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Новости за 05.11.2016


Samsung's culture needs to change if it wants to survive

Samsung is a company that hates to fail.

That may seem obvious (who actually revels in failure?), but most companies don't react to setbacks the way Samsung does.

The best example? That famous story from 1995 where the company’s chairman set 150,000 defective phones ablaze in a giant bonfire in front of Samsung’s factory in Gumi, South Korea with thousands of employees watching.

The demonstration doubled as a dire warning: Don’t let it happen again.

Two decades later... Читать дальше...


An entrepreneur who makes $135,000 a month shares 2 productivity hacks for balancing a side hustle with family life

Courtesy of Pat Flynn

Few people can cram more productivity into a day than Pat Flynn.

The entrepreneur runs "Smart Passive Income," a resource designed to help others run an online business and optimize it for passive income. The endeavor generates $135,000 a month on average for Flynn — some months it's in excess of $170,000 — and involves frequent blogging, podcasting, and public speaking. 

On the side, this year he also published bestselling book "Will It Fly?," a guide... Читать дальше...


The LG V20 is a solid phone that's stuck in the past

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider

LG's new V20 smartphone has a relatively unique feature-set that you won't find on many other premium Android phones.

While some of these features are nice to have, LG seems to be avoiding requested features that helped catapult the Galaxy S7 into the top spot — like water-resistance, a beautiful design, and a camera that challenges (and beats) the long-time champion of smartphone cameras, the iPhone.

Still, the V20 is a solid phone, but... Читать дальше...


JPMorgan has promoted the next generation of trading talent

REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

JPMorgan has made a round of promotions in its equities business, following the appointment of new global coheads of that business.

The bank announced in September that Mark Leung and Jason Sippel would become global heads of equities, replacing Tim Throsby, who moved to Barclays.

In a memo sent Wednesday, Leung and Sippel announced a raft of promotions below them. They include:


Italy says it’s established 'a direct link’ between migrant traffickers and Islamic terrorist groups

REUTERS/Hosam Katan

MILAN, Nov 5 (Reuters) - Italy's tax police said they had found a clear link between people trafficking and militants after detaining a Syrian man who entered Italy on a migrant boat who they allege to be a member of the al-Nusra group.

A series of deadly attacks carried out by militants across Europe over the past year have fuelled a debate about how to handle the influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees and other migrants propelled by civil war in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Читать дальше...


$50 trillion of cash on the sidelines could be good news for stocks and gold


$50 trillion dollars is sitting on the sidelines as cash right now. BlackRock argues this cash has piled up because many investors are too risk averse to put money into the markets. The current economic and political climate scares them. What options do people have?

Negative interest rates rule all over the globe. This means that the old saw, “Put your cash to work,” no longer holds true. Nearly three-fourths of that $50 trillion of cash is receiving less than ½% annual interest. Читать дальше...


Here's the state-by-state rundown on if you can take time off from work to vote

Thomson Reuters

If you're wondering whether you can come in late or leave work early to cast your vote in this year's presidential election, the short answer is, quite possibly — it depends where you work.

Currently, there is no federal law that mandates employers provide their employees time off to cast their ballots. But the majority of US states have time-off-to-vote laws, also referred to as voter-leave laws, and have different requirements and exceptions for employers and employees. Читать дальше...


How Google shapes the news you see about the candidates


It’s hard to miss Google’s “in the news” box, which often sits just above the first of the organic web results on any given search page.

With Wikipedia-fed informational sidebars, campaign issue blocks, and other elements, Google continues to push organic web links farther and farther down in the results page, instead privileging these types of algorithmically curated content on your results page.

Judging by the healthy SEO industry around helping sites get included in Google News... Читать дальше...


The 'best' movies based on video games

Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

This is purely a matter of taste, but as far as I'm concerned, there aren't any good (theatrically released) movies based on video games. For one reason or another, every one of them falls apart somehow.

That being said, there are a handful of tolerable video game movies. You could even call some of them entertaining! Not good, but entertaining, at least.

Since I recently wrote about the worst of the worst video game movies, I thought I'd give... Читать дальше...


Britain's barristers urge Lord Chancellor Liz Truss to condemn 'serious and unjustified' attacks on Brexit ruling judges

The Daily Mail

Britain's Bar Council — the body that represents barristers in England and Wales — just joined the rallying cry from politicians to bring an end to the harsh criticism of the judges who dealt a blow to the government's Brexit preparations.

The Bar Council said in a statement on its website on Saturday, Lord Chancellor Liz Truss should come forward to condemn the recent attacks on the three judges, which dubbed "enemies of the people" by one of Britain's most divisive media outlets The Daily Mail... Читать дальше...


How Donald Trump's reality show paved the way for his presidential campaign


There's a widely held conviction among people who support Donald Trump for president that goes something like this: Despite some of the more wacky things he says, or a lack of specific policy proposals, they say, "He's a successful businessman."

When CNN's Poppy Harlow recently talked to voters in Ohio, a swing state that's struggling economically, she heard that line "a lot." Harlow asked one woman what about Trump's career made her confident that he's a "successful businessman."

"First of all... Читать дальше...


Trump's hotels actually seem to be doing fine

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

When the Los Angeles Dodgers traveled to Chicago for a series with the Cubs in May, the team stayed at the Trump International Hotel and Tower. First baseman Adrian Gonzalez, who is Mexican American, stayed elsewhere. “I had my reasons,” he told the Long Beach Press Telegram.

It’s tempting to draw the conclusion that for a certain type of conscious business traveler, the Trump brand ain’t what it used to be. A number of recent articles—my own included—have suggested that in one way or another... Читать дальше...


You can buy a Florida voting machine from the 2000 election on eBay


Thanks to eBay there is never a shortage of weird things you can buy. And now, you can add voting machines to that list.

But this isn't just any ordinary voting machine. This one is a Votomatic machine from Florida that was used in the 2000 Bush vs. Gore election. 

Those voting machines gained a lot of attention when voters complained that punch card voting was confusing and they were worried that their votes were being under-counted. In fact, voters in Palm Beach County... Читать дальше...


Republicans are attacking presidential candidate Evan McMullin as he threatens Trump in Utah

George Frey/Getty Images

Presidential elections in America are typically seen as a binary choice between two major-party candidates — currently, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

But the 2016 election brings the potential of a spoiler — and Republicans have taken notice.

If independent candidate Evan McMullin, a former Republican congressional policy leader who just entered the race three months ago as the "Never Trump" candidate, wins his home state of Utah, it's possible... Читать дальше...


A CEO and former Googler shares the one question she thinks every job candidate should ask

Courtesy of Liz Wessel

Liz Wessel knows a thing or two about the job interview process.

Not only does she work with college students applying for jobs every day — but she also regularly interviews job candidates applying for roles at her own company, WayUp.

After working at Google for two years, the now 26-year-old University of Pennsylvania graduate left to cofound WayUp, a site used by hundreds of thousands of college students to find jobs at places like Microsoft, Uber, The New York Times, Disney, and Google. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Николай Анатольевич Асаул про экологичные изменения в городском транспорте Москвы

Путин в России и мире

В мире могут закрыть поставки из Китая. «Святой Ленин» на встрече В.В. Путина и Си Цзиньпина повышает качество жизни народам России, Китая, всего мира.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт в честь 90-летия Евгения Крылатова


Центр Московского долголетия поможет пенсионерам оформить субсидии и льготы на оплату ЖКУ

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