miller), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and a peek at Jim Gordon, who will... Читать дальше...


How Rebecca Ferguson went from 'Mission: Impossible' scene-stealer to the star of 'Life'

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty

Even if you don't know Rebecca Ferguson by name, trust us: You know her.

Though the Swedish actress has a Golden Globe nomination under her belt (for the 2014 miniseries "The White Queen"), it wasn't until her scene-stealing role as MI6 agent Ilsa Faust in 2015's "Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation" that most of the world realized she was a star in the making.

Since then Ferguson, 33, has been on a breakneck schedule: working opposite Meryl Streep... Читать дальше...


A Stanford engineer is making stretchable, flexible skin that's straight out of Westworld


Ask Zhenan Bao why she went from designing batteries to creating synthetic, human-like skin and she'll give you a simple answer.

"I decided it was time to start helping people," Bao, a chemical engineering professor at Stanford, tells Business Insider. 

Bao's 17-member Stanford team is developing is flexible, stretchable skin that can sense touch and temperature. In those ways, it's a lot like the stuff that sheathes the robotic bodies of Westworld characters.

But this skin isn't for robots. Читать дальше...


A top Wall Street banker quit his job to fight for civil liberties


There's no question that the election of President Donald Trump and the policy prescriptions and rhetoric that have followed have led to a debate about civil liberties on Wall Street.

When Trump signed an executive order in January to bar travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, several well-know Wall Streeters, including Goldman Sach's CEO Lloyd Blankfein, spoke out against it, for example. 

One Wall Streeter is now taking it a step further. 

Amer Sajed... Читать дальше...


Melissa McCarthy explains how she transforms into Sean Spicer for 'SNL'


Although Melissa McCarthy’s impersonation of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on “Saturday Night Live” seems like it was a role made for her, she was initially flabbergasted at being asked to fill the role.

During and interview with husband Ben Falcone on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” McCarthy revealed exactly how she came into the role.

“‘SNL’ called and Kent Sublette, one of our old friends from the Groundlings, who is one of the head writers there now, called and he goes, ‘I hear you’re in New York. Читать дальше...


An analysis of 700 presentations revealed that adopting one speaking skill can make you more persuasive

Steve Jurvetson/Flickr

Thanks to advances in neuroscience, brain scans, and data-driven studies, we've learned more about persuasion in the past decade than we had ever known previously. We know what works and why it works, and we can prove it scientifically.

The data firm Quantified Communications has added to the growing body of evidence that storytelling plays a critical role in effective business presentations.

Quantified Communications maintains a large database of written... Читать дальше...


23 questions you should never ask at the end of a job interview

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/flickr

When you're in the hot seat, there's a good chance that your interviewer will turn the tables at some point and ask, "Do you have any questions for me?"

When you have the floor, you'll want to take full advantage of the opportunity to show that you've done your homework and determine if the job is a good fit.

But it's imperative that you put just as much thought into what you ask as you do your responses to their questions. Читать дальше...


The Toyota RAV4 serves up serious bang for the buck — but it's a boring drive

Business Insider/Danielle Muoio

No segment is currently more important in the auto industry than SUVs.

Both compact and mid-size crossover SUVs  account for 35% of all cars and trucks sold in the United States. Honda's CR-V, the best-selling crossover in the United States, has achieved seven straight years of sale gains.

Meanwhile, the Toyota RAV4 falls right behind the CR-V in sales — and it's gaining steam. In 2016, Toyota sold 352,169 RAV4 cars — an 11.6% gain from the year prior. Читать дальше...


I tested out the newest version of Kim Kardashian's favorite iPhone case — here's how it went

Charley Gallay/Getty

Bringing a LuMee case to a party means you're coming armed with a fool-proof party trick.

The case, which has built-in lights to brighten up your photos, is synonymous with selfie-takers, Kim Kardashian, and the Insta-famous set. It's unlike anything else on the market, and at the very least, the lights are incredibly bright. In short, it tends to draw a crowd. 

I am neither Insta-famous nor a fan of selfies, and yet I've long been fascinated by the LuMee case. Читать дальше...


Here's how much money Wall Street banks have made advising on deals so far this year

John Moore/Getty Images

We're fast approaching the end of the first quarter, and that means it's league table time on Wall Street.

Wall Street banks care a lot about how they stack up against their rivals. At the top of their earnings statements, they tout where they placed in each line of business, and those rankings appear in just about every pitch book they hand out.

Global dealmaking revenue stands at $17.1 billion for the year to date, up from a weak first quarter of 2016. Читать дальше...


One of the biggest hedge fund launches of all time is shutting down

Eton Park Capital Management is shutting down.

In a letter sent to investors on Thursday, founder Eric Mindich wrote:

"A combination of industry headwinds, a difficult market environment and, importantly, our own disappointing 2016 results have challenged our ability to continue to maintain the scale and scope we believe necessary to pursue our investment program consistent with our founding principles. ... We have made the very difficult decision to return your capital, from a position... Читать дальше...


Secrets of what ancient mummies look like under their wrappings are finally being revealed

The Field Museum

If you'd like to be mummified when you die, you can contact an organization in Salt Lake City, Utah, to arrange the procedure for around $70,000. Pets are cheaper, around $4,000 for an animal under 15 pounds.

It's expensive partially because mummification is pretty rare these days. But for thousands of years, people preserved the remains of their dead as mummies. This was especially true in places with hot and dry climates, like parts of ancient Peru and Egypt.

Now... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Минэкологии требует возместить ущерб в 19 млн руб от свалки в Ленинском округе

Путин в России и мире

«Коноплянка» гнездится в России // Московский «Кристалл» начнет выпуск белорусской водки

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске одобрен проект соглашения о системе таможенного транзита ЕАЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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